seriously, why does god allow this to happen?

@jarael (665)
October 22, 2008 1:51am CST
i believe in god and guardian angels and i pray but one question has always bugged me. im a survivor of child abuse, i once asked a priest if god loves me why did he let it happen? if my guardian angel is there to protect me, why didnt he or she? i was told that god loves everybody and that everything happens for a reason and that god was teaching me a lesson. teaching me a lesson? how can child abuse ever be right? god thinks this is nice and positive way to teach kids a lesson? i can never ever believe this is right. no way. every priest i have asked give me the same story. but were they abused as kids? maybe, maybe not, but its easy to say god does everything for a reason, but when you are abused as a kid, how can we think god loves us? i personally though and still think that god must hate me to put me through that, i feel he singled me out and decided to ruin my life. i feel i must have done something really wrong for god to allow such hurt to become me. when i say singled out, i am not meaning that noone else has ever been abused, thats not true or my intention, what i mean is thats just how i felt. what is peoples views on this?
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22 responses
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
22 Oct 08
I think that the Priest give you a wrong answer. It is not that God is teaching one a lesson when things goes wrong. Do you read the story of Job, yes Job goes through a temptation that God allow to happen but he came out of it being more stronger. In your situation you have a testament of what Child Abuse can do to others. What you should do is instead of questioning what has happen you can try and counsel others by doing it in Church Groups or even here in cyberspace. Do be afraid to encourage others because this has made you more stronger and more aware of the unfortunate circumstances here in the world. Don't think of it as a lesson but as a empowerment were you can help others.
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
i do hope someday i can help others, but i cannot do that until i have come to terms with my own abuse. asking this question is part of my healing proccess. not a nice question i know but i see this mylot as a place where people are expressing themselves and receiving some good advice, so i thought i would just ask this question to see if it can help me some way.
@jarael (665)
24 Oct 08
thank you for your response again, yes i know one day i will be a stronger and better person. im hoping to go to college in september, maybe this is something i can do. some sort of counselling course i dont know. im not sure what kind of course i should do. i dont really want to do counselling because i think for that i would have needed to come to terms with it myself. im glad also that the nice people here on my lot have also helped you with your problems.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
23 Oct 08
Yes my dear here in MYLOT you can express yourselves and received help. I did when I was going through my trouble. My advice to you though is to read your bible and pray. One day you will get over it and I hope you will be empowered to help others. All the best.
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• United States
22 Oct 08
A human being did this to you, not God. The blame needs to be put on everyone involved in the situation. What adult could have prevented it and how many will finally learn a lesson from the pain this has put you through? My words come from my heart because my own uncle abused me when I was a child. The sad thing to me about it now is that I told adults and they thought I was telling a lie. This doesn't have to cause you problems the rest of your life unless you allow it to. I know it's hard to deal with, but - Jarael - that was yesterday. Please make sure you report it and stop it from happening to someone else. Then and only then, will your hurt start to heal.
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@jarael (665)
22 Oct 08
im sorry u went through similar circumstances, i did report it and nothing happened and people also thought i was lying. and i never said god did this, where did i say that? i asked why does god allow it to happen. because that is the truth, he is allowing it to happen, doesnt matter how anyone wants to put it.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
23 Oct 08
First of all, like others here, I'm so sorry to hear of your suffering because of abuse. I also agree that choices are made by people and they will give an account to God for their actions. And the person that said that satan keeps God from seeing things??? Where in the world did that idea come from ???? If that were true God wouldn't be God - - he'd be a dud for a God! My dear, again - so sorry you've been through this and God does NOT use evil to teach us anything - - that is what His Word (The Bible) is for.
