no best friend
United States
September 10, 2008 4:27pm CST
I find it hard to make friends because i have serious trust issues and females i usually clash with.I envy other females my age who have the girlfriends to go shopping clubbing etc. I wish i had that. Now don't get me wrong i have friends just not the best friends. Mostly all my friends are cool but they don't fullfil all the qualities that i want a bestfriend to have. Sometmes i feel that standards are too high but sometimes i don't.Nowadays you have to be careful who you call yoour bestfriend and sometimes its best to be cautious and aware of people. Which leaves me to wonder will i ever have an bestfriend?
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18 responses
@coolmailraj (2460)
• India
10 Sep 08
I guess it is very much the case that you have not met the perfect one. I know we are talking about the friends only but you can not go out there and say to others that I want a best friend and let's check whether you have the qualities that I need to be there in my best friend. You have to just calm down and wait for the right person and you will have the best friend of your life.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Sep 08
I completely understand what your saying but i don't walk up to people and just ask them random questions to see if they have what i am looking for.They would be very weird of me lol. But your right i just havent met the right one yet.
@markroderick (887)
• Philippines
19 Sep 08
Sometimes its really hard to find a trusted friend or a best friend. I have also lots of friends which i hang around with. but i have a friend, only one friend among my groups whom i can say i can trust and i can talk anything under the sun. Dont keep standards in choosing a friend. I know we always have in mind that our friend should be like this and that. But you can only knew who your friends are or your true friends when something unusual comes along. A friend is someone who will never ever leave your side no matter what happens especially in the lowest point of your life. Don't worry maybe you just have a lot of ideals thats why you havent noticed that you already have a bestfriend among your circle of friends. And the most important thing is learn to trust.
@switlyf (649)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
You must have really high standards in choosing your best friend huh..Well nobody can blame you, its your choice to set standards that can qualify as your bestfriend. Personally I have bestfriends and its nice to have them beside you always. Eventhough sometimes we argue about certain things still we we're able to say sorry and evrythings fine again. Happy mylotting and i hope you can find your bestfriend too!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Sep 08
I don't have a best friend either. And yeah I have trouble making friends with other women. It takes somebody who is not only very outgoing and good at making people feel comfortable but also somebody who is thrown together with me at work or someplace where I can get to know them a bit. Still, I don't have anybody I am that close with. Somewhat close but only so close and no closer...
@Taura18 (30)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I understand you completely, I have no girls that are my friends. They have always managed to do me wrong in one way or another. A lot of them will say they are your friend and then stab you in the back. I wish sometimes just like you that I could find a true girl friend I'm planning on getting married and have no one to go shopping for a wedding dress with its so depressing!!!:( But, just because your best friend is not a girl like you does not mean you can't have a guy friend right???
@ethanonthemoon (1494)
• Quezon, Philippines
11 Sep 08
Don't be too hard in yourself. Be yourself. Don't be pressured with what others will say to you. Do whatever you want and everything will fall in right. Just be yourself and true friends will come by. Don't be afraid to show what is the real you. I mean, that's what I want in a friend.. a friend without any pretensions whatsoever. Maybe that is what others like for a friend too.
@trieschman (272)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I think if I were you, I'd be grateful for the friends I have. Enjoy them, maybe your best friend is made up of a combination of good girl friends. I have good friends. No one is a best friend. I do different things with each of them. Sometimes we do things all together. I really think what you are describing would be feelings you are reserving for your true love. I think you are looking for a connection that is gained through a partnership other than best friend. Being able to trust someone fully doesn't come easy and is often only with a spouse.
@sharonegan (31)
11 Sep 08
i had a best friend once...we met at school when we were 10 years old...we were fairly inseperable throughout the rest of the schooldays...with the exception of a huge argument in our last year at 16, which resulted in a 3 month silence...
after school we kept in touch..we went round each others houses, we went shopping and pubbing together...we didn't do clubs...not in those days, really...
she was refused entry to a pub that had a bouncer on the door..purely and simply because she was wearing Dr Marten boots...i refused to go in without her...the bouncer thought that i was a nice person..
we looked out for each other...always....
lent an ear when a boyfriend upset her...and she did the same for me...
