Grandma too young for Toys R Us discount

@kellys3ps (3723)
United States
September 14, 2008 10:58pm CST
Do you think there should be an age limit when it comes to being a grandparent? Well, according to this article, ToysRUs does. 49 year old grandma, Linda Peters of Phoenix, went into her local ToysRUs hoping to use a new coupon that gave grandparents the right to spoil their grandkids at the store -- to the tune of 20% off -- they also included a disclaimer in the fine print: Grandparents must be at least 50 years old. So, needless to say, they didn't let her use the coupon. Toys R Us is standing by their decision. They say that any new promotion needs limits and putting an age requirement on theirs was appopriate. What do you think? Can grandparent-hood be defined by a number? Should it be? Or is Toys R Us being discriminatory?
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13 responses
• United States
15 Sep 08
I don't agree with their decision. I mean, being a grandparent at a younger age, does not diminish the fact that you are a grandparent. I mean, some people are grandparents in their 30's, so does that make them any less of a grandparent? Are grandparents supposed to be old and wrinkley? I don't get it and it feels like a big sterotype that is discriminatory to me. I don't think I'd shop there anymore especially after that little mess up. That's just stupid.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Sep 08
Toys R' Us is showing age discrimination, and a case could be filed against them. It does not say or state anywhere in an encyclopedia, or dictionary that a grandparent must be 50 years old. It could be explained by looking at a different perspective: example; Here is a coupon for a free meal to Mothers, (in fine print) Mothers must have blonde hair and hazel eyes. Sounds a bit fishy to me. They can't place limits on what someone can receive it is stated at the top a general group, which in this case is Grandparents. There should not be any discrimination occuring, especially by a retail chain for children, but sad to say it does happen. I hope that the case is being taken to court, and that the corrections will be made. Hopefully larger companies will be better aware of what they are doing when they do it. Great discussion.
@fsound (756)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Toys is not just for the kids. Even older people still buy toys for collection.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
15 Sep 08
This is ridiculous. Surely if the promotion is aimed at grandparents, then the only requirement should have been that the person presenting it is a grandparent regardless of age. These days you have young people becoming parents in there teens, and if their children do the same, then you'll have grandparents who are under 40 never mind 50.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
15 Sep 08
ToysRUS is wrong for doing this, since when does being a grandparent have an age limit?? If it does my kids and myself didnt know about it as Im 43 and I have 10 grandchildren. Im pretty sure that there are alot of younger grandparents out there. Im glad to be informed of this as I will make sure not to do any of my shopping there for Birthdays, Christmas or for anything else as I think it is wrong.
@mrsbrian (1949)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Wow that might make me think twice about getting things for my grandkids at toys-R-us. i dont agree with that policy , I was a grandmother at 36 so i dont believe grandparent hood should be defined by a number.Makes me wonder what they will come up with next.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
15 Sep 08
well, since it is a promotion, i think Toys R Us had the right to put an age limit on the coupon as long as it is stated very clearly... if she is too young to use it, she should know from the start as the age is stated very clearly there... and since Toys R Us is the promoter, of course they have the right to put the terms and conditions just like any other store who hold promotions... take care and have a nice day...
@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Wow. That is messed up. I don't think there should be an age limit on the coupon. If you are a grandparent then you are a grandparent. Period. I agree with the first response, it should be a seniors coupon. I cut that one out for my grandma to use but she is likr 72 so she don't have to worry I guess.
@rebekkahm (149)
• Canada
15 Sep 08
This is ridiculous. They should have just called it a senior's coupon then. They can't give out a coupon and then add all kinds of restrictions to it. They're just going to confuse and frustrate their customers.
• United States
15 Sep 08
Heck yes that's discrimination! That's not right at all. Who are they to imply that there's a certain "normal" or "standard" age that one should and would become a grandparent?! Absurd...absolutely absurd. If I were her, I'd fight for my cause. They should have stated the promotion and coupon differently if they were going to put age limits on it. Like the late great Bob Marley said...Get up, stand up...Stand up for your rights. I really hope she does something because they shouldn't be allowed to get away with that.
• United States
15 Sep 08
I think this is very discriminatory. There is no possible way to put an age limit on being a grandparent. My parents are in their 40's and have 9 grandchildren with the 10th one due in a few months. There has got to be something that this grandma can do. They have no right to say that she is too young to be a grandma and to put age restrictions on being a grandparent. This is very wrong. I would advise this grandma to seek legal advice and find out what she can do. I would not let this go.
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Its quite sad that she was turned down by the store. I knew people who were grandparents when they were in their late 30's. Toys R Us is being discriminatory. No twos about it.
@Darjawa (49)
15 Sep 08
Totally ridiculos. You either are a grandparent, or you are not. If this discount was for grandparents she had all the rights to use it. Big mistake from Toys R Us in my opinion, they should not let things like this happen, they will all come to publicity after all.