Do you really believe that God still exist?

September 25, 2008 11:42pm CST
Hi Myloters, I knew we all have many questions about God but despite all of thus question we still believe in him. My believe is that God exist once in this world but he is no difference to us, he is still mortal and once live and died just like others. But before he died he made a lot of good things in the world that make people remember him. But he is no difference to us. We think he is our savior and that he is the one that control us and everything in this world but I dont think its true. I think we, as we called Human Being just cant accept to our selfs that we are not different from other creature out there. We are just smarter than theme and I reckon thats what make us unique. With things that happen into our daily life we think its god's well but for me the truth is we make our destiny, fortune and other things, its us not anybody else. If you look around of whats going on in the world, religion being used as a business and religious people leading the wars, I cant see somebody controlling it, its us who make it happen and its us punishing ourselves. Myloters, I just want to open this discussion because I want to hear what other think about this and how they feel. I mean its good that people believe in something because thats what keep our sanity. But in some way its bad because the people who you supposed to believe because we look at theme as the messenger of god is the first one who lied in our face without even blinking there eyes. What do you say about this and what is your believes? Thanks myloters for your time. Happy Myloting
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25 responses
@Mitraa (3183)
• India
26 Sep 08
Hi Eve! You have really raised a very philosophical discussion! No question of 'Still'! God exists means He exists in many forms all around us! The air we breathe in, the water we drink, the Sunrays that makes us to thrive, this planet Earth on which we live and above all the space in which, we and everything take the shape; are the five prime forms of God! These in sanskrit are called 'panchamahabhutam' or the five basics of the world! In other words, we can say that all these are natural agents, but is God different from Nature? I think certainly not! It's like we are not different from our bodies. So by the grace of God, this creation as we call it the 'Nature' has taken its shape that we see and perceive! Always I feel that God is with me and also with everybody! It is God's responsibility to be with everybody and everywhere since it is His creation in a greater and constructive sense! All the living beings are the real active form of the same God, to whom we seek and debate in many ways! It is said that for a hungry man, food is God! So the concept of God is not confined to a cretain thing or animal. It is universal and only universal way of thinking can make us the real closeness of God with us! Thanks for this nice discussion!
@Mitraa (3183)
• India
4 Oct 08
Many thanks for this 'Best Response' to me! I think, best response is the great honour in mtLot from a mylotter! Thanks once again!
@felher08 (195)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
Yes, we have so many questions about God, because we are not perfect. Faith in God is one important thing that enlightens us the answers of our questions. Reason alone cannot satisfies our human quest. Faith is a gift that we believers are invited to accept and this came from God, the all powerful and all supreme being. A Christian is one who believes Christ is both human and divine. He once lived among us in a human way and finished his mission on earth. Now he is risen and still lives in those who have faith in him as our Saviour. He has given us this mission to proclaim on earth that his kingdom is within us believers in him. Religion being used as a business and religious leaders leading the wars is true. But this is not a true religion for me. This is what Christ has won but man still continue to carry on. We are still waging this battle for Christ so that God's kingdom of love and peace reigns on earth. I am a Christian and I believe that God still exist who intervenes us in our help.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
Well, who knows about God except maybe God? The fact that we bicker and fight about God shows how little we know. Cheers!!
@ganda8831 (816)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
I definitely believe that God exists. I'm a roman catholic and my belief is very strong. I know that in our modern world the concept of a God is quite unexplainable to some people. But the thing is, if we dont believe that there's a God, how else will we have hope in our lives. Sometimes this is all we cling to in life. Whenever im sad and i feel that i need so much strength and guidance, I always pray to God to give me that strength and help me through all my struggles.
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
27 Sep 08
A mortal God is not a God.
• Malaysia
27 Sep 08
GOD exists... yes HE does...but how are we going to show our's depend on your religion and believe.. :-)
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
26 Sep 08
If you can see open your eyes and look around. See all of the beauty that is offered to you? How else could we have been blessed with such beauty? Have you ever witnessed the miracle of childbirth? And the way that precious little one looks at you with admiration when they have realized you are the one that has given them life? There is no other way to explain it than GOD.
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
yes, i believe in God. i definitely do.i dont have to explain it.. i just believe..hehehe
• India
27 Sep 08
i don't believe that god exist but i feel that there is great power above us and control us.i hate the supersticious belief and the people who cheat others in name of god..happy mylotting
@Metalchick (1391)
26 Sep 08
Completely respect your opinion and believe that yes we are all in control of our destinys each and everyone of us. However I do and would like to believe there is a power greater than ours on earth. I not know whether I truely believe in God although I do believe there's some power of some kind out their be it magic or fate. When I was younger my mother always used to take me go to church until I got a little older and decided of my own accord not to go. I do still share many christian views though and do believe there's some sort of power in the wind, earth, air etc. In my opinion it's nice to have something to believe in after all the other things many of us are brought up to believe in turn out to be a huge lie for example santa or the tooth fairy (sorry if there's any kids reading this and i've just let cat out of the bag). No matter which religion your from I honestly can't see believing in something a bad thing...well apart from the fact they can in some cases cause holy wars...although what's so holy about killing people in the name of God? Overall though i'd say i'm a little undicided on this subject it's such a tough one because theirs not concrete evidence to prove for definate he ever did exist. But like I said I do like to believe in something...there must be some good in the world somewhere.
