Suspicious Minds and Ears
By SaintAnne
@SaintAnne (5453)
United States
September 25, 2008 10:09pm CST
Boyfriend and I were watching TV the other night when we realized that certain popping sounds weren't coming from the show we were watching. So we turned down the volume and heard another series of pOp Pop poP again and again, coming from outside. Boyfriend and I only thought of two things: very loud firecrackers or gunshots. It didn't take us long to call the police station and make a report. Somebody already called before us and we were told that a deputy was already cruising or on the way to the area.
I don't think we've ever called about suspicious sounds or activities happening in the neighborhood before this. Have you? Have you ever called to report because you (think) you heard/saw some neighbors screaming/fighting/shooting at each other or doing something suspicious?
We don't know, until now, what those sounds were. We didn't hear any sirens afterwards and there was nothing mentioned in the news the next two days.
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13 responses
@mands61123 (2098)
26 Sep 08
No never called anything in up to now i don't live on a praticularily good estate so i'd be calling something in every day. Had the police at the door couple of days ago looking for someone who lives on the next street. My mum often tells me there have been muggings or shootings up the road from my street and i haven't seen or heard anything. We got broke into i reported that but thats about it. I think i'd report gunshots if i actually heard them though.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Well, I hope you keep yourself safe over there, mands. Ours is an okay neighborhood, it's more of a family area but every now and then you'd hear of news that something happened close by.
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@mands61123 (2098)
26 Sep 08
i'll be fine hun i honestly never see anything i'd be non the wiser if mum didn't tell me i'm generally not out late at night and if i am someone drops me off i have a big belgian shephard protecting me all day so i never worry.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Well, it's good to know you look out for yourself and that other people too, as well, even your doggie. Take care, mands!
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I called about suspicious eyeballs once! Long ago, before we lived in gated communities, we were renting a nice little house in the suburbs of a university town and one night I just got an uncontrollable urge to get out of bed and I got up in the dark and walked over to our bedroom window and peeked between the shades. I was not wearing my eyeglasses, so I put my face right up next to the window to look out and was startled to find my eyes exactly lined up with another pair of eye belonging to someone on the outside, looking in. We stared each other down for a few seconds until he panicked and ran, which was when I called the cops and made a report.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
26 Sep 08
As the window had a dark shaded curtain and our bedroom was pitch black there was really nothing he could see in except my eyeballs. I think I saw him much more clearly than he did me even after I pulled the curtains back, but hubby, whom I woke up as soon as the guy ran off, thought he was probably trying to slide out one of the louvred windows. The cops said that based on my description it sounded like his first attempt to break in, and that the motive was probably robbery--also that it sounded like I gave him quite a scare and they hoped that he was frightened enough to rethink his life of crime. He was certainly an amateur because he chose the window that was right next to a bus stop. Duhhh.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I hope you scared his wits out, but trying to rob someone's house is sign of someone already losing his wits. Maybe he wanted to rob and run... you know, get in through the window and out and take the bus. Take care, drannhh.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Just reading this made me scared, drannhh. I think it's good that you scared him off by catching him off guard (though I'm just imagining how that would have been for you) and making a report. I've heard that that's how a lot of rapists start, peeping at someone's place and then they get bolder. Sigh.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 Sep 08
That must have been scary for you! Luckily, I never had to call the police. Ours is a more or less peaceful neighborhood but you never know. The increasing number of terrorist absconding and hiding in the most drabbest of places. It's really scary. Everyday the media flashes some new faces to be careful of.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 Sep 08
Yes, that's a new thing here. The picture is drawn on the description of a witness and they circulate the images throughout the country. My place is used as a passage, so they haven't bombarded it yet. Otherwise all metro cities, including the capital city Delhi. This is so gross!
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
They're being safe and thorough. But it makes the people paranoid. Take care, mim.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I'm glad to hear that your neighborhood is more or less peaceful. I hope it stays that way forever!
I know, everyday we are bombarded with news about terrorism. So your media shows you pictures of who you should be on the lookout for? That just makes me sad and angry. Why? Because I can't imagine myself living a life where one has to be almost always scared. Sigh. Take care, mimpi!
