Would you blindly accept your church's teaching about anything?
By sharra1
@sharra1 (6340)
October 9, 2008 6:12am CST
Do you just accept and believe anything your church tells you or do you let your mind think about it and question it? I raised this question because a young catholic mathematician I know said that if the Pope told her that 2+2 = 6 she would believe the Pope because he was the word of God even though she knew that as a mathematician it was wrong.
I also know a catholic woman who lost her faith in her church when she discovered the priest had lied to her. He told her that if she entered a church that was not catholic God would strike her dead. Well she did and no he did not even blink an eye.
How would you deal with the problem of your religion telling you something you do not believe? Do you ignore what you believe and think that the church must be right? What would you do if you church asked you to believe something you knew was not right?
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22 responses
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
9 Oct 08
yeah i would go ealse where. if i was told if i walked into another church that wasn't cathic i would be strike down.. yeah crazy..
to me it don't matter we all pray to same old.
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@Adesanya (18)
• Nigeria
29 Oct 08
of course not, that would definitely mean you are not mature, come to think of it, you are not to rely totally on what you are taught in your churc, neither are you to rely on what your mind says or your rational thinking, because both could be wrong, i sounds ironic right?, the only thing that cannot be wrong is the world of God or God himself, ... what we are taught in our church is and could only be a guide to what God wants us to know.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
29 Oct 08
True but the church wants people to blindly follow their teachings and not to think or question. That is the problem. Modern people are much more likely to do all those. What surprised me was that some people are still blindly following it and these are people we think are intelligent. That it scary.
I do not believe that God has a lot to do with what goes on in the church. He leaves it up to us. He may be puzzled why we commit so many crimes in His name but why interfere. It is all a lesson for us to learn to think for ourselves.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
12 Oct 08
I accept the Catholic Church's teaching when it comes something to deal with faith only, for example teaching about God and the mystery of Trinity. I believe that the Pope is guided by the Holy Spirit to guide us in truth. But the Pope is not infallible when he talks about current issues for example.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
29 Oct 08
I am glad you do not take it blindly. It is interesting that you make a distinction between matters of faith and matters of society in the case of the pope's infallibility. I know some Catholics who think that every word he says is the same as if God said it, no matter what the topic.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 Oct 08
That's what I like about my religion. It is set up So you can question.You are free to figure out what G-d Really meant. There is a whole book of scholars thoughts and questions. It gets you to think.I have the biggest respect for Catholics Because they can just follow the teachings and never question. I could never do that. I need to know the reason why. Even if the answer is it is a tradition or " I don't know", that would be great.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Sadly that could happen to anyone.You can be a free thinker and still find out that what you believe is a lie or that you were never told the whole truth.
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@bigboss9123 (51)
• Philippines
14 Oct 08
Let us understand that all religions and sects are the creation of man and man do lies and most such lies become truth to them in order to advance the purpose of their organization. All religions announces salvation to their members and claimed that they are the only the religion which God appointed to spread salvation. Each religion has their doctrines, a careful transcript from the selected passage of the bible and suited to the nature of their religion. sometimes religion used and abuse the bible in order to gain widespread membership. Religious leaders do lies and lies every time in their lives just like an ordinary people. I don't believe in any religion but certainly I believed only in God. Religion is not necessary in communing with God, as a matter of fact, religion served as hindrance to human and community development. Have you not observed that majority of religious members are wanting in life, poor and needy, but religious leaders are wealthy and much things in life? Why, observe them. Why believed in religion? Can we not live a life of holy without religion?
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
29 Oct 08
I think that people want something to believe in that is bigger than them. We have always wanted to believe in a God of some sort and to group together. It give our lives some meaning. Oh course it is less needed now than it was when the world was still a magic place but we are brought up from birth to believe. It is only when we grow that we start to question.
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@proverbs17 (8)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I would suggest that we all, if we believe that there is truth, must have a standard against which we measure everything, including what your local church, the Pope, Billy Graham, etc. is trying to tell you.
My standard is the Bible. And the Bible says all humans are fallible, including the Pope, Billy Graham, church leaders, etc. Therefore, in my opinion, whatever they say is true and right needs to be measured against the Bible...so on matters of controversy or topics that don't seem to have the "ring of truth" to them, I will test their ideas in light of Scripture to see if they measure up to my standard.
If my church was imposing a view on me that I knew to be wrong or false, and if that view did damage to the central message of Scripture and/or Jesus Christ, I would go to the leaders and express my view. If they did not listen to reason and change their position, I would then leave that church and look for one that was staying true to the Bible.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
11 Oct 08
Well said. I think that is a very good point. The problem for many is when they do not know that they have been lied to because they to not know anything that contradicts them. Sometimes they find out and then they get very upset. I find that if someone I trust tells me a lie and claims its truth but I know its a lie then I start to wonder about everything they have ever told me. Can you ever trust them again?
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@proverbs17 (8)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Thanks, cgobble! I appreciate your nice words and encouragement. Take care.

@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
9 Oct 08
My church taught me, when I was a young lady, that the Bible is the final authority, and if I were to find the church in conflict with the Bible, then I should follow the Bible. Many great early mathematicians were condemned as heretics. Some teachings may be good teachings, although they are given by men. That is why there needs to be an authority beyond the church. God set the universe in place, and provided the rules for mathematic truths, the Pope does not supercede God.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
Yes God made the Universe and its rules and behavior are part of that. To me the bible is a book that is stuck in time and it was written by men. Times change and we could not follow the bible literally without going backwards. The church fought scientists because they feared it feared it would lose its power in a world that became secular. It did but churches are run by men and they liked their political power, they did not want the world to change. They labeled anyone who threatened their power as heretics but the lost the battle in the end.
