The thought of being in love..SCARES me...

@dorothy09 (1520)
September 29, 2008 9:51pm CST
There are times when I wish that I was limited to certain emotions... So that i'll never have to experience pain, never feel betrayed or disappointed, and never get my fragile heart broken. But the same thing means that i'll never know how it feels to love and to be loved in return.. The thought of it kind of scares me... Which is better? To have a heart that's whole but numb.. Its really good and nice to be in love and to be loved... But I believe there is no perfect relationship also..
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9 responses
@deltax (287)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
Hey Dorothy! It's good to have a whole heart and numb, but it is way much better to love and be loved. You are right, no relationship is perfect. But that's the essence of it. You have to work continuously to make your relationship close to perfect. Maybe you're scared of the thought that you'll be heart broken, but i tell you what. It's all part of being in loved. You can never feel and appreciated the sweetness if you don't know what the bitter part is. So my advise, love everyone, love someone and you'll surely love yourself more for that. Cheers!
@dorothy09 (1520)
• Philippines
6 Oct 08
Thank you so much for your very nice response. Yes, when you love it is a great feeling :))
@msedge (4011)
• United States
18 Dec 08
Being in love is an undescrivable feeling.Its a feeling you can be selfish of.We maybe experience alot of pain, broken hearted and frustrations but i still believe that one day we could feel the love and beloved in return.I've been very disappointed and depress when my first marriage failed.But i am very thankful that God give me the right person whom i love and love me in return.Now, i am very happy living with my family.They are the best thing that happened to me.
@potrish78 (742)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
You'll never know the true meaning of happiness unless you've experienced pain. After all the pain, you'll appreciate the time you've been happy and how far it is from experiencing pain. You will then realize the value of every single emotions you have put into your relationships; whether it be a relationship with your friends, family co-workers or with a significant other. Feeling hurt and experiencing pain does some good things to us also. It makes us a better person. Don't be afraid to love. It's a magical feeling. Not all relationships fail.
@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
6 Oct 08
Hi Dorothy, I feel the same way that you do. Every time I let someone into my heart, the tear another piece of it away. But if you stop letting people in, you might miss out on the greatest emotion of all and that would be a big loss on your part. Yes love is scary and sort of a gamble, but the payoff can be worth a risk. Yes, there is no such thing as the perfect relationship but that's because there's no such thing as the perfect person. Hugs, Tianna
@rocker21 (2716)
• India
4 Oct 08
well you cant learn swimming with a fear of drowning inside the water, you have to step inside it to learn it! all that matters is what you get in the end of what you learn! if you got it! got to the success means you learned it right, nothing is possibilly succeeded without a failure behind! even while doing the simplest thing like eating food you bit your tongue sometimes! and it really bleeds or pains for that fear....would you stop eating and starve? Feel the exposure, be confident even if you have to suffer always remember this the greatest glory of man is not in always succeeding but to rise every time he falls!
@Shar1979 (2722)
• United States
7 Oct 08
it's just normal to be scared of falling in love. we hear sad stories from our friends, family or anyone about failures in love but i am sure that once you find the right man for you...everything will change. try to learn not to be afraid...once you fall in love...fight for it for it might be late once you had the courage to fight for your fear
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
Well maybe you never met the right man for you yet. It will just comes along even you avoid it. It is nice to feel love then not having love at all but in the right time when your ready to face it with your two eyes and learning how to love, and face the pain,and the hurts, you are in titled to your opinion. As long as your happy with what you have right now. Have a nice day! God bless!
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
Well maybe you never met the right man for you yet. It will just comes along even you avoid it. It is nice to feel love then not having love at all but in the right time when your ready to face it with your two eyes and learning how to love, and face the pain,and the hurts, you are in titled to your opinion. As long as your happy with what you have right now. Have a nice day! God bless!
@anne12d (676)
• Philippines
30 Sep 08
When a person fall inlove, a lot of emotions can arise. There are lots of expections and unexpected events that might happen. In a realtionship, a couple should have equally give and take of everything but it doesn't happen most of the time. Your right that there is no perfect relationship because there is no perfect person. People should be satisfied and contented with their partner and what their partner can give. There should be no comparison and differentiation from one person to another. But it also never happen most of the time. I think people are looking forward for the future but never glance at the present. I sometimes do such things and eventualy realizes that I became a bad person to my boyfriend. We dont have perfect relationship but we are now in our 5th year. I think the elements to have a long lasting relationship are respect, love, trust and faith with one another... If one of those are gone, Conflicts arises. It's up to the couple how they will handle that conflict if they wanted to fix it or end the relationship. Don't be scared to be inlove... It kinda adds sugar and spice to everybody's lives!!!