If you are poor it is because you are lazy

@p1kef1sh (45681)
October 20, 2008 6:08am CST
OK. That's got you all baying for blood! I read a similar statement in a discussion recently. Personally I think that it depends on where in the World you are and your approach to life. However, I am sure that there is some truth in the statement, especially in the so called developed world. We get out what we put in it is said. Yet many put in a huge amount and receive little return, whilst others seem to put in nothing and receive a fortune. So is it fair to say that the poor are lazy?
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141 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
20 Oct 08
Hmmm, good question! I really do not know. I would say that that statement could apply to some people certainly. I know some people who are poorish and are really lazy, but then as you say a lot of people work and work and end up with nothing. No I do not think it is fair to say that ALL the poor are lazy at all.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
That's my view too Gemini. We reap what we sow etc, but some are simply not in a position to do very much about it.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
21 Oct 08
My father was paid next to nothing when he was working, but he was very wise with his finances. Our house was paid for long before he retired, and we were able to add on and get that paid off also. We always had everything we needed and then some. And we were able to go on vacations all over the country. My mother didn't work outside the house. We were not too proud to accept hand-me-downs from friends and neighbors and we didn't always have to have to latest thing out. We didn't eat beyond our means, but we ate well, and we were always healthy. I think sometimes a persons behavior decides if they are poor or rich. Look at the really rich. They don't behave like "The Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous". They aren't foolish with their money and they don't try to impress others. I say if you want to get out of poverty, think, don't try to impress anyone, work, and don't expect it over night. And don't wallow in self pity.
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• South Africa
21 Oct 08
I also know some people that are poor, some are lazy, some just really don't know how to better themselves, some have worked hard all there life and still have nothing. The last 2 are the type of people that my heart really goes out to.
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I worked two and three jobs my entire life and goodness knows i always made just enough to get by so i think that has to be the stupidest statement i have ever heard and the idiot that came up with it was probably born with a silver spoon in his mouth!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
I don't think he was. But I don't agree with him. If you can't be bothered to work then maybe you will be justifiably poor. As you say, some folk work two or three jobs and still only just get by.
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I also worked in the medical field and although i loved it ( if i hadn't i would have went to work as a CEO of some crooked company and gotten rich)i still had to work a whole lot more hours than some others because that field is so poorly paid.
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20 Oct 08
I always worked in jobs caring for people. They were poorly paid like most caring jobs. I worked so hard I had a heart attack. Because my job did not pay alot I do not get much of a pension. I am still not really poor up to the standards of some people. I think the person that says people are lazy if they are poor should keep their mouths shut because they are talking utter nonsense. This is an insult to people who are working all hours trying to provide for their families.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
20 Oct 08
[i]Hi p1, I will not generalize this statement to everyone! There are people who are hardworking but due to several reasons, their chances to find a job is limited to some category where they will only earn enough for what they need to survive and those are not lazy, they are just having some limitations in life due to profession, physical problem or whatever and there are also people who have a lot of resources yet the cannot save because of their lifestyle, big house, expensive cars and lifestyle so instead that they can save, they just have enough to maintain the so called lifestyle! ANyway, there are also by nature who are just lazy like getting a great job is very possible for them but they prefer working for shorter hours etc!lol! Nice post there![/i]
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
Thanks Checapricorn. Of course one problem with having a lavish lifestyle is that you need to generate a larger income to maintain it. I agree with you though. I think that there is luck involved as well.
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@ellie333 (21016)
20 Oct 08
Hi P1kef1sh, No it is not fair to say that the poor are lazy. In fact I would say some of the rich are far lazier as they don't have to go out to work for a living, born into money type. I'm lazy at home, Taurean trait as I love my relaxation time but when at work, work extremely hard for the time I am there. I think some individuals are poor because they are lazy but like with anything in life it takes all types eh to make the world. Huggles. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
I think that the born into it rich are relatively few and far between Ellie. We live in a time when people are able to make huge sums for apparently not doing much. The majority though make average wages and work hard for them. There are some lazy and feckless folk out there. I'm sure that there always has been.
