What do you do when your REALLY don't like the girl your son is living with?
By SketcherD
@SketcherD (1114)
October 15, 2008 12:24pm CST
I won't go into a great detail here but let's just say I STRONGLY dislike the girl my son is living with right now.
There are a multitude of reasons. Two being he ran away from home with her and quit high school.
Anyway I can barely stand to be in the same room with her. But my son won't go anywhere without her. So I have to invite them both to come to any gathering because he won't come alone. I DO understand that part.....I would do the same if someone didn't approve of my husband. But my family LOVES my husband and has for well over 20 years now.
I just don't know what to do when she is around. I try to pretend she is not there mostly.
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30 responses
@phisha84 (286)
• United States
15 Oct 08
how old is he? if he's under 18...he has to be where you say he has to be or you could report him....In Indiana its against the law for a minor to run away and quit school...and if they do, they go to jail......
But honestly I have been through this with my parents recently with my now X boyfriend.....He was a real f-er, he hit me a lot, and was very into himself.....
But if I was you, honest its going to be hard for you....But cut him off completely...its gonna piss him off and cause a lot of anger towards you, but if he's wanting to act bigger than his britches then let him...He's not to come to the house without knocking, and don't give him money, dont baby him.....
My x bf eventually left because he found someone else to mooch off of...he took me for 40,000 dollars and my parents seen it coming, but he told me that he loved me and when he looked into my eyes...he was sooo believable...and I did love him back and for some odd fn reason miss him, even though it was all a fn shame..,.
I bought us a family car which was 23,000 dollars, he maxed out my credit card 4,000, before the new car I bought him a 91 bonneville 1,400...he tore the lugs off of my pontiac vibe which was 300...and then sppent my ssi back pay 12,000.....so yeah can i sue him...lol
My parents dont like any of my bfs or my sister bfs, but I guess as a parent you wanna make sure that your child has the best and will be truely loved and cared for...and you never wanna see them hurting...
I would like to think that now I am lucky to have met my new bf the same day that my ahole x bf left me....funny story....I bought my x a 2008 chevy hhr for 23,000 dollars-brand spanking new only 15 miles on it....anyways he thought that when he left me he was going to keep it and drive his new pregnant girlfriend that was pregnant with his best friends baby around in my fn car....hahaha fn ahole was WRONG! I took it and wrote on the back windshield : Repo From Joshua Todd Ogden June 2 2008 and drove it around town so that everyone would know he had officially lost everything and had gained nothing from me.......so he had to go to the dealership with me and sign off on the title and he was bad mouthing me and one of the car salesman told him off and asked me out infront of him and told him what a piece of crap he was and he would take me and give me everything....Josh left crying his eyes out yelling that I made the biggest mistake of my life of letting him go....?....what? He was just pissed cause now he has nothing....and I got a new car 2007 Mazda 6...and that date went very well and we are still together and he's in the process of building me a log cabin house on 100 acres...we just bought the property two weeks ago and we are designing the house together...sooooo i hope everything goes great with this one....and hopefully my FATHER will grow to like him lol....
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
15 Oct 08
Wow what an ordeal for you!!! Glad you smartened up!!! LOL
My son was 18 at the time. So it has always been a no go for making him come back home.
This girl has been bad news from day one. She left home at 14 and has done nothing really good with her life since. She has about 4 high school credits(Canada) because she dropped out of high school years ago. Then she talked my son into quitting as well. I don't know why HER family didn't 'make' her come back home!!! I wish they had then maybe she wouldn't have SUCKED my son into her clutches!!
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@proudmammabear (556)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
LOL if she is from Canada maybe she is classed as a missing person, if she was that young when she ran away, check the missings persons bulletin and see, maybe you can MAKE her go back to her family ;)

@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
15 Oct 08
I would try to catch your son sometime/place that you know she wont be around. If possible maybe show up at his work and offer to take him out for lunch if you could swing that. Or if there's a time you know he will be home and she will be at work or away. However you could wrangle a situation where it would be just the two of you.
Don't be judgmental, condescending or rude. Tell him you love him and that you will always be there for him but explain to him why you think she's a damaging influence. Don't harp and give him lots of opportunity to speak. Also, if you are willing, let him that if he needs help or a place to stay then you will do whatever you can.
Good luck with it!
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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
15 Oct 08
It's hard not to nag and impossible to not sound like a Mom. Just be supportive and caring and above all listen to what he has to say. If he knows that you're there for him with no strings attached and no benevolent agenda then he may come around. I hope everything turns out for you.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
15 Oct 08
Great advice but I think I would just end up sounding like the nagging type of a mother I always am accused of being. LOL
I will have to really really steel myself to this job of talking to him.....hmm let's see if I can do it???

