What You Didn't Know About John McCain and the Keating Five. WOW!
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
United States
October 6, 2008 2:20pm CST
So the Palin/McCain ticket has decided to go in the gutter in order to revive their "erractic" campaign.
They've decided to step up the negative campaign against Barack Obama in an attempt to change the topic from the economy to "Swift Boat" smears.
Well it's not going to work. Barack Obama has fired back with John McCain's involvement in the biggest Savings and Loan scandal in American history.
This will prove to be the nail in the coffin of this "erractic" campaign.
Here are two important things to know about John McCain and the Keating Five.
1. John McCain admitted to intentionally filing false income tax returns to defraud the IRS by not claiming thousands of dollars in gifts McCain and his family received from Charles Keating and Keating’s company.
Years later, when the IRS noticed Keating’s company had written off the gifts to McCain as business expenses, McCain fessed up and admitted filing false returns and made a “donation” to the U.S. Treasury to cover the amount he defrauded American tax payers.
McCain also leaked information about the Keating Five to the press multiple times in an effort to appear above the other Senators in the scandal. A 1989 Phoenix New Times article summed it up best with their title - McCain: The Most Reprehensible of the Keating Five.
2. John McCain’s wife, Cindy McCain, along with her father, made a $359,000 investment in retail property owned by Charles Keating in 1986, a year before John McCain first met with federal regulators on behalf of Keating. Keating was later convicted on 73 counts of fraud, conspiracy, and other crimes. Years later, Cindy McCain sold her investment for $15,000,000.
For anyone not aware of the Keating Five, here’s a very simple summary:
Charles Keating owned a savings and loan in California. He was illegally using the money of his bank’s customers to give loans to himself and friends that they didn’t have to repay, and to speculate on risky real estate investments, which was strictly forbidden by U.S. law (and was one cause of the Great Depression).
When the feds found out what was going on and launched an investigation into Keating and his company, Keating called five U.S. Senators whom he had wined, dined, and lavished with hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations and personal gifts.
Keating asked the five Senators to tell the feds to bug off, and the five Senators, later known as the Keating Five, obliged, meeting with federal investigators twice and pressuring them to stop investigating Keating’s crimes. They bought Keating some time, but the feds didn’t give up and eventually Keating was nailed.
The reason the feds were so persistent was because Keating wasn’t playing with mere chump change. Keating blew $3.4 billion through illegal personal loans and bad investments, and the FDIC had to reimburse Keating’s customers who had been ripped off.
John McCain's best bet is to stick to the issues facing the American people and stop the "Swift Boat" tactics. It's going to come back and bite his butt.
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16 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Oct 08
this information just makes me more sure than ever
that i will not vote for McCain,I wasnt going to anyway
but now, I am more surer than ever. Obama will get
my vote for sure.I only hope that my saying this does'not get a lot of mylotters flaming me as it is only my own opinion.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Oct 08
Don't worry, Hon, it won't be so bad...lol!
You may be accused of being "jealous" of Sarah Palin because why else would you ever vote against a ticket that includes her. Our one very "thorny" myLotter may imply that you're an African American, because how could you possibly NOT vote for an American hero and perfect saint like John McCain otherwise? This member, of course, would be outraged if you implied she was a racist. So, if you get flamed consider where the match that lit it came from.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Don't worry about being "flamed". The other side may have run out of ways to "smear" Barack Obama and may now be seeing the writing on the wall.
We've overcomed all these smears for nearly 1 year and I don't see why these "Swift Boat" tactics will start to suddenly being working now.
I begged the Palin/McCain campaign to discuss the issues facing the American people and they refused.
Now it's too late. Barack Obama is on a roll. I don't think the momentum will change.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Annie, "thorny" member of mylot?! LMAO! Thank you for a much needed chuckle this morning.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I'm responding to this from my e-mail notification so I haven't seen what others have had to say so far but I can just imagine. No big deal, he was cleared of any wrong-doing years ago, ya-da-ya-da...
