Dilemma - help and advice please!
By mands61123
@mands61123 (2098)
September 23, 2008 11:03am CST
As most of you know after having to give up work due to illness I have recently started my own website selling paintable cardboard houses and colour in tshirts for kids.
I came across a business oppertunity where you buy a kit and sell personalised chocolate bars but the kits are quite expensive. As i couldn't afford it i persuaded them that any i sold would knock money of a kit for myself. So far i've only sold one as most people think its an excellent idea but can't afford the kit just like me. So after talking about it my mum and dad both said they would lend me some money towards the kit if i really wanted it and i could pay them back.
Now my dilemma is that if the product doesn't sell, i'm not making enough selling my current stuff and freelancing to pay them straight back and i hate lending money. Plus i'm wary as my boyfriend is paying all the bills at the moment, that coming up to xmas i may need to replenish stock and haven't much left set aside to do so. I may need to use the offer of money for that as I don't want him to feel like he's working for nothing.
I've done research and people seem interested in the product but i'm wary i really don't want to jump in and find i've to many balls in the air at once as i'm still quite ill and trying to cope with that. I'm usually on point with decisions but i'm struggling with this one. Whats your advise? keep with the produts i'm already selling or go for it as it's in line with those anyway? Would you buy personalised chocolate bars for your wedding, party, function? Do you know anyone that already does this or would like to? If you do whats been their experience?
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14 responses
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Last year for Christmas my daughter gave us M&M's with their name on it...it was cute but very expensive. I really don't know what you should do as it's taking a big chance and spending money you might not want to....but if it were me....I figure anything I do I have nothing to lose most of the time so I am a chance taker. I would weight whether the price of the product is reasonable and what the market for Christmas looks like. The other products sound interesting.
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
hey jill i saw that at the mm's store when we went to america very cool i do remember it being quite expensive though!!
See i'm not a chance taker lol sometimes i wish i was, I have it very carefully planned, researched and thought out and i still can't jump. I think the wrapper and the bar together works out at about 35p or something like that you don't have to use their chocolate but the pack comes with some initially. You get various extras like leads from people in your area who have enquired at the main site, support, display stuff if you want it etc etc. I suppose i won't really know what it costs properly until i start doing it as they are just giving you an average. Other people have told me milky bars fit the wrappers and they can be easily adjusted to fit larger bars etc so i suppose theres alot of leeway
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
ps. my site is on my profile if you want a gander!
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@Munchkin547 (2778)
23 Sep 08
Hello my lovely! I wish i could tell you the right thing to do but i really don't have a head for business! I think though, if it was me i would probably stick with what you have over christmas and then reassess the situations then! People have weddings, birthdays and parties all the year round so it's not as though the chocolate will sell now but not in a few months time. You have all the facts and figures in front of you though hun, so really you've got to do what you think is right, just make sure you're not taking on more than you can handle! I know your boyfriend is paying all the bills but i'm sure he'd rather have you healthy and happy over all the money in the world! big love xxx
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@Munchkin547 (2778)
24 Sep 08
well maybe you're having difficulty deciding for a reason, there's obviously something holding you back! only you know the answer though chick because you're the one who has all the info and who has to put all the work in!! xxx
@mands61123 (2098)
23 Sep 08
hey sweet did you have a nice sleep? are you less stressed today?
My ste really does not give a hoot honestly the only time he's even mentioned any of the other stuff is when the playhouses were in his way in the front room. He just leaves me to it lol he knows i stop when i need to but they are basically just printing wrappers as the choccys come supplied already wrapped in foil. Thats what makes me think it's such a good, simple idea i'm always on here doing leaflets and tshirts anyways. They look similar to wildlife bars have you seen them? The reason i'm rushing is they have lots of special offers at the moment where you get more in a pack than normal and i know what i'm like if i don't decide soon i'll drive myself crazy with it. I could decide yes and try and save up i suppose you right though always lots of parties and stuff all year round. I just can't understand why i just can't decide it's so unlike me i didn't have any trouble with the playhouses or tshirts, then again i had the money for those. Your right though i don't want to much at once and make myself worse! mmm dilemma, dilemmas.