@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
i kind of understand and i think that comment about god being blocked against things kind of confused me a little. thats like a weakness of god, i wennt to church for the first 16 years of my life and we were always taught that good is stronger then evil, but if things are being blocked from god then surely that means that evil is stronger to make that happen.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
22 Oct 08
This is such a difficult situation to discuss jarael and I am sorry for what you have had to go through. God is everywhere yet not all people choose to see or acknowledge his presence. This incident that occured in your life is more of a reflection of the abuser's ignorance of God and the consequences of their actions more than a lack of God's protection of you personally. We were all created with free will and of course some choose to express that free will in a manner that goes against the purity of what believeing in a God stands for. This is not restricted to any particular faith at all because as far as I am concerned, the fundamentals of most mainstream religions are very similar. Some may argue that great progress cannot be achieved without great suffering and maybe your case is a testament to this? It is the ultimate test of faith to embrace hardships in life and it pains me when people choose to put aside the belief in a higher power because they cannot quantify why bad things happen. The main thing here jarael is that God did not hurt you at all; nor did God punish you. It was an evil person that did so and this person will ultimately face the consequences of their actions in either this life or the next. A spiritual connection needs to exist in all of us to help us to deal with situations and people like this! Human beings are flawed on so many levels and there will never be any justification for many of our actions. I am happy to hear that you do still believe and do still pray because in time you will find that God will carry you through this. I wish you all the best jarael and sorry for going on for so long!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
22 Oct 08
I do believe in past lives jarael but the emphasis here is on the word PAST! What's done is done and regardless of whether there is truth behind us paying in this life for mistakes made in a previous one, the fact of the matter is that our reality is NOW so we need to seek solace wherever we can. All I can suggest is to seek support through your faith, your friends and through professional mediums as best as you can. You can't possibly move on with your life until you manage to rid yourself of the pain of this past experience. Even letting this all out here on mylot is a very positive start and hopefully the beginning of a new approach for you thatkills these inner demons once and for all. Good luck jarael.
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@jarael (665)
22 Oct 08
thank you, you explained things well and i understand a little more, but i dont know how to get rid of these feelings, someone said in an earlier post that i may have been punished for something i did wrong in a past life, but then surely that means i will go to hell?
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
I am sorry that this has happened to you I guess it is just so unfortunate that these things happens to some people and not to some other people. God that He is he still given humanity freedom to choose to be bad or good. In your case you were abused as a child not because God abandoned you but the people he trusted to care for you chose otherwise. Should God intervened to protect you well its hard to answer but I guess you're still living and survived the tragic incident is already a blessing in disguise. What ever made you today, you should look forward in trying to make this world a better place. Your experience in the past should not stop you from not loving God but rather be an instrument for HIM to stop this kind of abuse for people like you. Sometimes we forgot that hardships that we experience about life are also the way to make us strong and survive in this world. Thank Him rather for being able to survive the abuse you received from whoever it was that made you what you are today. You may be scarred for life but let those memories make you a strong person rather be a victim of the past. Past is past continue on being strong person that you are and lessons that you learned in the past should make you a better person not otherwise. There is a loving God and he would not forsake anyone that truly believes in Him. All will be paid in time.
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
It is not the question of being fair because in the end all will be judged fairly in HIM. You don't have to think about it anymore what is important is you being a children of God being able to stand up for Him despite your experience. Are you able to save a life that is in the same situation or you become a victim of your past. As I said past is past and we cannot do anything about it anymore but what is important is your still alive and you can do something about your life right now. Maybe past cannot be repaired anymore but your present life is much more correctable than in the past.
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@jarael (665)
22 Oct 08
i know what you mean its just i seem to be suffering and the abuser isnt, hardly seems fair.
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• India
22 Oct 08
Hi To be honest, I have also asked this question to various priests of different religions. But they seemed to me clueless about, in general, why does god allow crime to happen. One explanation seemed to me more logical although not sufficient. It is said that there are two opposite forces active in the universe. A positive energy and a negative energy. All the creatures are made of these two energies. The person with more negative energy are more keen to do a crime. This is somewhat supported by science too. But why does someone who is innocent suffers? Here we have to just believe that we did something terribly wrong in our past life and now getting the punishment. If we accept this logic, then most of us are sufferring in different ways. Does that mean all of us committed a serious mistake in our past life. So, I think there are something about the laws designed by the God which we don't know that's why we fail to properly answer to questions like why does a child suffer or be abused? To be honest, I guess no one knows the right answer. All we can do is to pray to God and seek HIS blessings, if we believe HE is there.