I say we should put it out there and let the voters decide how big a deal it is. I say if these kinds of tactics are going to be used against Obama for things he didn't have anything to do with then the Keating Five is certainly a relevant issue! Thanks so much for summing this issue up so clearly in a way everyone can understand. I think some people tend to ignore something that they don't quite comprehend and the pundits and politicians don't always speak our language.
I agree about this coming back to bite McCain/Palin in their collective butts! However, they have no choice but to change the subject from the economic meltdown we're facing right now.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
6 Oct 08
It's more than relevant. The repeal of part of a piece of FDR legislature enabled the deregulation of the S&L's that allowed Keating to steal and caused a $500 million bailout. The rest of that legislature was repealed in 1999 and it paved the way for the current crises which has resulted in a 700 billion bailout. Both the the Keating mess and today's mess directly resulted from repeals of parts of the Glass Steagal act, one piece of FDR legislature that should never have been messed with in deregulation. If they play their cards right, I think Obama & Biden can tie the two together and score big with this one.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I am so impressed with everyone's knowledge of this issue. Hopefully more and more Americans are on top of this issue also.
John McCain is not the "choir boy" he makes himself out to be. His hands are just as dirty as many of the corrupt, lifetime politicians in Washington, DC.
This is why the smear tactics of the Palin/McCain campaign will come back and haunt them.
John McCain always seem to be in the middle of a financial crisis. It's not a coincedence.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Yeah and McCain/Palin keep talking about Obama's relationship with that "American Terrorist" . Obama was 8 when all that was going on...
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Sarah Palin has no credibility. I bet she never heard of Ayers until this week. And now she is an authority on the subject.
Sarah Palin is an authority on moose hunting, killing wolves from airplanes and winking.
Here's more from Sarah Palin.
Katie Couric:
"What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?"
Sarah Palin:
"Well, let's see. There's --of course --in the great history of America rulings there have been rulings, there's never going to be absolute consensus by every American.
And there are -- those issues, again, like Roe v Wade where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So you know -- going through the history of America, there would be others but--"
Couric: "Can you think of any?"
"Well, I could think of -- of any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level. Maybe I would take issue with. But you know, as mayor, and then as governor and even as a Vice President, if I'm so privileged to serve, wouldn't be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as it reads today." --unable to name any Supreme Court decisions other than Roe v. Wade, CBS News interview, Oct. 1, 2008
Once again. Sarah Palin has no credibility.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
7 Oct 08
True, the more she speaks the more chances she has to get foot in mouth disease. But to paraphrase our late Gov Ann Richards "poor Sarah, she can't help it, she was born with a silver high heel in her mouth", wink,wink...
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Hey Lloyd. Good information about McBush here. I heard a lot of this Keating deal when they showed it on a News Special on Friday, but they didn't get this deep into it. I've always felt like the person who's slinging the most mud in a campaign is the one who has the most to hide.
I just want to leave one tip with you though. Next discussion you post you should bring along with you a couple of links to back up your story. You know a lot of people around here don't like Obama, and they will do anything to get a discussion deleted. The links as reference should prove to admin that you didn't just come up with it, because you know they don't research much lol. Keep up the good work
Vote Obama...I did!!!
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
You can Read an Article about The Keating Five in John McCain's hometown newspaper, The ARIZONA REPUBLIC. This article explains it in even more detail.
Here is the link:
Thanks for the tip.
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@shontia08 (846)
• United States
7 Oct 08
drknlvly i agree with you. thanks lloyd for posting the links. the truth hurts. i am going to vote for obama
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Well I happened to tune into Hannity's America last night and am still shaking in my boots as to the lack of information about Obama's past - like his senior thesis from Harvard was something about missles and Russia and no one can find that thesis - reports and others have literally scoured everywhere for a copy and no one can find it. But they have found his connection to "bad" organizations like the Black Panthers and Muslims and such. An hour of video documentation and things showing proof and hardly a word from Sean Hannity - just documented proof of what they can find about him...quite scary. Tune into FoxNews and watch Hannity's America - you'll be shocked.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Oct 08
FOxNews is the most watched of any news channel - - you believe what you like, and i will do the same...this is after all America.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Here's the report I was talking about
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I know the Palin/McCain campaign must be banging their heads against the wall, asking what can we do to stop Barack Obama.
