how can i forget that guy????????

October 21, 2008 6:11am CST
i worked at internet cafe...then i meet this guy...he played online games so i saw him everyday and he alwalys occupied the unit that in front of me..then we became friends...he asked for my number and we exchange messages... he always asked me if i already ate..he always remind me that its bad to skip meals because he notice that i ddnt eat on time... i think i was falling in love on him...i did easily fall in love someone like him...but the problem is he is younger than me...and he already worked as a planner at certain company.... i knew i am nothing but god i hate this felling... what do you think i should do?? sounds corny but i dnt want this felling
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38 responses
• China
21 Oct 08
i had same problem as you, but i should say you are lucky, at least you can meet him everyday, talk to him, be a friend with him. if you really love him, them tell him how is your feeling, i think you should give a chance to yourself, don't miss your lover. i can feel you are a good girl, don't be self-abased. and i want to say i really know your feeling, because i had that experience too, i think age is not the problem when the love come, and also it is not a shame thing to show your love to another guy, try to do it, maybe it is not a happy ending, but at least you did it, you will have no regret in your life. love is full of magic, and hope you will have good ending---happy together!!! i still can't forget him too..........
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• Philippines
22 Oct 08
tnx... but as you said you experienced same as this and you still cnt forget him.... i am afraid... maybe lucky but unlucky in the same time coz i ddnt know if he felt same as i do tc...
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• China
22 Oct 08
don't be afraid, i am not totally as same as you, i can't meet him right now, we are in different place, and he is so rich and so famous, i am just a normal girl, not beautiful, and not young any more, there are so many girls like him, so you are lucky, as i said, just try to tell him how is your feeling, no matter the result is, you will find the answer. i admit i can't forget him, but i have no regret. i am so happy to meet him.
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• China
21 Oct 08
Maybe you're afraid that he is not taking this serious? or maybe you think it's not the right place/time to fall in love.....whatever. but for me, if i'm not feeling good about this guy, i mean, if i feel that he is not sincere enough, i'll take it easy and focus on the thing i do....but i understand that we all love to be cared and loved. be careful to those guys who tend to attract your attention by saying something sweet....good luck!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Well, how much younger is he than you, and if he is always asking you if you have ate, and concerned about you, than maybe he likes you as well. For one, I would if I were you find out his intentions, and then decide from there what to do about it. He could just be reaching out as a friend, or maybe he is really interested and hoping you will notice. If you feel he is too young, or you feel uncomfortable about it, or him, let him down easily. Just remember until you are sure what he wants you could be always wondering, and it is best to find out and then go from there to help protect your own good as well.
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• Philippines
22 Oct 08
hello he is 19 and my 21... then this morning i was shocked coz i ddnt expect that i see him in 7 am... i ask him why he's too early he just said that he wanted to see me and talk to me but he just sat up and just said nothing.... i think i should let that flow wen i am sure about this i will be thankful to all of guys
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• United States
22 Oct 08
there are just some people u never forget. u learn to live w/it but u don't forget's up to you to make up your mind as to what u want to do. i just hope you don't get hurt over whatever u decide.
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• Philippines
24 Oct 08
you're right antiquelady....there are people i never forget,, and i decided to remain friends with this guy...i just realized that i was wrong..i should let it flow..if i am sure that i really love him then i would face what ever it coz tnx antiquelady and to all who shared thier opinion to this discussion
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• India
21 Oct 08
people - people.......i think they are japanese
i think u should go n talk to him abt this...tell him tht u have some feeling for him and try to knw wht he thinks of u...see age doesn't matters if there are feeling for each other...may be tht he is also wanting to say something but unable to say!!go dear talk to him now!!! Gud luck!!may god give u whtever u want!!!
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• India
21 Oct 08
ohh sorry i posted the pic by mistake!!
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• India
22 Oct 08
don't be affraid go tell is frm heart dear just make things clear...wish he love u too!!gud luck!!btw sorry for late reply dear!!
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• Philippines
22 Oct 08
tnx but i am afraid to tell him but thank you
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@Emilyzhu (147)
• China
22 Oct 08
I think I can understand your feeling now .But you both maybe only common friends .He take care of you perhaps because he thinks you are in need of attention .As to you ,maybe youare jist used the feeling he cares you ,you need his care ,that is all.If you both really love each other ,then you can be together without worry about the age ,it is not a problem .Good luck for you !
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• Philippines
22 Oct 08
tnx... maybe your right tc...
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@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
22 Oct 08
What you are feeling is not love, it is infatuation. You will feel it many times in your life. Being younger than you should not be a problem, my uncle is 11 years younger than my aunt and they have been ogether many,many years. You need to not put yourself down so much, you are worth his friendship. HAve yuo let him know you are interested? If he cools the messages then you will nknow he is not interested and you should move on to new friendships. But if he is interested also he will continue friendship.
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@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
21 Oct 08
I think your very scared because his younger then you. Why don't you just let it flow and just remain friends. Let time tell who knows. Age is just numbers. It is better to feel love then not feeling love at all. Good night!
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@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
Don't easily fall. You don't know yet if he's really sincere or not. Let him do some courtings, not just through texting. He might be a player, not just a PC game player, but heart player as well. So beware and know him more first. You know, guy players are getting more these days, sincere guys and stick to one guys are getting harder to find. It's not wrong to fall in love, just study the situation first.