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
10 Oct 08
i don,t believe anything iam told i seek proof if it so iam not a follower anything thats not correct if i know about it.when you are wrong you wrong period
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 08
In this world, which under the spell of the liar from the beginning has become a dark den of falsehood and deception, there is one institution whose sole concern is to hold high the torch of God’s special revelation. That distinction belongs to the Christian church.
Some would have the Word preached by individuals rather than the church. There have been in the past, and there are today, evangelists and other preachers so called who have never been ordained to the ministry or sent out by the church. That savors of unwholesome individualism. While no one has the right to say that God will not use the labors of such men, it may be asserted without hesitation that their position is far from ideal. Most assuredly, all Christians must witness for their Lord, but the preaching of the truth of special revelation is the official task of the church. I reserve some logic thinking when it comes to unclear matters which I feel doubtful concerning my religious faith. I pray and ask the holy spirit to touch me to lead me to find the truth.
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@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
9 Oct 08
I question anything and becasue I am skeptical about the teachings of the church anyway, I would not outright beleive everything I am told...I would research, thin it through and come to my own conclusion and thoughts on teh subject....Im not easily brainwashed!
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
I agree with you but the catholic church has a history of instilling fear in people, fear of hell, of damnation and while many throw it off there are some people who take the word of a priest to be the close to the word of God as he is God's messenger. The thing is that she struggled with what she had been told and in the end she broke through the fear and the shock of finding out that he had lied to her damaged her faith.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
10 Oct 08
very simply.. churches are run by mortals.. not gods. mortals are fallible.. flawed.. thus EVERYTHING they teach SHOULD be questioned, and those who say you dont have faith in god if you question, are LYING. it isnt god you question, its MAN. *nods*
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@antiqaddict (87)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Good question. And one I have struggled a lot with. You see I was a catholic as well, and I had tons of trouble with the guilt trip. I married a protestant and saw where you only need to read the bible to see where the catholics are wrong. The pope is not perfect, the priests are not perfect, (Just look at the child abuse cases) So I prefer not to judge, but their is only one Perfect Judge, So how did I deal with a religion telling me soemthing I did not believe? I changed religions, read the bible a lot, (By the way the priest told me not to read the bible because it had too many contradictions,) But I am still hold on to my belief of God and the saints. But forget the purgatory stuff, half of the traditions, and now get on with my life. This was a tough decision to make to change religions because I was taught differently all through my childhood. I will say a prayer for you as well. Habg in there.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
11 Oct 08
Interesting. My Catholic friend told me she was not allowed to read the bible just the specially doctored book that the church supplied which explained it all etc. I thought that was odd but she would not dare break the rules. They are worried that if people read the actual book they might start to think for themselves.
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@gracetreyes (529)
• Philippines
9 Oct 08
I believe if the bible says so,but if not,sorry but i will consider you as a false prophet.I don't think that it's a matter of Religion,but my personal relationsip with the Saviour,that leads me to the right path.I don't care about your religion as long as your teaching comes from the bible.But one problem though with the Catholic faith is that they have apocripan's book in thier bible,which are not accepted with other christian religion.So we must seek the truth and ask the Holy spirit to lead us where to believe and why...We are not Robots anyway.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
9 Oct 08
I am not a prophet and not even interested in the idea, false or otherwise. The bible is just a collection of human writings decided by the men of the day to suit their desires. So the books that said that women were equal and could be ministers were thrown away and pronounced heretic because the men doing the judging wanted women as slaves.
So not the word of God but the word of man manipulated to suit their own desires.
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@gabbi525 (1)
• United States
10 Oct 08
The priest, preacher, or other Bible teacher is NOT the word of God, the Bible is the word of God. According to the Bible, we are to check everything that presents itself to us against the Word of God, and if it doesn't line up, discount it. Don't let someone else tell you what the truth is, read it for yourself. That's why we must know the Word of God, or we will fall to what someone says who is not speaking the truth.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I don't accept anything any person whoever they may be tells me blindly. If my church tells me something wrong not only am I going to ignore them; I'm going to call them on it publicly and loudly and I'm a pretty loud chick I'll tell you.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I would not believe the preacher if it was morally wrong, or if I felt that what he said was preposterous now as for the example with your friend the mathematician, I would not believe him if he said that, I would ask another person of religious stance before taking his word. Some preachers are corrupt and only seek power which is bad, wherein some teach not to sin in a certain way but sin in that way themselves and then deny it... My fiance's grandparents old preacher denied that he committed adultery. Now, I am not a very religious person but I am a religious person.
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@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
9 Oct 08
I personally dont believe every word a leader of a church say. I went to church because of God. If a pope told me something that i know personally it wrong i would not be blind about his teaching and will refuse to follow what he say. Pope or priest are all human beings who commit mistakes. I dont praise them, i respect them since they are the leader of the church but i dont listen to every word that they say. If i know it was not stated on the bible and i know in my heard that what He is teaching is wrong then i wont follow nor listen to every word that he say. We went to church to be praise God,we believe that we should keep the sabbath day holy. But we must also bear in mind that the real house of God is in every persons heart. We believe the leaders of the church. But we should also be open to the reality that like us they are human being and they can commit mistakes. So we dont need to follow every words that they say even if we know in ourselves that is it wrong.
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@inrage_angel (90)
• Japan
9 Oct 08
i dont believe blindly on what the church says.. i think about it and if i think its wrong i would trust my own judgement coz the person speaking inside the church isnt God..hes just the messenger of God..hes human and he too make mistakes
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@mayrah (1144)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Of course I wouldn't let myself encourage by blind truth. I would still search the word of and ask wisdom from Him so as I would know when to believe and what to do with that situation, By the way I'm a born again Christian and I believe my church teachings are base on word of God.
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