What thing accompany you while having a breakfast ?

@winzpc (2354)
September 10, 2008 11:10pm CST
Hi, all my friend. I couldn't find a good title to specific my discussion. I hope you all understand what I mean. We know that everyday we having our breakfast. But every people has their own breakfast, it can be same or different with each people. So when I'm having a breakfast, I always read a newspaper. Without newspaper, I will feel miss something and my breakfast become sour in my throat. What thing acompany you while having your breakfast ? Are you only eat your breakfast without nothing added ? or Maybe a newspaper, a chat with family, read a magazine, watch television, listen mp3 music, or another food or drink that must always there while you having your breakfast. Thank's for the willing time to read and respond my discussion.
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38 responses
• Singapore
11 Sep 08
Hi winzpc, I guess it would likely be some reading material. If it is convenient, I would read the morning papers while eating. I don't usually like to just stare into thin air while eating... a waste of time. *tsk* *tsk* I will probably read a book if it is somehow inconvenient to read the papers. Cheers!
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• United States
11 Sep 08
The morning news is my company durning breakfast... since hubby leaves for work before me and my son leaves for school before me as well .. so its me and the morning news ... Hugs me
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
So you're having your breakfast with relax and alone. But you make it more interest by watching the morning news. Glad to receive your response.
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
11 Sep 08
If it's a weekday, and I have breakfast, then it is usually with my colleagues. On a weekend, if I'm taking my breakfast alone, then I would either have the TV on, or read a book. Otherwise, I would be having my breakfast with my hubby or parents.
• Singapore
11 Sep 08
Wow, you must be very close with your colleagues. You see them the whole day and still want to have breakfast with them.
@pinks17 (2192)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
Every morning as soon as I get up from bed I open my pc.I login to my yahoo messenger and check if I have new emails and open mylot to see if I have new responses.I drink my coffee infront of the pc and when it's already time for me to leave and go to the office I just let my boyfriend turn off the pc if he's going to leave for work.Every morning also I prepare the breakfast of my two cats.So while I am drinking coffee my cats are eating...sweet huh..
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
Graet one. You still have a time for you cats. I'm glad receive your response.
11 Sep 08
Hi winzpc, When I have my breafast which consits of bowl of cornflakes and two cups of coffee and later with one glass of water, I watch television and see what is the days news but nothing is good just gloom and doom so I then like to switch to a magazine programme. Tamara
1 person likes this
16 Sep 08
Hi winzpc, Thank you very much for giving me best response for your discussion. Tamara
@candysky (855)
• Malaysia
11 Sep 08
i wil watching tv.... no matter is having breakfast, lunch or dinner.... sure i will on my tv or computer to watch movie .... been scolded many times but still doing the same things... actually, to prevent a health, we should not doing any other things beside concentrate on eating... when u concentrate on eating, ur digestion will be better... u will get more vitamin, nutriention than u r doing other things when eating.... I noe but i just use to it, so i just doing the same things again... hahaha... Happy Mylotting... =)
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
TV girl. Nice post. Thank's for the share.
• United States
11 Sep 08
Simply put and answered, my laptop accompanies me at breakfast. I eat breakfast alone at a local diner, which is great by the way, and what is funny, the diner, offering free WIFI has a slew of people who eat breakfast accompanied by their laptop.
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
Seems, you are like with you laptop and always be on your side. Thank's for the share
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
No I don't have anything of that sort of liking for something else to go with my breakfast. All I need for my breakfast is the food and that's it! ha!ha!ha! Just give me fruits in the morning for my breakfast and I will be very, very happy, no need for newspaper or music or anything. But of course I'd love it if my family is with me taking breakfast.
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
Wow, nice family. I understand your means, everyone has their own way to have a breakfast. And you the one like my mom. My mom have the breakfast qucikly and after that start the house work. Thank's for the share, friend.
@relundad (2310)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I check my emails from my laptop while I am eating breakfast.
@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
I'm glad receiving your your response. You another person which eating breakfast using laptop.
@onlydia (2808)
• United States
11 Sep 08
Why hello. I have coffee for breakfast and maybe toast and that is it. Other wise nothing. Have a goodday.
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
Glad receive and reading your response. Thank's one.
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@likaes (496)
• Singapore
11 Sep 08
I watch TV sometimes, but usually I'm in a rush so I just watch the news or some sitcom rerun early in the morning while eating breakfast. After which, I'll just run off.
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• India
11 Sep 08
hi buddy.. this is really an interesting question.. during my college days that too during exam days i can say that subject books accompany every students while having their breakfast.. but after finishing college and nowadays after entering mylot computer is accompanying with me while having breakfast
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
Nice man, having a breakfast and do myLotting at the same time. Thank's for the sharing one.
@myxza08 (60)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
i always have my breakfast with a hot chocolate drink and the morning news from our television..=) then after eating my meal, i drink a glass of fresh milk that satisfies my satiety and fullness that makes me ready for the whole day ahead..=)
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@Sarah1108 (310)
• United States
11 Sep 08
I dont really eat breakfast. i may cook an egg in the morning and i will just sit and watch the News most of my day is spent watching headline news i like to know whats going on. I know i should eat breakfast but i am crazy i want breakfast for dinner or lunch some days. i had it for lunch just last thursday.
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@winzpc (2354)
• Indonesia
11 Sep 08
Watch TV is good too and you can know the latest news. Thank's for the share.
• India
11 Sep 08
hello.. i will watch telivision while having a breakfast but now im staying with my friends so will chit chat with my friends while having breakfast.but having breakfast without nothing its very horrible to me...
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
11 Sep 08
I usually drink a glass of water, cereal and a cup of tea before going to work. It enough to keep my going till mid day.
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@aj2006 (1534)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
I sually open the television for the morning news while having brerakfast, well, it really depends, if I am in a hurry, I eat so fast.. but if I have ample time to eat, I watch Television.. Have a great day!
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@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
11 Sep 08
I'm an easy person. I don't need anything to enjoy my breakfast. As long as the food's there, I don't want to have any form of distraction. Sometimes I read whatever I can get my hands on. But most of the time I want to go through my breakfast as quickly as possible. Having the television on or the paper in front of me just makes breakfast stretch.
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@jfxrsch (1041)
• China
11 Sep 08
I switch on CNBC news channel during breakfast. Sometimes when there's some topic in my concern, I might forget eating my breakfast and start working. But most of them, they are just noises.
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• China
11 Sep 08
It depends on where I have my breakfast.In the school,a chat with my friends and classmates is always needed to me .In my room ,a computer is friend during my breakfast.But ,I think the best is there is nothing accompanying with you while having your breakfast which is goog for your health.