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• Nigeria
20 Oct 08
Being poor, has nothing to do with the long hours you work, or the kind of work you do or where in the world you live. POverty is a state of mind as well as wealth.. i learnt this when i was $55,000 in debt, had no food and i thought it was all lost, but right now i control an income of $120,520 per month. I live in Africa and you can see that... i discovered something very rare and would like to share it... the truth is you control what comes to you and what does not.. you have the power to achieve anything you want in life and manifest your reality and your dreams..we are more powerful than you can imagine.., you need to know how to use your power of belief.this site helped me a lot and the e-book invelved you should try it out www.amazingtouch.blogspot.com and www.the-power-of-faith-and-focus.blogspot.com
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
A positive approach helps a great deal I am sure. But not everybody can do it. When you are scrabbling for the basics of life thinking beyond them is not so easy to do. I liked your blog. Very focused.
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21 Oct 08
OreoCookie, I see that election fever is well and truly taking hold in the US of A! :~)
• India
20 Oct 08
Hi If someone is poor a whole lot of factors are constantly working behind. It's not only laziness. Even sometimes luck is responsible. I know few guys. ALthough they are very much active, yet fail to beat the poorness. With global economy crumbling, few people will certainly become poor. So laziness may be a cause for a few people, but not general.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
I think that you are right Tapnaory. There is a mix of circumstances that effect how well we do in life. But a positive attitude helps no end.
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• India
20 Oct 08
I agree with you. A positive attitude, most of the time, can make the difference.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 08
I would say that with a lot of People yes it is but I do not think that it is fair to judge everyone by it I worked hard all my Life till I got this Illness, I worked hard and the Pay was low I paid all my Taxes and that and look where it got me but my Kids always looked good and had what they needed and that is what mattered to me, I can say what I have I have worked for
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 08
Yes I agree with that totally
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
I don't think that the quote is aimed at you at all Gabs. I know what a fighter you are. But there are those that struggle all their lives and get nowhere and those that sit back and just take.
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@Ithink (9980)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I dont believe that it is true for all people. I know alot of people that work and work hard to live check to check. We are one of those families. I do however know some that just seem to think something is going to drop into their laps or dont mind living off of people. I have been guilty of allowing such people moving in with us for a time, thinking that it would help them and not only did it not, it put a bigger strain on us. I also think different people have different ideas on what poor is. Some think not being able to go out and eat at least once a week is being poor. Others think that if you can do that you must be well off. I have to admit there has been times I have thought man must be nice..lol I realized thou that they could be making as much as we do and just decide to spend their money their way, and that is their choice. My husband works and works hard for the money he makes, we arent a lazy family but I guess by todays standards we are considered not well off. *shrugs* But from being lazy or by choice? No
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
Very fair points Ithink. he problem is that when you are poor it is hard to see how to move up, assuming that you do. Poverty is also relative. I imagine that Donald Trump might regard it as being down to his last $500 million! But I also think that you can be financially poor but emotionally rich. If you have loving friends and family then you are rich indeed.!
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
20 Oct 08
My husband and I both had very good jobs, I had a heart attack, and was told could not go back to it, but also didn't enough time to draw Social Security, the amount is there but not the time period they want, it put me on SSI. My husband got hurt on the job, got a very nice monthly monthly income, until a lawyer filed a paper that was not right and got him cut off. Left him with a Social Security disability payment that is very little. Sure took us from being middle class if you want to call it that to the poor farm. We get just enough to cover the bills each month. I would give anything to be able to work just some little job, but that would mean giving up my insurance and with my heart condition I can't do that. I do know some that don't want to do anything because they make more on welfare than they could at working, that is a shame. And yes it seems that some no matter what they do, it just keeps coming. I will never understand it, I knew a lady back home who would stand and rip people off and go put it in the poker machine, (and you would think that since she got the money by ripping off some one that she wouldn't hit anything) not true, she would hit time and time again. Sure didn't seem right to me, no matter what she done, she just kept getting more and more. Makes you wonder if you trying to do the right thing is really the way to go. I think the poor are uneducated and don't know any different, they have no want to get out and do better, the life that they have is all they have known, do you call that lazy or what. Yes we do get back out of life what we put into it, just seems most are happy with what they got and no interest in trying to get a better life, other just have unfortunate things happen to them and can't change or have the chance to do better.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
I was sorry to read about you experience bdugas. That must be hard for you and I'm pleased that you are managing to keep going. It's one of the great mysteries how people that spend their lives ripping off others seem to flourish. Whilst good people don't always. But they will get their comeuppance, I'm sure of it.
