What do you think of your boss?

October 19, 2008 2:54am CST
The boss can be your director supervisor or your company owner. For me, my first ever boss was a lady from hell. She was a hypocrite and she made the team suffered. In the end, everyone left except her. Fortunately after that, all my bosses are very nice to me. They teach me things, guide me and act as a mentor. They are very forgiving as well and not demanding too much from me unless it's necessary. What about you? Since we're mostly anonymous here, just shoot away :D
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13 responses
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
19 Oct 08
Well, I do work for the local government, and I have a boss over me. She is really nice but sometimes I think she should put her fot on the ground and say her mind better, I feel my cow workers are to much wining about little stuff not worth wining about. And my boss just says well, ok......she should show better and tell them of and work instead of wining.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
27 Oct 08
Our efforst as assisstence nurses should be to the people we are there for not, for our selfs. We do not live in a perfect world, and we do not have the perfect working place, but we have to do the best we can for each one of us who is there, and a special for the people in need of us. So When I say she should give some hars words to us from time to time, when the little things who really do not matter become big issues. That is my feelings.
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
It's not easy to be in her shoes. On one hand, she has to listen to all the senseless whinings. On the other hand, she could not just explode and tell them off. She needs to keep a balance, without demotivating the team (including THEM). I think your boss is very nice and has a very good temper :)
• Malaysia
27 Oct 08
Yea, I understand what you mean now. Sometimes a little mistakes, when ignored, might become a bigger mess.
@carmela0210 (1591)
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
mine was more from hell,, he was same age of my father but manages to court me,lol, it was really yucky!!!he was too old to be my father and he has a family of his own already, a matter of fact his eldest was older than me, so it just shows that im just a daughter of his if he hadnt court me!!!what i do is i ignore him, i never wanted to be left alone!!!
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
O_O I hope you're working in a different job now!
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
whoa!!!even if i really wanted to find a new job, its just that i really cant because it is very hard to find one now a days!!what i just do to keep away from him is i never stay in place where i could be alone and he could talk to me...i really don't give him the chance!!!
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
Take care and good luck :|
@balasri (26537)
• India
30 Oct 08
My boss is a go getter.He has a way with words and gets things done to his favor.He has no ego till he reaches his goal.He is well experienced so he is not easily provoked and lose any business. I like my boss and I am my own boss.Yes I am running a placement agency and people work under me.
@balasri (26537)
• India
30 Oct 08
I am a very confident humble person friend.I just tried to pull a fast one on you.
• Malaysia
30 Oct 08
Hmm, it's good to be confident with yourself but in my opinion, a boss should also be a humble person without the need of self-promoting. :D
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
20 Oct 08
one of my first boss was also the lady from hell. I hated working for her but my paycheck meant more to me than what she thought of me. I tried to please her and it was simply impossible. I was 16. Since then, I have had both very good and very bad bosses. A few years ago, I ran into this old boss of mine who is now retired. I was in my 40's and yet she still remembered me. She told me she always hired young people and was deliberatly very strict with them because she wanted to instill good work ethics in them. That she did. If one was late more than twice...fired. She expected us to strive for perfection. I'm still not perfect but I do have very good work ethics. A couple of years ago, I worked under a boss that was verbally very abusive. I didn't deserve it. I put up with her and showed up on time every day and didn't miss a day for 13 years under her. My earlier boss had toughened me up. This lady could try to put me down all she wanted but she never fired me....she continued to not only pay me but give me raises. If I were that bad, then who is the fool here... The one staying or the one that keeps paying me to stay. I now have a wonderful boss and I love working under him.
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
Some bosses are like that. They think that by making you strive for perfection, you will be able to improve - fast. Right and wrong. Right because it does help people to improve if we're working under pressure. Wrong because it does not work for everyone. Different people requires different method.
• India
20 Oct 08
hi Now I'm enjoying my retired life. You can say now my children are my bosses and fortunately they are really good and kind to me. When i was working, my experience is mixed. I worked under few bosses who deserved to be boss and they guided and helped me and my team like a mentor. But there were also bosses who were very much confused and henc couldn't make things better. In fact because of their confusion, often we suffered. But I remember one of the bosses who was really great. I was lucky to work under him. He was so confident and dynamic. He helped to develop our personalities too.
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
Good leaders are becoming a rarity nowadays. :P And good leaders who help to develop the personalities of others, being a mentor, is definitely a rare breed. But there are such people around. :) I always believe that wherever there's an idiotic boss, there's also a nice boss. :D
• India
20 Oct 08
yes. As there is 'bad', we can recognize the 'good'.
• India
20 Oct 08
my boss is a very nice person , understanding n with nice sense of humour at times when the fatigue level of the workers is high , he provides facilities for our team so that the level of our fatigue goes down , but at times he converts into a cunning and harsh person and take out the work from us at all cost
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
Sometimes, a good leader is a two-faced person. At one part, he will take care of the subordinates and be nice. The other part, he needs to be strict at times and makes you all work a lot so that he can report to the boss. It's not easy.
