Thrift shop bargains
By ruby222
@ruby222 (4847)
September 13, 2008 9:46am CST
Im a thrift shop hunter ,in the UK we call them charity shops,I love nothing better than to have a good look around these stores.They are getting more and more popular as the economy is getting tighter.But as they become more popular the bargains become harder to find,and whereas I used to get many bargains they are now getting harder to find.I tend to look out for good quality curtains especially,and then I can change mine frequently without it costing me a small fortune,and its good to have something different at your windows too!!There have been many good finds over the years,that pair of good winter shoes,that would have cost me a fortune new.That crock pot which was new and has done me fine for the last two years.I am sure we are all finding the ned to tighten the belts now,and im wonderng what the best thrift shop bargain you have ever had was?
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20 responses
@ella1bella (839)
13 Sep 08
Ruby,you know me well enough by now,im the worlds biggest bargain hunter lol,im always on ther lookout at the garage sales and the car boot sales too.I was once looking around a car boot sale and I saw an old school stachel,now I love a challenge and as soon as I saw that battered old brown leather satchel I wanted it,my mate thought I had lost my marbles,but I went over and asked how much he wanted for it,well he said he wanted just fifty pence for it,I knew I could make money on it,so I swooped it up.Took it home and started work on it,first I lightly scoured the patches of scribbling off of it,then I gave it a fewe good coats of shoe polish lol,then in between each coat of polish I gave it a good buffing.The buckles needed fastening a bit tighter so I re didid them with button thread,then before I knew it it looked really good,I was impressed with my efforts lol.I put it on the auction site and in the end it got fifteen pounds,it was a reallt good investment for me.
@ruby222 (4847)
13 Sep 08
What a little treasure Ella,my my you had a good find there,but then again you didnt make that decent profit margin without putting in some hard work did you?after all you had tobuy the shoe polish ,then apply it and polish it all up,so really it was a bit of a labour of love wasnt it?but I dont go to the car boot sales as much as we used to .They seem to be getting a lot of trade stalls at them nowadays,and im not really interested in the trade stalls at all.But I was wondering ,what did the buyer do with an old school satchel ?lolol,maybe she wanted to play teachers and pupils ,mind boggling eh?
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@ella1bella (839)
13 Sep 08
Cant see the point youre making here,you buy this old tat for a few quid,then you spand ages doing it up,its time and effort and all for a quid or two,well that aint for me,no way,I like a quick buck like anyone but im not sweating my guts out for a pound or two.Maybe its a very good job were not all the same,but to put endless time and energy into sometihng to make a few measly quid,mindless to me.
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@Bobbysox (224)
13 Sep 08
Pretty sure if it meant making a bob or two then I would have bought it and cleaned it uo too,who knows when we may need a few spare bob.These who turn there nose up at making money from others waste need to rethink there strategy,its all about recycling in a way,someones old rubbish goes around to be someones treasure Ella,and you are the first to admit that you enjoy to make a few bob from the bootys and the sales .
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@paid2write (5201)
13 Sep 08
I buy all my books and clothes from them. They are starting to get some good DVDs donated too, and I have bought a few for less than they would have cost to rent.
I'm quite good at finding items of clothing and footwear that have never been worn, and sometimes they still have the original shop label attached.
I would never buy used underwear but I was looking for swimwear and I found a two piece in my size, still with its label and protective plastic strip inside for hygene, so I knew it has never been used, and I bought it for less than £3.
Last winter I bought myself a good quality fleecy faux-suede hat for £5. It was as-new with its original label, from an expensive outdoor fashion store, and I reckon it would have cost at least five times what I paid for it.
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@ruby222 (4847)
13 Sep 08
Books and videos are a steal really,there are so many of them that the stores actually near enough give them away!We have great sales on these items,I will always look for the magazines,the posh up market ones that I personaaly caanot afford to buy,but love to rerad,and occasionally I may find a few.
@Abby123 (261)
13 Sep 08
DVDs and books are a snitch at the price they are in the charity stores,we had an offer on the DVDS recently,they were just £1 each,well you wont get better than that will you.and the books go on sale regularly at five for a pound,I will always buy five,they come in handy at some time or other,for holidays etc.
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
13 Sep 08
One of my daugthes needed new sheets and a comforter for her bed because she had , had hers for ahwile and it really was in bad shape so I went to the one and only thrift store we have in our area to see if I could find anything . I was really lucky when I found a comforter with the sheets and pillow cases looking like brand new . It only cost me a couple of dollars to get the whole set and although it was not new it could easily have passed for a new set and not only did I get it for a steal but it was also something my daugther would have picked out for herself because it was all done in pastels colors which suited the coloring of her room .
