Would you Spank You child if.....
By ProudMommy22
@ProudMommy22 (705)
United States
September 13, 2008 8:43pm CST
He/she Pottied in there clothes? I have a friend she was in the process of potty trainning her son which im in the process as well but she was potty trainning her son and he pee'd on himself which he did try to make it to the bathroom and didnt make it there in time and of course it went in the floor and she poped him hard and i was like it'd okay it was an accident and accidents happen and shes was like well this isnt my house and i said true but it's mine and im telling you that its okay no need to do all that because he's not going to want to learn if you do that everytime.My son is 2 and Im potty training him but he sometimes wears pullups and something he'll wear underware and its just a trail thing with the underware which usually dont work out as planned but it jsut teaching him thats all. Do you Slap/spank/pop your kids if the Pee on themselfs for not making it to the bathroom in time? I DONT because its just an accident and atleast the tryed to make it to the bathroom.
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26 responses
@mommyfied (243)
14 Sep 08
i will never punish my child for such accidents. one should be very careful when potty training one's child not to make that experience traumatic for the child. it'll take the parent a long time to train the child if for every accident, there's spanking involved.
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@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I agree...Thank you for taking the time to respond to it...Im very easy with my child while im potty trainning him and i dont spank him for the accidents
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I wouldn't spank my kids for anything let alone a potty training accident. The poor little boy is just learning how to control his bladder and when to get to the bathroom and he made a mistake. Spanking him could actually make him NOT want to cooperate with potty training.
I have never punished my kids for any accidents they have made. Because accidents happen to us all and we're usually sorry they happened. We don't need to be punished on top of already feeling bad about things.
Kids really respond better to positive reinforcement than to being punished for accidents. My "kids" are now 22 and 18 and we have a great relationship. In fact, when my older son first got his license, I warned him to be very careful driving. Wouldn't you know, the first week, he got into a fender bender? Because I never yelled at him for making mistakes, he called me immediately and apologized and we took care of it. He hasn't had any driving problems since. I would hate for my kids to feel they couldn't come to me because I might yell at them or be mad at them if they make a mistake.
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@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I agree with you on that...There is no need for that time of punishment really.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
14 Sep 08
No way I potty trained my 2 daughters an my 4 nephews an no i didn't pop them for an accident I knew they were trying I real tick off at a mother of a boy I was sitting for he was 2 an she smack his butt with a belt for peeing on hisself then told him to sit on the potty chair till he went potty i asked her what if it took him an hour to go she said he will sit there an hour then we got into a fight about it an for some strange reason the dad got custody of him

@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I rember my nephew was so easy to potty train then one day he went running by me to the bathroom an didn't make it it was his first accident an he just looked so defeated he cried that he done something wrong we let him know no he didn't even big people have accidents an it was ok but i will not forget how sad those big blues eyes looked i felt so bad for the little guy
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
15 Sep 08
exactly thats what happens when you do things like that to your child when they are jsut trying and doing all they can to make it to the bathroom. No reason to go spank them for peeing on themself. Im pertty sure WE all did it when our parents was potty training us as kids.

@ShellyNicole79 (4)
15 Sep 08
No I would never do that! I don't spank my daughter but if she does something very bad such as bite or touch the fireplace, I will swat her hand. I believe that for younger children spanking and such warrants and teaches violence to the child.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
15 Sep 08
i can agree with that. My oldest son when threw the biting thing and i just tell him no and not to do that ,that it wasnt nice but i never hit him for it.
@Adeliza1220 (877)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I have yet a while to do that with my daughter but time does indeed fly so I will hit that sooner than I think. That is the thing they are children and not adults, there is a reason why they call it potty training it is a process and one needs to have a little patience because it can fail as you said because they would not want to further it if they are being abused everytime. Well, I am assuming that there is a reason behind everyone and who knows what hers is. At times people react at the moment.
@youngsweetheart (772)
• United States
14 Sep 08
This is just my opinion, but...you should NEVER spank a child for having an accident of that nature, particularly while they are still in the process of potty training. I don't have a big problem with spanking for blatant misbehavior, but in this case, negative reinforcement can cause delays, fear of natural bodily functions, and in some cases, the child will completely revert and all progress made will be lost.
When my children were potty training, I tried very hard to only be encouraging. Yes, I did lose my patience a time or two, everyone does, but punishing them only hurts the process. Rewarding them helps, even if you reward them with just words of praise and encouragement.