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• Philippines
22 Oct 08
tnx for the advice tnx again
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
21 Oct 08
stillloveyou, One cannot attempt to Love without risking being hurt. Like two sides of a coin, it is just part of the deal as you accept Love into your life. When you open the floodgates, you will take in all things, both good and bad. If you are weary about his intention, avoid taking haste and making irrational decision. Hence, your next course of action would be to figure out if he is the right fit - at least a comfortable fit. Halt that emotions for just a moment first - enjoy the platonic and casual friendship naturally, without placing yourself into some self-constructed commitment. Since you both are still within the 'friendship' zone, then behave and think likewise (albeit you probably will not be able to feel along this direction, but that's alright). Take care.
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
thank you so much after reading all of your response i just thought that your right i should be not worry about this...i should the friendship in and just wait wat happen next tnx again take care too
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
21 Oct 08
really i believe the fear of the age difference is what is disturbing you right now,but really if you can just give it a trial and follow your heart with every consciousness of care i think you can just let things flow but not very fast just take it a step after the other and see whre it leads but lease dont be too forward
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Well if he is of age (18 and above) I do not see any problem with you being friends and if things become romantic why not. Please do not feel guilty about something that men have no problem with, more and more women are dating and marring younger men than them, men have been doing that forever, I do not see why not you. Good luck.
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• United States
22 Oct 08
Hello stilloveyou, I just happened to read your discussion on meeting a new guy and thinking you're in love with him, because he treats you nice, and is thoughtful. You also said that you are or were in love with someone else that resembles this new guy. Am I getting this correct? If so think. Are you on a rebound from your first man, or are you feeling lonely? Are you over your first romance or not? I would go slowly with this new relationship. Is he married or engaged, or dating someone else? I would find out about him first and just stay as friends and wait to see just what kind of person he is, what he is about. There are so many men, young or old, who just want a fling and nothing else. If you don't want to get hurt or more burdens added to your life. I keep cool with this affair. Good luck. I'll be praying for you that you make the right decision. Cyclegmom1400
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• Philippines
24 Oct 08
hello cyclegmom your right i am sure about it that im not over with my first guy... i dont know if i just used this feeling... but i am too sure that i like this guy... there are similarities between him and my ex i should stay friends with him till i am sure about my feelings tnx
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@CAdreamer (118)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Awww sweete, this is something I hear about alot. I myself am in a relationship from online. He is younger than me and lives in England. Something I know about life, it is too short to be afraid of connecting. Yes with any type of relationship there is the potential to get hurt, but hun, don't let your fear of being hurt or it not working out stop you. If you like this guy then talk to him, most people are just as afraid as you. And on the other thing, you are something. It doesn't matter what you do in this life, if you weren't in it it wouldn't be the same for many people. Look at the ones you come in contact with everyday, think about how you touch their lives even for a little while. If someone else was in your position they wouldn't affect people the same way. So stop selling yourself short. We all have our own special ways of affecting people, and it sounds like this guy sees this. So go for it hun, you only lose truelly if you let your fear and self doubt stop you.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
22 Oct 08
look if you just want to forget someone or something, its never possible as such. I have seen that it is something that is always hard to do.however hard you try to forget, you start remembering more. better be friends if he does not take it seriously. If situation permits go ahead
1 person likes this
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
thank you... your right
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 Oct 08
There is no great age difference....if he was 19 and you were 31 then I would think differently. You two are around the same age, there is no great difference. This shouldn't worry you. Just wait and see what does sound as if he likes you a little and is interested in spending more time with you but he still seems more interested in computer games than you. I think if he wanted to know you better he would have come forward by now to suggest you meet somewhere else for a coffee or something. I think he is only flirting mildly with you. Just enjoy it but don't put too much importance on it otherwise you will become disappointed and upset for no real reason when he moves on.
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• United States
22 Oct 08
Is there some other reason that you don't want to have feelings for this guy? Is he married or does he have a girlfriend? If not, is it just the age thing? I mean, how big is the difference? Do you think he has feeling for you? Even if you don't want to persue a relationship with this guy, there is no reason why you can't let yourself enjoy the good feeling you feel when you are around him. These feelings don't come around every day - trust me. Just don't let youself take any actions to encourage a relationship if that's not what you want. Make sure you let him know that it is his friendship you are interested in. Otherwise, if you do really want a relationship and the age difference isn't that bad, maybe you should listen to your heart. You are not "nothing"! Obviously he has taken an interest in you. I hope this helps a little.
22 Oct 08
The truth of the issue is ,you are in love with this guy,why don't you let him know how you feel.Forget about age,becos it's only a number,the main thing is,is the guymature to be your friend in a relationship,if yes,then you dont have anything to fear. Best of luck as you let him know of your feelings for him.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Don't even try to forget him, just enjoy the good times you both had and go on. All these experiences you have in life teach you things you need to learn. Good Luck
• China
22 Oct 08
Sometimes,love comes without any rensons.Why do you pay so much attention on the age?The kind of love is so complicated that makes us so confusing.If you don't try, you'll never know how much you love him,or whether he loves you ,or he is really a good guy.Please don't miss the chance,or you'll regret for your decision.If you are really so puzzled, just do want do,I back you!!
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• Philippines
22 Oct 08
hi tnx..
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