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@jarael (665)
22 Oct 08
but surely we cant be held accountable for what we did in past lives that we cant even remeber. if thats the case then god allowed us to be born again, why then are we not born with a clean slate. a new chance to rectify whatever we did wrong. god could even take us down the exact same path and maybe help us to make the choice right this time. i know there are evil at force and the devil corrupts people, but the way things are, all the killings, shootings, abuse and stuff, id say that good is losing the battle. i see much more evil going on in the world then good. that might not be the case but it seems it to me.
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
Speaking of the opposites, They say that on being possesses both the characters and not one side as to one person.
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• Philippines
23 Oct 08
Oh we are born with the clean slate as you have put it. Only, we are exposed to the world of man and so we are man as we grow and we are man till we die. I dont know whether you can understand what Im saying so I have to recommend you to read about the child's development in psychology and please check for me the multiple layers of "id" and its relation to possible violence.
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@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
23 Oct 08
I know how you feel. I have 8 kids and 7 out of the 8 have been through this. I often wounder why. I am not a religious person so I can't say why the priests would say that. I just think that there are sick people out there. And I do not think that it happens for a reason, I do not think that there is a God out there that is punishing children.
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
im sorry, thats really sad, do they not question as i do? and why do you think god does not stop it?
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
23 Oct 08
They do question. I myself do not think that God does anything for anyone. If he did then we would all be wondering why me when something goes wrong. Everyone on earth has freedom of choice and sometimes people use their freedom to do bad things.
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• Philippines
22 Oct 08
If you read the Bible, the Apostles had been beaten, dragged out of their worship meetings, tried unjustly, and some met brutal ends like being beheaded, stoned, and Peter (Saint Peter to Catholics), was even crucified upside down.. Saint Paul had said something about taking suffering as an honorable thing to share with Christ. He and countless preachers after him also stated that it is through suffering that character is born. I would tend to agree, because it was through suffering that I had grown character. But God always gives oases of rest, as you walk in obedience in Him.. His peace is not the world's definition of peace, which is an absence of trouble. His peace is more of that rest in your heart, wherein you know that you are loved and He will see you through the pain, and you will emerge from it stronger. You would also be certain that there is a reward awaiting you. I hope you would learn to read the Bible more and feed on it more, so that you would come to a greater knowledge of Christ, and when you understand Him more, you would see that His plans for you are not to harm you, but to PROSPER you: to grow you up in every way, so that you would be complete, lacking in nothing. :D Jeremiah 29:11, James 1:4 Blessings, Jarael!
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
I also went through A LOT in my childhood, and since then, I've forgiven those who have hurt me, and we have better relationships. Yes, it's possible to forgive even the gravest of hurt, and it's amazing to know that we are forgiven, that is why we become generous to forgive others. :) Again, blessings!
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@jarael (665)
22 Oct 08
i know i have some good things in life now, i wasnt questioning that, mines isnt a individual case, child abuse is goin on so much that i just cant help believing that god has is losing his fight against the devil. jus tthe way i feel. and i know it is good to forgive but i dont think it should be forced on people to have to forgive. we shouldnot be punished for not forgiving. the people who hurt us should be the ones punished.
• Philippines
23 Oct 08
I'm felt sorry for what had happened, maybe things should be happened for some purpose, but you are a child i don't see any purpose why it happened to you, there's only one things that comes into my mind, you say you believe in God and angels, do really you believe? maybe he is trying to test you faith in Him, that no matter what happens to you, no matter what trial and circumstances to encountered, you will never turn back on Him. I know this is kind of a hard way for a test. But we can't do nothing about it, lets be brave and face life, what matters most is that, we are still alive and were able to enjoy life with our family, relatives and friends. Good day and may Virgin Mary shower the blue mantle of protection upon you.
