"How do you Answer those Wrong Caller in the Phone and they keep Insisted"

@iyah10 (4115)
October 4, 2008 2:31pm CST
I encountered a lot of call either it would be from my phone or in the land line telephone and keep on insisting that they were calling the right telephone number and insist about the person they would like to talked too and it really annoyed me or drive me nuts and sometimes i do give them a response of a big word "What" and I closed the phone direct in their face, I knew it is rude but it really make me to the top.. What about you Guys, How do you answer those wrong Caller in your phone either it is mobile/cellphone or your land line phone....////??????
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23 responses
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
4 Oct 08
I usually ask them what number they are calling, and then tell them where they have gone wrong. If they persist that they are correct I will usually hang up on them, but I always try to help them first. If they called back on my cell phone I would be really upset because they are costing me minutes, after teh second time I would not pick up any longer.
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@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
6 Oct 08
I also do the same thing I put the telephone down directly....
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
4 Oct 08
On my landline phone if they keep calling the wrong number I block them out. I once had an elderly lady that was calling often and I would tell her it was the wrong number she said she was trying to call her daughter and this was her daughter number and she has had it a long time. I asked her what was her daughter's name she gave it to me and thank goodness it was listed in the phone book, I called her daughter and told her that her mother was trying to get in touch with her. She asked for my forgiveness and told me her mother was very old and couldn't see good. My Cellphone, I don't use it that much so most of the time it rings I don't hear it. And if I don't know the number I don't call it back.
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@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
5 Oct 08
It is so funny and how would you blocked those callers in your phone, Does your phone have this option or you go to the company......
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I used my call-id to see if the caller is anyone I know. If not they can leave me a voicemail. I'll get back to them if it's important. Otherwise, the caller will get the message if they left one and didn't get a response. Common sense.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I think that I would record the phone number, our land line has caller ID (or rather our phone) so if it is a repeat call we can tell the person we have their number and would wish they'd stop calling as clearly the person is not a resident nor owner of the phone or phones they've been calling. Then I would report the offense, if they did not cease after a week. Also It would depend on the frequency of their calls as to how long I would give them. Now, As to how I would answer otherwise, I would be as polite as possible so they could not claim verbal abuse on their own side.
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@capirani (2840)
• United States
4 Oct 08
Generally I would ask them to repeat the phone number they are calling to be sure they dialed correctly, including the area code. Sometimes I have had calls where the number was right but the area code was wrong. Then if everything is the same, I would tell them that the person they are calling must have changed their number since they talked with them last because I have this number now and don't know who they are looking for. If that doesn't work, they go on the block caller list if that is available. Currently I am having this trouble on my cell phone. It is not the same person calling me, but they keep calling for this one person who must have had this number before I did. I just let them know that that person must have changed their service because I have had this number since July....and that usually stops them from calling again.
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@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
5 Oct 08
I also done this way to ask them of the phone number they were telling unto me and after I would ask them but still after putting the telephone closed it would called me back again and got tired with them as well......
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@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
4 Oct 08
Well, that's odd! I have had two phone calls on my cell phone asking for Amy. I don't know who Amy is, but I hope she learns to give people the right phone number! People have never argued with me about it being the right number, though. Maybe you're being pranked!
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
4 Oct 08
I guess you also have a point that I am always telling them the truth and this is also one of my mistake......
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@switlyf (649)
• Philippines
5 Oct 08
Working in a call center really makes me a little responsible over the phone, when i encounter such situation i politely tell them that its a wrong number ( that is if i am in the mood! LOL ) or if they insisted i will tell them...MAKULIT KA?? hehehe
• United States
5 Oct 08
if they don't get a clue,i just hang it up.i'm not wasting my time argueing with someone i don't know.i had a wrong number call like that at 3 AM once,with someone who was drunk..majorly annoyed me.