Nothing seems to work. And the reason why is because Barack Obama has plans to deal with the problems that face "Average Everyday Americans".
John McCain only wants tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and the wealthies corporations that sent millions of good paying jobs overseas.
I hope their turn to a nasty negative campaign takes a huge chunk out of their collective "butts".
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
8 Oct 08
There are so many things I want to say here that I don't even know where to begin.
I guess I'll start off with this.."Were you aware that the Democrats blocked any efforts by the Bush Administration and McCain to tighten regulation?"
Were you aware that this problem was addressed as early as 2003 whe we had a Republican congress and every bill that was attempted got stalled in committee? Seems to me that if this were an issue that was so imprtant to the Republicans all they would have had to do was vote along party lines and get the thing passed. And with the bailout that just occurred you'd think that maybe, just maybe, McCain would've thought about the disaster that was caused in part by his own actions with Keating and "rallied the troops" to get something done years ago.
Both sides are guilty, but one is more guilty than the other, and it's not the Democrats. Republicans want to blame this mess on Obama, but the truth is this problem started long before Obama was even in the Senate.
Second, "What if Sarah said that she didn't know that the person blew up an abortion clinic? Would THAT make it all right?"
Actually, I think it would. I have served on a few boards in my time, and I can't say I know anything about the members past. I have been to some of their homes, and if they did anything illegal when I was 8 years old I wouldn't think anyone would expect me to know about it or look at my presence in their home as condoning it. Where is the issue here?
As far as the "They are going to try to scare you about me" speech...it had nothing to do with race. It had everything to do with antics described above, spreading fear about his rumored close relationship with a domestic terrorism, spreading fear about his religious affiliations, etc...Even McCain said that Rev. Wright shouldn't be a topic of discussion anymore, yet he has Palin out bringing it up. Or is she showing her "maverick" colors? Did anyone not here the McCain supporter yell "terrorist" at the rally where McCain asked who the real Obama is?
If Obama was such a threat to the American people there is no way he would even e in the position to be president.
I'm starting to think the reason the issues aren't being focused on the way they should be is because the American voters are so wrapped up in trying to untangle the facts from the fiction. And honestly, I blame McCain for that. Obama has attemtped to take the high road, and in essence he still is, but you can only take so much bullying before you stand up and say "enough."
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
7 Oct 08
That whole Keating Five thing happened when I was only 8 years old so it has nothing to do with me.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
The whole Ayers thing happened when Barack Obama was 8 years old so it has nothing to do with me.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Here is something YOU may not know about the Keating Five, Lloyd.
Of the Five Senators, One, Alan Cranston (D-CA)Was reprimanded and was the only Senator officially rebuked by the Senate.
Two of them,Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ)and Donald W. Riegle (D-MI)were criticized for acting improperly even though neither of them violated any Senate rule.
The other two, John McCain (R-AZ) and John Glenn (D-OH)were cleared of impropriety but criticized for poor judgment. The Ethics Committee determined that their involvement was minimal and that they "violated no law of the United States or specific Rule of the United States Senate."
Two points of interest here. First, McCain was the only Republican of the Five, The other Four were Democrats. Second, John Glenn Now works with Barack Obama's Campaign.
Or at least he did. Barry has probably throw him under the bus with his White Grandmother and Rev. Wright by now.
Here is a Bonus Point. John McCain was elected to the US Senate in 1986. This Took place in 1987, John McCain had less Senate experience at the time than Barack Obama does now. I'm not saying that lack of experience is an excuse for doing dumb things, I'm just sayin....
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I love how it's called an "attack" when we bring up Obama's Association with AYERS. But what if Sarah Palin had launched HER political Career in the living Room Of a Guy who had Blown Up an ABORTION CLINIC? Then said that HE didn't Blow Up Enough ABORTION CLINICS. And was a University Professor, Teaching Young People to RISE UP and KILL their Parents!!! Would we be satisfied with her just saying, "I didn't know that he blew up an Abortion Clinic."? Even though she was serving as Chairman of the Board with him?