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@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
20 Oct 08
There's a difference between being poor and busting your butt and still not having anything and being poor and just being lazy. My family is struggling paycheck to paycheck, but it's not because we're lazy, we all work and bring in money, but because of the economy it's hard to keep your money. The price of everything is going up, so your money is gone faster. Now I know people who are poor and they're on welfare because they have 5 kids by 3 different men and they are lazy because they want the system to take care of them. So believe me there is a difference.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
I think that's a very apposite point. You don't have to be lazy to be poor.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
20 Oct 08
I dont think its a fair assumption to make. You look at people who do menial labour...hard work and they get paid minimum wage...They arent lazy but lots of times they tend to be in the poor end of the spectrum. Farmers are another example they work hard...they pay a fortune in gas/diesel to farm grain hay...pay for feed for cattle and other things we eat but they get VERY little in return...most family farms that aren't corporations aren't very well off..actually struggling to make ends meet and have huge debts because farm equipment and gas to do their job costs a fortune.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
I think that you are right there Saundyl. People are often victims of their circumstances and whilst they work their socks off cannot improve their lot. I've known a lot of farmers over here, but mostly owners of large arable farms. They are not too badly off - of course a farmer's favourite hobby is complaining! But the small guys are struggling and worryingly getting out of the business all together.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
Nothing ironic in that at all. It's a plain fact and one that governments should heed. We NEED our farmers and they are growing restless with being continually kicked.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
20 Oct 08
My parents are farmers and i know my dad works on the oil rigs too...and most of his pay cheque goes to support the farm...the bills and everything. And ironically without farmers most people would suddenly be without access to food in stores.
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20 Oct 08
Hi p1key, Someone said, 'work smarter not harder' and 'never chase money, let it come to you' it means theat some people work so hard that the forget the family and neglect them and in the end they don't see their children because they are forever working, they don't have quailty time any more because work comes first, then thre are people who don't chase money but spend time with their family and spend quailty with them, in doing that they are more richer then people who work so hard for nothing. Hug. Tamara
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
I couldn't agree more Tamara. With that I'm off to hug The Boss! XX
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• United States
20 Oct 08
There are some who feel they are owed something in life. They don't feel they should have to work as hard as others, so they sit back waiting for something to fall in their laps. For those, yes, I would say they have nothing because they are lazy. In general, I don't think the statement is necessarily true. I know plenty of people who are considered poor who work their fingers to the bone, trying to make ends meet. They are good, hard working people. And, there are times when you feel that no matter how hard you work, how hard you try, you will never see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you keep plodding along, trying to keep your head above water.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
Exactly. I see those people too. There have always been those people that want an easy life. It's when they moan that they don't have anything that I get irritated.
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• United States
20 Oct 08
Especially if they aren't doing anything to even get started on having something.
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• United States
21 Oct 08
Its not fair at all to say those things....especially how the economy is today. having to pay out the a$$ for health insurance, kids college tuition, and etc...
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@albino001 (154)
• India
20 Oct 08
ya true dude. happy mlotting
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
Thank you.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Hello p1kef1sh! Sorry, but I have to disagree with you on that statement. We do so love to categorize people for some reason. I know lots of poor people. While it is true that some might be lazy, there are other reasons for their being poor also. Basically, many people never aspire to become wealthy or successful because they are content with their circumstances in life. There is nothing wrong with that if they are happy. There are heavy burdens placed upon those who are wealthy and successful in life. I, for one, would not wish to shoulder such responsibilities. I don't think it's being lazy to be content with your life so long as your basic needs are met. Of course, this is not for everyone, but, for that matter, nothing is.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Oct 08
It is NOT my statement Worldwise. I picked it up from a discussion. Broadly I am in disagreement with it although I know that there are some that are completely disinclined to do anything to help themselves or others.
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• United States
21 Oct 08
ughhh anyone who says that all poor people are lazy is absolutely RIDICULOUS. just because we all can't get incredible jobs that pay a quarter of a million per year doesn't mean we are LAZY. my dad has a college degree, but he's having a REALLY hard time finding a job because he's older than all of the "new recruits" that just came out of college. he's NOT lazy, there are other factors that inhibit his ability to get a job!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Oct 08
You are right. Most poor people work very hard and just don't get the breaks. There are a few that are simply bone idle. But they are not the majority.
