How do you determine right or wrong?
By likaes
@likaes (496)
September 16, 2008 5:50am CST
Right and Wrong.
Black and White.
Good and Evil.
Are they two separate entities? Or are they really, a single gray area that differs from person to person.
A "good" act committed by a person may be perceived as "bad" by another. Take for example: Robin Hood. He steals from the rich, and donates it to the poor. This can be seen as poetic justice, but can you say he is "good" or "evil"? The poor - they get their money, but what of the rich people, who have now lost their hard-earned fortune?
Instead of literary examples, we can see this in real life too, where the division between good and bad are blurred. Wars have always been waged based on two or more sides fighting for their rights - the belief they are right. Then - who is in the right, and who is in the wrong?
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16 responses
@cyong1012 (10)
• Singapore
16 Sep 08
In my opinion, "Right" can be refer to an act of justice, for the benefit of the majority. "Wrong" is just the opposite, an act of justice, for the benefit of the minority.(A right or wrong decision) ------- "Black and White" differs by one's beliefs, thus it cannot be determined truely by anyone, in a world where everyone have different beliefs. ----------- "Good and Evil" however is easier to differentiate. As long as its an act that punishes the "bad guys"(without harming the good guys) or an act that help/promote the "good guys"(doesnt matter if it harms the bad guys), i would take it that its good. Evil would represent an act that harms the good guys, or an act that help/promote the bad guys.
@likaes (496)
• Singapore
17 Sep 08
Nothing is ever black and white. There are no good or bad guys in this world. All of it is subjective. Bank robbers may simply see bank robbing as a quick way out of their poverty - it may be unfair to those that they're robbing, but life has never been fair to them before and has driven them to rob banks.
A scenario where you've been placed in the middle of a war - your home has been invaded by a soldier; you would kill him. But he is there in his country's name, not of his own volition. Are you in the right for killing him, protecting your home? Or is he in the right, protecting his own country?
@cyong1012 (10)
• Singapore
17 Sep 08
"protecting his home by killing off the invaders is right"
but "invading other country is wrong" life isnt fair doesnt mean that u can do things that harm others. as long as it does, its wrong
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 08
I think that inwardly, you know what is right or wrong. If you are doing something bad then I'm pretty sure your intuition, your conscience is going to give you a good telling off! The big question is, whether you decide to listen to your inner guidance or not. I think that circumstances have to be taken into account though. If someone steals in order to survive, i.e. he steals food because he is hungry and he has no money, then I don't think he should suffer for his action, just as long as he didn't hurt anyone in the process of trying to get that food. There is good and there is bad and I guess we all look at this differently. Anyway, I just follow my own heart and listen to my intuition because your intuition is always right. Andrew
@likaes (496)
• Singapore
16 Sep 08
Right or wrong is all about viewpoints. If the person himself committing the crime sees himself as in the wrong, then he is obviously in the wrong. But if he can justify his own actions, and if he truly sees them as right, then I think he might be right in a way which doesn't agree with others...
It's good to follow what your heart tells you. I'm more worried about what happens when others don't agree with you though - what happens then?
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
16 Sep 08
Interesting question! Yes, your statements regarding what is good for one may be seen as bad by another are very true. No matter what we do in life there will always be some opposition in some sense, shape or form so all we can really do is try to concentrate more on what is ethical or moral rather than what is good or bad. But even tis too is open to interpretation I guess! So ethics, morals, right and wrong aside all we are left with is tolerance for each others differences.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
16 Sep 08
Empathy.... Tolerance..... Acceptance..... Even ignorance. Either way there needs to be fewer knee-jerk reactions to differences of opinions and more effort made to try to understand another's point of view or actions. Many of life's negative events could be avoided if we were able to be this way. Of course there are actions that are unacceptable and these should be confronted; but in parallel there are many that are blown way out of proportion purely because of single mindedness.
@likaes (496)
• Singapore
16 Sep 08
I don't think tolerance is enough. Tolerance implies enduring of another's differences. Is it enough to endure another's customs, or do you make an effort to understand it too? You may not agree with it, but I think it helps to view it from the person's viewpoint. Put yourself into their shoes, and I think you can understand them better, and if they are right or wrong.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Right and wrong are very similar to beauty, likaes, that is to say that it is all in the eyes of the beholder. As you stated, what one person defines as right could well be defined as wrong by the next person. I believe that it is possible for good people to do wrong things for the right reasons and vice versa. That is why it would be virtually impossible to find a person who is all good or all bad.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
17 Sep 08
Hi likaes, Thanks for a very interesting discussion. I have always been one to think for myself rather than believe what another tells me, or what is written in some book. I am not condemning the Bible here, or any other holy Book, there is much there that is good, and I respect that. It is very clear to any thinking person that there is really no such thing as good or bad, right or wrong, just people's opinions. I know that is very difficult for some people to accept but that is because of what we have been taught from our youth. What one perceives as the enemy, another sees as a friend. In the same way, people are not good and evil, just different. Blessings.
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
16 Sep 08
Sure, there are a lot of gray areas. Still, most of us know exactly what's right and what's wrong. Whenever we're unsure, we can be fairly certain whatever it is would be closer to wrong. Many times, people claim everybody does it, but that certainly doesn't make it right.