@bronie123 (4587)
• United States
19 Oct 08
The boss i have now is awesome........... He is there if i need help with anything and also there is i having any problems with my job. I understand that your boss cant be your best friend but it important that you can get along with with and that you dont feel uncomfortable with them. But i have only been at my new job about a month now and it 100 times better than my last job and last boss like you said!!! my boss last was a b*i*t*c*h from hell she cared only about her "buddies" was mean, rude and didnt treat everyone the same I hated to go there every day just because i couldnt stand her and her attitude towards me. It was taking a toll on me and my outlook on life I had to find a new job!!! As of right now i can get up in the morning not hating my life and drive to work with a smile it totally changes your life when your happy with your job and boss!!!
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
That's why people always say that a good leader will be able to bring out the best in his/her subordinates. An evil boss will make everyone hates him and leaves him. :) We can actually see such things in the history. Evil leaders will have their own soldiers abandoning them, while the good ones will have their soldiers sacrificing for them.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
19 Oct 08
I am a Stud Vet staying on the Farm. Basically we breed the Thoroughbreds meant for Racing. these horses are very expensive and to be on the top in this Industry we need to import the best from abroad! This must have given you the idea that the horses with whom I am dealing with are very precious and my Boss who is the owns the farm hasfull faith in me and he always encourages me in the event of crisis. Since we are having about 300 horses it is very natural to have some or other casuelties o the farm from time to time! Since my Boss is well informed about the horses he understands the problems that are encountered in raering and trating the horses and he fully co operates with me and my team! He provides all the posible facilities to us tohave a luxurious life on the life and he is generous in giving goodsalaries tohis staff. I never have seen him throwing some one out of the farm for any reason! In fact we have got few workers who are too old and they are absolutely can't contribute anything to the farm, inspite of this my Boss never want them to leavde the farm and go! Instead he pays them and always tell us these were the people who stood along with him during their youth! This speaks about his basic nature which is doubtless to say a noble one! He is very nice,humourous and jolly man! He always inspires us to reach the peak and because of which one of the horse bred at our farm won the prestegious Race of the Country couple of years back! In nut shell my Boss is a much liked and respected man in the whole indutry and we are no exception to this ! Thanks! I liked participating in the discussion!
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
Your boss is indeed a very rare breed in this dog-eat-dog world. Sadly, I hardly see anyone like that anymore especially in my industry. It's really very fortunate of you to be under his care. Well, I think what you can do is to spread this words around and let people know how grateful you are, and maybe visit him again once in a while. I'm sure your relationship with him will only start to get better from here onwards. :D
@hiddenwing (3719)
• China
19 Oct 08
My first supervisor, a very selfish lady, was an evil. I hate her anyway! If I didn't choose her, I could have got the offer earlier! She favored the boys without any good reason. Aslo, she never took an extra minute for the girls. Shame on her
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
She's not married, is she? :P I've only heard guy bosses giving extra attention to female subordinates. Hmmm.
19 Oct 08
I have been lucky in the past and I have worked for people that have provided fair and good working conditions,and have treated their employees well.I am sure that most employees have something to beef about with their boss,or their foreman,it is normal practise to partially dislike the person in charge.They always say that if you are going to be in charge of a workforce then you need broad shoulders,you are there in the prime position to be insulted and talked about.Many employees do have problems with their working environment and they will seek help,there are always organisations and unions and set ups such as ACAS that are there to help anyone who is being bullied or harasses in the workplace.But we all hope that we never have to use such a system.
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
In my country, unions are not that common, or at least not that powerful. Maybe it's a good thing since unions can be easily misuse my those irresponsible employees.
• United States
20 Oct 08
I like my boss. She is actually 6 years older than me. She is pretty down to earth. She has her flaws like everyone else. But, the thing s that annoys some of us is that one of her good friends work for her and she has a tendency to play favorites with her. My pet peeve about her is that she has GERD and we have to listen to her belch often.
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
Hmmm, it's normal to be closer to her friend. But it's important for her not to overlook the performance of others and also the weaknesses of her own friend - in order to be fair to all.
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
i am not working right now. i just resigned last march. well, during my previous job, i think my boss is bias and has her favorite employees. unfortunately, i am not one of those. she says good things about you but i think it is just a matter of motivation. i think not everything she says is true. well, i've kept that notion to myself or i might have gotten fired before i resigned. lol! i still remember when i was applying for the job and she interviewed me. i thought she was a very considerate person. when i was already working in the company, i noticed that she is not really showing her true colors. i think she was trying to be as objective as any superior is but sometimes, her real self shows.
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
As an employee, we can only play our role as an honest employee. Tell our boss what we feel, and if things don't go well, then we'll know it's time to go. And as a boss, it's also important to be honest and not make your employees feel you're fake. Ah well, hope you'll be able to get a job soon. Good luck!
• Bangladesh
19 Oct 08
as far i know that every body has sophisticated mind. But really i dont know Why they are not really so good in nature. My First boss is also like that, he was allways try to do more, always, he is known to us as a draculla, really, some times we feel like that WHY is he made bose of ours?? But as a leader he is quit good and alsp trained personality.