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
yes i do truely believe, why would he be testing a young child who has only just started going to sunday school? i dont understand that. why would he be testing me my whole life? i cant knock the feeling that he thinks i am a bad person and is punishing me. dont get me wrong after everybodys kind posts im a lot clearer on things and even understand a little, but reading it does not stop me from feeling what im feeling.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
23 Oct 08
There are many things in life which raise a question whether God really likes Us. I also think myself. I am always true. why then so amny bad things happen to me? is it the only way?
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
its funny because when i se someone asking the same quetion as me i automatically know in my heart that god does note hate them, but when it comes to myself the tables are turned. i cannto answer ur question hunnie as i dont know the answer myself. im sorry.
• United States
23 Oct 08
I am so sorry your feeling so much hurt. I too am a survivor and I really feel like Im putting myself out there as I try to be very private about this matter. Many people should understand that those affected by this atrocious act of betrayal are left with an unbelievable guilt as if you've been branded like some dirty cow on a farm. Literally, you feel like a peice of meat and how could you not when the majority of victims are at an age where they have not even been ABLE to get a full grasp of understanding their worlds. When I hear about those in the church violating I get very angered because of this. I too relied so much on christianity to get through that long rough time as a child and I couldn't imagine surviving without this deep faith of Jesus as a child. I clung to it with all I had because I didn't have a friend that close to talk to about something I didnt understand. Im not gonna preach to you because I do not consider myself a 'christian' now and just see it as something there for me in that time of my life. Now I have spirituality to bring a deeper understanding and peace in my life but I even found Eckert Tolle's book A New Earth very useful. I feel like Im am past asking 'why' and have FINALLY accepted it but at the same time it does still affect me because I am highly self conscious, going back to the 'branded' feeling so its very hard for me to trust people and this is an awful way to live. I have had very few friends in my life because of this. To tell a friend this people say would help, but why would you choose to burden others with such a private thing if they do not fully understand so I just keep it unspoken. I feel like the quality of my life has dramatically improved but I do go through phases where I do alot of reflecting and its like a skeleton in my closet you just HAVE to face when it comes creeping. It is this awful tension in my forhead and thats when I know theres something I need to address. Usually just day to day life can bring up things when you least expect it. It just kills me for you to feel so much hurt because I would not want this in the world for ANYBODY!!! Please, do not keep feeling this guilt and I cannot speak for GOD because I will not fully understand until I move on to my next life (or the next) but I do feel a love that never left me. But I just hate for you to feel like GOD is 'doing' this to you or that he 'allowed' it and my god I cannot believe actually believe that way. Do we really know why, come on people, but I have come so far in my life from where I started that I have been able to build on that hardship and turn it into strength and still building, with love, Revella.
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
im sorry u too have been through this, it seems you have mostly dealt with it and can stop asking why. i hope i will reach this one day, but i cant stop the hurting or stop asking why until i fully accept. this i am finding it hard and i suppose my refusal to forgive does not help. but i truely believe anyone who says to me i must forgive my abuser does not truely understand.
@meticulo (1286)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I understand how you feel. Maybe I can say those words too if I am in your shoes. But all I can say is that God being the author, the founder, the maker of life, knows all about you and what you've been through. Yes, no matter what we say. We can not question God why he allow such things to happen. Of course there is always a purpose for that as there is a purpose for our existence here on earth. Maybe He just use you as an instrument for others to learn a lesson. Whatever His reasons we don't know. But one thing I am sure of is that God never leave you when you experience it. Remember the saying and song, "when you see only one set of footprints in the sand I am carrying you." Probably if God didn't carry you that time, you have been killed already by your abuser. So don't get discouraged with what had happened to you. You are not alone. Just make use of that bad experience for you to strive hard, develop what you learn into a positive energy to move on with life's struggles. God loves you. God bless!
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
thank you for your comments and yes i do thank god for keeping me alive.
@meticulo (1286)
• United States
9 Nov 08
You are very welcome! I just notice the BR you've given me. Thanks for it!