My mother got me a great deal as well one time . In her area there are thrift stores everywhere and she loves to go into them all the time and is always looking for things she thinks those of us in my area might like , knowing we don't have much of a selection with only one thrift store . Anyway she found three Halloween cotumes for my girls . They were the heavy duty costumed that you don't have to worry about wearing a jacket with , she got these for 15 dollars where they would have cost well over a hundred in the store . I still have them today even though my children have outgrown them because they were so much like brand new when she got them for me and I know how expensive they are to buy brand new that I would hate to throw them away . I am waiting for someone I know to need a costume for their little one so I an give them the one's I have .
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@miller23231 (873)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I love thrift shops! I once got a 3/4 length leather jacket for only $10 at a thrift shop. You can find so many things there that are in good shape, sometimes even new and even good quality things that you would pay a fortune for anywhere else. And when I need to get rid of things, I always donate them because you never know who's going to need them.
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@Abby123 (261)
13 Sep 08
I scour the shops looking for good bargains to sell on,ive had tons of good finds,the finds range from shoes to crocks.I found a pair of handmade leather soled shoes,made by a northamton shoemaker,they were new,never bin worn,Polished them up and listed them.It was a good few days before there was a bid on them,but one came,then another guy messaged me and asked about them,they were sold easily,not a huge profit but still a profit,and all the pennies add up to pounds .
@bonsibabe (40)
13 Sep 08
Hi Ruby.
I'm in Scotland and love to have a blooming good rummage in the local charity shops. I like looking for clothes for my kids as children's clothing is so expensive in certain shops. Although sometimes other shops are just as good and as cheap for brand new. In saying that I did go into one charity shop and came away with a pair of trainers (sneakers) for each of my 2 kids. They cost me £5 for the two pairs, both were brand names and neither pair had ever been worn! I checked the prices in another shoe shop for the same trainers and they would have cost me about £50 to buy from there! So I saved a massive £45.
My hubby thinks I am mad, but certainly doesn't complain when he gets one of my charity bargains. I have gotten him brand name clothes still with the labels on for £5 and less.
But my best bargain had to be from ebay. When hubby was in the army I had to buy an evening dress for a mess function. I could not find one for love nor money that I liked where we were living so checked ebay. Lo and behold there was a beautiful dress for £20. So I bought it, paid £30 in total with postage, paid a dressmaker £10 to alter the length (everything else fitted perfectly, it was just 6 inches too long). And got a beautiful dress for £40. I went to the mess function and met a girl who had gotten a similar dress made for her. It was practically identical to mine and cost her over £300!!! You should have seen her face when I told her mine cost a grand total of £40!
Now that hubby is no longer a soldier (thank goodness) it is now sitting in my wardrobe as I'm a bit sad it will never get worn again. I think it is time to list it on ebay and see if I can recoup my £40 lol. But it certainly was a good buy. I think thriftiness is the order of the day given the current situation of our country.
Thanks for sharing this xx

@ruby222 (4847)
13 Sep 08
Our grandaughter has had a second hand rainbow uniform,she loves going to rainbows,the Brownies for little ones,but the uniform was expensive ,plus the fact that it seemed silly to pay out for something in case she didnt like going to rainbows,and she wears it and goes off quitr delighted with it all.
@ruby222 (4847)
13 Sep 08
Bonsai !! a woman after my own heart xxx,I once went to a summer wedding,the weather was hot,and I needed to find something chiffon,cool,so I went hunting around,and there on the rail was a summer suit,it was wonderful,maybe been worn once to a wedding,so I bought it and paid something silly for it like a five pounds lol,I took it home and had it cleaned and it was as new!and it fitted me a like a glove.I know you can find evening wear often in those shops,ive seen some wonderful desugner dresses
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@bonsibabe (40)
13 Sep 08
Hi Ruby, I love looking for bargains. I think now that hubby has taken a 75% pay cut in his present job since he lost his last job, things have to get tighter and we all have to cut back. But thankfully the stigma of charity shops is fast disappearing. I was lucky in the last place I lived, school jumpers were £15 each for brand new. So I went to the charity shop and got 10 for the same price as 1 brand new!!! And my daughter didn't know the difference (thankfully she is only 6!) - I just told her they faded a little when I washed them lol. And she is still getting wear from them even though we have moved house and she goes to a different school, her and her younger sister wear them with their jeans round the house after they have been to school!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
15 Sep 08
[i]Hi ruby,
ohhh..I am very active when it comes to bargain also..LOL! When I was working back home, my friends and I will always go there since they will open new arrivals..LOL, every Sunday at 10 am, so we have to be there early!I got a lot of good clothes and sometimes, I am shopping there during Christmas for our relatives and neighbors(kids)!
