Do you read news on the internet daily ?

@greenline (14838)
September 15, 2008 2:06pm CST
Internet is very good for keeping updated with the latest news. I read news there every morning,,, How about you. Do you read news on the internet daily too ?
7 responses
@mbilal91 (22)
• Pakistan
15 Sep 08
Yes! I read news on the Internet when ever I log on to Internet... and mostly I use to keep my self updated with the things and news going on all over the world..
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
15 Sep 08 gives excellent coverage of world news. I read there every day too. And also
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
15 Sep 08
I read news online. Infact I no longer buy the printed version since the internet edition is online. I follow various newspaper sites such as bbc, cnn and various uk and italian newspapers besides the local one. In this way I am saving money and less trees are destructed.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
15 Sep 08
Yes, that's right. Online versions are available for major newspapers these days. They are in some ways more convenient to read too.
@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
15 Sep 08
Hello, how are you? enjoyed your weekend? Yes, i do read the latest news on the internet, since i can't grab on the newspaper each morning. While, cooking i try to peek in on the internet once in a while at the same time checking in on mylot and emails. Good morning my friend or should i say good evening?
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Hey greenline, I read news on the internet everyday too. I prefer to read news first on AOL and then I go on from there. I will go into whatever I feel I want to get a deeper look at. I usually go next to Yahoo because that's where most of my mail comes into. I find that between the 2 sites I can get a pretty good overall read of the days news and the latest hot topics and sports or whatever else I find of interest for my amusement!
• Pakistan
15 Sep 08
Yes I do. The very first thing I do whenever i use internet is check the latest head lines from the bbc website.
@prajnith (941)
• India
16 Sep 08
ya even i read tech news, i use klipfolio software, i can get updates of latests happenings without having to visit any sites.
• United States
15 Sep 08
not every day but when ever i have time i do.