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
Free will was granted to us humans and providence will not honor the will especially if providence always gets in the way. Man chooses and man choose the material for it is present and is always be true while the spiritual is in question and choosing it, man have to consider whether this could be worthwhile. Man is weak and because of this man chooses the easier, the comfortable, the delight. As man chooses these, he chooses pain for pain is the prize of his choice. When man is in pain, he is weaker and when weaker, pain answers pain and this costs us a lot. Only when man is stronger and can resist the evil that the chain of pain will seize and that will give us what is not yet with us. To follow the will of the lord is hard but comes a prize of higher being. A promise that sometimes man doubts.
@jarael (665)
22 Oct 08
i understand that god placed man here and allows him to choose good between evil, but as i have said in other posts, evil is winning so i thought god would have to intervene, instead he is allowing it to continue, i cant condem that.
@Shula101 (268)
• New Zealand
22 Oct 08
Sometimes everything cant be watched by god because the devil blocks his sight, the more evil deeds are done on earth, the less god can see. The Satin, was banished from Heaven, but was free to roam the earth. Another is that a childs life depends on the parents. Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually. When parents have done more good than bad, their child will be born with their own soul. Where as others are born with no soul and are open to demons and evil souls. Sometimes, god isn't always the one doing the bad deeds. but is instead blocked.
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@jarael (665)
22 Oct 08
ok i get what you are saying, but you hear of stories where kids are locked up til they are adults, abused for years, god does not see in all this time? well my dad is a good person but my mum isnt, she is very bad? does that mean i have been born with a bad soul?
@ememCz (139)
• Philippines
23 Oct 08
I believe God never sleeps and cannot be blocked by anything. God gave us free will to do whatever we desire. Unfortunately, you are just a kid and you are under the free wills of your parents. If they abused you, it's not God's will but your parents' will. Don't blame God, report this to proper authorities.
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@ememCz (139)
• Philippines
23 Oct 08
God will never allow this to happen. What happened to you is the responsibility of your parents or your guardians. Whatever happened to us here on earth were based on the actions of the people around us or even of our choice. I know it's not your choice to be abused but have you asked anyone for help if not from your parents, to your friends or from the authorities? Don't suffer alone, fight and be strong to let this person suffer for all the bad things he had done to you. God did not put you in this situation for a reason, someone has to be blamed. There are times in our lives that we asked God why it happened? Let's us those who are taking care of us, why it happened?
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
i know god didnt make it happen but i cant stop thinking he at there and watched it happen, in my heart if i seen someone hurting a child i could not just sit and watch. i did tell authorities also and have spoke to friends.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Oct 08
God doesn't exist so therefore he didn't let it happen. You were a victim of circumstance. Priests are going to give you some stupid story to make up a reason so they still have a job. Besides aren't they the ones that abuse children in the first place?
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
well i do think god exists, i always have since i was a child, i grew up going to church twice a day, it would have been difficult for me not to believe. personally i do not think it should be pushed on children, schools teach them a little bit about god but i really think it should up to the child once they reach of age if they want to believe in god and go to church or not. yes i have heard some priest have abused kids but i think by far its more relatives or parent or someone the child knows like a close friend. im in noway condoning priests abusing children and how god continues to let them live after is a mistery to me. but not all priests are like that. in fact evil must be much stronger then god if even gods own men are doing crimes like these.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
23 Oct 08
A belief in God and Angels is one thing, but to put your faith in Priests, Pastors and Organized Religion is quite another. Of course a Priest will tell you that Child Abuse is God teaching you a lesson. What else Could he tell you? He couldn't tell you that Child Abuse in Religious Organizations has been going on for centuries, and with full knowledge of the Church Hierarchy. Christianity is a Scam, and the most Powerful and Wealthiest Business in the world. Church leaders reasoned that as child abuse had been ongoing for centuries, nothing could stop them, and they were almost right, as there was no public outcry, and no drop in Church attendance when the Scandals came to light. It was as if nobody really cared as long as it wasn't their kid that got abused. So the Church threw Billions of Dollars at it, and sure enough it went away. Its interesting to note that not one Priest or Church Official spent a single night in Jail. Just like organized crime- Money will buy anything! (Don't forget to attend Church next Sunday!)( but don't send your child alone:)
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
ok, dont know what to say to that. i have already said in an earlier post that not all priests are like that. and inever said i put my faith in priests, and my kids go to sunday school and i believe they are safe there. your comment may be true although i see no proof, but in no way does it help me with my question, and to tell me not to send my child alone to gods house is upsetting to me.