then she moved away...her parents moved to the coast and she followed them...well were about 17 or 18 at the time...
then she had got this serious boyfriend, which meant that she was all over the place and i hardly ever saw her...but i still regarded her as my best friend...
i thought that no matter what, we would always be best mates...i was wrong, of course...
as i say, she moved away and then came back every so often...but she hated this area...
she avoided it as much as possible...
things didn't work out with this bloke of hers...but she never forgot him...
he got her pregnant and then kicked the little mite out of her...
the man had kicked her in the stomach while she was pregnant and she gave birth 2 months earlier than she should have done...the baby lived for only 2 hours...
she never forgot that baby...and unfortunately the baby's father...
waste of her time, obviously...but there you was her life and i wasn't to interfere..
we lost touch finally when we were in our late 20s...our lives took us to different places and despite modern methods of communication...we hardly talked etc..
a few text messages here and there...but little else...
when i got pregnant at the age of 29, she was there for me...from a distance of course...
i was with a bloke that i loved at the she didn't worry about me...
on my 30th birthday, i saw my best mate for the first time in 2 years or so...
we had drifted apart so much by then, that it was weird to be with her for the first few hours or so....of course things got better as the day progressed...
i didn't see her again until 4 weeks after my son was born...nearly six years ago...and i haven't seen her since...
i, naturally, asked her to be godparent to him, but it turned out that she couldn't as she hadn't been baptised...
i sent her a formal invite to the christening anyway, but she never turned up..she didn't even let me know that she couldn't make it...
i found her in Friends Reunited a few years ago, and i thought that we were going to keep in touch...but after one email...i didn't hear from her again...
i often wonder why it turned out that way..
i still live in the area that she despises so much...and along with the ghosts that she was trying lay for good...our friendship dissipated...
only, i didn't have any say in the matter...
i was angry that she ignored my request to come to my baby's christening...i was angry and annoyed that she didn't think that i deserved any kind of explanation...but i still made excuses for her...that she would have been overwhelmed with hurt and envy at me being happy with my baby boy, when she had lost hers...i sympathised and i tried to empathise too...and i was not given the chance to listen to her reasoning, her upset....
now, of course, i don't think that i was there often enough for her...well, no, i was always there for her..i just didn't spend ever waking hour calling her or popping up on her doorstep because she lived so far away.....i took it for granted that she knew where i was...that i was always at the other end of the phone...
so, i guess i am not totally blameless in all of this..that i could have done things differently..
but my so called best mate has deserted me, didn't give me another chance to help, i don't know what it is like to have a best mate...
i can never have a best mate to call my own, as i don't have a clue what it is all about anymore....from either point of view..
i have mates...friends...some close friends...but no best friend..
and, unfortunately, i don't think that i ever will have again..
so, NW, i sincerely hope that you will read this and think about what you have done...
i am sorry if i ever let you down...but you have let me down...
dominique, i hope you find happiness with the friends that you do have....value their friendship...there may be one person who is more of a best mate than you realise...
cherish them...value their input whatever it may be...
i wish you well, good luck
@auntiedis (165)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I too, have always had a hard time cultivating friendships with females, as for the most part, I find them rather catty. I find I relate much better to males, and coincidentally, all of my best friends while I was growing up were males. You do have to be very cautious now a days I believe also.
@blueyankee44 (43)
• China
11 Sep 08
Of course,you will have a Best Friend!However,its hard to say just when.If you wish
to have one instantly in a few months or so,relax,it will not happen,except in a few ways.(soul searching,will help to do this)You must culivate friendships,and it
takes a undetermined amount of unselfish time,and a lot of give and take.Sometimes
take a trip into your past.You may remember some'one whom you still see today,and
even often.This person may reeally be your best friend,from the past.Maybe you neve
r paid this person much attention,and still this person is in your life.Maybe a lot
wealthier,or even poorer.Maybe living a similiar life to yours. Still Best Friends
from childhood and the young 20s disappear.Yet you still have the ability to seek
out a Best Friend.I found three Best Friends,at the age of 47,and they are all 7to
10 years older than me.We have no known each other for over 20 years,and still goi
ng.Through the years it may be difficult to nourish the typical Best Friend wish.
