do you drink milk everyday?

@kayedanda (1850)
October 20, 2008 7:50am CST
do you like to have your daily dose of milk? or do you just drink it when there's milk available? i belong to the latter category. i'm not a huge fan of milk. i'm more of a plain water person. and even we have a stock of milk around, i don't drink it unless it's hot. what about you? do you still drink it everyday?
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14 responses
@joy4you (641)
• India
21 Oct 08
I am not a big fan of milk either but sometimes I do drink it as it is a good source of calcium. My mom used to make me have 2 glasses everyday when I was in school but now I don't get time, I find it easier to drink coffee or a glass of juice.
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• Philippines
20 Oct 08
no, i don't drink milk everyday. in fact, i almost don't drink milk at all because i'm lactose intolerant, which is sad because i do like milk. for a time i drank soy milk instead, since it's lactose-free. but then soy has a high level of uric acid and i ended up with gout. =/
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
aww..that's too bad. to be deprived of something you like to have. hmm..don't they have any other type of milk for people like you? i'm afraid i am not knowledgeable on the subject, since, as mentioned, i'm not a big fan of milk.
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
there are other substitutes, but it's ok, i can live without milk. i'm just happy i'm not caffeine intolerant. :D
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
oh. so you like your coffee better than your milk, eh?
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
I think I had enough of milk when I was a baby and now when am in the adult stage I need something more adapting to my tastebud. I don't like the after taste of milk so I rarely drink milk even it says that it is good for the bones especially the elderly (not considered one yet) but still prefer to go for my black coffee.LOL
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
come to think of it, i don't like the after taste of it either. but i don't drink coffee anymore either. i used too, and i had to stop it because i was getting addicted to drinking it (actually had to drink 4 cups of coffee back then). so up to now i stick to plain water. and i drink lots of it everyday
@rkrish (3003)
• India
21 Oct 08
its compulsory from my wife side to have milk two times in a day and i cant say no to that even sometimes i am full of stomach. its about love so i also never say no to her and have it two times in a day and in holidays the count increases its three as well
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@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
well, if my husband forced me too, i would also probably concede to drinking it out of my love for him . problem is, he also does not like drinking milk. he prefers the malt drink or coffee for his morning and evening fix.
@jands1 (835)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I am in the category of people that do not drink milk every day. But that is because I was spoiled from the village in England I grew up in. I drank *real* milk. Not this stuff that is sold in the USA. I do make sure that I take my Vitamin D and Calcium daily though. :)
@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
good enough substitute
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
I don't drink milk even if there is an available on the counter top or on the fridge or on the table. I am not fond of milk and I just feel so full when I drink even half a glass. I know my bones are terrible now, ha ha, but I prefer taking calcium in capsule form than drink milk, even when I was pregnant, my OB says I should drink lots of pregnancy milk and I said, I don't like milks, and she just told me I could just take in calcium supplements in capsule form. Although I like milk in cereals and in my coffee
@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
21 Oct 08
i had to drink anmum when i was pregnant with svet, but it had to be chocolate flavor so that i can stand it. but i took calvit (vit D and calcium) as well, so i guess that's why svet's bones are strong now. she can sit on her own now, btw . i also like milk in my cereals. what did i tell you? we're spiritaul sisters
@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
21 Oct 08
spiritual! pfftt.
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
21 Oct 08
spiri what??? Oh you have you tried honey gold corn flakes? yum yum!
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Oct 08
I love milk and drink atleast one glass everyday. I'm not a tea and coffee person..and prefer drinking milk.
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@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
30 Oct 08
Hello, my friend. I don't like to drink milk only. I have tried already, but I didn't like so I do not repeat it. I do drink milk with coffee everyday. And if you allowed, I would keep on drinking it the whole day, because it is something that is great for me. I also do drink milk with chocolate or something like that. So, in a way, yes, I am drinking milk everyday. More than a glass, usually. But not milk alone. I guess it is important to have milk added in your life, because it has calcium which will make your bones stronger. But I bet you already knew about this, didn't you? I don't drink it for the calcium, though. Respectfully, Munhozmib.
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@Daffodil20 (1754)
• India
21 Oct 08
I used to drink milk daily earlier. But now my preferences have changed and I'm more in to coffee or tea. But nevertheless, I still like drinking milk whenever I can beause it is good for health.
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
I'm not a big fan of milk either. I rarely drink it as well and kinda just like to add it in my coffee or chocolate. I know it's healthy and recommended to drink it, but not quite like the taste actually. Once in awhile I tried drinking it, but definitely can't expect me to drink it always.
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@rkrish (3003)
• India
30 Oct 08
normally somebody has to push me to drink milk and always my wife who cares me a lot for drinking and i always prefer to drink atleast once in a day but i take some energy boosters with milk for taste and i believe it gives me some extra energy too
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@Anchopy (1453)
• Paraguay
20 Oct 08
Hi kayedanda, I drink milk every day in the morning.. sometimes only milk and other times coffee with milk.. I think that everyone should drink at leash one glass of milk everyday
@kayedanda (1850)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
yeah. i think so too. but i have gotten around to the point where i am used to not drinking it. oh well. maybe i'll drink it several years from now. just to fight osteoporosis and other bone diseases.
@srikool (936)
• India
25 Oct 08
yes ofcourse i am drinking milk daily..i cant live without milk..i will take from the morning to night..if i was not feeling full time food is milk only...this is funny to my mom and my friend..they used to tease me a lot..are you still child ?like that ..but i dont care of it...have a nice time with mylot..
• United States
30 Oct 08
I drink milk everyday heheheh....
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