Obama promises to raise taxes on the poor and the middle class...
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
September 20, 2008 2:32am CST
Obama says that he'll only raise taxes on the rich, but then he also says that he will repeal the Bush Tax Cuts.
Here is a chart that shows the cut taxpayers received, by taxable income level.
thousands) Average Tax Change
If Obama makes good on his promise to repeal the Bush Tax Cuts, then people off all income levels (including the poor and middle class) will get a tax increase.
Somehow Obama math means that a 3% increase in taxes is a "cut".
Still want to vote for Obama?
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19 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 Sep 08
I really dislike half truths and disinformation. Obama's entire statement was that he would repeal the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest 1% of Americans:
When you provide a link in support of your post why don't you make it one that has something to do with the actual claim you made? Oh, that's right...because your claim wasn't true.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Sep 08
Obama did vote NO on making the Bush tax cuts permanent, right? I thought so.
He can say all he wants, but he is on record for what he has done! If he had his way, this tax increase would have already happened.
The link, btw, was to the table I used.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
20 Sep 08
So what you are saying is, the people who, provide jobs, risk their own money in research and development so even more jobs can be created and then pay the BRUNT of taxes already are less of American so they DESERVE to pay more taxes? Give me a break! You don't understand the first thing about how our system works and Obama understands it even less! You (or Barack) will never be able to overtax the "greedy" rich people because they are the ones who control the purse strings. If their profit margin gets too low they just ELIMINATE jobs and then where is your tax cut for the middle class???
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Just because we don't agree, Rodney, does not mean that I have less understanding of economics than you do. The wealthy in the 1% range already receive many tax breaks that I, as a middle class working person, am not able to take advantage of so does that make me less of an American than they are and so do I DESERVE to pay more taxes as a result? The loss of jobs is a scare tactic.
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@overhere (515)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Unreal what people will quote to post an anti Obama thread. The thread is a 2004 article irrelevant to this election. Read the same sites analysis and exposure of all the McCain lies about Obamas tax plans which you are perpetuating here. Independant tax organizations have clearly shown that for working Americans earning under $250K they will be better off under Obamas tax plans than McCains. Fact of life NOT political spin.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Sep 08
Obama's plan is nothing new, Karl Marx explained it all a long time ago.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Sep 08
ROFL the link is not to an Anti Obama thread.
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@ldybgsgma99 (798)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Each time Obama makes a speech, I like him less and less. Why can't they have an election without dragging out the dirt from the other party. Heaven forbid there be a good clean campaign. I am voting for McCain purely and simply because I think his experience will better serve this country. Obama has nothing going for him but his mouth. He talks a good talk and that is it. I live in Illinois and I know how he is linked with our governor. They are trying to impeach him. That should tell people something.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Time for some facts:
1. Obama only said he would repeal "the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of Americans", not every single last Bush tax cut. In other words, only individuals making $200,000 or more or families making $250,000 or more will 'lose' the Bush tax cuts, which also really isn't a tax increase because they're simply no longer having the disproportional cut Bush gave them. They will not pay a penny more than they did under Clinton (under whom we had a balanced budget (a record surplus, even), I might add).
2. The Tax Policy Center, a non-partisan group of tax experts, has determined that for 80% of people, Obama's tax plan will tax them less than McCain's.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
20 Sep 08
"ClarusVisum, "$200,000 or more or families making $250,000 or more will 'lose' the Bush tax cuts, which also really isn't a tax increase because they're simply no longer having the disproportional cut Bush gave them" Exactly what about percentages do you not understand? It doesn't matter whether it is 3%, 5%, 10% or any other percent, proportinately, the cuts were exactly the same up and down the board! 10 percent of 30,000 is the same proportionately as 10 percent of 1 million, the base number is just different!"
What in the world does that have to do with what you quoted from me? Obama's explicitly stated that he's only seeking to remove the tax cuts on the wealthiest 1%, and his tax plan corroborates that.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
20 Sep 08
You want to write about "disproportionate" tax cuts and the Bush tax cuts are anything but disproportionate! They are based on a percentage which is the same for everyone! Yes, it ends up being more money for the upper crust but they are also the ones that have spent the money to get the education or struggled for years to make that business become profitable so, yes, they pay more so the percentage will benefit them more monetarily but not disproportionately! Disproportionate is our tax code!
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
20 Sep 08
"$200,000 or more or families making $250,000 or more will 'lose' the Bush tax cuts, which also really isn't a tax increase because they're simply no longer having the disproportional cut Bush gave them"
Exactly what about percentages do you not understand? It doesn't matter whether it is 3%, 5%, 10% or any other percent, proportinately, the cuts were exactly the same up and down the board! 10 percent of 30,000 is the same proportionately as 10 percent of 1 million, the base number is just different! Conversly, the same can be said of taxes except the percentage of taxes paid goes UP as your income increases so the disproportionate thing in all of this is the tax code!!
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Actually, Ted, What Obama said was that he would repeal the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy and focus on tax cuts for the middle class and poor. Instead of generalizing what he said, maybe you should try for accuracy. Here is the CNN news article talking about Obama's desired policy: http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/09/18/obama.taxplan/index.html .
