Is wasting water acceptable?

October 6, 2008 9:58am CST
Starbucks has been accused of wasting water every day. The coffee chain has a policy of leaving taps running in all its branches worldwide. On a daily basis that's enough water to supply the entire population of drought-stricken Namibia. I find this shocking and I am pleased to say I'm not one of their customers. Will you still buy coffee from Starbucks?
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30 responses
@virinchi (82)
• India
6 Oct 08
I'm also shocked to hear such type of news...Many people don't have water even to meet their daily thirst...It's very shame on their part
6 Oct 08
They should feel shame. Hopefully Starbucks will change their policy if this news stops people buying their coffee.
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@pitstop (14760)
• Australia
7 Oct 08
They should not claim to be 'green' if they are doing this. Is it standard practice in other hotels and coffee places to leave taps running to stop germs breeding? Is there any scientific rationale for this practice. If no it should be stopped immediately. If it is true then there should be some way of recycling this water!
• Canada
10 Oct 08
Sushi chefs also use it to clean their knifes.
@vicky30 (4766)
• India
6 Oct 08
I don't know about starbucks,but wasting water is a big crime.we get overflowing water in our taps.but there are some villages who don't get water to drink.
6 Oct 08
I agree it is a crime to waste water in this way when so many are short of water to drink.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
6 Oct 08
Leaving the water taps running prevents germs? Oh that's a good one. How stupid can Starbucks be? I never liked their coffee and now I have another reason not to do business with them. With our water supply dwindling, we might be fighting over water, not oil. Starbucks policy is outrageous and unforgivable. travel lightly, anawar
6 Oct 08
It is outrageous that they do not allow their workers to turn off the taps.
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@pkraj111 (2458)
• India
6 Oct 08
How can they do that? There are certain areas in my city where people live on water rations as if they are in army.
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6 Oct 08
Water is restricted in many parts of the world, and I think that makes it wrong for any business to waste it in this way.
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• Malaysia
9 Oct 08
Hi paid2write, that really a sad story to know it. They should really review again on the approach as if those put into desert, i believe it will at least create some oasis then. I am not one of the starbuck customer too, i like coffee beans. Hope they didn't have similar pattern to waste water, indirectly waste the money as they will need to pay for the water bill too. Would suggest them to use the reverse osmosis method so not to continue waste the water.
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9 Oct 08
Starbucks charge a lot of money for their drinks and maybe that is partly because they pay large water bills!
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• Malaysia
12 Oct 08
Haha. May be, or else they will not able to earn more from customers.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Well, i hardly go to starbucks in the first place but they should change their policies to conserve water. everyone should try to conserve as much water as possible because its our lifeline. people should find a way to filter water and reuse it, i think it can be possible, some water parks even do the same thing.
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7 Oct 08
I heard on the news Starbucks are now considering changing their water usage, but I think that if this had not become known they would have continued to waste water.
• United States
6 Oct 08
No wasting water is not acceptable. I don't buy anything from there and doubt I will at this rate knowing they never turn the water off at their stores. This is probably why their drinks are so expensive, they waste so much water, they're water bill is so high so we have to pay for it. I think I will get my coffee fix somewhere else.
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7 Oct 08
I thought the same thing about the price of their drinks and the size of their water bill! I think they will now have to cut down on the amount of water they use but I still won't pay their prices.
@littleowl (7157)
7 Oct 08
Hi p2w..I have never been to Starbucks though was going to try it out when it cam you have mentioned that no I won't's very rare nowadays that I go to a won't be going to Starbucks, it's awful to think how we are all being asked to conserve water yet those who need it most can't benefit from us doing this especially if Starbucks were to conserve theirs too...hugs littleowl
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7 Oct 08
Don't bother going to Starbucks unless you have a lot of money, or until they change their policy on water usage.
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
6 Oct 08
It's not OK for anyone to waste water. I never go to Starbucks anyway because I don't like their coffee, so it has no affect on me. If I did, it sure would make me not go there.
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7 Oct 08
Starbucks will lose customers over this so now they will have to change their policy. I still will not buy their coffee.
@Anne18 (11029)
7 Oct 08
Wasting water is not acceptable. Starbucks should donate loads of bottled water to over seas contries to make up for it. I have only ever been in Starbucks twice and never thought it was that great, so unless I happen to be going into the wrongs ones in the wrong towns I don't think I am missing much. We do use far too much water in our house, mainly on rinsing out drink bottles etc. Am very aware but not quite sure how we can save water in our house. We aren't on a water meter because of the age of our house.
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• Canada
10 Oct 08
Actually starbucks does donate to programs to provide safew drinking water for people in africa and latin america. 10 cents from every ethos bottled water sold goes to this fund. They have raised 6.2 million to date.
7 Oct 08
I too think it would be a good idea if Starbucks were to donate bottled water where there is a drought, or even better, donate money to a charity like Water Aid, which helps set up water facilities in those countries.
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• Philippines
28 Oct 08
Nope, not acceptable. Its a precious resource and must be well taken care of. Starbucks policy if true is insane. Even if they are paying for it, they do not have the right to waste this precious gift. Starbucks, examine your policy.
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28 Oct 08
I agree, it can't be right for a single business to be using more water than is cosumed by an entire nation.
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@my2boys (821)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Wow. It is definitely not acceptable to waste water. I do not know this about Starbucks. Fortunately, I have never been a fan of Starbucks and I am not a customer anyway but if i were this would definitely turn me off. They are a big corportation that should be helping out the world. Not hurting it. Thats sad.
