What is your stance on abortion?
By gamechief
@gamechief (80)
United States
October 6, 2008 11:21am CST
I've never been able to come to a conclusion on the matter. While I think it's wrong to kill a sentient being, it's impossible to tell at what point a fetus becomes sentient. I'm sure it's not self-aware at every stage since conception, but no one can really tell considering we don't have memories dating back that far.
In any event, I don't see why the average Joe has a say in the science behind a fetus. I think it should be up to doctors to determine what the most morally correct decision is.
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32 responses
@Mare73 (1335)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I think that regardless of what someone's beliefs are; this is a personal matter and only a person faced with that decision can truly say what they will or will not due. It is not an easy choice, however, sometimes it is the best choice. And for those that believe in God (myself included); people need to get out of people's business and stop judging. Let God judge.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
6 Oct 08
I believe that life begins at conception. A baby yet to be born grows and develops every week of the pregnancy. I think that the growth and the development is wonderful. I had such joy when I saw my baby for the first time on the screen during an ultrasound. I think pregnancy with all the hormonal changes can be a stressful time. A surprise pregnancy can be quite shocking so a lady in that situation needs her friends support and understanding. I would never have an abortion but I respect other people's choices. I think that it is personal choice within reason is what matters most. When I was a teenager I was handed a magazine that showed the stages of a baby growing in his or her mother's womb. Since that day forward I have hated the idea of having an abortion. Abortion is illegal in some countries and it is legal in other countries. People's opinion is divided but I could never perform an abortion nor have one.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I can only go on my personal feelings. For me, having an abortion is wrong. However, I can't speak or be the conscience for others. They have that decision to make on their own.
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@leahsfrog (120)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I have given birth to 8 children and have miscarried 8, two of my children were the result of long-term rape by a family member. I carried them to trem and they were both adopted by the same family. To me abortion was never an option, the fetus did not ask to be concieved and they were innocent in a heinous situation. I would never have one and I would not approve of my children having or endorsing one, but I do not judge someone over a difficult decision that they have made. I am Pro-Choice for one reason and one reason only; everyone one in this world should have the right to choose theirs paths in life without fear of retribution, ridicule or being ostracised.
I do not agree that a fetus is not a sentient being until birth, if you have ever felt the kick of your unborn child inside you in response to what is going on outside the womb than you know what I mean. The brain is present by the 8th week of pregnancy, how can one say that there is no sentient being just because the brain is still developing. My brain and your brain are still developing, it is a process that does not end until our deaths. This debate began between doctors, lawyers and the courts to decide wether or not it was legally okay for a woman to terminate her pregnancy. It is used by those who choose to have one to make them feel as if they are not harming anyone, and it is used by those who are against it as a way to punish and condemn those who have them. You and I can not trully ever know in one hundred percent sureity when sentience begins and neither can anyone else. To me this is not a valid reason to be for or against abortion because it is not fact and can not be proven as such. If a doctor says they can prove the precise moment when a fetus becomes sentient then run far away from them because they are lying. This is not possible because they are observers of a foreign world and can only make guesses.
In the end and begining of this it is purely a personal choice and decision and should not be the business of anyone except the male and female who helped in the conceiving of the pregnancy. The law and everyone else should never have a say as to what one person does in their path in regards to their personal bodies, thoughts and decisions. We are not Gods or Goddesses, we are human and such we are flawed but we are entitled to those flaws.
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@gamechief (80)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I don't believe anyone claims to know when exactly sentience begins, or believes that sentience begins at birth. But what is known is that sentience cannot exist until after the brain develops during the 8th week of pregnancy, as you said. Therefore, abortion before the 8th week can be considered morally acceptable to those who believe sentience is the key to abortion. After the brain has developed, we cannot claim to know how long it takes to be sentient, as it possibly could happen the exact instance the brain develops. Anyone who supports abortion post-brain-development cannot uses sentience as their reason to justify abortion.
