I'm Furious!
By betsyraeduke
@betsyraeduke (2669)
United States
October 23, 2008 9:21pm CST
How would you react to this situation? I am, for the most part, a stay at home mom. Recently, I took a part time job at McDonald's. I don't work a lot of hours there, I only work 3 days a week for 3 to 4 and 1/2hours each. I don't work weekends or any days that my kids don't have school, I don't really need the job, I just do it for extra spending cash which I mostly use to buy special things for my kids and family. I have only been working there for two weeks now. Aside from this small part time job, I am still a stay at home mom, and that is what I consider to be my full time job and is the life I choose.
For those who are confused about this, stay at home mom does not mean equal lazy! Every day I plan, prepare and cook meals. I clean the house, including washing finger and handprint smudges off most all of the walls. I clean the toilet, the shower and the entire bathroom. I sweep, vacumn and mop floors. I take care of my kids, get them ready for school, help them with homework, make sure they take baths, brush their teeth, etc. I run all the errands that need to be ran, do all the grocery shopping and make sure all the bills get paid. I get up by 6am every morning and often don't get to sleep until midnight or later most every night.
Alright, here is the situation in question: Tonight a friend of my husband's, (the friend's name is Roberto), came in with him, (my husband), when he came home from work and sat and visited for a while. As I had worked a short shift at Mc Donald's earlier today, I was still in my McDonald's uniform. Right off the bat, the first thing Roberto says to me is: "Oh, McDonald's uniform, I see you are working now. That is good, you were just lazy and stay home before." This comment I ignored.
Now during this time, my oldest son, Gabe, was supposed to be washing the supper dishes. My husband and I give our kids a small allowance in order to teach them the value of money and that you work to earn money, etc. At this point they each have one chore which they do to earn their allowance, washing the supper dishes is Gabe's chore. A few times Gabe came running in from the kitchen to comment on something. After a few minutes I asked Gabe if he had finished washing the dishes. He said no and I instructed Gabe to go back and finish doing the dishes. At this time Roberto speaks again, this time to my husband, and says that I should be the one doing the dishes since that is woman's work and again makes a comment about me being lazy.
A few minutes later, Roberto asks me what year was I born. My husband answered for me, then Roberto responded by saying that the year my husband told him could not be right because I look way older then that would make me. In fact, he said that I look like I am 60. I am in fact, no where near 60!
Then, a few minutes after that, Roberto was looking at some pics of my kids that I have hanging on the wall. Both of my kids are boys. The first thing Roberto said about the pics was to ask who the "girl" was in the picture. That in itself would not have been so bad since one of them did have longish hair in one of the pics, but then when my husband told him that the pic was a boy and was our son, Roberto says, "Oh, that is an aweful picture, he looks like an ugly girl".
Then I get on the computer and then Roberto says to my husband, "Why is she (meaning me) on the computer? she should be doing woman things, like cleaning or cooking something. Why is your wife so lazy?"
Keep in mind that he was making all these rude comments toward me in my home!
So anyway, at this point I was becoming furious and I told him point blank to leave or I'd throw him out!
What would you do in this situation? Would you be furious with someone coming into your home and treating you like that? Also, I have uploaded a picture of me for you all to see, it's not totally current, but it is fairly recent. Do you think I look 60?
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56 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
26 Oct 08
I am sorry, he would have had my foot up his backside after his first comment. What a rude man, who does he think he is!!! To come into your home and insult you in that way is a disgrace, and why do stay at home mums always get targeted and told that they are lazy? I would not mind if it were true, but us stay at home mums work harder than some people that go out to work, I mean our job does not start at a certain time and end at a certain time. It never stops, it is a 24 hour a day job, and then there are some mums like you who get a little job and still come home and run the house. He was out of order, and NO you do not look sixty at all.
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@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
26 Oct 08
"but us stay at home mums work harder than some people that go out to work, I mean our job does not start at a certain time and end at a certain time. It never stops, it is a 24 hour a day job...."
@tessmom (16)
• Nigeria
25 Oct 08
see one thing i hate is for a friend or an acquaintance to come into the house and to start insulting my wife be it a joke or whatever i would not take it from them. i respect my wife and love her very much and would not call her ugly names or say bad things against her behind her or to a friend. who says washing of plates is for women and who says women place is only in the kitchen. you have to talk to your husband about Roberto or what ever he calls himself to back off. girl keep doing what you are doing. if you husband really loves you he should also respect you simple.
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@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
25 Oct 08
My husband set Roberto straight for every rude remark that he made, but Roberto kept on making remarks anyway. The only reason that Roberto was at our house last night is because he owes my husband money for some work that my husband did for him and my husband was trying to collect that money. It was the first and last time that Roberto was or ever will be in our home.
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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
24 Oct 08
To dispute that claim about stay-at-home mothers ... take a look at:
Being that the discussion is a bit over a year old, that $138,095 would be a bit higher, probably closer to $150,000.
I also think it's like that comment in #21 - the guy was trying to start trouble, so that he could turn around & say something about those troubles as a reason for not paying.

