I Have Just Handed My Notice In
By ellie333
@ellie333 (21016)
October 1, 2008 5:40pm CST
As many of you know I am a single parent trying to juggle work around bringing my four year old up who recently started full time school, because I don't get in until after 11pm from work it now means that I drop him to school on a Monday and don't really get to see him other than to get him dressed in the morning until Thursday and he is beinning to get angry towards me for leaving him so long. My job and hours were fine whilst he was just in nursery but now it is too long without me and it is showing in his behaviour. Another mother knocked on my car window after I had dropped him today saying he was sobbing in the teachers arms because mummy wouldn't be back to get him later. My son has to come first as he has no-one else, even his father doesn't bother and both my daughters are grown and live away from home. It will be a struggle financially initailly but I feel I am doing the right thing for him, I need to be there. My firm are tying to find me a school day time position as they don't want me to go but have no vacancies in my current section. I love my job and will miss it and am feeling a bit sad but OK. What would you have done? Do you think I have done the right thing as a loving mum or am I mad to give up a secure job with the economy the way it is right now. Thoughts please. Ellie :D
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43 responses
@AmbiePam (96294)
• United States
1 Oct 08
Of course you did the right thing. Even when the world's economy has been better, mothers have still had to make that hard decision. It seems like single mothers will always struggle, no matter what the economy. With only yourself to lean on it never gets easier, does it. I'm sure you'll start to feel better when you see your son starting to change back into his happier self. And I'm sure the school will notice it as well.
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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Oct 08
Hi AmbiePam, Thank you, I feel I just need to be there for him, ok a few luxuries will have to go but his welfare is more important and I have looked at the finances and will be able to manage and I will be actively looking for a job during school hours meanwhile too. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
1 Oct 08
If you feel you did the right thing, then you did!
Don't ever second guess yourself when it comes to your child. Especially when he is that young. I was able to stay home for both of my kids when my husband was on the road. It wasn't easy as they are 11 months and 2 days apart. I was home for them until they started kindergarten, then I volunteered in their classes for as long as they could stand having me around.
Today, they are happy, healthy, respectful WONDERFUL almost 17 and 18 year olds whom I wouldn't trade for the world.
They are both great, fun loving, honest (so far) and fun-to-be-around kids her aren't embarrass to be seen with us.
Hugs to you. Keep up the good work and know your reward comes down the road as well as everyday when you get to see his face.
He makes you smile when he hugs you and he will be happier inside with you there.
Other people might disagree, call you a hover mother or whatever, but you and you alone have to do what you think is best. I think you are doing a great job! ((((((ellie)))))

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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Thanks Dizzblnd, That is great to hear. I will be looking for something during school hours but meanwhile it will mean cutting back. He needs me at present as at four the school day itself seems a long day and then not to see mummy again until she gets him up and dresses him to take him again is not helping him bless. I would like to see him smile again too instead of this angry and sad little person he has suddenly become. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Oct 08
Hi Dizzblnd, I went into today to begion working my notice only to find that there has been a position created in my own section for school time hours so I will not be unemployed afterall. It makes me feel really good as they also found me work in another section if I wanted that too bless. Huggles. Ellie :D
@mansha (6298)
• India
2 Oct 08
May be not a very practical decision, till you had another job but yes its the right one. I would have made exactly the same choice and may eb at the same timing too. I do have a caring husband and so I did make a choice long back of opting out of working life and be a stay at home mom because I hate to see my kids coming back to an empty home. With single income it does becomes difficult to manage at times but then kids always have to come first isn't it. I hope and pray ou get a nice paying job with suitable timings very soon. Do you have some savings to survive on till then. I hope your daughters or someone in family can pitch in till then. Good Luck.
@ellie333 (21016)
3 Oct 08
Hi Mansha, I am pleased I made the decision as already my son is coming out of school smiling instead of frowning bless and he will only be young once and needs me. I will find ouon Moday whether I can be transferred to a school hours position. I do have enough savings to carry me through until I find another job and if desparate family will help but I am hoping it won't come to that. Thank you for your input and support. Ellie :D
@cinderella2007 (2662)
2 Oct 08
Hey ellie, that's a toughie but it sounds like you have done the right thing. Your son comes first and if he doesn't see you as much as he wants to sounds like he may go off the rails. I think you should try and find work hours that fit around school hours so that you can be there to pick hi up and hear about his fab day at school. It must be tough on him as he doesn't have anyone else to rely on, explain to him that you miss seeing him aswell and that you are trying to adjust your working hours so that you will have more time together.