ANyway, here, I used to accompany friends also and I've been out 3 times since I arrived here, not much since everytime we arrived in the place, we are always late![/i]

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@ruby222 (4847)
15 Sep 08
There we are another member of theCharity fan club,Welcome Che!!like you I almost quiver with delight if I stumble accidentally upon a good bargain ,theres is nothing quite like it.The other day I was looking for some new slacks,well I need a certain cut,the hipsters they churn out these days are just not good for my shape,for the young and trendy, im not saying that I want elasticated wists lol but I need room in the derriere department,and there I found a pair of Laura Ashley slacks,complete with tickets,and never been worn,my bottom jaw fell down,and I rushed to the till with them before anyone else could get a chance to buy them lolol.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I'm a big fan of thrift shops as well. I could not tell you what my best find was as there have been so many over the years. Being a single mom, I have always had to resort to thrift shops. Even in times when I have had extra money, I still used the thrift shops to make that money stretch as long as possible. I have notice with the economy as it is that more and more people are buying from them. I now will run into people in them that I would never have imagined seeing in them a few years back.
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@ruby222 (4847)
14 Sep 08
There is a towen caaled Belper which isnt too far from us,and we have been to look in the charity stores there many times,well it never ceases to amaze me,the stores are like boutiques!the rails are immaculate,the prices match the rails lol ,and everytime we walk out without a purchase,but the charities are starting to see it all as big business nowadays,and they have targets to meet and overheads that are gargantuan!!
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
13 Sep 08
I've found many good deals at local thrift shops in various places that I have lived. I can't think of any one thing in particular, but I've bought sweaters, purses, pictures, curtains, books, and various knick knacks over the years.
Ok, probably the best deals I found were when I was living in Minnesota. I was able to buy $30-$40 brand name sweaters for sometimes $1-3. Those deals were great!
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@shorty08322 (1270)
• United States
13 Sep 08
i go and you can get somegood things and i get a lot of thing like coats 3to4 and im in a vip club so you know i get it after price and i get jewlery to for half price and im in nj and it is a lot of things you can fine in there

@creative_genius (992)
14 Sep 08
I use charity shops to get bargain books, my local Oxfam is great for that. I tend to try to get things second hand now because I think recycling is so important. We are living such disposable lives and the Earth will not be able to keep up with the amount of stuff we seem to want. I am trying to reduce my buying because of this reason and charity shops give me a chance for some guilt-free shopping!
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@frankiecesca (2489)
15 Sep 08
I actually find chaarity shops expensive - they seem to mark the items at a price that is unreasonable considering they are second hand and normally the majority of the time quite old styles. I get much better bargains looking in Primark! : )
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@ruby222 (4847)
15 Sep 08
Primark has a lot to offer and I for one will never turn down a trip to Primark,the rails are bulging with bargains and the shop is always mobbed,we recently went to the Birmingham Primark store and it is on two,or maybe three floors ,my memory isnt working lol,and the entire store was mobbed out,the queues at the tills were a mile long and the heat in the shop was terrfic,but lol we still enjoyed it.
@Humbug25 (12540)
13 Sep 08
Hello there ruby222
My thrift shop bargain was actually a pair of curtains. They were £4 but when I got to the till with them I noticed some cut marks in them. I showed the lady at the till who then said that she couldn't possibley sell them in that condition and I could have them! Well I couldn't just take them and made a donation all the same!
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
15 Sep 08
you are absolutely the same way with my wife who is also in love in doing a thrift shopping in most of the Malls who have a branded name and she said she won't care if she bought the things on Sale as long as it is worth on a Branded Name of the product.....and the last time she went shopping in the Landmark in which they have s Brand for ladies things like Nexus.
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@ruby222 (4847)
15 Sep 08
There we are Iyah ,like minded souls your wife and me.I admit that I can thoroughly enjoy a good browse around the charity stores,and take a good look at what they have to offer.But I suppose in a way its a social occasion too,as I will always bump into someone I know who will then engage in conversation ,and will keep me up to date with whats happening in the neighbourhood.
