Michelle Obama Said...
By kenzie45230
@kenzie45230 (3560)
United States
October 21, 2008 10:51am CST
"The truth is most Americans don't want much. Folks don't want the whole pie. Most Americans feel blessed to thrive a little bit, but that's out of reach for them. The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more." -Michelle Obama
Sounds a bit like this, doesn't it?
"Wealth is within the reach of the masses simply through the process of appropriation." -Che Guevara
People who make more already do pay more (percentage) in taxes than people who pay less.
Obama wants to raise that tax rate - and the combined income tax and Social Security tax rate will be 55% for people who Obama has decided are rich.
But even those who earn less than $250,000 and are self-employed will see an increase from 37.9% to 54.9%. Did you know that????!!?
Stockholders will pay 40% instead of 15%.
On money you get if a loved one dies - being raised to 55%.
America’s 3.7 million Sub Chapter S corporations, which are small companies with less than 75 stock holders, are currently taxed at a rate of 35%. He's increasing the tax rated to 50.3%.
Did you know...
These are the top individual tax rates, which combine income and social security.
28% under President Reagan
38% under President Clinton
55% under would-be President Obama
60% under President Hoover
70% under Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter
You think this is fair? How high would be too high? Do you realize that some states and local areas (counties/cities) also have income taxes? If you add those to Obama's 55%, what will the so-called rich be paying? And that's fair?????
According to the Tax Policy Center, Barack Obama’s tax plans would cost the U.S federal government nearly $900 billion in his first term, and increase the national debt by $3.3 trillion over ten years. Is that really the kind of change you want?
Some say Obama’s proposed increase in deductions for taxpayers would increase the number of those who don’t pay taxes closer to 40%.
Socialists believe that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital, and creates an unequal society. All socialists advocate the creation of a society, in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly.
Doesn't this sound like what Obama wants? A redistribution of wealth? That's socialism.
And it appears that Michelle Obama clearly agrees with her husband on this one.
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8 responses
@Cinnamoncandy78 (54)
• United States
22 Oct 08
[b]Does the story about the Little Red Hen sound familiar here?
I'm just going to paraphrase it here, .. but the little red hen called to all her Democrat neighbors in the barn yard and said,
if we plant wheat, we can have bread to eat. Anyone wanna help me?
[b]and the cow said, Not I
and the duck said, Not I
and the pig also said, Not I
And so did the goose.
So the little red hen plants the wheat all by herself. The little red hen asked...
When it was time to reap the wheat who will help me?
[b]and the cow said, that's not my job.
and the Duck said I would lose my seniority.
and the pig said I'm over qualified.
and the goose said, I'm under qualified.
so the little red hen says she will reap the wheat and asked if they would at least help her mill the wheat into flour..
you already know the answer.. they all refused.
So then she asks if they would help her bake the bread.
[b]Not I said the cow
Not I said the Duck
Not I said the Pig
Not I said the Goose
But when it came time to cut the bread everyone wanted their fair share. The little red hen said . NO!! You didn't help me at all. You wouldn't lift a finger to help me grow the wheat, harvest it or bake the bread.
[b]I'll sue said the cow!
Capitalist leach! screamed the duck
Excess profits! yelled the pig
I demand my fair share! Screamed the Goose
This is exactly what is going on now with the proposed Marxist spreading of wealth.
But the story doesn't end there..
The little red hen learned a valuable lesson. The little red hen never made another loaf of bread, and the other barnyard animals were very unhappy with her for a while because she was the breadwinner. But then a new leader came and offered a new plan that would be fair for all of the barnyard animals. Everyone would get free bread if they joined the party. The government would support them. Nobody, not even the little red hen cared to make bread anymore because the rich were buying their bread for them.
I see a lot of truth in this little barnyard analogy.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Ah, yes! Good story. Thanks for taking the time to write it all out.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
22 Oct 08
That's exactly where we're heading...if we're not already there. I don't understand sitting around and waiting for things to happen...especially when you have kids. When I was little, my dad moved us from PA to FL when things were better there. He moved us back to PA when they started using more non-union workers. When there was no work in PA, he took a job in NY for close to a year and came back only on weekends.
When I was a young adult and things weren't looking good in Michigan, I moved to Houston.
In August when the unemployment level hit 6.1% it sent everyone into a panic, but if you look at each state, there are some with only 2.9 and 3.5% unemployment. Instead of sitting back and fearing that one's unemployment checks will run out, I wonder why people don't move. I know that moving is costly. I'm 56 and have lived in 6 states. I figured it out one time and I think I've moved about 35 times in 56 years.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
21 Oct 08
They are not exactly hiding the fact. All you have to do is listen to them to realize that they are socialist. What gets me is that so many people in this country seem to think this is a good idea. What happened to independence? What happened to self reliance? What happened to pride and self worth?
No I am not rich. I am no where near it. But I do not want Bill Gate's money. I want to make my own way. Bill Gates does not "owe" me anything. I am not his responsibility. Nor is the rest of country my responsibility. If Bill Gates or Warren Buffet WANT to give money to charity that is their CHOICE. It should not be force. It is their money and we have no right to it. But it looks like too many people in this world have a sense of entitlement. I want it so I am entitled to it. How is that reasonable much less justifyable? I like my neighbors new car. So can I go over and take his or demand he buy me one too? No. If I want one too then I need to find a way to make money or slowly save so I can have one too. But this is our instant gratification society at its worst. I want it and I want it now and I want someone else to pay for it. It is shameful.