@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
16 Oct 08
Why don't you call him one day when you know she isn't around. Maybe if he feels like he is welcome in your home then he will come back? I know kids can be stubborn, I was one of them. Had I not been as stubborn as I was at the time (late teens, early twenties) my life would have been so much better than it is now.
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
That seems to be so hard to do because she never leaves his side.
They also don't have a phone so I have to drive over there to get a hold of him............so tiring, the whole thing, sometimes.
But he's worth it he's my son!!
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
16 Oct 08
i don't have a child yet... so it is very hard for me to answer this question... for me, it is very simple... i just stay away from the girl and don't want nothing to do with her... just talk with your son and ignore her... i don't know what make you dislike her so much... you might want to voice it out to her honestly... may be things will work out after that... take care and have a nice day...
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
Thanks for the advice. That is usually what I do, ignore her, even when she is right there in the room.
There are several thing I dislike about her and I have mentioned a few in this discussion. Really there is too much to go into...........sigh.
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@sweetgirl_k1 (3972)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I don't really know what to tell you. We kinda have the same thing going on in my family except she won't come to our family things. I'm not the mom but I am the sister. I liked the girl my brother was living with but then I started working with her. When she said bad things about my brother it made me mad. I can talk bad about him if I want to but nobody else is supposed to. LOL But then she started talking to me really hateful and trying to tell me how to do my job when I was doing it well. I'm not working there anymore and she is one of the reasons why because I couldn't take it anymore and I couldn't take the drama. She won't come around any of our family things unless my brother makes her. My mom had a birthday dinner for me the other week and my brother came but his girlfriend didn't. I asked him where she was and he said oh she went out to eat with her family. That kinda made me mad because she never comes to anything and she knew the dinner was for my birthday and she still went out with her mom and dad to dinner and she is over at her mom and dad's house almost every single day but can't ever go to my mom's. I think if my brother is going to be with someone that she should come around our family and do things with us instead of us never seeing her. She has said some hateful things about my mom and to my mom and I think she is embarrassed but still she could just apologize. All we can do is pray that things will get better. I just wish he wasn't with her anymore and I know that sounds so bad but it's the truth. My mom just doesn't say anything about it to my brother because she wants to see him and she just tries to deal with it to make my brother happy. But I speak up about how I feel and he always tries to make excuses for her. She can't come to anything but she can text him the whole time he is with us. I just don't get it. I hope things get better for you and maybe they will for us too.
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
28 Oct 08
That's kinda funny in the fact that you as the sister say things to your brother but your Mom won't because she just wants to see her son. That is the boat I am in. There are a ton of things I would love to say to my son about this girl but I don't to keep peace. I love my son and I want to see him and keep him in our lives. I don't care if I ever see her again though. So if she were to stay away I would love it.
My son's sister, my daughter obviously, does the same thing you do. She does talk to her brother about this girl. So I do know where you are coming from. Good luck with it all.
Just think maybe it's better she doesn't come around. Maybe she would just make things uncomfortable for all of you. I wish my son's girlfriend would stay the heck home.
@k4karthik (439)
• India
15 Oct 08
When child becomes matured we have to leave them as they go. Because they can think about what is good for him/her. When he likes somebody then let him be happy. His life. If you don't like her don't stay with them. Whenever you want to see your son just visit and comeback.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
15 Oct 08
Now here is the clincher he has told lots of people and shown me he is not happy.