Its nice that your firm are trying to find you an alternative job and hours that suit you, not all places will do that.
I think you should spend more time with your son as they grow up so fast and before you know it, he will be 18 and moving away from home and you dont want to be regretting not having spent enough time with him!!!
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Cinderella, I allowed him a month to adjust and settle at school but he behaviour has become really bad and he is trying to find any excuse not to go and I want him liking it but he is seeing it as his time with mummy being taken away no my job doing it as that hasn't changed so I need him to feel safe and securew there knowing I will be there to pick him up. It will all sort for the best as like you say they do grow up so quickly and he needs me now so when this mother told me about him bursting into tears as soon as I had gone that was the final straw to make the decision really. I miss not seeing him too and am now looking forward to those special moments together again. Huggles. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Cinderella, that was the great thing about this job, we got Christams, Easter and Summer holiday shut down which covered most of the holidays so I could be home with him which is why it would be ideal if they can find one within school hours for me in another section but meanwhile we =will have fun and huggles together. Ellie :D
@cinderella2007 (2662)
2 Oct 08
Make him feel important in your life - he's the No 1 man in your life and he needs to feel secure in that he will be coming home to mum. If he's trying to not go to school so that he can have time with you means that you should have more time together.
It must have been horrible hearing from a another parent that your son was crying to the teacher about you not being there when he gets home from school. Just wait til the holidays where you can be together 24/7!! ha ha you will be dying to get back to work then!! lol x
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@Munchkin547 (2778)
2 Oct 08
Aw Ellie that's a big sacrifice to make but i'm sure that you've thought it through properly before you did it. If you can still manage financially then you have definitely done the right thing, your little man has to come first and it's a testament to whata great mum you are that you have done this. Hopefully you'll be able to find a part time job in school hours without too much hassle, that way you can have the best of both worlds, and so can your son. I hope he starts to cheer up soon now that he's seeing more of you - i'm sure he will! xxx
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Munchkin, I gave him a month to settle with the change into school but he has got worse so yes I did think about it before hand in depth and then when this mother told me this about him crying I knew the time to take action had come. I am a mother first and foremost and there will be other jobs during school hours that will be available and my firm are trying to find one in another section. It will all work out but my sons happiness is vital. Already this morning he has gone into school happier bless knowing mummy is pickng him up. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@Munchkin547 (2778)
2 Oct 08
Well you know you've done the right thing if he's seeming happier already!! It must feel really good to know there is a little person who you mean the world to and can't cope without seeing you, can't imagine what that feels like, guess i never will until one day i have kids of my own!! It's nice that your firm thinks enough of you to try and find you work that suits but even if they can't i'm sure something else will come up! xxx
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@PrincessoFJoy (61)
• Singapore
2 Oct 08
u did the right think giving up ur job anyway this is my suggestion to ppl who still working n is a single mom or dad if you have lunch time for work i think u should try to eat with ur son or daughter during ur lunch time as for thoes who r not free n have very little time for lunch time/far away from home....i think u should call ur children n check with them n all n say some carring words n kiss them goodbye
@ellie333 (21016)
3 Oct 08
Hi MH4444, I find out Monday whether I have a position within the company but in a diferent section during school hours but since making the decision my son has been smiling again and that has made me happy too. They are little for such a shor while so my time with him is worth more than any job in the world. We will still have a roof over our heads and basic needs will be met so I cannot ask for more. Ellie :D
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 08
ellie333 hi wow this is a hard one. On one hand in the terrible job market today a job in hand is worth a dozen maybes. As a
single parent you have all the responsibility and the costs,yet
also you have a little four year old who needs his mommy too.
Is there any way you could work at least part time at your present company so You could be home when he needs to come home from school? I would ask at your job and see if you and your boss or bosses could work something out like that. I hesitate to recommend you just flat out leave your job. good luck and God bless you a nd keep you.
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@ellie333 (21016)
3 Oct 08
Hi Hatley, My firm are actively trying to find me a school hours posiion, it will mean moving sections but I am not worried about that bu have given notive for current one and my son is alreasy smiling coming out of school bless so I know in my heart the right decision has been made. I will find out Monday wheher or not I still have a job or are unemployed but they are doing their best as as I work in a high security organisation with clearance already they should be able to. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Oct 08
hi ellie it sounds like your company really appreciates you, and will help in all ways. so I pray you get a great job timewise and still have time for your precious little four year old. they really need mommy specially at that time. huggles to you too Ellie.