Here is another source of his plans for taxes, including that he will delay any action on the Bush Tax cuts because of the recession if he's elected: http://www.ontheissues.org/2008/Barack_Obama_Tax_Reform.htm . Nowhere does he say he will raise taxes on anyone but the wealthiest of Americans. He repeatedly states that middle income and the poor need tax cuts.
Telling only part of the truth while leaving out key elements is deceitful. 

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Sep 08
As I said before, he voted to not make the tax cuts permanent. He can say all he wants, but his actions are there for all to see.
What he says and what he does aren't the same.
Yeah. Like CNN is going to quit worshipping Obama long enough to disagree with their deity.
There are things I disagree with McCain and Palin and there are things I can agree with about Obama. I challenge those I agree with as well as those I don't. Niether of the presidential candidates (from any of the parties) are anything to get excited about. But between the ones I'll have the oportunity to vote for in November, McCain comes the closest... and yeah, that doesn't speak well for the names on the table.
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@mcjohnson7 (301)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Another good reason he's not getting my vote. Along with very little time in the Senate, his relationship with that anti-American preacher and too many more to go into here. If you visit Youtube, check out the video, Manning's fierce prayer for Bristol Palin. This preacher lets Obama have it with both barrels.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Sep 08
Yup, on the issues, Obama voted to end the Bush Tax Cuts, which means he is for raising taxes on all levels of income. Again, he can say anything he wants in a campaign. He can repackage Marxism all he wasn't in his "Blueprint for Change". But his actions speak louder than his empty words.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Sep 08
btw, yes I admit I was overzealous on the title of this post.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
20 Sep 08
Have you noticed the argument against you is that Obama has said he would give middle class and the poor class a tax cut. Wow Obama says well if Obama says so it must be true because. Even though there is no evidence to back up the claims Obama has made that he would cut taxes, we should just overlook logic and that Obama's word as fact. Let us remember Clinton promised a middle class tax cut yet he raised taxes on the middle class. Just words, just words.
Here's the facts at hand Obama has a math problem. Obama will inherit a budget that is 400 billion dollars in the red. Obama wants to increase spending by 1.3 trillion dollars, so that creates 1.7 trillion dollars not accounted for. Obama's answer is roll back the Bush tax cuts, but that would only answer 1.35 trillion dollars, if he rolls back all of the tax cuts. If he keeps all of his pledges the 2010 budget will be in the whole by about 600 billion dollars. Explain that Obama?
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I will not vote for him! People need to know what he really does have planned. He also wants to disarm the US Is this man a manuchurian canidate or a plant from the enemies of our country He pops up fast with all this financial backing? I had never heard of him before. I am voting Mcain because he is real!No more obamarama!
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
20 Sep 08
And I just received a rebuff on another post I responded from an Obamanite who thought that if we got a Republican president, the American middle class would pay more in taxes and they would loose their homes. I hope those who want Obama in, will look at the chart and decide he is not the right president for America. So I guess the only ones left who want him will be those who do not care for children, and think babies who survive abortions should be left to die and those who think there should be higher gas prices.
They do not seem like very nice people, do they?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
20 Sep 08
I would point to the projects in Chicago that Obama's "community organizing" destroyed.
Obama, attorney to Chicago's finest slumlords.
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@us2owls (1681)
• United States
20 Sep 08
At first I had planned to vote for Obama as long as Hillary was not his running mate - well as time has gone on in the campaign I have listened to his speeches and what he plans to do - well here it is Mr. Obama - I will be heading for the UK very soon to join my husband so September 27th is the first day to vote absentee and on that day I will be there when the courthouse opens its doors and you can rest assured I will be voting for McCain. Keep talking Obama - McCain will be our next President.
@sierras236 (2739)
• United States
21 Sep 08
His tax plan also calls to raise taxes on the small businesses. How many of them do you think will survive this? They will go under. Why? Higher prices, less people buying, and higher unemployment. So those so-called tax breaks will disappear quickly with higher food costs and gas prices. Not to mention all of those programs he is trying to socialize that cost money. All I see is government getting bigger and bigger and the national debt growing by leaps and bounds. The math just doesn't add up.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Sep 08
para ted he said he would repeal bush tax cuts on the wealthy only, you and others are doing all you can to stop us who want obama and we are not buying it at all. Go play with the McCain people, let the war monger get in power to delay the iraq war for years and years to come. leave us democrats alone.
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@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
20 Sep 08
McCain thinks Middle Class is $5 million a year, are you still voting for him? Just say it's because Obama is black, don't find all these other excuses. McCain constantly lies, changing the script every other day. He's too old to remember the truth.
IF YOU DO NOT MAKE any where near $5MILLION A YEAR, why would you even toss your vote to them ? This is ridiculous, look at the real facts....geez
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
20 Sep 08
well that is up to the americans... there will always be something we can find not to vote for the candidate but think of the things these additional tax cca give to those who need it.. hehee maybe its not only obama, even with the other candidate, he would also have his own tax agenda, etc
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
1 Oct 08
It is sort of interesting the way his math works! I know most people are tired of Bush and want someone new in the White House, but I am not sure that undoing everything he has done is a good idea. This is a perfect example of why people need to look closely at the facts as well as what the candidates say!