IF he was delighted with his 'girlfriend' then I could feel better about it.
He normally won't even let me into his apartment because it is such a mess and they don't seem to clean it much. He will talk to me outside but that's all. He does however comes back to my and his Dad's house from time to time. This is where I have the greatest problem. When she is in MY/OUR house.
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@proudmammabear (556)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
Well, I guess what you need to do, in my opinion, is have them over, be nice, be doting engage this girl in conversation, etc. DON'T allow him to come back to your and his fathers home UNLESS he has left her and needs a place to get back on his feet. Make that clear. Make him be responsible for the choices he has made. If he tells you he is unhappy, don't sympathise, ask him what he is going to do to change his unhappiness. make him be ACCOUNTABLE before this girl you don't like becomes the mother of your grandchild.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
16 Oct 08
As others have said, all you can do is tolerate her. If it doesn't work out with her and your son (how old is he, btw?). That's good, but for now, you need to be the bugger, better woman. Your son will respect you more for that.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
He is 20 now.
I hope he will respect me when this is all over. I also hope he will respect his own mistakes that he has made as well though.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
16 Oct 08
i understand why you don,t like her i know you wanted your son to finish school and look like she would be encouraging him to go back to school this is so important for his future of having a good life.have you talked with him about going back to school are get his ged you wouldn,t be over stepping your bounds by doing this you want the best for him.iam sure it,s his choice to do this it,s not all her fault.keep setting the good example for him he may soon awaken and see he need to finish school.
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
His Dad and I have all but got our knees to beg him to go back to school. We have even offered for him to pay for the adult courses to take to complete his schooling. I don't know that we can do any more really.
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@di1159 (1580)
• United States
16 Oct 08
That's a tough one! I can understand your feelings but your son needs to take some responsibility for his actions too. All you can do is be supportive and not alienate them as that won't get you anywhere. I've always heard the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Not that she's your enemy, but you know what I'm getting at. By staying close to them you can better moniter what is going on with them and they might confide in you if they feel they can trust you. The top priority is to get him to finish school. Take it one day at a time and in time things will work out. Patience mom, is a virtue which we all need a bit more of. I wish you all the best!
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
Yes this is what I am tryng to do. Funny that you used that saying because I have used this in regards to this girl a few times. Thanks for the encouragement.
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@stryker5 (52)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I have read all the posts and agree that one day he will come home however, with some people, the more you point out how much you dislike something, the more likely they are to keep doing it. If you haven't already talked to him about how you feel, then do it. If you have, then leave it alone. The more you talk about it, the farther away you may end up pushing him. Sometimes you bring them back by not pointing out what your not happy about or what your problems are with her.
Bottom line is that he is an adult. Whether you like his girlfriend or not, he chooses to stay with her for whatever reason. If he is miserable, and not just saying that to passify the family, then eventually he will leave.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
Thank you so much.
That makes me feel much better really!!
I am so glad I asked this question here, I have gotten so much GREAT advice, suggestions and support.
@moondrop824 (241)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I wouldn't really get involved. I'd give him my reasons for feeling the way I do about her and hopefully in time he will see. People tend to learn alot better from thier experiences. If it continues then i'd let him be happy with her and try to handle them being together the best I could. If she's that bad of a person then she'll show her true colors in due time.

