Have you ever thought of quiting mylot because you're not making money?

@oderog (731)
September 29, 2008 10:53am CST
When I joined mylot i had high expectation of just posting, commenting, downloading picture and make a big cash. But I was wrong, it was not as easy as I thought. I came to realize that it's not just money hanging around for passerby. One thing that I have learnt is that you can earn depending on how much effort you put in place. I thought of quiting but I said I will just hang around for one day and each time I want to quit I reap to myself the same slogan " just hang in for ONE day. It's keeping going everytime I feel like quiting, What's keep going here in mylot
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28 responses
• India
29 Sep 08
Hi.. think its fun to be on mylot coz you can share so many things here, make friens of same interest, ge ideas, solve your problems, find solutions and lots more.But i feel the payout is very low..
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@oderog (731)
• Kenya
3 Oct 08
Your right here in mylot is more than money earning but also a a platform to develop yourself and make friends, about payment you can only get frustrated if that's your main aim
@lovenluck (1068)
• India
29 Sep 08
Mylot really is not a place to earn money but if you can utilize the resources available you can make money from other sources. when i joined mylot I never knew much about onlnie income but now i earn good thanks all to mylot. So just stick on to the good discussion and trying finding something new every day you surely will profit from it
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@greenline (14838)
• Canada
29 Sep 08
I am very happy that I joined myLot. This is an excellent place to meet and make friends with people from countries around the world, and exchange ideas, help each other. I value that very much. Earning is an addon value to all this. I will certainly continue to be a myLotter.
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@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
29 Sep 08
at the first time i joined mylot. I hope i can get BIG money everyday . If i still survive in here, not because i hope to get big money anymore. I just enjoy my time in here hi hi hi... and if i am lucky i can get $1 for 1 day
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@arcidy (5005)
• United States
29 Sep 08
No I never thought about quitting mylot just because I dont make enough money im perfectly happy with the money they give us since most forums Im apart of dont even give us anything so we could be getting absolutley nothing from this site which would suck then I would complain.
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• United States
29 Sep 08
how do we get money from this
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@tobepure (187)
• China
30 Sep 08
i also enjoy hanging here.happy myloting!!!!!!sometimes i realize that if u don't pay much attention to one thing,then one day u get much of it.For me , i just want to have fun.practise English and make friends here.i'll post some comments,start discussions and upload some nice pictures as long as i can.And i believe if i do this ,mylot will give me corresponding payback!!!!
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@klaudine (3650)
• Indonesia
29 Sep 08
I had the same feeling with you the first time I joined here. I think it would be hard to make money here because the rate per post is really low and it is so hard to get one dollar in the first week and that was really devastating. But that's a common thing happened here because the first reason why people joined this place was always because of the money. But then I learned so much from the discussions. I learned so much from people here, about how to make money, about some people that has their payment, about the quality discussions and about not quitting so fast. Now I can see how much it worth not to give up so fast. I learned that many people has given up making money online after their first month because money that they got from this site is not enough to fulfill the expectation. They forgot that things would be difficult, always difficult in the beginning. Patience and hard work also needed, because there is no such things as easy money. I am glad that you didn't give up. Good luck oderog
29 Sep 08
I know you do not earn a lot of money but I think it is well worth while being on here because I enjoy the discussions and you can learn something new every day. I have been on other chat sites where you do not earn aything so the money on here is a real bonus. I shall keep on using mylot as long as I enjoy the chats and not for the money.
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
30 Sep 08
You were definitely wrong when you thought you were going to get rich off of this! If it were this easy, everyone would be doing it! There's no "easy buck." I love myLot. I haven't done as much as on here as I really want to. I have a lot of children that keep me busy. I don't think that the money is bad here. Atleast they really pay. Something is better than nothing I guess. I stay here because of the friends I've made, not because of the money. I love how myLot is set up and layed out. It's easy to use and gets better all the time! Good luck! ~Stephanie
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
29 Sep 08
Not really, but then again, I am making money. You have only posted 54 times. That's hardly giving myLot a chance. Besides, the friends here become more important than the money so I'd still be here even if I couldn't make payout every month anymore.
