men and womens jobs

November 7, 2006 12:32am CST
do you think it is wrong to say "cooking, cleaning, looking after the children is a womens job??"i have a friend and her partner doesnt help her out much and has this attitude. I know she feels trapped. what do you think?
3 responses
• United States
7 Nov 06
Yes it is way wrong... a man can do it just as well as a women...truthfully my husband is the one that does the cleaning.. he is military and very anal so I refuse to clean cause I do it and he redoes it. If I stayed in my career I make more then he would...but choose to end my career for awhile cause I wanted to be home with my kids... I started my own business and I am pulling in more then I was working outside the home.. so yes I think this is totally wrong.. and sorry to say if your friend feels trapped... regardless if she loves him.. she needs to leave.. she needs to put her happiness and self respect first.
@alladisada (2305)
• India
7 Nov 06
men and womens jobs - men and womens jobs
men's job earn by working,protect the family,and provide food women'job work like a servant,advise like a minister,feed like mother and be like prostite in bed old thinking of hindhu philosophy modern philosophy any body can do any job according their convenience the accepted princeple is cooperate with each other
@mythmoh (3984)
• United States
7 Nov 06
Malesavanist will behave like that.there is no job which has been labelled as men's or as Women's.Life can be a bed of roses only if partners shares all the work