I'm thinking about going on meds

United States
October 23, 2008 5:16pm CST
This is a really big step for me. I've always been opposed to meds, my entire life. Even when I was a kid and was sick, my mom would usually not give me medicine and just let the cough or cold or whatever run it's course. I believe it helped to make my immune system stronger because I don't get sick very often. Those who are really close to me know that if I reach for an aspirin or anything, it means I'm in a whole lot of pain, to the point where it is unbearable. Usually I will just deal with the pain, or find other ways to relieve it. For headaches I can't live with I will turn out the lights and put a cool cloth to my head before I reach for the pills. Honestly I often forget to take pills. I had a horrible headache a few days ago, it was really bad. It got to the point where the pain was going to make me vomit. I sat in the dark, put all the kids to bed early, put an ice pack on my head, and still it was throbbing. The pain started around 1pm and it was about 9pm that I finally thought to take medicine for it. Well, I've been dealing with depression my whole life. It comes and goes sometimes. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago when I attempted suicide. I was put on Zoloft for awhile, but eventually stopped taking the pills. When I became pregnant for my 4th child I was very upset. It was an unwanted pregnancy and my doctors were worried the effect it would have on me, so they put me on Prozac. Again, I didn't take the pills for long. Everytime my depression hits, my husband urges me to seek help and get on medication. I argue that I don't want to take pills, that I want to fight it myself. Unfortunatly I'm now realizing that I'm losing the battle. I've been in a bit of a funk since August. That's a very long time to be feeling like this, and I've made no attempt to bring myself out of it, mostly because I have no desire to. It's like I have given up. That's how I feel everytime it hits me, I have no desire to do anything positive. So now I am admitting that I can't fight this by myself. Tomorrow I will call my doctor and see if they will write me a prescription. Does anyone have experience with an anti-depressant they'd like to share? What do you think is a good medicine to take? What are you on and how is it working for you?
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13 responses
@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
24 Oct 08
Hi friends, I have always looked at meds this way. First of all as the old saying goes, "life is toooo short" to be living in any kind of discomfort in this day and age. I have been depressed most of my life (47). I also suffered from panic attacks. I was put on Prozac about 12 years ago. Its just recently I changed to Ciprilex because I felt it was time for change. Without anti-depressants, I would be a crazy lady. I am sure of it. You have to give any anti-depressant at least 4 - 6 weeks to get into your system. Less than that and you're not giving it a chance. Also look at it like you had Diabetes. You know if you don't take your medication, chances are you're not going to do very well. Luckily in Canada we have a very strict laws and standards when it comes to releasing medication to the public. So my goodness friend, please don't be in distress. There is no need to live like that. In my opinion, that is not living. And you know who I trust more than my doctor? My pharmacist. They know more than any doctor when it comes to meds and everything they do and don't do. Good luck friend. Cheryl
• United States
24 Oct 08
I know the zoloft made me very tired, I'm not usually a good sleeper, but the zoloft knocked me on my butt. I had a very low dose of Prozac because of the pregnancy, so I'm not sure if it would have worked had I given it the chance. Plus the fact that I was hormonal from the pregnancy. I will just talk to my doctor and see what they recommend.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
24 Oct 08
I was in depression and I didn't take pills because I know that they are dependable and I didn't want to depend on them. What I did was to find someone to talk about my problems and then I found MYLOT and I put them in discussions. My advice to you is to find a friend who you trust and who you think can advice you in the correct way. Read your bible and pray and ask God to give you the strength to move on. Kats, I know that there are alot of persons who does not like to talk about their problems but no problem is to big or shameful to bring to God. Please my friend seek and see if you can even find a bible partner who you can have counsel with outside MYLOT. Take care Kerry.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
25 Oct 08
Rocketj I am not giving any general statements, I am simply suggesting to her not to take the anti depression pills because I went through a situation where doctors were putting me on it and I didn't succumb to it. Some of us declared that we are christians but when one explain to another power of God there is opposition. Anyway I was not suggesting anything to you. If Kates does not like my responses she can say so by either not responding to me or write and tell me that she don't like it. There is nothing wrong in introducing God to another. Good day.