It would serve us all right if Obama gets elected and puts through all these changes so all the really rich who would pay for the rest of us, just picked up and left the country. I am sure they could find another country that would take them and give them tax breaks. Companies are doing it right and left so why not them. They take their money and renounce their citizenship. Guess what, we no longer get their tax dollars. Who is going to pay for all the programs then? Who will take care of everyone then? These people own houses all over the world. It would no big deal for them to just go. And I would not blame them. Charity is a choice not a requirement.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Hello Lilwonders,
I'm sure that all of those wealthy employers would be warmly welcomed in Ireland, where the lowest corporate tax structure has transformed the Emerald Isle ...
"...from being agrarian and traditional manufacturing based to one increasingly based on the high technology and in internationally traded service sectors."
"Ireland is a small, open, trade-dependent economy and is one of the fastest growing economies in the developed world."
To what does Ireland owe its wild economic transformation? It's 12.5% corporate income tax structure, of course! Ireland has the lowest corporate tax structure in the world, and their economy has boomed since their tax structure was re-vamped!
According to Deloitte & Touche, 2008 the U.S. Corporate Tax Rate is 39.5%
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
21 Oct 08
They may not be hiding it, but the Obama fans refuse to admit that the programs and policies of Obama are socialist. It amazes me.
I'm with you. I don't want the rich folks money. They don't need to buy me anything.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Thanks for those great links about Ireland. From what I've read the US has the 2nd highest corporate taxes in the world. I'm not sure which country is #1.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Hello Kenzie,
I believe that Lilwonders has hit the nail on the head.
To her comment:
"No I am not rich. I am no where near it. But I do not want Bill Gate's money. I want to make my own way. Bill Gates does not "owe" me anything. I am not his responsibility. Nor is the rest of country my responsibility."
I see no reason to add further commentary. I would only add that I appreciate that you took the time to post such an informative thread. If possible, would you share where you sourced your statistics? I believe that I would thoroughly enjoy savoring that read.
Thanks Kenzie!!!
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
21 Oct 08
So many of my liberal friends and acquaintences say, "So what if they have to pay more? It won't hurt them. They have the money." That's really not the point. They already pay a higher percentage than others. I can never get those liberal friends to tell me what percentage would be too high. FDR made the rich pay 70%. Would that be too much?
They also don't seem to understand that if a business making $250,000 will pay 50-55% in taxes (plus the local ones tacked on) but only 39% at $200,000, that some would make sure they didn't get to the higher level. What motivation is there to succeed if in doing so you are penalized?
Here's a link that shows all kinds of places where you can read some of this stuff:
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I am just wondering why, does he want to disarm the United States and inforce draft? Especialy when we are in a war against terrorism?Why is everything he says related to demanding more and more.We have enough volunteers, we do not need draft. We dont need a dictator and thats what this is all sounding like to me!
Taking away our rights to make any choices. The man is frightning and supporting abortion?I watched the fox news reports on him. I have researched all the information.I dont like it and I dont trust him and I pray to God that MCcain wins! We need the corruption cleaned up in Washington , and we need a leader that is for the peoples rights not against them.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
21 Oct 08
I litterly can not stand this woman, and to think that we may have to spend at least the next 4 years, and I say 4 years because I don't believe he will make it a second time, he will of already put eveyone under by then. As for her, she is like brain washed in what is going on in this country. She lives in her mansion that she got by way of a felon that allowd them to get a deal much lower than if someone else bought the property. She is going to go along with anything that he says because the profit is in her favor. I understand that several of the programs that Obama is going to put into effect will bounce money back to several firms that either her or a family member is involved in. Take from the rich and give it to the Obama's is the way I look at it. They are both socialist and this country is crying change, Oh they are going to get it and cry later.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I think that, financially speaking, her piece of the pie is bigger than mine. So she needs to give up a piece of her pie so I can have a little more.
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@RhythmWalker1 (825)
• United States
22 Oct 08
It sounds to me like this is another one of those articles
that has been pieced together with Republican comments added
and the whole thing edited to be another "throw off scheme"
by the McSane bunch.
Journalism should be left to writers and not to the lobbyist
and campaign staff.
Obama was a Jr Senator and couldn't allocate money anywhere
during most of these issues you people keep bringing up.
Find out who really did the wrongs and you may be surprised.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
22 Oct 08
What are you talking about?? DO you even KNOW yourself what you're talking about?
Nowhere in this discussion is there ANY MENTION of what Obama did in the Sentate. The whole thing is discussing what his TRUE and REAL stated plans are for "when" he is elected President!!!!!! These are the things he has stated he is for.
Or that other Democrats have been pushing, such as the fairness act -- because no liberal talk radio show has succeeded, they want to change the law so that conservative talk radio which is booming, cannot be heard any more.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I couldn't figure out your comment either. This is about what Obama plans to do. He's going to make it so that companies will want to leave rather than paying higher taxes. That will put more people out of work, and into government programs, where he will have even more control over people's lives.
And he will be sure to make sure the Fairness Doctrine gets put into place, because the liberals hate the conservative talk shows.
Look out world if Obama gets in.