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@bfarrier1 (2082)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I have never had to call the police for that reason but just yesterday I had to call to let them know there was two Horses walking up the road,I live out in the country but the road gets very busy at that time of day from people coming home from work,I looked outside because I heard all kinds of squilling and seen two very big horses and a very upset young lady that almost hit them. You have a great night.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
It's good that you reported two horses walking up the road. Don't want anyone to hit them or have them hit anyone. I hope the horses found their way back home. Thanks for responding, bfarrier.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
27 Sep 08
Since I'm home pretty much 24/7 I usually know whats going on in my neighborhood. I don't go out of my way to be nosey, but I do see every single car or person who passes by my very quiet little street. I have a time or two contacted the police when necessary. Once was when a neighbors pitbulls were out (AGAIN) terrorizing the neighborhood. Another time was when some neighbors were fighting so loudly outside I was afraid someone would be hurt. My little complex also has security during tourist seasons so I report if I see something happen during that time of the year. And, it may be silly but I'm rarely afraid of such things. One night when up late I saw the guy well known in our area for local break ins. Not hard to spot him since he rides his bike, dresses all in black and is only out around midnight prowling around. So, since I saw him, I went out with my german shepherd to confront him. LOL One look at the growling dog and he left. I haven't seen him in this area since.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
27 Sep 08
The neigbhors with the pitbulls moved. I complained to animal control and the police enough, as did others, that they got fed up and left. Fine by me. I'm a dog lover - have three of my own. But I don't feel I should have to go out and defend MY dogs in my own fenced yard against dogs who are trying to break thru the fence. Yea I know, I'm a gutsey person at times. Often more so than I maybe should be.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Sep 08
A friend once got into a physical fight with this guy at a park. The guy just let his two pitbulls roam around and go at the smaller dogs. When my friend suggested it be better he leashed his dogs (as it was a leashed dog park) and that his dogs are acting aggressive towards the other dogs, the guy just started acting all macho and the fistfight started.
Yes, TessWhite, you are braver than a lot of us. Compared to me, at least. I guess Poster with Lots of Numbers in His Name is as brave as you are. 

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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Sep 08
So do the neighbors' pitbulls still roam around the neighborhood? I'm not against unleashed dogs but they shouldn't bite and owners should pick up after them.
I can't believe you went out and tried to confront that guy. I would have just started dialing the number. I don't think I would go out there and scare him off. Take care, TessWhite.
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
26 Sep 08
We live in a rural area in a small community and the local law enforcement is scarce. We have had several "town metings" about this problem. As of now it is a very peaceful neighborhood but as people continue to move in all citizens are becoming quite concerned bcasue it has taken our sheriff's dep't. as much as 2 hours to get to our homes when things are reported. Yes you read it right 2 hours and that's being generous with them.
It is a small community with a lot of concerned citizens. There was a man that showed up at my door about a year ago wanting to use the phone. He was obviously very intoxicated so I made him stand on the porch and took the cordless phone to him and on my way called 911 because I was home alone and he scared the jellybeans out of me. I took him the phone (his car was supposedly broke down) and then had to continue to stand there and talk to him for get ready for this.......1 hour and 15 minutes before they ever showed up.
You ever trid to drum up conversation with an intoxicated man for that long? LOL
Then when I complained to the officer he told me I should have just gone back in the house. Yeah right! And left him outside my windows to do whatever and not be able to see him! Whatever!
The ending result was when the sheriff got there he couldn't remember where his car was and yada yada yada so they took him to jail. And he was so drunk he thanked me for calling him a ride when they cuffed him! LOL
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
The first thought that came to mind was he was drunk while driving. Good thing his car broke down but after reading your whole post, maybe he was just some drunk guy wanting a free bed and warm food that night.
I don't know if I would do what you did though. Stand with him while you wait for the police. I probably would have just asked him what number he wants to call and I would have called that from him in the safety inside of the house while he waits outside where I can see him. Did he ever sober up just a little while you guys were talking and waiting?
I guess if your call was more urgent, they would have gotten there in less the time they did. But we don't know.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Drunk people staggering, when they're at a safe distance from us, funny. I'm sorry. Just as long as they don't get into a car and drive where they could actually hurt themselves and other people.