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I am a Christian and I would like to say that while I totally agree about bringing your problems to God, I want to say that there is NO SHAME in taking anti-depressants (whick I do not believe are addictive). If you have a chemical imbalance, medicine may be necessary. If you had a broken leg, would you pray it better? Be careful with general statements, please. Blessings!
• United States
26 Oct 08
There is nothing wrong with suggesting prayer. But would you suggest a diabetic pray instead of using insulin? That sounds dangerous to me. If I went off my antidepressants and just prayed instead, that would be dangerous too. So I take my pills and I pray as well. That might be better advice to give than just telling people to pray. Kelly
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@luvinu617 (185)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Well I am not going to read through all the previous responses because there is a lot. If you have depression and it's effecting you life (which apparently it is or you wouldn't have posted this.) you need to be on medication. I too know the struggle of not wanting to be on a daily pill for the rest of my life. I was "officially" diagnosed with depression at 18, although I've suffered from it since 14. I hate having to take medication to feel normal, but that's how it is for me. The last time I decided to get off the medication I started cutting myself. I now have scars all over my arms from one night where I cut my arms up and down, I must have had 50 cuts. The medication is worth it, it really is. To feel better, to feel happy. Depression is a horrible disease to live with on your own. Noone understands why you are so unhappy even at the best points of your life, people get frustrated. Understand that you aren't just doing this for yourself. It will help you be a better mom to your four kids too. Trust me, get on medication. It may suck to take a pill everyday but it's better than the way we have to go through life without the medication. Please if you do decide to take medication, do not stop just because you feel better. I have been on Lexapro (worked well for me for a few years but after so long it became ineffective.) I was on Cymbalta very shortly, it made me sick to my stomach all day. Im currently on Celexa and I like it a lot. Hope this helps. Good luck!
• United States
24 Oct 08
I actually have 5 kids. My depression isn't so bad that I actually hurt myself... anymore. I used to when I was a teenager, but I calmed down a lot after having my first child. I knew I had to live for my kids, so that changed everything. Now I just lose interest in life and get irritated easily. That's why I've decided to think about meds. I will have to talk to my doc about what will work best for me.
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24 Oct 08
good on you girl, i suffered for 50 years before i finally asked for help. all your symptoms were mine. zoloft is not the only med. ask to try another if it doesnt suit. im on citalopram. best decision i ever made. cheers
• United States
24 Oct 08
I've tried prozac as well, but I think it was too low of a dose to notice if it was doing anything, because I was pregnant while I was taking it. I have to wait until Monday to talk to my doctor about it.
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• Philippines
24 Oct 08
I'm taking Prozac, and it really works for me. I can't even describe being unmedicated while in the throes of severe depression. Although I firmly believe that the most effective treatment is a combination of the right medication and therapy, it was my experience that therapy didn't really work when I was not physiologically prepared for it. The way I see it, depression is at least partly chemicals in our body going awry, maybe similar to a chemical imbalance in a person suffering from diabetes, and medical science is there to help correct this imbalance. But, people react differently to different meds, so it might take a while to find out the right kind of meds or the right kind of combination of meds (I'm taking Lamictal along with Prozac right now) plus the right kind of dosage. I used to self-medicate, stopping my meds when I feel okay without consulting my doctor, and the effect was always bad, sometimes leading to double depression. I've learned my lesson and started following doctor's orders, both medication- and therapy-wise. I can say this has resulted in considerable improvement in my moods and ability to function. I used to take 60mg of Prozac daily, but that has been reduced to 20mg. I hope you find the right medication, and a doctor with whom you'll have a real therapeutic relationship towards the resolution of whatever conflicts you may be having. I wish you luck and will be praying for you.
@behnke (20)
• South Africa
24 Oct 08
I dont really know about anti depresaants exept for the fact that you get herbal ones as well.I dunno how good they work.What I do know ( my sister in law are on them) is that you have to be patient.I think they take six weeks to start working properly and then you cnt skip them !At the end of the day if you have a problem ,take what the medical world offers you!Why fight it ?Its beneficial for you , your relationship wth your husband and your kids...there is a whole new life out there ,so i'd go on medication straight away, go get your life back !