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@cgobble (171)
• United States
6 Oct 08
This is a matter that interests me espically since Colorado, the state I now reside in, is trying to pass an amendment to illegalize abortion. The most interesting part of it is that they are trying to define a human at the moment of fertilization. Which in turn would illegalize quite a few methods of birth control. It doesn't really make sense to me only because of the terminology. I am neither pro-life nor pro-choice. I say let people do whatever they want to do. But one point of interest I must bring up. I saw a truck here in Colorado Springs two days ago with a large banner on top of it with pictures of aborted fetuses on it then the word Abortion and a question mark. I do not care what anybody's stance is on the subject, these banners are wrong. They take the most horrible pictures of full term abortions and display them in a grotesque manner just to make a point?!?! Friggin ridiculous.
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
8 Oct 08
[i]Hello gamechief,
I think I am both against it and for it. It's a strange position because there are so many situation that it's ok to have abortions. Our law say it's illegal to have an abortion so we should comply with the law. We should modify the law if we want abortion in some cass. A provisions should be provided to it that say's it's ok to have an abortion. Most of country prohibit abortion and I think it's about time that some changes should be made through it.

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I believe that life starts at conception and that it is wrong take a human life no matter rather they are self aware or not.
You brought up an interesting argument about trees, which was: "Even a tree is alive, but it's not morally wrong to kill it. Some believe morality comes into play when the fetus is sentient, which we don't know when occurs, but know it's not at conception."
This may be true, but we also don't kill trees just for the sake of doing so. We kill trees for lumber or wood which is used for construction, paper goods and a number of useful things that benefit humanity. As a people on a whole, we also kill both plants and animals for food, but again, that is not killing for the sake of killing, that is for food, which is necessary for survival. I think it would be wrong to destroy a tree if it was done for no useful purpose just as I think it is wrong to kill an animal or plant if not for food.
Taking a human life does not benefit humanity on a whole, nor do we use aborted fetuses for food.
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@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I don't have a problem with abortion when carrying to term would put the mother's life at stake, obviously it is necessary and beneficial to save a life that has already been born then.
As for rape, I have been raped and got pregnant. My personal choice was to have the baby and give him up for adoption, which was prearranged, since I felt that the baby did not rape me and did not deserve to die for it. However, I realize that this is not an easy thing to do, so I do not condemn any woman for having an abortion in the case of rape, but I would not do it.
As for stem cell research, I do not know a whole lot about it, but this could be done with the abortions that are medically necessary to save a woman's life because they are not able to carry to term.
As for a woman not being able to support a child financially, my income is poverty level and I have two children whom I support just fine. They are fed, have clothes, go to school, get doctor checkups and have everything they need and no, I'm not on welfare. They do not get all the latest name brand clothes, but they do have nice clothes, they don't get the most expensive toys, but they do have nice toys. They also know that they are loved and they are happy and healthy. Many times when people claim they can't afford to care for a child the fact is that they could, but simply don't want what they consider to be a hardship.
Also, when I myself was a child, I was badly abused both physically and emotionally by my parents. I also grew up very poor and without many of the things that my friends or peers had. But guess what? I have always been happy to be alive. The point there is that we can not, no matter what the circumstances, determine what the quality or meaning of another person's life will be to them. Therefore we can not, under any circumstances, assume that a child would be better off not born, or aborted.
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@gamechief (80)
• United States
7 Oct 08
What about when an going through with the childbirth would risk the mother's life? Or if the mother is simply not financially able to support the child? Or if the mother is not mentally capable of supporting a child? All are situations in which the child would grow up in a poor environment, which would negatively influence society. Most importantly (as is most common and most easily proven) in the case where the mother's life is at risk.
Not to mention stem cell research can currently cure diseases that modern technology can cure no other way.
Abortions, if handled properly, can have a positive impact on society.
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@sdmoonchild (731)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I am all for Pro Choice. If one of my daughters came home pregnant at an early age, I would for sure make them get an abortion. They have their futures to think of,career, education come first.Babies having babies is wrong and in this economy, I would hate to bring another child into this world, too expensive.
