Cancer Hits Home...
@creativedreamweaver (7297)
United States
October 9, 2008 12:39pm CST
The love of my life, my husband, has just been diagnosed with lung cancer which has spread to his chest and lymph nodes. We go to the oncologist today to find out the details. I am overwhelmed right now with all types of emotions but am trying my best to be strong for him. It's probably the toughest thing I've ever had to do. Have any of you had cancer hit close to home? If so how did you deal with all of it? Please respond, I really need your help right now.
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14 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Awwwwwwwww my God my energies and prayers go out to you and him!
When Cancer hit my hubby in 2004.
At first couldnt beleive it and had never heard of bladder cancer before.
WE did every thing Docs told us to do .
he took the chemo.
did iron shots all the pills they threw at him. Had to have a stent put in a place that connected the bladder and kidney . had blood clots like crazy was in an out of the hospital more times than I care to count but though it all I was righgt by his side even slept on ER room floor when took so much time to get a room.
We did our best in fixing food that he would eat which was a big battle he lost his apitite.
At home he would run me in here to work on puter when he thought I was smoothering him
wouldnt let me stand out side with him.
I will always wonder what his thoughts were as he stood out there .
I couldnt cry then.
My daughter did all that found out she cried in the shower so we wouldnt hear her.
9 months later he went into a coma and when we finally got him back to the house he passed away in about 15 min after getting home he had said he didnt want to be in the hospital and he waited to get home.
This was fast for on Wed. he had showered and dressed himnself and talked and laughed with us.
by Friday the Doc ordered morphine pills he took one and went into the coma.
I couldnt break down in all this.
I had to stay strong!!!
Main thing keep close to him show him your love it goes along way more than you will ever know.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. I can understand the rollercoaster your emotions are on. Remember to breath. Big huggers to you.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Oct 08
My prayers are gpoing out to you in this dire time of needing them. I lost my mother many years ago after she fought cancer for a lot of years. I also found out a friend of the family was diagnosed with breats cancer recently. I worry about myself getting cancer from my smoking as well. Dealing with moms cancer was very difficult for the whole family. I still do the walk for a cure in honor of my moms battle. Good luck and look forward to an update soon as well. God bless you all.
My dad luckily had a few tumors removed from his bladder that were non cancerous. Cancer is such a hard topic and thing to deal with in the family. I donj't know what else to say. I am sorry to hear this and it tears at my heart as well even though I do not know you etc. God Bless again and take care.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Thank you very much.
I usually light a candle bag in her memory as well.
I have not done the walk for a couple years now though.
That's due to me being my dads caregiver and having to be home almost ALL the time.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Having had cancer nine times and survived even when the doctors said there was no chance, I'll tell you how my husband and I handled it. First, trying to keep a happy face on is useless -- you know each other too well for faking feelings. Talk it over and over and over. Talk with everyone you know, honestly and without keeping your guard up. Find out everything there is to know about his particular situation from the American Cancer Society and every online site there is, remembering that not everything online will necessarily be honest. Read everything ever printed! Try every support group that exists until you find one or two that are right for you, or start a new one. Do try couples' groups, victims' groups, and families' groups. Check with each other constantly to be sure you haven't forgotten to discuss something. Be sure your oncologists are the best, not only as doctors but also as YOUR doctors. I've had a couple of outstanding practitioners that I just didn't like, and that meant they couldn't help me as well as others could. Never fail to ask questions, even if you've asked before. They know you're not at your best, and that they might have to explain things many times. Look into every alternative treatment, in case there's something that could help you. Do absolutely everything your doctors tell you to do, once you've decided that these are the doctors for you. Don't hesitate to pick up the phone if you wonder about anything or forget anything.
Most importantly, love each other. Hold each other while you cry. Don't think you have to say anything -- loved ones really do feel each other's pain.
You'll be in my prayers.
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@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Things may be different in Oregon, but there were groups at the hospital, at all the other hospitals in town, and connected with the university medical schools. Oncology nurses are a great wealth of information, too.
Bet of luck!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I'm so sorry. I hope the doctors have some great ideas for how to treat your husband's cancer. My mom and my father in law both had lung cancer. So yes it has hit close to home here in our family too. Family support was the best thing that helped. If needed there are also outside support groups that your husband's doctor can refer you to. Or, there are also some online support groups too if you wish. I wish you both the best.