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@switlyf (649)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
i joined mylot 2 years ago but never really became an active member, that is because i am expecting much money from here. But now its more of enjoyment that keeps me from joining and posting comments here in mylot. I much enjoy my mylotting because of the friends and the discussions that are so nice. I like people here and i think i will be in mylot as long as i can. As a matter of fact i am planning to buy new phone which can surf the internet so i can do mylot even at the office! Thanks and happy mylotting!
• India
30 Sep 08
2 Years Of Your Experience In MyLot And You Are Not An Active Member?I Have Experienced Many Of The Money Making Websites But I Am Still Loving Games To Play.I Like Discussing,Posting.Same Like You Only I Am.But I Want To Stay In Mylot Forever
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
Well, it's been a while since I've been here, and this is my first post (comment) here in myLot after so many months. I didn't really quit, I just did a small vacation.
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
29 Sep 08
If you add a lot more friends and interest areas you'll likely earn more. Take a look at my profile and read my articles. I explain how it helps.
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• India
30 Sep 08
at first when i joined i did not know what to do out here so i just quit this site but later after 1 month i came back and asked other ppl about this site so i came to klnow more and nowadays i try most of the times to earn as much as possible.but still i am not able to manage it because i dont have so myuch of time so i cant help myself to earn more
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• Philippines
30 Sep 08
About me, well i just make it a habit writing online, participating forums., so no worry much about me...I have joined this site, because i want to improve my communication skills and improved more. Participating in any discussion here make us good. You know oredog, there are several discussion that makes us interested here, for my side, i just enjoy reading, posting and making comments. It's like this, try not to think of the monetary reward just concentrate on the discussions forums and you'll see one day, that your effort and sacrifices are worth paid.
@alankor (478)
• Singapore
30 Sep 08
haha it does not matter. there are a lot of things to discuss in mylot. mylot is not a gold mine but rather a gathering place for inquisitive people who wants to know more about others. discussions , questions and answers , u can find them here. so dont give up this fabulous site. it is gd and u noe it!
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30 Sep 08
I have never though of quitting MyLot. But I did not log into my account for a couple of years, when I came back I found that I had received a $15 payment into my paypal account, which I had earned from my referrals. This has gave me fresh motivation to make more quality posts and to also sign up more people who will do the same.
@shana123 (2095)
• India
30 Sep 08
I think you wont quit mylot at all , When i joined my lot i had not paypal account and so i stayed iactive for a year or sometime then am back again and now i have a paypal adress and everything so im working here and earning money , though im not here in mylot only for money but im happy that my discussions and opinions are valued .Why do you think you cant earn money here , i can tell you onething im being a student has less time to work on here , i dont have referral and i dont start a discussion i only post to others discussions daily i make a point to reply 30 to 50 discussions with 6 to 10 lines in it , surely you will get 40 to 60 cents daily wont this be heloful for you , why spending your whole day just 2 hours is enough , wont this helps?
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
30 Sep 08
I don't really worry about the money. I spend some time here daily. After a while it just adds up. I enjoy my time here and the friendliness of the people. That is what keeps me coming back.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
i had the same feeling when i first joined here.. i thought i can make it big with just few postings but i was wrong.. but you know what, even if i earn cent for every long post i make, its fine with me.. just as long as i am enjoying my stay here..=)
3 Oct 08
i have thought of quitting mylot but then sometimes, i find it really boring and end up reading the discussions posted.
• China
30 Sep 08
No,not really,for me .FRom this flat roof,we can not only learn English but also make money.It kills toobirds with one stone.I think mylot gives me a good chance to improve my English.I also teaches us how hard it is to make money.So I have never thought of quitting mylot.
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