@hellomoto1986 (31)
• Canada
14 Sep 08
i really and truey love going for bargains it helps me when i dont have extra cash... but nowadays less places are having them. I live in cananda so its hard for for me too find unless i go to the Bargain, bargain bargain store. but the thing is not mnay places have such a variety of things u would need. when ever i go thier are unsally useless things people dont need. For me acyullt thier wasnt many that were great but i would say that Bargain Bargain Bargin shop is the best. well it the only one thier too
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@ruby222 (4847)
14 Sep 08
That is true the search for bargains is getting a lot harder,we now have to scour the shops avidly to find a bargain.The ones who are dedicated to the thrift shops will always go early in the morning,but my visits are always later in the day,usually after lunch,sometimes ive been lucky enough to pick up a good bargain and many times there is nothing to be had at all.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
14 Sep 08
oh yes... i love to hunt for bargain as well... especially at the thrift stores like the $2 shop or reject shop here... i think they are fantastic stores and i can really get lots of good bargain from there... and you are right... in the tight economy situation like this, those shops really help us a lot in spending our money... take care and have a nice day...
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@ruby222 (4847)
14 Sep 08 the saying goes .look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of thems elves lol.we all look for value for money im sure,but we also need to maintain a certain quality to make the item worth buying,if we buy sub standard then we have to replace the item more quickly.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 Sep 08
i absolutely love shopping at thrift stores and we have some really great ones here in the city that i live in in canada. you can get all sorts of stuff at the one that i was at today! Stuff you didnt even know you needed! :-) i have done quite well over the years at thrift stores and have gotten some new stuff and some antiques as well. some of the new stuff, i even give out for presents!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Sep 08
hi ruby Ialso love to shop at good will and salvation army shops as you can find bargains there. I got some real wood
end table and some chairs, and a desk chair all for fifty
dollars. they had been very good quality but needed cleaning and some reoairs made. a really great find.
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@ruby222 (4847)
14 Sep 08
Good bargains there Hatley,well done,a medal for bargain hunting is awarded to Hatley!Well i HAD completely forgotten about the Salvation army shop,but the nearest one to us is at least thrty minutes drive away,so as its not more or less on the doorstep then it doesnt get visited to often!but I think yes they are good shops.
@NettyB (335)
• United States
13 Sep 08
OMGosh, YES, I love this kind of shopping too. Also yard sales, auctions. Auctions are also a great social event, I see people I haven't talked to in awhile! LOL
I am redoing a spare bedroom and plan on "thrift" shopping for a bed. and a nightstand. I already have a dresser.
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@ruby222 (4847)
14 Sep 08
I thought what a clever idea,to give yourself a budget and then work to within that budget and furnish and redecorate a room.I have been into many thrift shops and have seen very pretty wallpaper,and the hardware store frequently has very good offers on end of line tins of paint too.Then as you point out there are endless opportunities to purchase good quality bedding and curtains to match you colour scheme.good luck with your project.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
14 Sep 08
Here in the Philippines, you can find unique items at bargain stores... you can even find authentic pieces that are sold for very low prices and they are mostly available during Christmas time... =) I'll be starting my Christmas shopping next month and for sure, i'll be raiding every bazaar that i'll find in the metro.
@ruby222 (4847)
14 Sep 08
Gracie!that sounds soo good to me,if I want anything unique I have to seaqrc h for it here in the UK ,last year I wanted to buy a Chrysanthemum plate,and yes I hear you say,well what is that??!!well as it suggests it is a plate,a very old plate,with the chrysanthemum design on it,they were very collectable in victorian times,it was for a gift,I managed to get a lovely one on Ebay,and when it arrived it was just the ticket.
@Jerrybbb (67)
13 Sep 08
Every week we goaround the thrift shops we look for old china bits,plates,cups ,vases and anything old in the way of china.We make a day out of it,we have a coffeee in between shops and we take our time looking around them all.We have to use public transport so we have a day ticket,an explorer,so we like to make the very most of our day out.There have been loads of times we have come across bits of good pottery and china,and we once found a good bit of majolica,we managed to sell it for a decent amount too.
@ruby222 (4847)
14 Sep 08
Thats excellent Jerry,well done you,and your better half takes quite a lot of expertise to know what you are buying when it comes to buying china,there are so many differenty china marks to get to know.I love good china,I certainly cant afford to collect a lot,but I do hAVE SOME LITTLE BITS OF LIMOGES AND ooo caps again!i ALSO LOVE Royal worcester ,but im not a crown derby fan,and that is quite strange as we live here in Derbyshire,but to my mind its everywhere,every auction house or shop you visit has it in,so its just too availabe for me.Enjoy your charity hunting Jerry!