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@amanda333 (739)
• France
10 Oct 08
My dad has lung cancer, he is very strong and positive, but i cry alot for him. This is the third time he has had cancer, the chemo is starting to work and it is shrinking the tumour, he is very ill with the chemo but at least i know its working
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@angelface23 (2494)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Wow. I am very sorry to hear this news. I am praying that the doctors can do something for him. my grandfather had gotten cancer a few years ago and I think it started in lungs and spread to bones and some other organ. He passed after about a month but he smoked unfiltered cigs his whole life and he was in his 70's. Again I am praying for you and your husband and I hope things work out in his favor.
@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
9 Oct 08
My mother in law has lung cancer that is terminal, and her sister. It is very dad, and my mil has had several rounds of chemo. I just prayed for my hubby. His mom and him are very close.
I will keep you in my prayers.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
9 Oct 08
WOW!!!! that's really touch. Fortunately the worst I've had to deal with is the fact that my husband is only going blind from glaucoma. That's nothing compared to what you are dealing with, and I'm already almost blind myself, so it won't be hard to adjust. I hope all goes well, and please keep us updated as to how he is doing.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Oh honey i am so sorry to hear the news. I have not known anyone who has ever had cancer. I have no idea what you are dealing with. My mother past away from AIDS, so i know how hard it is too see someone you love suffer. I just loved her as I always loved her. I didn't feel sorry for her because she didn't feel sorry for herself. I just loved her and laughed with her, and held her hand when she was in pain, and made her laugh when she wants. I talked with her and shared with her. That's what her husband needs from you. for you to just be you loving him.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Oct 08
I just found out that I might have br*st cancer and to me that means mutilation. Now I already am pre diabetic, but they do not cut off my pancreas or decide to have me walk around with a bag down below with a bad heart, etc.
And the trouble is that with some cancers, they seem to blame the victim even if he did not smoke or if he smoked and quit years ago. That is the problem, sometimes the person changes the lifestyle and the disease still comes. You do have my sympathy. I hope that your husband gets better and that he is not overwhelmed with guilt. I will pray for him.
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@seagoddess28 (873)
• Canada
9 Oct 08
I am so sorry, dear friend! I have been absent from this site due to health problems, and yours is the first post I am responding to after so long....anyway, yes, my husband had prostate troubles (very high PSA levels, getting up at night several times to void his bladder, etc.) about four years ago, and his dad passed away from the prostate cancer growing and moving to the bones. So I was really scared and searched for a natural way to help my husband. I found and did a search fo a natural cancer cure. I don't know if myLot will allow me to name the herb, because if I remember right we are not allowed to do so. Email me at and I will tell you what I did. Suffice it to say that my husband had a very painful biopsy of six areas in his prostate, but after taking the herb his specialist told him after that he has the prostate of a young man (my hubby is 70 this year). I look forward to your email and I pray for your loved one's speedy recovery! And for you both to be blessed! Much loving hugs from Granny Siggy...{{{{{{{{{{{{CDW}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
9 Oct 08
Talking to someone is a good idea and that's why I love myLot so much because I don't know anyone here and I can tell the truth without worrying about you NOT meaning YOU but you know what I mean I should have said not worried about ANYONE thinking badly of me or going and telling everyone I know. How did your husband know he had a problem? I have always been afraid of cancer I lost three of the only people in the whole world that loved me as a child to cancer and it nearly killed me when my father was one of them and only middle aged. I had a friend that was a huge and heavy smoker get lung cancer one time and told that there was two different kinds of cancer in her lungs one that could come back and one that wouldn't. Honestly I swear I thought she was a goner. She must have been 300 pounds and smoked so heavy that the front of her grey hair was yellow and that's no lie. They took part of her lungs out and if you can believe it the cancer never did come back and she went on for years after. In the end she was elderly and actually passed away from a stroke so we just never know do we? I have had asthma since I was a kid and therefore I do have lung issues. I will keep you folks in my prayers and I really honestly want to know what's happening. Take Care.
@granmeme (162)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I remember when my husband was diagnosed with kidney cancer it was devastating for both of us. It is such a shock and takes awhile to absorb the fact that this really happening. Although we both had lost parents to cancer it still does not seem real. You already have received some very good advice and of course prayers just try to be as brave as you can. Being a caregiver is a hard job and will wear you out. Anytime you get a chance for a little time for yourself take it. If you have friends that will let you talk do so. Many people are not comfortable discussing this and will not want to talk about it. If someone offers to help take it. If you have close friends and family ask for help. Follow your husbands lead when it comes to discussions about his illness. This was very difficult for us. I prayed a lot for strength to do the best I could for him. With out my God and my church I do not know if I could have done it. Just knowing I had their prayers was a source of strength for us. I agree with you this may very well be the hardest thing you will have to do.