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@Munchkin547 (2778)
14 Oct 08
Aw that's good news then hun! if you don't try you never know, i'm sure you can make it work! let us know how you get on! xxx
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
24 Sep 08
well, all i can say that every business carries its own risks and if you are a risk-taker, i will say go for it... but of course you have to do your homework first before you start investing money into your business... if you think that you have big enough market to do your business, then i will say go for it... good luck anyway... you won't know the result until you give it a try... take care and have a nice day...
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
hey lingli i have done research there does appear to be a market for it but as you wisely said you can never really know the result until you give it a try thanks for responding and have a fab day kisses mands
@tamarafireheart (15384)
24 Sep 08
Hi mands,
I'd say go for it, in life you have to take riskand that is the only to get ahead, most self made milionares has taken risk so I think you will be fine and personlise chocolate is a great novelty for weddings and I would buy it if I was getting married and also how about Christmas chocolates with merry xmas on it even with a little holly mortiff on it?
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
25 Sep 08
Hi mands,
Its a bit too late for me as I have been married for 28 years, maybe you can do it for annervisories then he he he. thanks.
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
hey tamara thats very true so when are you getting married then ha ha kidding it's the designing bit that really interests me lol as tatty will tell you it interests me so much i often do it for free. I love the fact that something i've helped design for someone is say the talk of their party or helps their business get noticed. I feel i have a natural flair for it and I'm never not enthusiastic about it which is exactly what i need, i need it to get me out of bed and on the go when i feel less than 100% (which is most days). Thanks for you comment and support mrs it means alot kisses mands

@super_jj (1416)
• Philippines
24 Sep 08
Nah, i did join a poster-making contest when i was in high school. But i found out too late that i hate it when people tell me what to draw. Hehehehehe. I just draw when i feel like it. Heehee. I was thinking about designing shirts,too. But i guess i never really got around to doing that.
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
hey babes no problem you said you just messed about drawing you never let on how good you were think my fav is the wolverine one cos i love that character! You should design a character and i'd sell it on my tshirts lol Have you never thought of entering any competitions? or is it simply a fill the void in boring lecture thing?
@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
there are lots of places like creative craving and cafe press where you simply set up a shop upload the design and they do the rest, worth i go just for some extra pennies.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
23 Sep 08
Hello mands. I'm just here for support as I don't know anything about running a business. If I give you an advice on this one, then it'll be just like the blind leading the one who can see. But I could answer one of your questions. I would buy personalized chocolate bars for/in an event. Good luck!
@mands61123 (2098)
23 Sep 08
hey hun thanks for the support that still helps because ultimately thats what i want if i buy the kit people to be interested and purchasing it. I think it's the money holding me back not the product, I absolutely love the idea i'm just really wary about the money. If i had the money i would have just bought it and if it didn't sell only lost my money but if i borrow it and it doesn't sell i still have to pay it back.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I just had to check back... and I'm glad to see that a lot of people gave you sincere advices and lots more to think about. Take care, Mands!
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@mands61123 (2098)
14 Oct 08
aww thanks for checking back i went awol for a couple of weeks due to one thing and another and am back now i actually got the lady to reduce the kit even more and my mum and dad gave me money towards it for bithday and xmas. It arrived at the weekend so i'm looking forward to getting to grips with it all.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
23 Sep 08
My immediate thought mands is that it is sometimes better to cut your losses and walk away rather than dig yourself into such a deep hole that it is extremely difficult to crawl out. Sometimes we have put so much blood, sweat and tears into something we can become very stubborn about seeing it through when this is not necessarily the smartest move. Especially seeing as you have also said that you are still quite ill so maybe this is something you can revisit in the future when you have full energy and a more solid financial base?
That all being said, Christmas IS coming and if there is any time to prove once and for all that this product is sellable it is now. Have you considered trying to involve a partner? A problem shared is a problem halved and if you are able to find a partner with a similar passion for this that can also assist with the financials for now you will be able to focus more on the task at hand and less on the stresses of what may happen if it fails. Whatever you decide mands I wish you all the best with it. 

