Did you know that the presidential candidate, John McCain, is divorced?
By nanajanet
@nanajanet (4436)
United States
September 14, 2008 11:11pm CST
Did I catch your attention?
Well, this "upstanding man" who is the epitome of the family man has a secret, sort of.
Mr. McCain likes to tell you that he has great moral fiber, that is an honest and upstanding family man with ethics. Here is some interesting facts, about his first wife.
While he was in prison camp in Hanoi, he dreamed of returning home to his lovely wife..... CAROL (not Cindy). What he found out, when he returned home from Vietnam, was that his lovely wife had been in a terrible accident that left her disfigured.
When Carol was discharged from hospital after six months of life-saving surgery, the prognosis was bleak. In order to save her legs, surgeons had been forced to cut away huge sections of shattered bone, taking with it her long, lean figure. She was confined to a wheelchair and was forced to use a catheter.
With sheer determination, she learned to walk again but had gained a lot of weight and was not the beauty he remembered. At 70 years old, she walks with a limp, is shorter than she was, and has suffered, in silence, for the past 30 years. This shows on her face with wrinkles of struggle.
She now lives at Virginia Beach, and she told The Mail (newspaper)about how McCain divorced her in 1980 and married Cindy, one month later. She is 18 years his junior and is the heir to an Arizona brewing fortune.
Carol had 23 surgeries, was in the hospital for 6 months and is 5 inches shorter than she used to be, due to the accident and surgeries.
She says that she is still on good terms with him and the reason he left her and married Cindy is that he did not want to be 40 but 25 again.
He has acquaintances who portray him as a womanizer who chose Cindy, a former rodeo queen, because she had excellent finances. Whether or not this is true, no one may know, but I am surprised that none of this ever came out during his campaign in the bid for the Republican nomination. What else could he be hiding?
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22 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I am not a big fan of McCain but I am glad that did not come out during his campaign. It has absolutely nothing to do with how he runs the country. As far as morals...many people who divorce do have high moral standards. He was 28 years younger back then and who are we to judge how difficult this all was on him or what he went through. The distance probably began when he was away in vietnam...in a prison camp, no less. I am sure he has his own scars. Who are we to judge something so personal in someone elses life? Why do we put these people on pedestals and then tear them apart for every mistake or error in judgement they have ever made in their lives? None of us are perfect in any way. We are human. We should focus only on their ideals and how they can run the country.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I respectfully disagree. Cheating on your wife is wrong, no matter the reasons (he married her one month after he divorced the other, so let's assume he did not meet her after the divorce), and that says a lot for character.
Is he the first presidential candidate to cheat? No, and isn't that sad that we will vote in cheaters?
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
15 Sep 08
You know I have a real problem with a statement like that. People are weak and sometimes cheat. Unfortunatley that is part of human nature.I do not condone it nor do I pass judgement on it. But to just decide your disalbed wife is no longer good enough, well that is downright evil.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
15 Sep 08
It's not secret and it never was. He's talked about it, written about it, and never even tried to hide it. Frankly I'm surprised there's anyone out there that didn't know. He's also said that it was entirely his fault and he may have admitted that he was a womanizer back then, I'm not sure about that part.
What I don't understand is why people bring this up as though it would make him unqualified to be president. It was almost 30 years ago. Democrats forgave Clinton the day he admitted to nailing Monica Lewinsky and yet they will lord this over McCain despite the fact that he has been perfectly faithful to his wife over the last 28 years.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
16 Sep 08
If dishonesty is your issue than I must assume you never vote for the president. I'd be truly amazed if you could find a candidate who hasn't lied excessively. For one thing you'd have to give up on the major parties. You'll never find one running an honest campaign. Even amongst the third parties you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who can pass any level of an honesty test. If I were to pick one I'd say Ron Paul, but then I haven't fact checked his statements because it was never necessary.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
15 Sep 08
As I said above, it's not about the divorce but about the cheating. Cheating on your wife is dishonest and lying. I think candidates should be held up the the highest ethics.
We did not know about Clinton, or Kennedy, before they were voted in (well, I was too young for Kennedy to vote him in). It does make a difference to me if the person running my country is a liar. It really does.
@jmhall (143)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Sorry to say that if we have to wait around for a presidencial candidates that has never told a lie or been dishonest at some point in their lives then we will never elect a president. People lie all the time and do not try and tell me that they do not. It is honestly human nature. Alot of people will say but it was just a white lie and it did not really hurt anyone, but it is still a lie and is dishonest to yourself and others. So those that will say that he will not make a good president just because he was dishonest and cheated on his wife. Please forgive me for this but running the country is a business not an emotional roller coaster of feelings. So no I do not think that this is any regard for how he is going to be as a president.