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@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
Good day... For me it depends on the mother. It's her body and it should be her decision. There's a lot of circumstances and situations that need to be consider. The legal and moral implications of the mother's decision should also be inclued.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
6 Oct 08
In my belief it is wrong to have an abortion and the bible also discuss this in an negative way. A person who was rape and does not want to have the child can be allowed to committed this act. I think that she and God has to work this out. I have an Aunt who did one and it is still haunting her after all these years. Two consenting adults committing an act without protection and marriage and then become pregnant should live up to their responsibilities. I think that it should only allow rape victims and no one else.
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@nanajanet (4436)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I think that is a personal choice because all people believe differently. Who is to truly say when a fetus has a soul. I personally believe that humans do not have a soul until they are born. Why I say this is because I have talked to OB/GYN's and midwives who all told me, basically, the same thing. They say that they can actually feel the life force entering the body of the child at one point.
I was there for the birth of my granddaughter. Her best friend and I assisted the birth and it's true. You can see this body come out and then, POOF, suddenly the life comes into this child.
I don't believe that it's the doctor's choice, alone, either. It must be, essentially, the choice of the person. I do not think abortion should be used as a form of birth control, but I feel that there can be times that it might happen for the better good, again, not my decision and I refuse to judge anyone who does it. I would only know why if it were me.
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@amoisan (240)
• Canada
12 Oct 08
i think its up to the woman if you take away the right for her to get one then if a woman realy needs one cant get it like say someone got raped or you know 100% that the kid is going to be handycaped it should be all up to the woman she wants one let her if it has a heart i think its a life and should not be killed but there is some people that should be spared life if its just going to be like a life sentece for them.
@Videogeezer (654)
7 Oct 08
I believe women should be able to have the choice to have an abortion or not. So many people are just not in the position to have kids, financially or mentally. While I would advise the use of protection, mistakes happen.
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@dlbruce85 (110)
• United States
6 Oct 08
It is scientifically shown that life begins upon conception. I think that abortion is disgusting, and I personally am morally opposed to it. However, it is not the government's position to legislate on this. No one can tell a woman that she has to have a baby, because that is a violation of the woman's rights. I think it should be left in the hands of the doctor and the patient.
@gamechief (80)
• United States
6 Oct 08
Life does begin at conception, however many believe there's more to it than solely if the fetus is alive. Even a tree is alive, but it's not morally wrong to kill it. Some believe morality comes into play when the fetus is sentient, which we don't know when occurs, but know it's not at conception.
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@gamechief (80)
• United States
7 Oct 08
keymandan, see my reply to Taskr36 on the first page as to why trees and fetuses (not babies) are similar.
If a fetus deserves rights because it can possibly become sentient, then a sperm deserves rights because it can possibly become alive.
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@gamechief (80)
• United States
8 Oct 08
While I agree with you on prohibition not working and causing more harm than good, the debate tends to be on whether or not the fetus has rights.
@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I know abortion is wrong. They are killing future lawyers businessmen and doctors. I dont know if you guys are Christian but somewhere in the Bible it says "before you were in your mother's womb i knew you..." i dont have the time to look it up but its saying that God knows who you are who you are going to be before you were even formed. and a fetus is still a human being.

@gamechief (80)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Not that I'm disagreeing with you, but statistics will show that the fetus is more likely to end up in prison than become a lawyer, businessman, or doctor. Who's to say the baby won't grow up to viciously murder his classmates in high school?
You can't assume the child will end up being a positive contribution to society any more than you can assume he or she will be a negative influence.
I'm definately not saying we shouldn't give the child a chance to choose which one he or she wants to be. I'm just stopping the whole "he or she could end up curing cancer" argument, as it holds no real weight.
And the Bible does indeed say that God knew you when you were in the womb.
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@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Coldshine you are so politically in correct "obama bin ladin" last time I checked it was Osama bin ladin. why do people bring out the negative. thinking that a child could grow up crazy. but even if they do, dont they have a right to life? its out of our power.
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@sanjo0679 (225)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I feel that abortion should be left soley up to the woman. No one should have the right to tell another individual what they can or can not do with their body. The woman has to live with her decision. If an unexpected pregnancy occurs (and by unexpected I mean that measures were taken to prevent it or she was raped) and decides that it's to her best interest not to have the baby, then she should be allowed to terminate the pregnancy.
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