Do You Love Reading? Do You Read Reader's Digest Magazine?

September 23, 2008 11:33pm CST
I cleaned my partner;s room and found a box full of Reader's Digest magazines. They are owned by her sister who is now residing in London with her family as a nurse. She used to avail yearly subscription of the said magazine. I get excited when I saw those magazines. I love reading so much. I've been reading too much since I was 6 years old. That's the reason why I have poor eyesight. When I was in college, I used to go to the library during my free time and read those compiled Reader's Digests. I couldn't afford to buy Reader's Digest because I was only a student back then and my everyday allowance is enough for my everyday expenses. So I just go to the library to read past issues of Reader's Digest. I really love reading them. It's quite expensive but it's very informative. I love the jokes, inspirational stories, health articles, everything on it. Do you also love reading? Do you read Reader's Digest magazine? If not, what do you love reading?
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13 responses
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I used to love readers digest but not anymore. I do not feel that their new content compares to the content that they used to have. But I am glad that you have a lot of reading material.
• Philippines
24 Sep 08
Actually, I haven't been reading Reader's Digest anymore after college until I saw the box of Reader's Digest in my partner's room. I enjoy their content before. I love reading cosmopolitan and OK magazines now. I love anything about entertainment and women. I really read a lot.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I love magazines but I will not buy another readers digest whole price again, it was sad for me. I used to have a trift store where I would get a second hand readers digest for 25 cents (usa) but they close last year. Around 3 bucks for a magazine that I do not enjoy as much as I did in the past, bad investment for me.
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
Yes, Reader's Digest is not that affordable. Too bad the store where you are buying second hand magazines is already closed now. If I like a certain magazine and it costs expensive, I'll just a month or two pass and buy the past issues to save money.
@corngrass (727)
• Malaysia
25 Sep 08
Yes my friend. I love reading. I have more than four book shelf in my bedroom that are full of books (chinese and english). My dad subscribe Reader's Digest. It's not a routine i will do every month but if the book appear in front of me, i will grab it and won't take my hand off it until i finish the whole book. I can read it over and over until I'm really satisfied with it.
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
Same here. I'm really a bookworm. When I already have my own house, I'll make sure that it will have a room for my own library. I'm reading old issues of Reader's Digest now.
@moondancer (7433)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I really enjoy reading when I get a chance to. I haven't read Readers Digest in awhile. I don't know why. I just don't get them any longer. When I go to the doctors office I read them, lol. I like PC magazines and mystery novels.
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
I only read when I have free time. I'm a busy woman and I do a lot of things now. I also like reading novels.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
There was a time in my life when my only companion in my home was copies of Reader's Digest... i had no tv nor a radio to keep me from being bored... so i borrowed a lot of back issues... and read them till late at night... i was so glad that this small magazine kept me entertained and well informed... nowadays... i rarely read one... but whenever i get the chance... i sit and enjoy my Reader's Digest...
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
No TV, no radio? That was really boring! =) If I were in your situation, I won't be able to bother time and not be bored if I have Reader's Digest on my side. Since I love reading, I know that reading is one the things that I will do during my leisure time if there's no tv or radio.
@paid2write (5201)
24 Sep 08
I used to get the UK edition free every month, when I worked for Readers Digest in London. I did meet some of the people who worked on the magazine, but I was more involved in book marketing, as I was in charge of one of their book stores. I have not read the magazine since I left the corporation nearly twenty years ago.
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
Wow, you used to work in Reader's Digest! I'd like to work there also. Twenty years? That was many years ago.
24 Sep 08
Hi angiemabute, Yes I used to read a lot and I have hundreds of novels and hard back books also I used to read reader's Digest too but now I haven't read a book for a long time as I am Mylotting all the time. Tamara
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
I also love reading novels because they are interesting to read even though it take a lot of time to finis. I also rarely read book nowadays because I have so many things to everyday. When I'm commuting to office, I read Reader's Digest magazine.
• India
5 Jan 10
Readers Digest is one of my favourite magazine and i am subscribing it for the last five years.I like reading,but i limited it to two magazines,because of time constrains.
• India
24 Sep 08
I used to read Reader's Digest. We were regular subscribers, but Reader's Digest has the dirty habit of using too many marketing gimmicks on theirs readers. And we found that a real bother and stopped subscribing to Reader's Digest. But, I loved reading it. Great articles, jokes, and stories!! Cheers and happy mylotting
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
Too much effort from Reader's Digest huh? =) They think that readers will like it but in your situation, you get irritated with their marketing strategies. I believe that Reader's Digest is really worth reading for. Thanks!
@mykmari_08 (2464)
• Philippines
11 Nov 08
I used to read the Reader's Digest when I was still in my high school and college days which was more than a decade ago. If my memory still serves me right, there were several sets in the house because one of my aunts regularly purchase these books. Not that I don't like it but I have become busier now inasmuch as I already have my own family with one daughter for a child. Also, I have more spare time then. And the fact that subscription to it does cost expensive just like you said, it would not allow our family budget. But I guess several months from now, I'd be able to catch up on my reading because the company I'm working with for nearly four years now is planning to close shop by the end of the present year or until the first quarter of next year. Aside from Reader's Digest magazine, I also love reading romantic novels, business-related reading materials, Archie Comics Digest, among others.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
24 Sep 08
Yes, I like reading magazines, and I used to read Reader's Digest regularly every month before. I still read Reader's Digest now , but just only sometimes , because of time constraints !
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
Since I'm busy with so many things now, I read magazines when I have free time.
• United States
29 Sep 08
I grew up watching my father read these and I would get it after he finished and found the true stories to be interesting. One I remember clearly is a story about a guy getting pulled into a whirpool and I thought it was so captivating because I have never actually seen anything like a whirpool before but I guess they happen. I also think the stories about Workers are funny and they have a lot of funny little clips of news and even as a kid I enjoyed reading their page of quotes. Im into reading about health (don't always abide by it) and they often have interesting facts about health. Once my father got a special edition hardback book just for subscribers and it was all about alternative health and it even had stuff about yoga, I was like 10 years old and back then yoga was just for gurus so I found it really neat to hear about and even tried the poses out,lol. I learned about herbs in that book too. Some reason now I enjoy reading the large print versions from my library, i dont know, maybe im getting old
@4aps777 (1528)
• United States
24 Sep 08
i hate reading
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
Why do you hate reading? If you don't like reading, what do you like doing the most?
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
24 Sep 08
Hi there! I also like reader's digest. And yes they are expensive so I don't subscribe on them. I only buy the back issues if I find one at bookstores. The magazine is really informative. A lot of articles you can read and get informations from. I like mostly about the health articles and inspirational stories. Try also reading National Geography. It's a very good magazine too. Expensive but worth it. Ciao!
• Philippines
25 Sep 08
Reader's Digest are really expensive. I'm really interested in subscribing for a year because I love reading that magazine. For now, I have no time to go bookstores and buy old issues. Thanks God, I've found some Reader's Digests here in my partner's house. These magazines are really informative. It's like reading a book also. Anyone can relate to the articles because it deals with real life situations. Thanks! =)