In terms of international politics at this time, we see that there are people who think even murder is right, but their culture is entirely different from Western culture, and their actions far beyond the mainstream among their own culture, as well. Rather than a quesstiton of right and wrong, I believe they have excuses to deal with what they, too, know to be wrong.
Most of us accept the Judeo-Christian ethics that prevent us from being criminals, but that doesn't mean everyone does.
I'm rambling, but I think the point is clear. At least, I hope so.
@likaes (496)
• Singapore
16 Sep 08
I believe everyone has a reason to do what they do. If it includes murder, it must be justified in their own eyes. I think maybe, that if a person truly sees his actions as justified, then he might be in the right. It might not agree with everyone though.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
17 Sep 08
You're absolutely right. We can't really put ourselves in someone else's place, so we wouldn't see things as they do. Still, too few people are adamant in doing the right thing.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
17 Sep 08
Right and wrong, good and evil are all in the eye of the beholder, much like beauty. Because people are so different the ways we look at things are different as well. There is always room for that 'grey' area you speak of. A person can write a positive article with no intentions of it being negative at all and someone would probably find some negativity in it.
@zhangvicky (258)
• China
17 Sep 08
My understanding is simple. That is never do something bad to the society and never hurt others. People have different values, you can't expect to please everyone. All you need to do is be yourself and do what you think is right.Then you won't be regret.
@ayessa (1583)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
It is really hard to determine what is right and wrong cause the right for us maybe wrong for some and vice versa. So what was happening in todays world was right is being determined by the majority and sometimes right was being dictated of what is moral. So I think it is really up to us to see and decide which is right and wrong and it will certainly depends on our beliefs and understanding of the situation.
@sweethomecatring (1563)
• India
16 Sep 08
Good is always good and bad is always bad. A noble job performed by an individual can not be a bad entity for others. In so many books you might have read that snatching for the noble cause from the snatchers is at all not bad. He had not injured the feelings of the right thinking or law abiding people but from the snatchers who had collected it by killing innocent people and depriving them of their right. The wars are fought on some analogy and on some principle. Waging a war for enlarging the boundaries of kingdom killing innocents is not a noble cause. The history is there which condemn such wars. If the war is to get own rights,civil rights it is considered the war for obtaining independence.
@likaes (496)
• Singapore
16 Sep 08
I wouldn't say good is always good, and bad is always bad. There is no predefined concepts of "good" or "bad". it is all defined by perception. how well you relate to the matter at hand, and how it affects you.
Each person will have a different perception of the situation. Take for example, the "war in iraq". Some people are pro-war - it's "good". Others believe it causes suffering for others ("bad").
So some people might disagree with you there, that war is "good".
@shamikabsb (602)
• Sri Lanka
17 Sep 08
When Robin Hood steals from rich, it was an evil act. When he donates it for poors it was a good act. The line between the good and bad is drawn by the intention of doing.
Inention of stealing is evil. Intention of donating is good. Stealing with the intention of donating consists both evil and good thought.
@Lee_Rites (845)
• United States
16 Sep 08
"Good and Evil", "Right and Wrong", and "Legal and Illegal" are all totally different concepts.
Legal and illegal simply about following rules. Good and Evil are about intentions. Right and wrong are about choices and results.
Legal and illegal are usually pretty cut and dry. Though, laws are written and can be interpreted differently by different people. Breaking a law does not necessarily mean you have done something morally wrong but you will still have to face the consequences all the same.
Evil is a very strong word. To do something evil, you know that what your doing is morally wrong and you do it anyway. I think for something to be evil, it has be intended to cause harm.
I think right and wrong is more about the choices you make and what results. You may do something that seems right at the time, but the unintended consequences may lead you to believe that you made the wrong choice.
Everyday life is filled with each of these concepts and it can get pretty complicated. I believe it is best to live by your own morals and values. There will be consequences to everything your do, for better or for worse. To thine own self be true.
@likaes (496)
• Singapore
17 Sep 08
The law is quite different from the philosophy of good and evil. The law as you said, has been set out by governments, or factions or whoever makes up the rules for a society or group. The law, however, is not infallible. The law is still subject to good and evil. Our justice system works well for most part, but sometimes we still have wrongly-incarcerated prisoners, or have criminals who are free despite their crimes. Good and Evil comes in when the corrupt policeman turns a blind eye to a crime for a few dollars, a conflicted judge, etc. These all depend on a person's morals. The law is simply an extension to good and evil.
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Good day.. I think that there is a clear delineation between right and wrong, it only becomes blurred when people try to justify their acts of wrong doing so they could sleep at night.
As for me I look at what is right and wrong as to how many people are affected. If my action does more harm than good to a majority whether it is good for a few then I would consider it bad.
@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
16 Sep 08
Certainly you know what is right and what is wrong. We have our own guidelines, rules and standard to follow here on earth.
The means does not justify the ends. Means if you do evil things to help others is still wrong even it is for the good of everyone like Robin does. Its a matter of choices you make. But if all the option are evil things, you should choose the lesser evil.