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
26 Sep 08
Well it isn't a question for myself. I believe exists. ANd I too believe that Jesus existed. You've opened a very big topic a lot bigger than can be posted here. It's not always big heart stopping things that shows us God exists. Your children, the sunset, the sunrise I could go on and on. We do make choices that determine our destiny but I'm not geting the point as to why that puts God's existence in question. Oh well I'v been known to think too hard! LOL Have a great day and May God Bless You!
• Malaysia
26 Sep 08
For me, god is really exist n forever live, If god is same like us then who will run this world?? He(god)is the almighty n forever ruling this world n i really believe it without prejudice.
@CAdreamer (118)
• United States
26 Sep 08
I definitely believe in the existence of God, whether a woman, man, several gods, one god, they are all the same in essence. However one believes in God, God still exists. One of the greatest gifts God gave us was free will. God does not rule over us telling us what we can and cannot do. We make our own choices. In this respect, the wars we fight, the cruelties we inflict on other peoples, the suffering we allow to continue in different countries, all of these things are due to our free will. We choose to allow it to happen. God doesn't tell us to allow it to happen. We turn a blind eye to the world around us and make excuses for why things are happening. I do not follow the religious faith which most people follow, that of christianity or catholicism. rather I believe in a higher being, God, but I do not worship him as being beyond reproach either. I believe that God is kind, but he allows us to do what we want. We will be tempted by good or evil through our own choices. In the end, when we each stand before our own God, we will be judged by him, and in most cases we are all lacking, but in his infinite wisdom he will choose to see past our shortcomings if we have shown ourselves to be as honest, kind, and giving as we possibly could be throughout our lives. Each of us must take little steps in our own directions, that is part of free will. What happens when we die is up to God, but what happens while we live is up to us.
@chiaeugene (2225)
• China
26 Sep 08
i am a free thinker and i respect all religions. i do not know if god exist but i do know that there are other people beside us residing on this planet. i had a few encounters with supernatural beings that made me believed that ghost, devils, spirit or whatever you call them exists. it really frightening when i encountered them and i hope i will not be so lucky to experience it again.
@clarkmy (428)
• China
26 Sep 08
i totally believe god exists in this world , if a person opposes even the possibility of there being a god,then any evidence can be rationalized or explained away,the bible says that there are people who have seen sufficient evdence,but they have suppressed the truth about god.god showed to be gentle ,loving ,aware of our self-centeredness and shortcomings,yet wanting a relationship with us ,god revealed that although views us as sinners,worthy of his punishment ,his love for us ruled and god came up with a different plan , god himself took on the form of man and accected the punishment for our sin on our behalf ,souds ludicrous?perhaps ,but many loving father would gladly trade places with thier child in a career ward if they could , so does god exists? looking at all these facts on bibles,one can conclude that a loving gods exist and can be known in an intimate ,personal way
• Nigeria
26 Sep 08
God truely exist because his mercy endureth for ever,the existence of God can't be question because of his protection over our lives.The world is mad because of the evil activities.We can see the miracle hand of God,i have seen people get healed of sickness by the power of God,destiny been restored by the power of God,for the fact that we can sleep and wake up is enogh evidence that God still exist
• Nigeria
26 Sep 08
God truely exit because he is the giver of life.There is no doubt that God is the mighty one,the main reason I say God is because despite our evil ways he still forgive us our sin and still protect us from evil,God exit because of his protection over our lives
@drax1z (42)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 08
"its us who make it happen and its us punishing ourselves" this should be quoted to the whole world.
@ahansen (31)
• United States
26 Sep 08
You have asked a question in which truth is relevant. To truth to your answer depends on who you ask. A Christian, Catholic, Morman, etc will answer you with a resounding Yes, however, if you ask an atheist, a Buddhist, a Muslim, etc. you will hear a loud No. As for me, the very question you ask shows the difference between those who would say yes and those who would say no. You asked, "Do you really believe that God still exist?" Your answer... God is not something to believe in. If I believe something, you could use fact and wisdom to convince me that I was wrong and change my mind. God is to be known and once you know God, there is nothing that anyone can say or do to change your mind. It's like seeing a rainbow, once you've seen it, no one can convince you that they don't exist. Happy Posting!!
• Philippines
26 Sep 08
Hello eve301345, iv'e think this is the answer to your question, please follow this link ask question and enlighten your faith,