Something Confusing about Genesis
By jrdnron
@jrdnron (129)
October 12, 2008 11:48am CST
I just remembered something my philosophy professor told me when i was in college:
i think you know the story about the origin of man according to genesis from the bible but some things are unclear to me:
1. God created everything. Did he also create the serpent? I thought the serpent was he created satan?
2. i thought satan was the fallen angel which is which? who is satan? the serpent or lucifer?
3. Why did God create the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? If he did not create it then Eve would have not eaten from it and therefore original sin wouldnt be established.
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16 responses
@ishralene09 (2260)
• Philippines
13 Oct 08 we go...
1.Yes he created the serpent. God created animals first before man. Yes he created satan. The serpent was a representation of satan because he possessed the snake to trick Eve. God created the angels, and Satan was Lucifer, the proud angel who wants to dethrone God.
2. Yes Satan was lucifer, he possessed the serpent so that it would represent him.
3. Well, that is confusing as well. No one knows what God's purpose was. Anyways Satan would still trick the two even if it wasn't there, that's for sure. Maybe feed them with something poisonous. Heehee.
@ishralene09 (2260)
• Philippines
14 Oct 08
Gee, did I put in possessed? My bad. There is really no indication on the bible that the serpent was deviled in any way. I don't know where I get that, Values Education teacher from high school? Heehee. Other than that, all I've said in 1. is clear. Grr, I repeated the same thing in 2. And I don't know how the serpent got connected to Satan and all I just answered straight away without reviewing my notes , I guess I didn't focus on that one back in High School eh? My bad.
Good observations there. Have a nice day.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Let me first say that you could very well receive several different answers to this, and some may even attack the vvalidity of the Bible. Let's just assume the Bible is 100% accurate, and all the words really are from God.
Before the world existed, there was a spiritual world, where God, Jesus, and their angels existed in harmony. God decided to create this world, where humans could roam, and glorify him. One of the angels, Lucifer, saw this glory, and wanted some for himself. Since, God describes himself as a jealous god, we can assume he didn't like this Lucifer's idea very much, so he kicked him out. God, in his infinite wisdom, knew that humans would never really think they worshiped him by their own free will, if they never had the chance to decide. So God created one rule....only one...its the only rule they had to obey...they had 100% complete free reign throughout the entire garden. The tree, despite popular belief as a test, was a way for Adam and Eve to show their obedience. It was put there to give them a choice. If he had not created it, humans would have went on for all eternity without ever knowing whether they served god on their own free will, or just because he said to.
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
13 Oct 08
There is a problem with your story, you said that before God created the world He had with Him Jesus and the angels which include Satan, I don't know how you know this but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Satan was kicked out of heaven and dropped down on earth, My question to you is why wasn't Jesus eased out of heaven and placed on earth. Look at the waste of time to send Gabriell and the God the Holy Ghost all the way down here to impregnate poor mas Joseph wife. To complicate matters all three Gods were down here since 3 X 1 = 1 the trinity.

@freethinkingagent (2501)
27 Nov 08
Before God created the universe he had created other beings, In the book of Job you will read "when god created the heavens and the earth the Sons of God shouted for joy and the morning starts sang.
The word Satan or Shatan (Hebrew) means adversary, He was not created as an evil being. The word here is not a name but a title. In Psalms you read about the council of god, and also in other books the church of Rome took out of the bible, but anyway, this counsel is much like our adversarial court system. The adversary or Shatan is the prosecutor, this is why it is said that Satan accuses us day and night before God.
As for the serpent, The serpent used in Genesis in Hebrew can have another meaning. It can be translated as "A shinning one, or the shinning one", So it would be read, the Shinning one turned to eve and said.... The reason he has been connected to the serpent is found in Isiah, In the English translation his name is rendered Lucifer, but in Hebrew he is called Haliel Ben Shacar, or Son of the Morning.
