Why is Everyone Breaking Up?

@Shar19 (8231)
United States
October 11, 2008 11:25am CST
Is there something in the air that I don't know about? In the past few months I know of three couples who are breaking up/divorcing. This to me is very shocking. In all three of the situations someone was cheating. Why don't people value each other these days?
4 responses
• Malaysia
11 Oct 08
Hi Shar19, Really sad to hear that the three couples get into such situation. Cheating or not cheating is very personal and base on their own terminology. Why i say so is because for someone (refer to those not yet marriage), they feel that the feeling of love is everything, so they might keep finding that strong feeling. So end up he/she need to breakup with the existing one. But don't be always at negative site. Would like to share with you some good news, 3 of my colleagues plan to get marriage this year end. So, someone breakup someone will get knot.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
12 Oct 08
As they say - when one door closes, another opens.
• Malaysia
13 Oct 08
Ya, you are correct.
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
As times change, people are more prone to distractions. And sometimes their decisions are not that logical when it comes to deciding on the important things. There is always the case that someone will be cheating because he/she thinks that he/she deserves something more. When weighed with the satisfaction that one gets from a person he/she had been with for a long time against satisfaction with one that he/she has recently met, the new fire overpowers the old one. And thus there is a tendency to feel that the new one is better. I guess that's why there are a lot of people breaking up--because they change not for better judgment, but for better short-term satisfaction.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Yes, I guess you're right. I just wonder if people ever really feel true regret when they cheat.
• Philippines
13 Oct 08
I think they do. I'll give them credit for that. Maybe it's just that they realize it too late--they've already lost what they had.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
11 Oct 08
Just like when you get to a certian age, all your friends seem to marry right now you may be at an age when people change. We seem to go through life with an age group and life seems to happen in stages. Right now a lot of our friends are dying. I remember my parents saying this when I was younger. It just happens
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I agree with you. It's just life....it happens.
• United States
11 Oct 08
People break up all the time and that's why I've decided to stay single so I don't have to waste my time breaking up. People date for awhile and then they seperate. I don't think its worth it so I rather try to make money instead.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
11 Oct 08
There is nothing wrong with that. I think some people are meant to stay single.