I know that you are all thinking that this person is just a republican support or a big fan of McCain. No to being a repulican I choose who I vote for based on what I think the candidate can do for me and mine. Sorry not really too worried about the rest of you. I really have yet to make up my mind about this election however, I am leaning towards McCain, but do like some of Obama's points as well.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Yes, I knew it but I've been amazed how it's gotten almost no attention from the "liberal" media. He'd originally said he'd already separated from Carol when he met and began dating Cindy but that wasn't true and as I understand it the Reagans never quite forgave him and in fact gave Carol a White House job years ago. Another poster has mentioned many times how McCain has paid for his first wife's medical expenses all these years but she fails to mention that it was likely required for him for do so or that, if what I've heard is true, Ross Perot has also helped her with her medical costs.
I'd also heard about him choosing Cindy because of her finances and that he'd had multiple extramarital affairs before "settling" on her.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Here, here!! I agree with you!! Isn't cheating on your spouse against the law, anyway? So wouldn't that be breaking the law? Now, correct me if I am wrong, but if you break the law, should you be able to run for president?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I had read something to this effect. Do I hold it against him? Nope, sorry just don't. Divorce is legal, not a crime and you don't have to wait until someone is 100% healthy to do so.
The ex wife gave her version of events. There are always two sides to every story.
I divorced my husband while he was waiting for disability. Do I feel bad about it? Not a bit.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
15 Sep 08
It's not about the divorce part, it's about the cheating on his wife part. I don't like it in any politician and we need to say, "No, we won't vote for cheaters!" It does affect how I vote and if there were more detailed info on the candidates, we should know.
If you are running for prez, you should be above all of this. They are running the most powerful country in the world and should be honest as the day is new. Cheating is still dishonest.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
15 Sep 08
This has been brought up numerous times. It was used against him during his previous run for the Presidency and was brought up a time or two this time. I even remember this taking place years back. Even Reagan was a divorced President - our first. It didn't stop his supporters. I don't intend to vote for McCain, but I don't think this should be something to stand in his way.
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@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
15 Sep 08
every candidate has skeletons in their closet. their personal lives should have nothing to do with their job. when you go for an interview they are not allowed to ask you about your personal life and if you are divorced etc. this should not even come into the picture of what he or any other candidate can do as far as their job is concerned. am i surprised that he left his wife because she was no longer beautiful? no. i have heard this story before over and over about men who do not stay by their wife's side when they are disfigured or an invalid. men are visually stimulated creatures. i am not saying it is right by any means but it is not surprising to hear. he is nothing in the looks department yet his wife is very attractive and makes a very nice appearance.
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@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
15 Sep 08
Read through your opening discussion, and also through the responses you had. Thumbs down to all the gossip. Fine, that is his personal life. "Let he who is perfect throw the first stone"...Don't tell me you have been Miss Clean all your life. Lets be practical. Tell me, who has been perfect? Let go. He's not being elected for a marriage. Judge him on his ability to rule your country. I second all those responses who have not agreed with you.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
21 Sep 08
No one is perfect, so saying that is not a new piece of knowledge, but if I no longer loved my husband, I would divorce him and then find someone else, not the other way around.
I do have the right to judge him, I am voting and if that is a reason, for me, then it's important. I feel, if you don't agree with me, that's okay, but I will not personally say things about you and ask you if you have been Miss or Mr Clean your whole life. What is the point in that and how will that make me see your point of view?
The best way to "discuss" something is to do it without attacking those who would debate with you, a very important thing to know.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Um actually that did come out. It was made a big deal of. People have even referred to Palin as McCain's third wife. You see, this came out last year, during the primaries. So much "crap" and "mud" has come out since. I think most people just forgot or are over it.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
15 Sep 08
I'm not even sure how to respond to this garbage. This was the best you could come up with? With all the important issues we have to sort through this election and reach an intelligent decision, THIS is what your concern is? Do you have ONE SINGLE SHRED of proof for this Krap? Do you know John McCain or his ex? Did they tell you this themselves? Do you have exclusive information the rest of us don't? I wrote a post yesterday you should take a look at, because you punctuated my point nicely.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I might have read your post but I don't read posts of people who are rude in their replies, which yours is. There is a way to disagree, like others have done with respect. I guess you feel you are very smart. Good for you.
@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Yes, I know he is divorced. I knew this story. It makes me think he is a total dog, just like a lot of other men. Does it make me not want to vote for him? No.
The reason I am not voting for him is I don't agree with his politics. The other reason is that I am a Democrat and I will be voting for Obama. I do agree with Obama's politics. It's issues I'm interested in (after I find out all about Palin, that is).
What is amusing to me is that this story doesn't have any effect on the same people who condemn Bill Clinton for less; the same ones who are so shocked about John Edwards. I guess there must be something different about it when Republican's do it? lol I said before that all politicians lie. As far as the divorced part, I'm not against divorce at all. If two people can't be happy together, for whatever reason, better to get a divorce than stay together and make each other and their children suffer.
Frankly, I don't care who lied about their personal life; I don't care who cheats on their spouse. I am not voting for Spiritual Leader here. I am voting for the person I think has the best ideas for the US; the person I think will be a better leader and representative to the rest of the world of the US.