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@ellie333 (21016)
1 Oct 08
Hi Tessah, I hear what you are saying but I have enough coming in and savings to cover for basic living costs but it will be a lot less than I usually have to live on but can adjust and adapt and do intend to work but hours during the day instead when he is at school but feel this needs to be dealt with now rather than later as he is feeling very insecure right now. It will mean a few less takeaways and luxuries. I worked really to be me rather than just mum, but feel I need to be mum again until he is a bit older. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
2 Oct 08
I think that it was very admirable of you to take a different job so that you can be with your son more, and although I am not yet with child, I do know that the most important years of a child's life is their first years of school. I hope that this new job pays you well, or that if it doesn't you can balance time to be on here and with your son! Good Luck in your Endeavors!
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@violetdreams (658)
2 Oct 08
Oh my!! What a horrible decision to have to make. I really do hope that your company manages to find you something which fits in with school hours. It must be so hard for you.
I think you have done the right thing for both you and your son, but I do also think that it is going to be very hard for you in this climate to find something else. Also, if you go onto benefits, are you aware that from April next year all single parents will have to be workign 16 hours a week (min) or loose their benefits? (At least this is what a friend of mine informed me last week).
My thoughts are with you and your son, and I do hope that you find something soon.
Good luck
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Violetdreams, It was an easy decision really as my son and his welfare has to take priority but at the same time will have to cutback and get another job during school hours. I am sure they will come up with something for me just none available in my section but meanwhile I will spend time settling my son and making him feel more secure at school and home by him having his mum around eh. I think when your youngest child is 7 you HAVE to go back out to work but I will be anyway but just need some time right now. I may even try to set up my own business again. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
I have run numerous businesses from home that were really flexible and part-time from health and nutirtion to my last one being an ironing service where I have several staff too but it got to the stage where to make an expansion into larger premises to take in more work wasn't viable and if one of the girls didn't show I would be ironing until midnight myself, which is why I always have a big pile of my own to do these days as I can't stand it now LOL. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@violetdreams (658)
2 Oct 08
I think you are quite right. Anyway, good things come to those that help themselves and it seems to me that is what you have done.
What business did you have?
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
2 Oct 08
Hi ellie,
I am sorry that this has to happen and it a shame your firm find you alternative, but never mind, some how you will manage, as you little boy needs you more so I think its the right thing to do. Every child wants their mums to be there for them close an to see them most times. I remember whe I used to come home from school and my mum was still at work, oh how I hated it the house seems empty although my step-father was there and I used to get into a bad mood and starts kicking off til I got told off from my step-father and when mum came home I was annoyed and told her how I felt so she stoped doing lates, it was only four in the afternoon, but I still wanted my mummy home whe I get home, so I do understand your little boy and he is very young. Well done ellie, and bless you. Love and Huggles.
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Tamara, Thanks, I needed to make the decision for him, I gave it a month to see if he settled but it got worse so I need to be home for him at present. My firm are looking at alternative work in a different section as none available in mine during school hours so maybe something will come up there if not I will ook elsewhere for school time hours but right now he needs his mum bless. Love & huggles. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
6 Oct 08
Hi Tamara, A very happy Ellie here, I went to work today to begin my notice and they have not only found something in a different section but have created one in my own for me during school hours, how wonderful is that so I get to keep my job and pick my son up from school each day. Yippee. Love & huggles. Ellie :D
@tamarafireheart (15384)
7 Oct 08
Hi ellie,
Happy to hear that you still have your job and your firm has done that for you, see they didn't want to lose you, I'm happy it all worked out and you will have time for your son. I am happy when you'r happy. Love and Huggles.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
2 Oct 08
Oh ellie, I'm so sorry that you have to make such a tough
decision, but I know that you are doing the right thing
for the right reasons. I know how much your little one
means to you and I know that you couldn't and wouldn't
have it any other way. You are a wonderful and caring
mum and I know that your son knows it, he will be so
happy to have you there for him again. I know that
everything is going to work out for you! I have the
utmost faith in you! You have made the the best decision
for the situation-now go be with that sweet little boy!
@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Opal, Oh bless you always manage to say the right words and I am welling up now reading this. I have given him a month to settle and he has got worse bless so I do need to be there for him right now as I don't want him associating school with missing mummy and this morning he went in happier knowing that I was picking him up today. It will all work out for the best in the long run eh! Huggles. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
6 Oct 08
Hi Opal, You knew everything would work out for me and it has, I went into work today and they have created a job during school hours for me so I can still be there for my son and also another manager has said I can move to their section whenever I want too. It has made me feel very valued as an employee and I am so happy. Thanks for having faith because it has worked out. Huggles. Ellie :D
@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
2 Oct 08
I feel that as long as you can give him all he needs and be home with him, then yes be home with him. These years you will never get back.