Or If Sarah's Pastor of 20 years, Mentor, And Baptizer of her children said, "Don't trust Black People,They are trying to spread Disease throughout the White Race."?
Would It be OK if she just said,"I wasn't there that day."???
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
It's misleading statements like this that takes away your credibility.
Are you saying that Barack Obama supports terrorism against the American people?
Are you saying that Barack Obama support blowing up abortion clinics?
Are you saying that Barack Obama doesn't trust White People?
What exactly are you saying?
The American people have heard these claims over and over again and don't believe that Barack Obama harbors these feelings.
"Swift Boat" tactics will not win you the White House this time.
The American people are paying dearly for falling for these tactics 4 years ago and they are ready for CHANGE.
CHANGE: Try it. You might like it.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Oct 08
OR, what if John McCain was once "pallin' around" with someone who was raising funds for someone who blew up abortion clinics and who had in fact shot a doctor who performed legal abortions?
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I am not saying anyone supports blowing up abortion clinics.
I am ASKING you if you would have problem with Sarah Palin for Launching her political career in the living room of someone who blew up an abortion clinic? Even if that person did it many years ago,But still says that he should have blown up a few more of them.
What if Sarah said that she didn't know that the person blew up an abortion clinic? Would THAT make it all right?
Answer this question and then we will cover the other points.
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
7 Oct 08
You know the most negative people are on the losing side. They have no substance and usually bad things hidden in their closets and that is why they go on the attack. Of course now that this info is out on them, they will cry about being attacked. If you play with fire you get burnt! So I wonder how they are going to try and spin this now. There is no way they can come out looking good.

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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
You are correct. Everyone has gone negative on Barack Obama since the primaries.
Barack has taken the high road each and everytime until he had to respond to the attacts.
Barack Obama has run a wonderful campaign and these last minute "Swift Boat" smears aren't going to change a thing.
It's an act of desparation. A little to late.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Great post! I remember the Keating five but it was when I was fairly young and didn't really get educated about it until this election cycle. I cannot believe that McCain is bring up the Ayrs thing when he has this thing in his closet. What an idiot.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
For some reason that link no longer works. Try this one and navigate through the chapters.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
7 Oct 08
Hi lloydanthony111,
It goes on and on and on, all those scandels coming out and nex we are going scadles about Obama, he he, can't wait, I wish it was all over. Its dragging on too long.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Well tamarafireheart, the election is exactly 4 weeks from today. It will be over with on November 4th.
And hopefully we'll hear the words:
"The Next President of The United States of America: BARACK OBAMA.
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@RhythmWalker1 (825)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I remember reading about this when it happened. It's a funny thing to me that
McCain ever made it on the ballot. His track record has more cooks and crannies
in it than ... oops, I was about to compare him to Bush!
Just think, if you were to look closely at the vetoes and things "acted upon"
over the last 8 years, most in DC would much rather be black-mailed with
a dress stain than show their "true colors"!

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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Charles Keating must really be something to be able to own a savings and loan at the age of seven. Keating was born in 1923 and the great depression started in 1929. John McCain was born in 1936 so I don't think he had any involvement in the depression. Where did you get your information?
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I got my information from John McCain's own hometown newspaper. Here is the link.
Get back to me after you read it.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Hello MoonlightSerenade
I was also trying to figure out why he was referencing the Great Depression.
Thanks for clarifying it for both of us.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I read the article you posted and some others. The Senate Ethics Committee found McCain guilty of bad judgment. John McCain admitted his involvement and guilt and has paid for it. As far as the tattle telling goes, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. I'm also not going to lose any sleep over anything Obama has done that is questionable. Thanks for telling me where you got your information.
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@suruchi86 (1873)
• India
23 Apr 09
I'm so sorry to come in so late. All this has now become a history.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
7 Oct 08
And the record shows that McCain was cleared of this long ago.
Obama, on the other hand has been socializing with some pretty scuzzy people. Ayers? Bombing and not being sorry for doing so? Wishing they had done more. I posted some information about this on another forum yesterday. The spin that Obama's "team" has put on this is false, false, false. But isn't that the way with him?