@moondrop824 (241)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Wow that was fast... :) Yeah it usually don't take long for them to show.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
Funny you say that because I heard this evening that he is really getting fed up with her but is worried of her reaction to his leaving!! HMMMM

@rainmark (4302)
16 Oct 08
That's a problem, just make yourself comfortable when she's around. Just treat her right. I know the feeling but you need to accept that she is your son partner and just get to used of it. Try to make friends to her and who knows you were get closer. Happy posting.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
Thanks but I don't think 'friends' is something I would be capable of with her but perhaps tolerence will work.
@Shar1979 (2722)
• United States
15 Oct 08
my brother-in-law married his first cousin. everyone in the family got mad at them and they are like being an outcast every time there is a family gathering. but as time passed by, they all realized that it's best to just let go of it and forgive them. now they're starting to accept their marriage. if she is a nice person and your son really loves her maybe its time that you try to accept her as well
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
15 Oct 08
I know I would accept her 'if' she was a nice person. But I and the whole family on all sides do not think she is nice. They are not married yet at least.
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@kimirio66 (94)
• New Zealand
15 Oct 08
Being a Mum can be very very "where did I go wrong!", when our kids decide they no longer need us...Can I suggest you try to bide your time, where this girl is concerned?..If you choose not to heed the warning, then please be prepared to lose your child for good!...Try to keep your opinions of your dislike for your sons girlfriend, for your husband, sisters or friends...Being outspoken in front of your son just gives your sons girlfriend the "uper hand!"...And believe me...She knows it!!!...If you feel the girl is not genuine of her feelings for your son, or just not worthy, then it is his job to find that out...I hope this helps you...Please heed the warning...One day he will wake up & return to you...But until that day happens, try to keep him around, by doing what you do, with invitations to family gatherings etc...
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
Oh yes we still invite him to come to our house even with her. The rest of the family will NOT have her come to their place. She has really alienated herself with everyone. I won't say anything bad in front of her and very very little to my son about this girl. He knows how I feel. I don't need to say the words. Neither does his Dad. Thanks.
@kimirio66 (94)
• New Zealand
16 Oct 08
Good Luck SketcherD...Hope all works out for you & your entire family.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
My dear be patient. In 5 years your son will not even remember her name anymore. In the meantime if both of them come over to your house acknowledge her, do not ignore her, make small talk and never talk negatively about her to your son. Soon they will break up and since your son is only 20 or 21 right now chances are he will move back home. If he does do not put her down but encourage your son to finish high school and enroll in a college, learn a trade, be an apprentice somewhere, anything that will get him more education otherwise he will be stuck with minimum wage jobs which he will hate since they will not allow him to support a family even for a short time. Take heart, things will change, you will see.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
Thank you for your support on this. It just seems like it is taking a long time to learn such an obvious lesson to me.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I am afraid, about the only thing you can do, is to tolerate her. If you start doing with only inviting him, and not her, you will be the one left out. If he loves her, you will not be able to sway him. She is his choice and you have to honor that.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
Yes I know you are right but boy it is not easy. Let me tell you.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Oct 08
With 4 kids, I have certainly had to accept my kids from time to time being with someone that I feel strongly is not the "right" person for them. We love our kids and only want the best for them. I have learned that it is best to just let them figure these sort of things out for themselves. It's how we learn. Looking back, I made some pretty sketchy choices in men and my mother very openly despised them. It put tension in my relationship with my mother and nothing more. Of course, later on, I could see that she was right....they were not for me. Still...no regrets...I learned from the experience. I think you should be kind to this girl for not just your son's sake but also the sake of your relationship with him. You really can't blame the girl entirely. Your son had choices. He CHOSE to drop out of school & he CHOSE to move in with her. His choices say as much about him as they do her.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
True true......he made his choices. It wasn't me. He feels like he is doing the right thing for himself now. I can't change his feelings so I should really try to live with it till he figures out that he wants more or better than that which he has.
I'm so glad I asked this question here.
I have gotten so many GREAT ideas!! Thanks for yours.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
16 Oct 08
It sounds like you have good reason to dislike this girl. I'm not sure how old your son is, but it sounds like there isn't much you can do to stop him. I'm sure this girl is bad news, but unfortunately not all of life's lessons are learned easily. When he's hit bottom in the future, I'm sure he'll realize his mistake. The question is, do you want to be there when that happens. The only choices you really have right now is to either sit by and wait for it to end and continue to speak with him or you can tell him that you can't support his relationship and cut off ties with him. It depends on what you want to do. Either decision will be hard for you.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
I am trying to stay in the picture as much as I can stand. Even pushing myself when I really shouldn't. Sometimes I just stay away from him for a week or two just to breathe freely again and then get back in touch. His Dad and I will keep at it so he knows we are still there for him even through this. In the end I hope he will see the light and know we kept up with him through all of the mess.
@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
16 Oct 08
I don't have a son so I really don't know.
In aany case live in relationships are very rare in India. It is mostly marriage. But even after marriage if I were to find tht I can't stand the girl my son was married to, i would just avoid them and maintian my distance
and hope that they are happy together.

@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
16 Oct 08
hi mercury,

maintain my distance and hope that they are happy together.

@Millie872 (42)
16 Oct 08
My mother-in-law is exactly like you. I put up with her attitude for several years, but got to the point where i felt that enough was enough. My husband made it clear to his mother that if she didn't accept his choice of wife, and make me welcome, then he felt that he was no longer welcome. She now has little contact with him, me or our daughter. I no longer care how she feels - all i know is that our lives are much happier without her in them.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
I doubt that I am like any mother in law, they are not married. So at least I have that to be a little releaved about. Please don't think I am being arguementative just pointing it out.
We'll see how long this will last....if they do get married I guess I will have to perhaps change my tune. But I will just wait and see for now.
AND I do not believe children should ever be effected by ANY adults issues with each other.
Good luck with your mother-in-law I hope she changes her ways and you and your husband can see her again. Especially with her granddaughter growing up.