A parent should never use that kind of discipline for any kind of training - positive reinforcement has been proven time and again in getting the best results.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I agree and as i dont punish my oldest for it due to the fact im in the process of potty training him and my cusion she thinks he will learn fater i guess to use the potty and not do it in his pants
@indiandevil (2410)
• Canada
14 Sep 08
Absolutely not. My son is 3.5 and he still isn't completely trained either. Many times by the time he realized he has to go he is already going, and many times has went on the floor. One time, we had gone out for pretty much the whole afternoon. We had stopped at grandmas, where he claimed he had to go at first, but then said he didn't have to. I had bought him brand new shoes, and he made it all the way home with out having a accident. That is until we got out of the van and started to get our bags out of the back when we started saying Mommy pee, mommy I need to pee. and When I looked at my son it was running down his leg and onto his new shoes. How did I react. I laughed and said to him well sweetie at least you got home.
I never spank my child either. I will however tap his hand if I am cooking and hes reaching up at the red hot burner, but only after I tell him three or four times to stop or the stove is going to hurt him. Maybe I am wrong, however in a situation like that i would rather he get a sting on his hand for about a second, then to be rushed to the hospital for burns on his hands.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Most deff. It took my son burning himself to figure out not to touch the stove...I was actually cooking and i told him to stop 5-6 times and poped his hand a couple of time after being told to stop and finally he burned his finger lcuky it wasnt bad because at the time it wasnt that hot but still hot enough to burn and he cried and cried and the slaped the stove and said "meanie" lol was cute but i knew it had to hurt so we took a trip to the hopital which it wasnt 3rd degree burns or anything but stilli didnt have anything to put on it and needed to know what i had to put on it to heal it so but now he dont touch the stove. I however dont pop him for peeing on himself by no means because he dont mean to and he hasnt got the full effect of potty trainning yet. He knows what the potty is and he knows what he needs to do but actually doing it in the potty he hasnt go there yet so but when hes ready he will do it jsut have to work with him a bit. But my friend she got some issues about how she does things and isnt very nice about it when her kids do wrong.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Sep 08
hi proudmommy22 that would be real stupid, you are trying to
potty train a child and you whack him or her for peeing on
themselves? what the heck does that teach. next time the child wont even try as he figures mommy will whack him if he goofs up.
'I would never punish a child in any way for trying and not quite making it. You must be patient and in time your child will be able to make it to the potty, they all do in time. just be
patient and dont punish.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
15 Sep 08
You might want to re-read what i posted again because your greatly mistaken. I dont hit my kids nore do i beleive in hitting my kids for anything. So keep your comments to yourself if you cant read the post correctly Thank you.
@melvinandheather1 (540)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I could never spank my child for pottying in their clothes. It's an accident. I don't believe in spanking children, I believe in time out, and other methods of discipline. To me spanking a child for an accident is first of all teaching them that their parents are unruly, and secondly teaching them to always be frantic of what they do. It's really unneccesary.
Next in line is that fact that if the child does have an accident he is most likely going to try to hide it and not tell the truth, I always want my children to feel that they can tell me about anything that is on their mind, I want them to feel very comfortable around me not uptight or worried that he will get in trouble. And also when he is older I want him to be able to talk to me, I really want to be a big part of my childrens lives. I love them and will always nuture them as any mother would.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
i agree i also dont beleive in spanking i do the time out method which works for my oldest son cause he hates it and dont like to have to sit on his bed for like 5 mins and it usually never really last 5 mins anyways so i dont go to the extreme of hitting or spanking.
@kezabelle (2974)
14 Sep 08
No I have never smacked my child for having an accident! I dont think it helps it could cause a fear or worry in the child which can just increase the chances of an accident. If either my children has an accident I just say Never mind, and I clean them and the mess up and we carry on as normal.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I agree as ive said many of times. Its jsut an accident and no need for the spanking and so on when it was jsut an accident.
• United States
14 Sep 08
this type of reaction to a two year old is considered child abuse ... any state cps would take the child away from the parent ..
you are correct .. and accident .. is simply an accident and besides hes only two ..
think about it ... if you smack your child at two .. then what when they get older - next the belt ? this is a big no, no
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
right, My son is 2 almost 3 and he has a lot of accidents lol but i dont punish him for them i think he only gets punished for meaning mean to his lil brother which is only 9 months so thats about the only time he ever gets punished but hes learn that being mean isnt nice so he dont do it so much anymore. But never do i punish him for peeing in the floor or in his clothes because he didnt make it to the bathroom in time. I've even had him pee on the flowers once even though they wasnt real flowers but we was trying to teach him to stand up and potty and one day he took the pull up off and tried to make it to the bathroom and didnt so he though he would pee on the flowers it was actually pretty funny though even though i tried to tell him thats not what flowers are there for but never punished him for it and even helped washed the flowers so it wouldnt smell.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
15 Sep 08
you'd spank your child for an accident? okay that isnt right but okay.
@mygreenshoes (56)
• Singapore
14 Sep 08
I don't think it's right to spank him/her that hard. They are just kids come on! They have just started learning too right? But if it gets a bit deliberate them spank him or try to discipline, but not using such a violent method.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
15 Sep 08
she had been trying to potty train him for like a month but that isnt the point and no i dont think spanking him in any way shape or for to try to discipline him just for learning how to potty train. Hittin isnt the answer to the problem.And personaly i think if you hit your child then you shouldnt have one period but thats jsut my opinion.