Yet,it will happen for you,when you are being yourself,and am not expecting more
than what you are returning.Some friends,want nothing more in return,than a very
good person,they can be a Best Friends to. Best Friends are always there waiting to
be found,trusted,and forever not alone again,until you befriended them.Be patient.
Until then,you find a Best Friend,I can certainly be a Best Friend to any whom need
a temporary bridge,to learn what Best Friends do,to keep friends. Sincerely James
@longyinghan (145)
• China
11 Sep 08
hi,this is long .
i am sorry to hear what you said.first of all.i want to tellyou on one is perfect.and we must to trust others.and if you want somebody to be what you want,first,you must to be that one.come can!we can.
@missybear (11391)
• United States
11 Sep 08
i am the same way,
i havent had a good girlfriend to hang out with in about 15 years.
a lot had to do with my ex.
none of my friends liked him.
for 8 years i didnt have hardly no friends,
exept for his.
now i have a great boyfriend and we like doing things together.
i have one friend from work,
we sometimes hang out and play cards.
we went to a couple shows and concerts.
but mostly its me and my honey.
@rakittera (802)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
I hope you find a bestfriend because it sure feels good to have one... and in my case, I have two! I have one male and one female bestfriend.
My male bestfriend, I have known him since grade school. We use to compete for honors in school. I eventually had a romantic feelings for him but he was totally in love with another girl. So, I just remained friends with him. As we were growing older, I got to know him better and he got to know me better. It came to a point that we were too close that I just thought of him as my brother and the chances of ever going romantic was gone. But I'm happy that until now, even if I am married and he's still single and even if we don't get to talk that often, I still consider him my bestfriend and we still know each other like the back of our hands. Up to this day, we still finish each other's sentences.
My female bestfriend, I've known for about 6-7 years already. She was my maid of honor when I got married. She knows all my deepest secrets and knows me inside out. What I love about her is that she's sooo real. No pretentions at all. She makes me laugh so hard my insides hurt! She's now living in California and I miss her soooo much.
By the way, these two are godparents of my daughter. :-)
@coolguyhero (29)
• India
11 Sep 08
hey samething here in case of girls it is difficult for me to maintain relationship with girls as i always have problems with them.but in case of friends i make it easily but cant continue because of weak communication
@yyfrancine (461)
• China
11 Sep 08
friends is the most important thing in our life. and we all hope that we can have a good relationship, and it makes our life more perfect. you will have best friend, maybe she is searching you too.
@lizard211 (240)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I am sorry about your trust issues but at least you admit it. :) Anyway, I always got along with guys much better than with girls. You know the "experts" say that the average person only has maybe 2 true friends in a lifetime. Most people that people think are their friends are platonic. I have a lot of friends that I don't tell a lot of stuff too because I know they would be offended, think I'm strange, etc... I always think that if all my different friends got together in a room and told each other everything they knew about me, then they would probably have a pretty good picture of me.
Standards are good to have but I do think they can get in the way. Believe me, my husband is not perfect but he is my best friend because I know that I can tell him everything - what I think, do, wish - and I feel free to do so. Even if he disagrees with me, he respects me.
DOn't worry - you will meet a great person when you least expect it!
@odwitt (112)
• United States
10 Sep 08
I understand how you feel. I have trouble making friends with other women. I always seem to attract friends who are very needy and drag me down along with them and their problems. I have a great life, and love where I'm at. I don't want to have to deal with anyone else's childish problems. This is why my former BFF and I are no longer friends. I'm much better at being friends with guys, but now I'm married and that doesn't quite work anymore. There are a lot of younger girls who look up to me...I'm 25, and I love just being there for them and being a good example.
@Meri_Sepik (11)
• Papua New Guinea
11 Sep 08
I guess i understand your situation. Its hard finding a best friend rite now. i had one when i was young. We shared everything we had, our younger brothers became bestfriends too and our mom's became bestfriends to but it was more like a family best friend situation. Our dad's we're best friends even before the whole lot of us so when my uncle devorced my bestfriends mom all our friendship broke upart! My mom, my brother and I! I haven't seen them for the past few months and the last time i saw them it waswn't the same anymore. we just said helo and good bye and now i'm on the hunt for a new bestfriend and its quite difficult looking for a new bestfriend