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• United States
20 Oct 08
Sore subject for me, but here I go in light of my better judgment. No, I don't think it is fair to say that the poor are lazy. Even though my step brother was forever complaining that he had no money yet, he wouldn't take a job at McDonalds to rectify that. I would call him lazy. He would say that working at McDonalds was beneath him. The way I see it is that if there is work available yet you choose not to do that type of work regardless of how "poor" you are, then you must not be poor enough. I know that at one time I had to work 3 jobs to support my family. I didn't like it. I never got to see my kids except on weekends and for 2 hours a day during the week and I was miserable. But I did what I had to do to make sure my family wasn't poor. And before too long, we weren't poor anymore and I only needed one job to sustain our way of life. Just like with everything else in life, if you don't like it, DO SOMETHING to change it. Nothing will change just because you complain about it, until you are wiling to make some sacrifices to improve your own life. Of course everyone has an exception. "I was hurt and couldn't work anymore and I can't live on my disability money." "I can't afford day care to get a job." "No one will hire me." Everyone always has a reason for being poor yet lack the fortitude to do something other than make more excuses for it. So no, I don't believe that the poor are lazy. They just are not poor enough to want to do something to change the fact that they are poor.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
Your final sentence is interesting Cyn. I think that's very true. That said there are parts of he world where being anything other than poor is not a realistic option. We are very fortunate, we have a certain amount of choice in what we do. Even if it is McDonalds!
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
20 Oct 08
That's a difficult thing to discern from afar. Things are different in the US than they've been in days gone by. Our ancestors were willing to go to great lengths to work. My dad took us from PA to FL when there was more work in FL. Then when FL started using more non-union workers, we moved back to PA. When he couldn't find a job in PA, he worked in Syracuse, NY for almost a year and only came home on weekends. When I was a young adult and realized that work was drying up in the small town where I lived in Michigan, I moved to Texas, where is was booming. Now, people stay where they are, even though they're laid off, and there are no jobs. They stay on unemployment as long as they can, and hope for extensions. Meanwhile, although the unemployment rate is 6.1% overall, there are places in the US where it's lower than 3%. (And, by the way, if you search, most countries have a much larger unemployment rate than we do - in the double digits. Canada, I'm told, has about 10% unemployment all the time.)
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
The UK currently has 5.7% unemployed. But I think that is based on people drawing benefits. There are people like me that don't get benefits which would probably boost it up over 6%. I think that poverty in the western world generally means something different to that in the East. As you say. Sometimes you have to be mobile to get the work. I've taken time out deliberately. I hope that I'll get back to something soon.
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20 Oct 08
i agree with that i am not on anything at the moment either because i was brought up to believe that that is the last option. The option that you take when you have tried every other avenue so i'm still trying every other avenue but i have to admit the option of sick is looming closer everyday.
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@animeniak (425)
• United States
20 Oct 08
Maybe some people are poor because they were lazy back in the days. Especially now, there are some people who aren't actually lazy, and trying their best to get a job to make some money, but they just can't, because the unemployment rate is very high in America (seriously, America isn't the country anymore that you have thought of). If you are lazy, then it is obvious that you would be poor, because that just means you aren't working hard at all, and you should at least work hard for something to earn something back. But in these days, there are actually some people (like me) working their butt off, being desperate about searching for a job here and there, and still couldn't get a job for whatever reason (high unemployment rate is one). I'm pretty sure that the good and bad luck does come around; like you said, that some people put in huge amount and receive little in return, while others seem to put nothing in and receive fortune in return. That... I don't know how to explain lol. But For some people, I do think it's right to say they are poor, because they were lazy back in the days. For some other people, they are poor as hard workers to even search for a job, because they just aren't lucky enough at the wrong time. That's what I think. Happy mylotting
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
I think that there's a lot in what you say there. A lot of people work hard and seem to just stay where they are. Thank you.
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
20 Oct 08
Maybe not lazy because that is a little harsh. But perhaps one could call them unmotivated?? Not sure if that sounds a little better, what do you think?
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Oct 08
Hmmm. What's the difference? LOL. I agree that you do need motivation to seek employment. Not having anything might well be that motivation.
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
20 Oct 08
Oh I know I agree with you. I have a family member that is very capable of working but just doesn't work at finding a job. That's lazy!!!
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