@stryker5 (52)
• United States
23 Oct 08
I to am I survivor of child abuse that lasted more than May10 years. I am also a survivor of other abuses as well. Maybe what the priest meant by "teaching you a lesson" is that you are now more prepared to help others who are going through what you went through. It is easier to talk to someone who has been there versus someone who hasn't. In my adult life, I have run into many children and teenagers and who were experiencing what I did. It gave them hope and gave me a chance to start to recover. Maybe your angel knew that one day your experiences would help others. The ability to understand this kind of abuse can make you a very powerful advocate for tu those who can not help themselves. Or, you may just find that someday, in the future, someone very close to you will need your help and guidance because of a similar situation.
@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
im sorry that you too suffered as i, its so sad. its good u are doing good for others and i hope that one day i can help others too. but i fear i will never get over it.
@ptty_noel (190)
• Uruguay
22 Oct 08
If God loves us why would he want to teach us a lesson? Why would he punish us? Always remember that there is someone else who wants to see us hurt and that is Satan. So it is not that God wants to teach you a lesson it is that satan wants to. Remember Job who was stricken with boils and lost his children. Do you rember who cause this to him? Do you remember what God did after? I can't remember exactly but there is a scripture that says when under trial let no one says he is being tried by God. Also there is another scripture that says that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one so that's why you are going through this. It is not Gods doing but Satans. Sorry to hear about your abuse though!!
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@jarael (665)
22 Oct 08
i understand what you are saying, basically that satan is stronger then god, cus there seems to be so much more bad in the world then good. everyone please get me right, im not saying god is doing this, im just wondering why he does not protect, or even allow his angels, our guardian angels to protect. is there a priest on mylot? lol
@CAdreamer (118)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Hun I too was abused when I was a child. I have gone round and round in my head on why did this happen to me. I felt the same way you felt. I don't believe in a god persay, but what we have to look at if we are believers is this. We all have free will, now god since you believe in him did protect you, he kept you alive. But cause of freewill, the person who did this choose to hurt you. god didnt' do this and I know it is not comforting, but if you believe in what the bible says, then you know that he won't ever intrude on free will. Look at the story of Adam and Eve, or even of Jesus Christ, even with his own son, god didnt' stop it and he could have. To try to undrstand a deity is beyond us for we can only see what this life has to offer, we can't see all that brought about what happened, or what will come from it. Since you are a believer remember everything works together for good. That is what the bible tells us. So don't give up hope.
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@jarael (665)
22 Oct 08
im sorry to hear you were abused too, i understand what you are saying. but if you think about it, why are we really expected to fight evil and do good, when god does not himself.
@bebeth (122)
• Philippines
23 Oct 08
i have a bad childhood experience.. there was a point that i kept on asking for answers.. when i get to know God personally, i came to trust that Hid way is perfect.. it must happened for a purpose.. once a met a friend angry for her childhood experience.. i was able to empathize and sympathize with her.. i guess that is one good purpose, isn't it? until now, i can't really tell why it happened.. but i stopped being bitter.. there's no way i can change it and im trusting God to take over..
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@jarael (665)
23 Oct 08
im sorry bebeth for your experience also, i know someday i too may get to the point where i just dont question why? and why me? and why did god allow it? but im obviously not ready for that yet, and i always believe that to come to terms with something u have to ask any questions and confront it full on to fully get over it. so this is what i am trying to do now.