If I could go back in time I would not have ever went out to work when my boys were growing up!
I hope that it all works out for you! Better then you planned!
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Louise, I worked with my eldest now 22 but I had her father at home then so there was always a parent around but for him at four it has been too much really. I gave it a month of him in school to see if he would settle but he has got worse, like you say I will never get those years back and being a mum is my priority. Our needs will be met, maybe not out wants, cutbacks will be made but we'll be ok. My firm meanwhile is trying to find me a position in another section during school hours to help which is good of them and as soon as one becomes available in my own area it is mine but meanwhile so hopefully like you say it will all work out better than I planned eh! Huggles. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
6 Oct 08
Hi Louise, Well I am obviously valued as an employee as when I got to work today to begin my notice my section had created a job within school hours for me and another manager said there was one there for me too if I wanted it. How cool is that so I get to keep the job I love and to be there for my son each day after school. HAPPY Huggles. Ellie :D
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@LouiseKnittel (4764)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I am so happy for you! This is awesome news!
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
1 Oct 08
If you are able to make it finacially then you did the right thing. I too had to work becuase I wsa the only parent in the home with 3 children however I found a way to start my own business and be home with my children and take them with me on the weekends and sell my products with them helping me sell them or taking in the money or finding things to do. I was lucky I had one in the 3rd grade and older than the one in the first grade and the one in kindergarden, so the two older ones helped out with the younger one.
If you needed to work, then that's what you needed to do. The rest would have worked it's self out with you explaining to your son why mommy has to work and not be there for him so much. In the meantime, you looking for work that would allow you more time with your son. That's what I would have tried to do if I could. Being able to have what my family needs is a major thing for me as well as their mental and emotional needs. It is hard but necessary to try and balance it all. Being alone is hard. Best of luck to you with this all my friend.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
13 Oct 08
that is wonderful ellie I'm so glad for you.
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Moondancer, I will get by but will need to cut back on some things but I think that is easier to adjust and adapt too than him suddenly being thrown into school fulltime and finding he doesn't see mummy at all eh! It is hard as you well know but I think for the time being I need to be there for him and meanwhile will try to find hours during the school day to work. It is all about getting the balance right I agree and I will somehow find away to make the scales work. Huggles. Ellie :D

@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
2 Oct 08
ellie what kind of job do you have? don't take this wrong.This is a long time, I know your baby is still young, but have you try to explain to him why you're working so much? explain to him that you're trying to find something new and that your will do whatever can to be with him. I'm know you're trying very hard to find something else. you know jobs come and go, but your son needs you right now. when he gets older maybe you can do back and work with that company. Right he needs you and he already letting you. Good luck ellie
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@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
5 Oct 08
good morning ellie,
too bad you can't stay until something else cames along. Or if you mom could watch him, I think that would make him feel better. But you know as mom's we have to do everything for our kids, so that they don't feel bad. I know I hate to see my kids get hurts espeically at your sons age.
@ellie333 (21016)
5 Oct 08
Hi Kaleegirl, My mum lives in a different country to me and I have no relatives nearb at all so I am the only one my son has and as good as his childminder is, this is just too much time without money at the moment. It will all sort. Things =usually do but I have to put him first. Huggles. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
4 Oct 08
Hi Kaleegirl, I work at a marine camp in the Naafi but it looks like they are trying to get me on the team at the sargeants mess but for school hours only which will be great, I will find out on Monday, if not I will be leaving on Wednesday. I have spoken to my son and he does know I need to work but the hours I was doing meant he wasn't seeing me so I have another couple of night shifts and then that is it. The company are doing all they can and if a day position comes up in my section will let me know. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
2 Oct 08
Hi Ellie. Sorry you had to put in your notice on a job that you really like. But clearly, the people you work for like you and will hopefully keep looking for a position that will work for you. I don't blame you one bit for feeling sad. I would, too.
But if you can make it financially without working, it sounds like you have made the best decision in this difficult situation. I am sure that you are a very loving mum and that your son already knows that.
Also, I must briefly mention that the first few weeks at a new school or in a new situation (studies more difficult, school day is longer, etc.),it would not be unusual for a child to have a stress response (crying, acting out behaviorally, etc.). He may need an adjustment period to get used to all the changes. Just the same, you have weighed everything out and responded in a very loving and supportive way.
Extra special huggles.