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@yenwie84 (1344)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 08
I would hang up the phone if I have told the person for several times that he or she has called the wrong number. I really don't understand why sometimes the person cannot get the message that he or she is dialing the wrong number. I feel very irritated about this that I would hang up the phone if I see the same incoming call. I know this is quite rude but I find it no point to talk with the same person who never gets our message. Lol.
• United States
5 Oct 08
I've had this happen before, and they were extremely rude. It was on my cell phone. One night, around 1230am, this person calls asking for a Steve. Well, i'm a female and my name isn't Steve for sure. So, I told them "There's no Steve here. I'm the only one who uses this cell phone." They started getting hostile and calling me a liar. No one calls me a liar without facts. So, I told them what they could go do and hung up the phone. Now, i'm usually very nice and all of that on the phone. However, when someone starts accusing me of being something i'm not, that's when they cross the line... and that's when they get hung up on. Needless to say, that person never called back.
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@jelai24 (221)
• Philippines
5 Oct 08
well for me... i told sorry u have the wrong number you've dial up....whether whatever you insist this is the wrong number ok goodbye!.......that's it....anyway i am not rude person but sometimes when i got irritate i'll become rude ahehehe.....lolz......
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@rickiely (257)
• Australia
4 Oct 08
I don't get them as often but when they do occur it irritates me. One time someone called and ask for someone i did not know and i said they had called the wrong number, they apologized, yet they continued to call the same number continuously and so i decided not to answer, hoping it wasn't someone i knew calling.
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• Morocco
4 Oct 08
I tell them to go play away and to do not call again,but if they insist I play the same role as they do, i call them and i start insolting them.
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@raxerdis (132)
5 Oct 08
its bad situatsion when u got wrong number. Once one spanish guy called me all day long like 20 times and it was so annoing. it seemd like his doing it on purpose and enjoy it
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@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
5 Oct 08
first i will be polite but same like you said they insist something that your not the one or they call by mistake i will, told them sorry you got a wrong number, & if they insist & drive me nuts i will close in thire face.
• Ireland
4 Oct 08
I usually do as I do for all unwanted calls. I had a series of calls from a caller asking to speak to 'Michael.' I kept explaining that there was nobody my the name of 'Michael' living in my house. The caller once asked me if I was sure and that annoyed me. After that, whenever I got an unwanted call I always asked the caller if they could hold the line for a moment. Then I just place the phone on the table and leave them holding on until they got fed up. Nobody has phone and asked to speak to 'Michael' since I started to do this and neither do I get calls from telesales people.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Initially I'll be polite. If they keep at it I get irritated and either hang up, or just lay the phone down and walk away. Years ago I had the craziest thing happen over several months. I kept getting phone calls from a man and woman who INSISTED they were my husband's parents and didn't understand why I wouldn't talk to them or let them talk to my child. This went on for months, and got really scary. Finally I'd had enough and contacted the police. It turns out there were TWO families in my town with the same names that my husband and I have. This family truely thought they were talking to their daughter in law when they kept calling me. Luckily the police straightened it out and they never called me again.
@alkhansa (88)
• Saudi Arabia
4 Oct 08
Just answer them with a short and business-like manners. If they keep on insisting, I usually just cut the conversation. I don't like people who are insisting when I already explained that they have the wrong number.
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@Anchopy (1453)
• Paraguay
4 Oct 08
Hi iyah10! I think that if wouldn't call them back.. I think that I just would keep my phone ringing or rejecting the call until that person stop calling.. until now that worked for me
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@BinaryKat (735)
• United States
4 Oct 08
I had that happen to me. I remember this gentleman called the house once a week calling for someone nickednamed motherdear. The first two times we let the answering machine pick up and hope that he will get the understanding that there was no one by that name since he didn't get a callback. So one day he called and I answered. He asked if the number he called is the number to our house. I told him politely that even though it was the right number, the person he was looking for, do not live here. Sometimes it works out and they understand. And sometimes people have thick skulls and don't get it so I do like you and close the phone on them if they act rude lol.
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