7 Oct 08
They will lose customers over this, quite rightly. If this had not become news they would not consider changing the system. Now they have to do something about it.
• United States
28 Oct 08
This is absolutely unacceptable!!!No I will never ever drink their coffee again!!!Worldwide water waisting!They should be fined and regulated!!!!Somehow there should be a way to regulate this!!!!We are in no shape to be waisting anything these days!!!!I hope a stop gets put to this.Maybe a protest or boycott,and see how they like that!!It would be nice if America could all spend one week,just one and make their own coffee just for a day.See how that hurts them!I bet they decide it's not worth it!
28 Oct 08
They say it is necessary for safety and hygiene but I don't see people falling ill when they drink coffee at cafes and restaurants where water is not wasted, so there are obviously using better systems.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
28 Oct 08
Ithink that is is obscene. Wastage of water is really obscene. I t can be saved and help other nations who face thirst and famine. We should be more considerate towards other people © ronaldinu 2008
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• Philippines
7 Oct 08
"Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink!" I'm quoting a line from "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," but I hope none of us will have to say this lines and really mean it! The demand for fresh water is directly proportionate to the number of people in this planet. In other words, as our population steadily increases, so does the demand for fresh water. The supply has to keep up with the demand. And the best way to ensure that there is enough supply is to minimize the demand. Therefore, we need to use water wisely and not waste any of it. I know how it is not to have water running from the tap. It was so bad that I don't even want to remember what it was like. And if I were made to choose between a venti-sized frappe and a tall glass of good ole H2O, I'd choose the latter in a heartbeat. So no Starbucks for me.
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7 Oct 08
If there was no water available Starbucks would be the first to go out of business, because most of their drinks are made with froth and steam!
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
Yes, I agree. So it makes perfect sense for them to conserve water, because fresh water supply is not inexhaustible.
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@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
10 Oct 08
Obviously you have something against starbucks to begin with. Yes this is very terrible and should be changed... but really considering all the good things starbucks does for the world this really isn't that big of a deal. They aren't dumping toxic waste. They aren't lying. Most people who work for starbucks are extremely environmentally concious. Our plastics bins were full one day so I took the recylcing to the the depot in my car myself the next day. I just really hate to see peole being so negative without really reasearching this company or its philosophy.
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• Canada
11 Oct 08
Actually employees should not turn off water as there is currently no other way to sanitize the utensils and thermoters. This could cause an allergic reaction or cause bacteria to grow and make someone very sick. It is irresponsible of the employees to turn the tap off. The responsible thing would be to phone their district manager and demand action. What about water parks? They run water all day in the summer? I repeat.... what do you do for the environment. And it really doesn't matter what you would do if you worked for starbucks because you never would. You've already stated that their coffee is overpriced and that you don't like the taste of it. You also completely disregarding the fact that there is no other way to sanitize these items in place. Starbucks is a very clean place. Your dirty habits would not fly.
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10 Oct 08
I would have been shocked to read about any business wasting water in this way. Ut's not because it's Starbucks but because Starbucks is a good company and I would expect it not to waste water. Some Starbucks workers in the UK are turning off the water despite being told not to do so. They at least are showing some responsibility. If I worked for Starbucks I would tell the bosses that this rule is irresponsible and it's their own policy that is giving Starbucks a bad name.
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• Lubbock, Texas
6 Oct 08
Well, in the first place I've always thought it was crazy to pay the price they charge for coffee when I know how to make coffee to my taste. To say you're wasting water in the name of sanitation is just absolutely wrong on so many levels I can't count them. Like so many people have said, some people don't even have water to quench their thirst let alone meet their own basic sanitation requirements. And regardless of how small minded you are or where you live, water shortage in Africa does effect people in other countries. There are much "greener" ways to keep business sanitary.
6 Oct 08
You are quite right. Some people in countries lacking water do exist without any sanitation. I can certainly exist without paying such a high price for my coffee.
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@umart13 (841)
• Ireland
22 Mar 09
Hello paid2write, No! I most certainly do not believe that wasting water is acceptable. Water is the most precious commodity on the planet. Town and city engineers have been builing aquaducts and piping systems to transport water to our towns for millenia. Without water there would be no urbanisation, no economic progress and we would be back in the dark ages. The lack of water during drought periods in history has led to crop failures and seen the darkest periods in the history of many ancient civilisations, if not been the very cause of their demise. Furthermore, the proper irrigation of desert land has led to countries like Israel becoming successful fruit and vegetable exporters, from which the whole world benefits. So I agree with you that water should be treated with more respect. Otherwise, the day will come when we are fighting over water and not oil.... Have a nice week. Umart
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@jnk3dfx (721)
• India
8 Oct 08
NO. Its should not be. I know how important the water is. I am staying in a rented place. There this water supply is not proper. Once in a two days the water comes through this Public Water Supply. Some time it wont come for 3 or more days. So we need to store and keep it safe, predicting for water scarcity. In that case wasting water will be a Big crimes isnt'it. So feel like water is most preciuos and valuable thing, should not be wasted and it is not accepatable to see others wasting water.
• Canada
10 Oct 08
No Starbucks charges a lot for their drinks because they are hand crafted and you can have them any way you want. Drip coffee is actually not that expensive there.
• Canada
10 Oct 08
opps I meant this to respond to the comment below.
8 Oct 08
Most people with access to a water supply never think about it. Only when the supply is cut off do they know how difficult life is without it. I hope this wastage will be stopped soon.
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