Video games

September 18, 2008 6:35pm CST
I have'nt played areally good game in a while(at least three months. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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6 responses
• India
19 Sep 08
hi dude, it really depends on wat type of games u want to play. weather it is action racing strategy...... Genrally i prefer action, rracing and stratergy. for past few months, i enjoyed playin call of duty 4 , crysis and world in cconflict. call of duty and crysis are both action games. i recomend u to play these games. they are really good. if u have more time try out world in conflict. all the best, enjoy myloting......
@ralphido (842)
• India
19 Sep 08
well said dude..
• United States
19 Sep 08
I don't play a lot of video games but you may want to check out when you are online sometime. They have a lot of different genres of games there.
• China
19 Sep 08
what knd of game you want to play? usualy, playing games is not promoted. it's waste of time. friends beside of me, they don't play games.
@StephenX (39)
19 Sep 08
Well, depends on what games you like really. For a FPS you could choose Call of Duty 4 or maybe the Orange Box to play. My brother tells me Sins of a Solar Empire is a good RPG game to play, although I haven't touched it yet. There's also the sequel to Starcraft coming out soon :).
19 Sep 08
what kind of games do you wnat to play?is it adventure?RPG?
@ralphido (842)
• India
19 Sep 08
i u r in for action check out call of duty 4... its real cool.. nice cgi n game play...