He is not nor ever was an Angel or even an arch angel, These words in Hebrew would be malachim, He was not called Malachim, but a beni Elohim, or Sons of God. Also this is a reason why some scholars believe his fall happened in Eden when he got Eve to sin, as later in Genesis you read about the sons of God coming down and seeing the daughters of man and had children with them, again these are not angels as It clearly state other places that angels do not marry or have children. This is where it is believed that a full rebellion happened with other Bine Elohim and malichim disobeyed God and came to earth to be worshiped as god by man, also you will read that the nations were divided to 70 lots, each according to the number of the sons of God, except Israel which belonged to God for himself. And back in psalms in the council of God read in Hebrew, God pronounces judjment on the sons of god saying, "you are elohim, but you will die like Adam, and the shinning one".
@babyfirefighter (568)
• United States
17 Jan 09
God did create everything here on earth. The serpent is a name for a snake. Snake and serpent are the same exact thing. So did god create the snake yes the snake is a animal. God created all of his angles in heaven when he created the earth or before. So did God creat Lucifer yes he did. In the bible Lucifer was a muscian and lead the heavenly chour. But lucifer got jeaouls of God and wanted to be better then hin and lucifer wanted to be above god and that is why Lucifer was cast down by god. God gave Adam and Eve free will which is in all of us. He created the three of knowledge hoping that they would make the right choice and not eat from it. Lucifer took for of a serpent or snake rather so he could tempt Eve and get her to eat from it.
@jedimind (200)
• Singapore
29 Nov 08
Yes, God created everything, and He also created the serpent, which is a reptile by the way. Satan on the other hand, chose to take the form of a serpent. So i don't think there's any contradictions there.
Yes, God also created Satan because we know that the angels were also God's creation, and so is man. Satan is one of the fallen angels who disobeyed God.
I think we shouldn't dwell too much on why God created the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Instead, we should ask why Adam disobeyed God despite Him telling Adam not to eat from the tree. This was an act of disobedience, and hence that's where sin came in
@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
20 Jul 09
God did create everything but evil... Nothing bad will ever come from him. So why is Satan evil if everything that God made was good? There is absence of good in him, he used to be an angel (Lucifer is his former name), and he envied man, coz God created to human race to love them, not because God is lonely but because his love is overwhelming and he wants to share it... He never created Satan, He created Lucifer, but he turned against God so his new name was Satan... I'm sure you can answer the same question... let's say you put a hole on a wall and stick a warning not to put your finger in... what exactly people are going to do... they will definitely insert their finger... and that's because they are curious. You never made the hole as a trap... but you indeed gave a warning not to do it.

@deebomb (15304)
• United States
13 Oct 08
God created all the angles as well as Lucifer. Lucifer was an angle next to god but lower than Jesus. It's like God and Jesus are the founders of this company and Lucifer was the vp. well Lucifer wanted to be the head man above God and Jesus. Jesus and Gd were of one accord. They agreed on every thing. Lucifer started stirring up some of the other angles and causing a lot of discord. So Jesus along with God creates the earth and fill it with all the animals and yes the serpent. He put the tree of life and the tree of knowledge in the garden. He knew what would happen so he had a back up plan which is Jesus giving his life for us. If he hadn't put the tree of knowledge in the garden we would be like robots and not able to really make a choice to follow him or not. Now Lucifer is kicked out of heaven because of all the trouble he's causing and he comes to the earth to see what trouble he can cause here. He inters the serpent and causes him to speak and sow doubts with Eve about what God told her. Since the serpent was punished by being made to crawl on his belly then I would think that he also had a choice about letting Satan use him as his mouth piece. This is what my understanding is.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Oct 08
Satan was the chief of the angels who rebelled against God. He thought he was somebody. He opposed God and did the opposite. God created the serpEnt, and Satan possessed the serpent that had that time had legs. As for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God was trying to see if man would obey HIM. And up until then, Adam and Eve did not want any of its fruits, so Satan used all of his power to get them to eat it, and he tempted Eve. AFter all Satan is the father of lies and hates God so much that he wants to destroy his followers.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
13 Oct 08
god also created us to choose right or wrong he would never force anything on us satan was not always satan when he made a choice to choose to go against god then he became satan.satan has many name.god don,t put bad things on us as james 1:13 sayswhen under trial let no one say iam being tried by god."for with evil things god cannotbe tried nor does he himself try you see this is why he crated the tree of knowledge of good and eve.thats why you have free of thought to choose right or wrong.he made himself the devil by wrong desires.satan was a angel that stood in the garden of eden he stood at the gate on entering the garden of you she he wasn,t always satan.the bible says satan was compared to ruby and sapphires.