• United States
24 Oct 08
I've heard that it is not safe to take herbal medication for real depression. Sometimes it can make the problems worse.
@maru_047in (1007)
• India
24 Oct 08
I too have any experience with anti-depressant but i shall cure myself and when ever i feel it is severe then i would consult doc and get it cured and you should also do the same and goo on meds there is nothing to fear other wise it might trouble you later prevention is better than cure first there is nothing harm in that and there is no reason for getting upset
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
24 Oct 08
one of my early doctors always told me to 'not be a hero' and take the pills that i needed to take. you may not want to take pills, but you also need to consider the rest of your family and their feelings. i wish you the best of luck and hope that everything works well for you!
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@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
23 Oct 08
I dont personally, but I know that they work really well for some people. I guess that I havent found any that worked particularly well for me though. They are certainly worth a try.
• United States
23 Oct 08
I didn't think the Zoloft or Prozac worked for me, which is part of the reason why I did not take them for very long. But then I was told that sometimes it can take up to a month to see a result, I don't think I took them for a whole month. Whatever I get on this time I will take for at least 6 months and see how I'm doing before I decide to switch or quit.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Oct 08
katsmeow 1213 hi I was brought up in a medical environment with mydad as a doctor, and my adopted sis as anurse, I became a nurses aid. so to me its foolish not to use what medical science has provided us with. I would be totally depressed were I not taking meds for my arthritis, and high blood pressure, and my diabetes. I have a good doctor whom I trust very much and I have medications that have no side effects yet they keep myknees from hurting and my diabetes in excellent control and my blood pressure down to normal. It makes my life have much better quality.
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I had a round with depression about 2 years ago and was on meds for about 1 year. I have since gone off them. But I will tell you, If it EVER came back, I would be on those babies in a second! I don't ever want to feel that way EVER again! Given the option of Depression or the inconvenience of taking a pill everyday, I know exactly what I would choose. Now having said this, I realize that we all make our own decisions about our bodies. But I think that there is a stigma about taking these anti-depressants. Some people view it as a personal failure. If that is what keeps a person from taking the proper medicine, then that would be wrong. But if you are able to manage with nutrition and herbs, or therapy or any other means, then more power to you. Take care of yourself. You seem like a wonderful person.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
23 Oct 08
i have also fought depression all my life but i have never been on meds. somehow i just deal with it. i wish you the best and i think you are making the right choice to call your doctor to get help.
• United States
24 Oct 08
I've always just dealt with it too, but it dawned on me today that I really just can't deal with it anymore. I don't have it so bad that I'm constantly crying over everything, but I do have it pretty bad. But for me I show my depression with anger. I get irritated very easily, usually at my family. I get lazy and tired and really just don't want to do anything. I complain of how bored I am, but there's a million things I can do, I just have no desire to do any of them. I've spent years making excuses for it. Thinking it will get better when... It will get better when I have a car, when I have a job, when the kids are in school, etc etc etc. Well I finally have a car, I've had jobs, most of the kids are in school. Still I have the same exact problems I've always had. I'm finally realizing it's not my surroundings, it's me. I don't really know how to fight it and how to get myself out of this funk I'm in. So, I need help. I have no other alternative than to get on medication, and perhaps seek councelling... eventually. I'll start with meds and see where I go from there.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I think maybe a part of it for you is lack of time with your husband. I had the same issue with my ex. I'm sure your situation isn't exactly the same but I know about not having enough time with the person your with. Anyhow, It's a major part of why I stopped loving him and left him. It was a big reason that I was depressed and stuck in the rut like it sounds like your in.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I understand that and I have followed enough of them to know what you mean. I didn't mean that you should stop loving him, I'm just telling of my experience. You NEED time for the two of you only. Good luck getting the help you need.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
8 Oct 10
Well for depression, medicines are not solution. Do Meditation, try breathing exercise, it will help you balance and handle depression.