My Dog Is Scared Of The Flash On My Camera.. What Do I Do?

United States
September 17, 2008 7:52am CST
well i got a new camera and didnt realize that there was a feature to where when you take a picture it would shine a beam of red light towards the target picture until it was too late.. the dog freaked out and wont let me even point the camera at her since the light scared her.. all my other cameras had the regular flash and she didnt care about that but the red beam scared her to death.. obviously im a camera freak and i wanna take pictures of my cute dog what can i do to stop her freaking out? im having to settle for taking pictures of her on my camera phone and of course the quality isnt as good as my 12mp digital camera any ideas?
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6 responses
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
30 Sep 08
Hmm... it looks like that red light is for reducing the red eye effect when using the flash. Go through the manual and check for the camera settings. See if you can turn the red eye reduction feature off. There should be a switch to do that some where in the menu. Once that is disabled, it should work like your earlier cameras.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
2 Oct 08
I am sure there is an option to set the changes globally. Consult your manual if need be. Otherwise, there is always customer service to call. They are there for a reason. To answer customer queries. So use them if you do not want to consult your manual.
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• United States
1 Oct 08
well i put it on landscapes and it didnt do it but i turned the red eye off and still had the problem.. problem is i will never remember which has the red beam so im gonna end up having to take a test pic and see if it shoots it out and get it off then take a pic of my dog lol.. she let me take a few the other day after i figured out how to take it off.. but she isnt as much of a camera hog like she used to be so it will still be a process to get her back to the glamor shot pup she was lol
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• Philippines
2 Oct 08
well you must have turn on the red eyed reduction. well you see our eyes absorbs light that is why we can see (well there is bending of light, our brain see a inverted image). to make the story short that is why if we use a flash and our eyes absorb them and it will reflect like a mirror. this creates a problem in photography we see a red eye. so the people in camera business found ways to solve this problem by creating a red eye reduction (the camera sends red light to make our pupils dilate before the actual flash). but they didn't know that animals will be freak out by a red light. sorry about what had happened. i think your pet suffers a trauma and it will be long before the dog can recover, if the dog will recover from that incident. best thing you can do now is pls don't use that camera to her at this point. wait for like months before starting to take photos again with her. lest see it she will recover ok... and to all pet lovers make sure you turn off the red eye reduction of your camera before you point and shoot it to your pets. don't want them to with shock right?
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Oct 08
i tried it with red eye off and it still would do it on certain settings.. ive had red eye on my other cameras but they never sent out a red beam which is why i couldnt figure out what the heck was going on with this one lol
@trickiwoo (2702)
• United States
17 Sep 08
My dog is the exact same way! It didn't even work photographing her without the flash because a focusing light shines so that the autofocus can focus, but the light terrifies her and she runs away! The best thing to do would be to get her over the fear. Keep her on a leash so she can't run away and try to take pictures of her. (It would probably help to have someone else hold the leash, as it can be difficult to hold a leash while photographing the dog!) If she freaks out, don't give her any attention. If you try to pat her and tell her it's ok to calm her down, that just rewards her and reinforces her behavior. It is teaching her that the right thing to do is freak out at the camera. Just keep her on the leash so she can't go anywhere, and keep shooting away. Eventually she will see that the light on the camera isn't hurting her and that there isn't anything to be afraid of. Once she calms down, you can take her off the leash and try photographing her. When she doesn't freak out at the camera and allows you to photograph her, reward her with a lot of praise and attention and maybe even a treat! Also, try photographing her often every day. The more she is exposed to it, the more used to it she will get and the less frightened she will be. If for some reason you need a good quality photo of her immediately and can't wait to train her to get over the fear, try photographing her outside in the daylight. The camera won't need that red light beam to help with the focus, as it should be bright enough to autofocus. Or if you camera has manual focus capabilities, you can manually focus either indoors or out. Manual focus will also stop beams of light from shining and freaking out your dog! Good luck! And hopefully you'll have some great photos of your cute dog to post soon!
• United States
19 Sep 08
very good ideas!! i will need some one to wrestle her down though.. that dog can kick my butt lol
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
17 Sep 08
aww dont keep the flash active, pics come more nice without flash !
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• United States
19 Sep 08
i turned the flash off and just the sight of the camera scares her i have another camera but it stinks!! and all my previous cameras flashed its just because of that stupid red beam which i turned off but the damage was done
@divinchris (2449)
• India
17 Sep 08
If your dog is really scared about it,its better that you dont use that camera with him.Since he got in his mind that it will hurt him its better that you dont scare him.Good Luck to you.Happy mylotting
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• United States
19 Sep 08
my other camera is like 5mp and this one is 12mp so there is a huge difference.. and comparing them it really shows.. i wish she would get over it i dont have a flash at all on my other one since its a camcorder but until this red beam she didnt care about the flash sigh
• Australia
18 Sep 08
Go into the camera's menu and turn off the autofocus assist light and disable red-eye reduction. Turn up the ISO if necessary, and shoot by natural light. Use reflectors if you need a bit more light. Reward the dog with food treats when you have the camera in hand until she looks for the camera instead on looking out for it.
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• United States
19 Sep 08
i turned it off but since it took me awhile to realize that the red beam thing was going on she has gotten to where if i pull out the camera she runs.. i will have to try the treats things.. i feel so bad for her being scared over something silly