@king4aday (680)
• Philippines
13 Oct 08
I think god created the Tree of knowledge to give humans free will. Lucifer or Satan is the first angel created by God. The serpent is a representation of evil and has been believed that the serpent was satan himself.
@ethanonthemoon (1494)
• Quezon, Philippines
13 Oct 08
Philosophy, on its own is good. It was derived from two Greek words: philos meaning "love" and sophia meaning "wisdom". So, philosophy, literally speaking, means love of wisdom. I am not anti-philosophy or something. I am anti-philosophers who disproves the authenticity of what is written in the Bible. Lets answer your three queries one by one.
1. Yes. That is true. God created everything. Everything was created by God. But don't stop there. It was also written that "God saw everything that he had made, and behold, IT WAS VERY GOOD. Everything was very good that time. Nothing was bad that time. No one was bad that time. Everything that he had made WAS VERY GOOD. Gets?
2. Satan was also called Lucifer in the Bible. I am not quite sure what book, chapter and verse in the Bible but I am pretty sure it was written in there. So how about the serpent? Adam and Eve was in the Garden of Eden then, right? It was garden. It was full of trees, plants and living creatures (animals). What could Satan do to deceive Adam and Eve but to take a form of a snake/serpent and put himself right at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan is a deceiver. He will do everything just to take, for himself, a soul.
3. It is unfair to put it that way. God is justice, and fairness and good. Why would He put that Tree in there? He, and He alone could supply the best reason why? He knows why it is important to be there. He knows what it is for. The last sentence, a conclusion, is not fair also. Let us put it in this way: God provided everything for Adam and Eve. A garden was given to them. A garden which provides food, shelter, and the protection of God. God instructed them to eat whatever they want in the garden except for the fruit of that "tree". Moses was given ten commandments in his time. There were only a few commandments then for Adam and Eve, and they did not obeyed that one particular commandment. Who is fair?
Nice discussion, dude! Hope I can answer more of these kind.
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
12 Oct 08
The serpent was possessed with the spirit of Satan and tricked Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of good and evil. Yes Satan is a fallen angel of God. He used to have the name Lucifer until he rebelled against God. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was a test of obedience for both Adam and Eve. I am not too good in explaining the Bible but this is how I understood it.
@goddessjes (788)
• Philippines
13 Oct 08
hi jrdnron.
interesting topic.
well, due respect to all beliefs, this is just my two-cents.
1. satan was his son. just like us. we are his children. the serpent was also created by God. the natural evil (which is not material or physical in nature) took the form of the serpent because it sly. the perfect characteristic of evilness. (i suppose a bunny or a butterfly wouldn't fit the description.
heheh). i therefore say that every being came from God.
2. satan, just like the answer of our fellow mylotters, is indeed Lucifer. (to make the topic lighter, he just imbibed the name Satan for a pseudonym or a nickname.
3. on a serious note, let's say i have my own understanding of the scripture, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is non-existent. although in the bible, it is where the serpent slithered in approaching Eve. for me the tree of knowledge is the person...possessing both good and evil. and the serpent is the stimulator. the will of the person determines if good or evil will prevail. and in this case, our dear Eve leaned towards to the opposite of good.
nice discussion, by the way.