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
26 Sep 08
No I never seen the sober side of him. I was aggravated at them for taking so long but he was rather funny at times. Not funny enough that I wanted to take my eyes off of him but he was funny! LOL
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
26 Sep 08
[i]Hi Anne,
Ohh..if ever we will same thing, we will report it right away! But, so far, I haven't experienced that in our area!
I remember when I was in College, we were all frightened because a couple was quarreling and they were hitting with each other, good thing that their siblings came over to stop them![/i]

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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I'm glad to know nothing of this kind has happened to your area. We still haven't heard any mention of the "noise" in the paper so maybe nothing came out of it. I don't want to see people physically fighting. I don't really know if I should call the cops on them or just mind my own business but if I was that woman being attacked, I would want someone to help me out or at least call the cops. Thanks!
@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Two months ago, my husband called 911 because he smelled smoke coming in through our windows and when he went outside he discovered that the neighbor's house was on fire. Someelse had called right before him and the fire fighters were on their way. It was probably around 9:00pm. When I got home a few hours later, there were still three firetrucks there (another neighbor told me later that orginially there were seven), cops were there, and the roads blocked off. I had to park across the street because there was a fire truck across our driveway.
Another time, I was going to call, because their were youths out after 1:00am (way past curfew) and looking like they were up to no good, but I couldn't find the non emergency number. I think they knew what I was up too because they left not long after I got in the house.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I hope no one got hurt in that fire. Your neighbor is lucky that your husband and someone else (maybe your neighbor himself/herself) sense something was wrong.
I always have the non-emergency number on speed dial in my cellphone. Thanks SukiSmiles.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
26 Sep 08
You bet I report suspicious sounds or behavior in the neighborhood. I would want my neighbors to do the same thing if they heard something near my home.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Good for you kenzie. I want my neighbors to report suspicious activities especially if happening near my home. So are you part of your neighborhood watch? Sometimes we doubt what we hear or see. We don't want to make reports on nothing but then if that nothing ended up as something, then we could have done something to prevent it.
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
26 Sep 08
When I lived in FL, I called the police once because there was a huge group of teenagers outside. One of them was lying flat on the ground and the rest were standing around looking. I really thought something had happened and did not have the nerve to go see with so many people out there. (Yes I was an adult, but still young enough at the time to forget that on occasion. I was also living either alone or with a female roommate my age). So I called the police, only to find out a few minutes later that they were just all fooling around and no one was hurt. OOps! Since then, I try to be a little more careful about doing that.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Hello fluffysue. This is one of the reasons why I don't go around making reports of everything I hear and see. But then how could we be really sure that nothing is happening and no one is being hurt unless we check it out ourselves and I don't really want to do that. You take care and I hope by now you don't forget that you're already an adult. But if you were by yourself against a huge group of teenagers, I think I would just call it in like you did. Thanks for sharing.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I called a long time ago, due to hearing gunshots and a woman screamed, it scared me big time.
It was a 911 call and I was told that others have reported it too. I was afraid for the woman.
I do remember sirens tho but it seems all was well.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Hearing gunshots and screams simultaneously is scary. I do hope all's well after that incident. Thanks, ShellyB.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Hi Anne, That doesn't sound to good. And you never did find
out what happened. That's not very comforting. Well in my
neighborhood we hear all kinds of things and there is
a possiblity that it could be anything at any time. There
are constantly sirens going through my neighborhood. I
can't tell you how many times I have been wakened up by
fire engines and sometimes they stop in front of my
building which is really scary. We have the fire
department down the street from where I live so when
someone calls 911 they are here within a minute. So if it's
for the police or an ambulance the fire department gets
here first with sirens screaming. We've had all sorts of
problmes here so we never know what's happening.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Is it safe to say that you sometimes sleep through sirens? Because you hear them all the time. We used to live in an apartment where my room faces a busy freeway. Everyone was telling me I won't be getting much sleep because all I would be hearing are cars... the sound actually became lulling.
Take care Opal.
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@sabbatha (287)
• United States
26 Sep 08
We have called once on some neighbors that were fighting. It sounded so bad over there we were afraid that there might have been domestic abuse going on. Don't know what came of it, but I know if we didn't call I would have felt guilty in case something was happening over there. Better safe than sorry.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Thanks sabbatha. Better safe than sorry especially when you can really hear them. My parents used to fight very loudly but they never hurt each other physically.