Do you own a Bible?
By divinegwapa
@divinegwapa (914)
October 22, 2008 8:23am CST
Do you know that the Bible is the number 1 best selling book around the world? Voltaire once said, "A hundred years from now, the only Bible we will see and read is in a museum." But one hundred years after Voltaire's death, his house became a publishing house for Bibles.
We have a number of Bibles at home but I didn't open it until I was in college and got involved in a Christian organization. My friends gave me a cute Bible with a bug in it's cover as a birthday gift last year.
I try to read my Bible everyday. I have a lot of favorite verses but my life verse is Zechariah 4:6 "Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit." I love that verse simply because it says how powerless I am on my own but only through God can I achieve my goals and dreams in life. ;D
Do you have your own Bible? What's your favorite Bible verse?;D
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55 responses
@piffster12 (177)
• Ghana
22 Oct 08
I do own a bible, to tell you the truth I own 2 bibles. Everyone in my family owns at least one bible. My favorite bible verse is John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life." I like this verse because it is a very touching verse that shows the love of God.
@lynnie1953 (92)
• United States
23 Oct 08
iread the bible everydau. I underline passages. Keep track of all major family events. My faVORITE QUOTE IS WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE
@magicslate (373)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
I do have a bible, it was given to me by a friend two years ago. I don't read it everyday though. Usually only before going to mass on Sunday, when I read the first and second readings and the gospel. My favorite verse is, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." =)
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@shell94 (990)
• Canada
22 Oct 08
I own several bibles. One was given to us as a family bible from the cillage we live in after our wedding. It's beautiful. Two others were given to me after deaths in the family as a condolence.
I don't think that i have one favorite verse, but I love the 23rd Psalm.
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I have three bibles, one was given to me by my ex husband, I bought one, and I received one in the mail from a relgious group. I bought a very nice bible for my husband one Christmas. Whenever we go away, we make sure that we bring a bible with us.
My favorite bible verse is the 100th Psalms, (Make a joyful noise unto the Lord)
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@Humbug25 (12540)
22 Oct 08
Hi there divinegwapa
There is not one single bible in my house. I was born a Christian but when I got married to a muslim I led the life of a muslim. My kids were brought up as muslims too until 2 years ago when my marriage came to an end. I am very confused about religion at the moment and I find it hard to know what to believe. My sons attend boys brigade which is attached to the church and they enjoy it very much. We can't go to church on Sunday because my eldest son goes to rugby on the same day.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
1 May 09
I own a few bibles. One is my grandmother's bible that is practically coming apart. I have one that belonged to my mother, two that was my mother-in-laws, a couple of NIV Bibles, a New King James bible, and a Standard version bible, plus those easy bibles. I use the King James Version mostly because that is what I grew up on. I do not have a favorite verse, but I do love the book of Romans and Psalms.
The Bible is the word of God, and we can take comfort in it. It is not just a biography, or famous sayings by great men. We need it to learn how God works.
My favorite is the King James Version as I said, that I grew up on it.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
1 May 09
I moved to the new house recently and while I was packing, I found a bible I didn't even know I had. So yeah, I own a bible.
@OrangJuice (687)
• China
10 Oct 09
Hey, divinegwapa, I just find this post, haha...You posted it one year ago.
Yes, I own a bible, frankly speaking, the number should be six at least, including two English ones in different versions. I also heard the story about Voltaire you talked. How sarcastic! My got my frist Bible once I went to church first time. My aunt - my mother's elder sister gave me it. - It's bilingual and gilt-edged. I like it very much. Then I got others later, someone was bought by me, someone was the gift.
But it's so awful that I spent about 6 years to finish my first round of reading!
When I listen more sermon and learn more, I found lots of scriptures are touched me. I once prefer 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8, Jesus' love is so deep and wide. - It's really hard for me to follow Him, but I must learn.
Now I also like this verse: 1 Samuel 2: 30, "For those who honor me, I will honor."
I learnt this scripture from a movie called "Chariots of Fire", the story of Eric Liddler, a former winner of Olympics.
The more I learn from Bible, the more touched me! Some people told me, Bible is a letter for us from our Father in heaven indeed.

@pinkmagnolias (226)
• Philippines
10 Oct 09
We, actually own a number of bible, none bought, all were given as a gift or a token of friendship. Imagine that, I didn't knew that Voltaire once pronounced a fearless forecast about Bibles. I am not an avid bible reader either until a week ago, yes I knew what the bible is about and what's there to read but not really in details, as I am just starting to read and understand the words of the Lord, it is a bit early for me to have a life verse but I do like the one in Matthews about carrying heavy burdens, haven't really memorized it yet, though.
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
Hi there divine I also have a Bible. I am a member of an Apostolic Christian fellowship. I don't read bible everyday but I'm doing my best to hold on the commandments in the bible.
My favorite verse in the bible is Isiah 41:10 "Fear thou not for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee, Yeah I will help thee, With the right hand of My righteousness."
This verse gives me comfort whenever I am worried about the things that is happening to my life. God is always there for me and for you he will help us we just have to humble our self before Him.
@getbrowser (1708)
• China
8 Oct 09
Yes, I have one. I have been interested in the Bible for a month. From where I stand, with the Bible, people can go through difficult times easily and enjoy a better life.
"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be : but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." This is my favorite Bible verse.
I love this verse for all mankind is loved completely by God, which is the truth.
@AnneGerly (20)
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
Yes, I have a Bible on my shelf, an e-Sword on my laptop, and Go Bible on my phone. Bible comes in different formats nowadays but the essence still remains. :) God gave us the Bible as his love letter to us and our part is to read and apply it to our lives. My life verse is Romans 8:28 (NIV),
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and who have been called according to his purpose."
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
28 Oct 08
thats great !!! ive been reading mine also if i had the time...but now im so busy that i forgot to read it..i hope i can continue reading since it was my goal to finish the old testament before even trying to read or buy another book..
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
24 Oct 08
I am just not sure how many bibles we have in the house. I know I own one, and there was one that was given by my younger sister. I am also sure that my sister-in-law owns at least one because she was a nun. Very long ago since I stop reading the bible, maybe because my time is with work and my kids now. I don't have a favorite verse but I remember some from the books of Matthew, Psalms, Genesis and Revelation...
@reshadar (112)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Yes, I own a bible and sometimes, when I want to read some fiction and have nothing else, I'll pick it up and read a little.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I think there is a couple of bibles around here, but I am not in a bible reading mood now for some years. I can find anything and can talk about the bible but I do not care to quote but in any given moment I will find whatever I want to find in the bible without references.
My favorite in the bible is Psalm 23 because that was both my grandmother's and my favorites aunt's psalm and they are both in heaven now.
@ptl9900 (209)
• Canada
24 Oct 08
We have a Bible in our house. Infact I think therea re atleast five in two languages. But I normally read from one Bible. It has been with me for 10 years now. I treasure it. I take it everywhere i go. I jot down my notes in it and it somehow have to follow me everywhere.
My Favorite verse in the Bible is
Ph 4:13 I can do everything through christ, who strengthens me.