@PearlGrace (3171)
• United States
7 Oct 08

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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi PearlGrace, I should have mentioned when I posted that I didn't act in haste the mother knocking on the car window made my decision but since he has started I have been mulling this over as although he likes school he has been finding this bit hard and so have I. My firm are doing their best and are trying to find me work in another section so I don't have to leave but financially we can cope it will just mean cutbacks but that is not important really but my sons welfare is. If for the next few months I can be ther to collect him from school and spend the time with him he deserves I think it will make a difference. I worked fulltime with my eldest daughter but had a husband to help so she always had at leat one parent there for her, for my son this isn't possible. The other staff tonight have been in tears themselves bless so not an easy decision but one I felt I needed to make, Thanks for he extra huggles. Huggles. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
6 Oct 08
Hi PearlGrace, just to update you, my firm really were trying to find something for me and when I went in tonight to begin working my notice was told they have created a daytime position within my section for school hours so I can get to pick my son up and work but also another section was also willing to take me off if they couldn't do this. I feel so good as I really know that I must be valued as an employee for them to do this for me. Happy. Huggles. Ellie :D

@littleowl (7157)
2 Oct 08
Hi Ellie..I think you have done the right thing. As you know mine are now adults but my daughter was working when her son was going to a qualified nanny but her hours got to long and my grandson was missing his mum and would cry when she took him to the nanny's so in the end she stopped work..yess she found it hard and now her son is 4 and just started school she is thinking of getting a part-time job which would help but as you say your son just as hers comes first but for your son and his peace of mind you are doing the right thing.
Hopefully your firm will be able to give you a part-time job..for your sake I hope so...Love and Huggles littleowl
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Littleowl, I feel that I have make the right decision too although hard, as I had other staff members in tears because of it but my sons needs me and my priority first and foremost is being a mum and everyhing else comes secondary to that. My firm are looking for work in another section but for now my son needs come first eh! Huggles. Ellie :D
@littleowl (7157)
7 Oct 08
Hi Ellie...
am really glad it was good of them to find you a place so quickly and during school hours thats brilliant especially as they value you so much too that is lovely
Huggles littleowl

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@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
2 Oct 08
Bless you Ellie - you have definitely done the right thing! I'm so sad you've had to give up a job you loved, and hope your boss will be able to find some part time work for you - but it must have broken your heart when the other mother told you your darling little lad had been crying at school. I'm sure your son will feel so much more secure and happy knowing you'll be there to pick him up each day - and this will be more special to him than all the things money could buy him. I wish you both all the very, VERY best, and I know your decision will make you all the richer emotionally, if not financially. xxx
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@ellie333 (21016)
2 Oct 08
Hi Guybrush, Thank you, my colleagues have been in tears themselves tonight but I need to do this for my son right now and I'm sure it will all work out for the best. It wasn't just today but this bit made me make the final decision, have been mulling it over for a while. Our needs will be met just the luxuries we will go without but him being happy is priceless eh and that will make me happier to eh! Love & huggles. Ellie :D xxx
@ellie333 (21016)
6 Oct 08
Hi Guybrush, My firm made a position for me in my original section for school hours only and also I was offered one in a different section too so everything has worked out well so I do my last late shift Wednesday and then I will be able to pick my son up everyday bless. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@mands61123 (2098)
15 Oct 08
Still playing catch up got this gist of this from emails but didn't fully understand until just now. Oh babes i feel for you because you always want to do right by your child but you need to live at the end of the day my mum was a single parent as was my sister for a long time so i feel for you. Your expected to be everything all rolled into one a superwoman. Jecs going through a similar thing at the moment where she's always working and doesn't get chance to see the boys so i think they are very lucky to have wonderful mums. You have good instincts and know whats right so if this is the right decision in your mind and you feel that this is the correct step to take i have no doubt it's the right one. I think love and understanding wins over money anyday. Some of the worst parts of my childhood was when mum was working 24/7 at the bingo to provide for us and i was with a sitter so i can tell you your son will be very happy to have his mommy back.

@ellie333 (21016)
15 Oct 08
Hi Mands, Thanks for responding. Fabtastic news eh! I feel quite valued by my company for sorting a school hours position for me rather than to let me go, it also means I get the Easter, Christmas and most of the summer holidays off with him too as the maine camp shuts down then, yippee. Huggles. Ellie :D
@mands61123 (2098)
15 Oct 08
oh really thats even better fantastic worked out lovely then in the end then didn't it lol
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@mands61123 (2098)
15 Oct 08
Just read the others fantastic that it all worked out i'm so happy for you babes. Just goes to show you get back what you give out eh! good people get the things they deserve.
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