@ilvsantana (4)
• United States
15 Sep 08
No! I believe there are plenty of other ways to discipline and teach a child besides spanking, or smacking them. I think that hitting a child in any manner is just another form of violence. Resolving an issue, doesn't require physical contact ecspecially in anger, or disappointment. Physical contact should be reserved for positive feelings. I watched a child once get upset because he thought a little girl had stolen the remote and he walked up to her and smacked her. When i confronted him and asked him to explain why he didnt just ask her, he said because his parents never asked him they just smacked him, even if he didnt do what they thought he did.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I agree with that most deff. Im not into the hitting or apsnking a child in any matter.
@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
14 Sep 08
If he tried to make it to the bathroom and if he is still young and in the process of learning then no I would not dare hit my child for wetting themselves. My son is 6 and I still sometimes have issues but not with peeing. He does still have to wear pull ups at night because we can't get him out of that yet. They all learn at different times and some take longer than others. when my son forst started training I was told that boys can take upto age 9 to be fully potty trained because of the rate their bladders mature. Boys bladders tend to mature alot slower than girls. I think what you told your friend was the right thing and I would have told her the same.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Most Deff. He isnt but 4 years old and his mom i suppose thinks he should already know how to use the potty. But i see it like this he tried to make to the bathroom in time and he didnt and it was okay it was an accident and it will happen more than once im sure of it.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
14 Sep 08
OMG NO !! My little one is three and still not potty trained fully yet . Each child is different and some are harder to train but that doesn't mean anything . A child will train easier with encouragement and confidence in themselves . Next time this poor little guy has to go to the washroom he will not even try for fear he will get spanked for trying !!
I don't believe in spanking my children but that is just me but I don't understand why anyone would spank a child for at least trying to do something and having an accident . How would she like it if she had an accident and someone slapped her . We have to realize that our children are just like us and will have accidents just like us in anything we try in life . Life is a learning process and one will make many mistakes before they learn to do it right .
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Exactly, I've kepted him over night before and yes he did pee in the bed and no i didnt punish him for it i jsut changed the sheets and put him back in the bed and told him if he had to go then get up and try to make it to the bathroom. But he came and got me up and then went and stood with his nose in the corner i was like why are you doing that and he said my mommy told me if i done that id have to stay like this for an hour to think about what i done i said well here we dont do that your not in trouble it was an accident im not going to punish you for it, its no big deal just put these is the washing machine and its done no biggie. I had to pick him up and put him in the bed before he'd move out of the corner i was like no because my oldest son has peed in the bed i mean not a lot but every once in a while he does and i dont punish him for it just wash the sheets and call it a day.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
14 Sep 08
I think your friend has a spanking issue. I'm also in the process of training my son and sure he's going to have some accidents. They're only little and it's a tough thing they're learning. They have to get used to how their body functions. My son wears pullups and the other day he had an accident and went in the pullup without telling us he had to go potty. My husband yelled at him and told him that was bad. I reminded him that he shouldn't have yelled. You have to be firm with the kids but don't scare the crap out of them. That's just going to stress them out even more and then they won't want to use the potty.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
right im actually doing the reward system or method should i say when he uses the potty hes gets a toy from the store if he dont then he dont get a toy. But i had a friend tell me to try fruit loops which i did and of course my son thought itd be cute to get them out and try to eat them i was like no you suppost to pee on them he said OH and throws it back in the potty lol it was cute.
@SwtJenlove (1090)
• United States
14 Sep 08
No i dont spank my 2 year old because he is still not interested in potty training. my 8 year old soemtimes has accidents and i spank him because he knows better. Good luck! 

@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
If im not mistaken i think her lil boy is 3 yrs old im not sure but i think he is and i just dont see to spanking or any type of hitting on a child that small that is trying to make it to the bathroom and didnt and had an accident.
@seasons1981 (299)
• United States
14 Sep 08
oh I think that is sad that someone would do that... no i would NEVER hit my son for doing something that was an accident. Most of the time he is cute about his accidents anyway and says his cute little "uh ohhhhh" ... kids know when they do wrong, why punish them for it if it was truly an accident...
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
i agree with that 100%. I dont even punish my own on for wetting himself and i dont know why she does it either personally but i guess every mother is different.Just when in my house and it happens the hitting has to go i dont do it to my kids and i dont expect others do it to there kids while in my house.
@medney1988 (560)
• United States
14 Sep 08
umm kids should not be spanked for accidents. especially something like potty training. i consider that abuse.
@ProudMommy22 (705)
• United States
14 Sep 08
Thank you for reading my topic and posting a comment and your opinions on it. Have a good day.