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@mands61123 (2098)
23 Sep 08
yes i think that and halloween is whats putting the urgency in me as i said they have some fab offers on the kits at the moment. A friend has offered to invest and she take a percentage of the profits and as i said i have had offers of loans that i can pay back whenever. A few friends have offered to help but most of them don't have the money to invest as well so it's looking like one or the other (money or effort lol) i'm a bit wary of involving friends and family in the actual business itself as from experience it causes to many problems and iam often more committed and put in much more effort bringing on resentment etc. Thank you for your comments and support i'm going to review everything again and have a good think.
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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
24 Sep 08
It does sound like a lovely idea, Mands - and might go really well just before Christmas if you approached schools and businesses in your area and asked them whether they'd be interested in buying personalised chocs for Christmas time - it would be excellent for businesses to give to their clients. It IS a worry getting up the nerve to start a new business venture, and especially if it means owing money to family - but I guess you'll never know until you try - nothing ventured, nothing gained! Maybe you could enquire locally as to whether people would be interested before you jumped in? If you had some tentative 'pre-orders' it would be a good start. My daughter had chocs for her wedding - they weren't personalised, but they were little silver hearts which she put in champagne glasses with white pebbles. (Sounds weird, I know - but they were lovely.) And who doesn't like chocolate?
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
Hey hun i think i'd do what i'm doing with the playhouse just market pretty much every school and store for kids i can (toysrus, whacky warehouse schools nursaries, then move onto photographers bridal shops). oh no they don't sound weird they sound lovely and very unique i live unique stuff! I have had a few people friends/family/aquaintance wise say they are interested but like the playhouse alot want them for xmas. My nephew said nothing ventured nothing gained he's with you on that one. Well i'm not a big chocolate lover as i'm a savoury person so at least i won't eat all my supplies lol
@jessicaboardman (373)
23 Sep 08
Hey hon, you already know my view on this, I think you should go for it, iv seen on ebay and the like just how much these products are selling at, also you can sell 'wrappers' only rather than keep buying the choc!!!
you can target schools and nurseries....parents are always looking for novel ideas to put in party bags etc!!!
look into local businesses for their promotions...restaurants complimentary chocs etc!!!
there quite a wide range of custom out there!!!
@mands61123 (2098)
23 Sep 08
yeh i know what you mean i suppose i've still plenty of contacts from corporate side with audi you know me i hate borrowing but it's driving crazy cos i feel like if i don't do it i'm missing an oppertunity (probably one that i'd enjoy. It links in with my other stuff and i'm not really having to do any additional marketing or work as i'm always designing anyways. I just am a worrier with money and the whole not being able to pay it back issue.
@livefree_diehard007 (115)
• United States
24 Sep 08
give it shot...........If you did your research.........
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
what a fab user name if i can get the money i think i will thanks for the response
@ningyuhui2009 (200)
• China
24 Sep 08
I think you have what it takes to succeed in business!Best wishes!
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@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
oh two responses i'm privilidges lol thank is that kung foo panda as your avtar?
@ningyuhui2009 (200)
• China
24 Sep 08
Oh!I think you'd better give a try!You can coordinate the relationship between them!If not you maybe regret for losing the chance!
@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
mmm i think i might regret it if i don't aswell thanks for your response
@glords (2614)
• United States
23 Sep 08
I've always wanted to open my own business, but am afraid that I don't have what it takes. I recently attended a retirement party where a man who was selling the business he started from scratch for millions of dollars. It wont ever be me, but it might be you. Lucky guy!
@mands61123 (2098)
24 Sep 08
do you want to do something in particular? why don't you think you have what it takes? like scoop said lots of great business people make naff decisions. My uncle and my godfather both have or have had sucessful businesses neither of them did well at school and my godfather is parcially blind. You can put your mind to anything you want to iof your willing to work hard enough to see it through! Definately a lucky guy he'll deserve a rest bet it was hard work.