Obama 08
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@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I thought this was pretty common knowledge. I'm not certain how I feel about having this made part of the campaign. There are less than two months to election time and this would just be another diversion from the issues. Maybe it is best left in its dormant state.
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
15 Sep 08
Cheating is bad yes, but I do not really think that in itself is bad enough to condemn someone, we are all human. But the part that gets me is not the fact he gave into tempation, but he clearly chose to do it and was very particular who he chose. I mean to purposely pick someone because of theur wealth and connections, that is very conniving and heartless. And to leave your wife in such a state, wow that in inhuman.

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@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
15 Sep 08
As much as I don't like politicians in general, it has nothing to do with their private lives. McCain's situation is a matter of public record. It happened over 20 years ago. I am sure if someone wanted to dig into Obama's past, there is something there that people could bring to the forefront, as well. They are all just people, human beings, who make mistakes and have family problems, work problems, etc., just like the rest of us.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
15 Sep 08
It is pretty interesting that "someone" continues to dig into and publicize every little personal matter that has occurred in the lives of our Republican candidates, but not into the lives of our Democratic candidates.
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@waseemakram154 (44)
• India
15 Sep 08
i dont think that every politician who becomes a leader will not be having a great background or gud past.he left her that is making some wat problem because while he was in jail he was eager to meet her but when he came to know tht she got surgeries and he realized tht she is no longer the same women so he might have been left but we have to forget past and i think he will make the politics change and will help to high growth for the people..k byeeeee
@cotton0821 (259)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I think the country would be better served if the leaders were chosen on the basis of ability and not on the voters usually flawed perception of their private lives.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Sep 08
hi now I know why he has that stupid smug look on his puss, hes a mean hearted sob and he divorced his wife because he is an old fool not to stand by the woman he promised to love honor and obey through sickness and in health. oh yes he had to have a young one to provide arm candy. I did not vote for him and will not vote for him. I dislike him even more now. thanks for this informative discussion.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Hatley, I hope you know me well enough to know I'm not being mean to you when I say this, just giving a different perspective even though I don't expect to change your feelings.
I agree that cheating on and then divorcing his disabled wife was a horrible thing to do. Even he knows that. But I think we have to look at the whole picture. He had spent 6ish years in he!! basically and returned to find his world as he last knew it turned upside down (not to mention the the kind of "welcome" Vietnam vets were met with at the time). Vietnam messed up a lot of good men that hadn't been through nearly as much as him. Put all that trauma on a person, add on a disabled spouse, plus that many "lost years" and it's no surprise his life was out of control and he made bad decisions for awhile.
I think what we should focus on now is that he did pull his life together eventually. There's always going to be speculation that Cindy was just arm candy...but then again, if she was, wouldn't he have traded her in for a newer model already? Twenty eight years and several children is a big commitment just to have someone pretty by his side. He's had close to 30 years of maturing since his womanizing days. Doesn't that count for anything?
(and by the way, I'm still not a huge fan of his and I do think his opinions of women are outdated at times but I don't think events that happened 30 years ago should have this big of an impact on people's opinions considering everything else that he was dealing with back then.)
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I like that even though you disagree, that you do it with respect. Thanks for that. It's appreciated.
@2minicoopers (239)
• United States
15 Sep 08
This is no "secret" on the interview with Rick Warren he admitted to his divorce he siad"My greatest moral failing, and I have been a very imperfect person, is the failure of my first marriage,"
This statement alone makes him a "upstanding man"
We can speculate all we want about why his divorce happened, but you have to remember too he was in prision for a long time, and something as tramatic as that can change you, he was not the same person when he came back and neither was his wife (injuries aside) they both delt with some tramatic things in the time they were apart.
I also think the way you insinuated that a "divorce" makes him a bad person is very insensitive on your part. I was divorced at a very young age because of situations beyond my control but that didn't make me a person without "moral fiber"
So your accusations about McCain having something to hide, in the words of OBAMA "is nothing but lies".
Vote McCain/Pailin 2008
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
21 Sep 08
I am sorry you misunderstood me. I don't think that there is anything wrong with divorce. There are good reasons. I guess it's more about the cheating and womanizing that got me.
No, he is not the first, nor will be the last, but I still feel that cheating is wrong. Get divorced first, then go %#%@^@^ someone, not before. I am sorry that's how I feel, but it is. I won't attack you, or anyone else for disagreeing, either.
@sweetbabyjane (1929)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I was not aware of this. I guess I learn something every day. Thanks for your info.
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@medney1988 (560)
• United States
15 Sep 08
while i'll be the first to admit that that i don't like mccain i would have to see some hard proof of that.
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
16 Sep 08
I didn't like him at first either but I think he's the better option. As for hard proof, he has openly admitted the affairs and divorce. The speculation on why he married Cindy and how much of an effect his wife's accident had on his behavior is just that, purely speculation.
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@carmela0210 (1591)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
whoa!!!what can say??it really shocks me!!what if this things are true??how would this affect his candidacy and poor carol really!!!