What do you usually do in a waiting area?

@ronaldinu (12422)
September 17, 2008 2:13pm CST
This evening I was in a dental clinic waiting area. After five minutes waiting for my turn I was already bored reading various old magazines. Suddenly a couple friends of mine whom I have not seen for a couple of years turned up at the clinic. We ended up having a long chat and the half an hour waiting did not seem long. What do you usually do in a waiting area?
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28 responses
@petiksmode (2983)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
if i get bored reading magazine (usually i bring with me a book to read - a novel perhaps) i will grab my phone and txt forward qoutes or simply ask how are they and i will hope that even one of these peeps will reply and that that conversation will go thorugh until the time that i will hear my name being called hehehehe...
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
5 Oct 08
Thanks for your feeback. You deserved the Br award.
• Philippines
14 Oct 08
thnks for the br and for appreciating my response..hope you will find more things to do in whatever waiting area your in lols..
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 08
I am a boy scout I always go prepared because I know damn well that if I have an appointment I never get seen on time, once I had an appointment at the doctors and they were an HOUR late! So now I take with me a crossword book to fill in! Or a suduko book to keep me occupied and the waiting doesn't seem half as bad because I become so embroiled in the puzzles that I forget the time I've been waiting!
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
18 Sep 08
I admire you for being always prepared. Yesterday I took a pen and a note book to jot down subjects which I can start a discussion here on mylot during my waiting time.
@stvasile (7306)
• Romania
17 Sep 08
I hate it when I have to wait in those rooms! And usually, when I have to wait, I have to wait for hours... I can't help hearing other people telling stories about their various disease, and that's not something you really want to hear in a hospital/clinic! I congratulate myself every time I bring something to read.
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• Ireland
18 Sep 08
Knowing that I might often have to wait for over an hour at the hospital, I usually take a book with me. Yesterday, I made a two hour trip to the hospital and when I arrived I started to read my book. Within minutes, I was called for my x-ray and immediately after that I was seen by the doctor. The visit was so quick that I was disappointed because I was looking forward to having a bit of a rest before I started my two hour journey home again. Needless to say I was exhausted by the time I got home.
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• United States
18 Sep 08
i read magazines.. now the docs i am regularly seeing are the ones with the good selection so YAY!! but when they dont i about die of boredom since i always forget to bring a book with me
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@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
17 Sep 08
I look for a magazine or just anything to read. But I alway have a book of sudoku, if i think it would take long I answer one puzzle. I feel good spending my spare time answering specially if you finish it quickly.
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@rosedust82 (2066)
• Philippines
15 Oct 08
Hello my friend... Well, whenver I have to wait. I would usually do three things. One, read a magazine (if there are any available.) Two, listen to my Ipod (that's why I make it a point to charge it regularly so I have something to do) or Three, watch tv. If there is a tv there.
@shaggin (71909)
• United States
14 Feb 09
If I have to be in a waiting room by myself and my children are not with me I always am prepared with a book that I will indulge in happily. If my children are with me and there is a tv on that no one else is really watching then I turn on the cartoons for them to watch. Sometimes I will read them books if they want to read them. Sometimes I look at magazines as well that they have there. Today when I was in the waiting room I was trying to fill out the forms that needed to be filled out since it was the first time I had ever been to that office. My son was crawling around trying to make messes. The first thing he did was find a used half chewed straw on the ground that he picked up and started chewing on. I felt like throwing up when I saw that and I quickly grabbed it away and threw it in the garbage. While entertaining him I was browsing through a magazine. I believe it was cooking light. My daughter was watching Diego and Wubbzy on tv. She has never gotten to watch whatever channel it was that they were on because we only have basic cable so she is only able to ever view local stations of cartoons which is only pbs or saturday morning cartoons on other channels.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
13 Feb 09
When I am going somewhere that I have an appointment or waiting for a plane, I always take along with me, a word find puzzle book. I carry one in my purse and I pull it out as soon as I realize I will be waiting. Or if I am not prepared and didn't bring one with me, I will grab whatever magazine or phamplet if none, and read them. I can't just sit and do nothing. I feel stupid and get really bored and fall asleep. Alrighty then, talk to you later my friend, Have a good mylotting day, Chris
19 Sep 08
If there is someone that oyu know in the waiting area then it is far better than sitting staring into space lol I ften just end up diong just that as if its the doctors or the dentists waiting room then im far too nervous to read a magazine or even think about it.If someone comes in and you can have a chatter then it at least makes you feel more relaxed,it takes your mind off of the appointment then.
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
14 Feb 09
I will usually either read a magazine (or two...sometimes I have to wait that long), or else I will play games on my cell phone. Since I got an ipod a few months ago, if I'm anticipating a really long wait, I'll bring that and play games or watch some short videos I've downloaded. Usually reading is sufficient, but I have a doctor that makes me wait over an hour, and playing with something makes me lose track of the time so I am not just sitting there getting angry about the wait.
@sweetyethot (1737)
• China
14 Feb 09
It depends on where the waiting area is.When in a crowded supermarket,standing in a long queue to wait for my turn,I'll just watch pople come and go,or talk with my friend.The most thing I do in waiting areas is listening to music.
• United States
17 Sep 08
I usually like reading a book or a magazine when I'm waiting in a waiting area. It keeps me occupied and helps me mind my own business. Otherwise I could get really bored just watching people come and go ...
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@srganesh (6340)
• India
14 Feb 09
I use to grab my cell phone,delete old messages,play games,explore some thing which I haven't used before and like that.I will get my turn in the mean time.So,it is not hard for me to spend a waiting session.Cheers!
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
Good day... It seems waiting becomes a tradition in our lives. One way or the other we're waiting for something or someone. I, myself would bring a PDA, fully charge and with extra battery with built in wifi and can connect to the internet using gprs if wifi spot is not available, I'll just surf and email the time away.
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
Good day... It seems waiting becomes a tradition in our lives. One way or the other we're waiting for something or someone. I, myself would bring a PDA, fully charge and with extra battery with built in wifi and can connect to the internet using gprs if wifi spot is not available, I'll just surf and email the time away.
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
18 Sep 08
i usualy do something like reading and if my eyes get tired i sleep a bit..
@gabbana (1815)
• China
19 Sep 08
reading is my first choice if possible. or observe people.
@rowe0525 (677)
• China
18 Sep 08
it depends sometimes ,i will read something sometimes,i will ~~~~~~~~
• Philippines
18 Sep 08
Usually when I was in the waiting area, I used to play on my cellphone to relax my mind and sometimes read newspaper to have an update of what is happening around us..