@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Well - that thing about him wanting to start trouble so that he can have an excuse to not pay him ... that was just gut instinct. I would have had to witnessed the situation myself to make a better judgement.
Now that i'm thinking about it, it may have just been a warped sense of humor also, worse than mine. Quite often, some of these "jerks" might think something is funny when most others don't.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Roberto is a jerk plain and simple. He always has been for as long as I've known him. Last night was the first and last time he has ever been in my house.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
btw, thanks for the link, I found that information very interesting.

@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
24 Oct 08
Well I used to put up with a friend who used to say things and i put up with it for years but over the last few years i started biting back and I don't think this was appreciated, we no longer have a friendship...the one thing no one needs in life is to live around negativity...you get rid of it, it is like a cancer, there is not need for people to be rude like that, it is just plain rude..i say get rid of that negativity from your life, only surround yourself with positives...what rude person she is...
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@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
He is not a friend of mine, he is an aquaintence of my husband's. My husband did a job for him recently and he owes my husband some money for it, the only reason he was here tonight is because my husband was trying to collect what was due him.
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
24 Oct 08
Regardless of how you look (and you do not look old), this ROBERTO character was downright RUDE. What did your husband say while he was making all those rude comments. I don't think he should be considered as a "friend" of the family. he must also apologize for the way he acted and those things he said.
As for you, go on with what you do, if it makes you happy and your husband approves of it, then so be it. You don't need some Roberto to make you feel otherwise. he is not worth listening to.
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@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
My husband corrected him every time. He is not a friend of the family, he is a friend, or actually aquaintence of my husband. He has a contracting business in which he buys and remodels houses and things and then sells them. Occasionally my husband does some work for him. The only reason he was here tonight was because he owes my husband money for a job that he did and my husband was trying to collect.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
25 Oct 08
WHERE WAS YOUR HUSBAND! He should have kicked this guy out of his home! I would be more dissappointed in my husband than some guy I don't even know! He is a hostile man who probably insults women ALL DAY LONG! You are beautiful and who needs the validation of some ignorant stranger?! I'm a Christian and while I would not say that you should HATE this man, I would say that he should be made to understand (BY YOUR HUSBAND) that he will never be allowed to be in your home again! Your husband really let you down!

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Roberto is not a stranger, both my husband and I have known him for a long time. However, when I started this discussion I used the word, friend, because I could not think of a better word at the time, but Roberto is actually more of an acquaintance. My husband stuck up for and defended me the entire that this was going on but Roberto kept making remarks anyway. Last night was the first and the last time that Roberto was or ever will be in our home. The only reason that Roberto was in our home last night is because my husband recently did some work for Roberto and Roberto owes my husband money for that work. My husband was trying to collect the money that is owed to him.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I'm sure that this Roberto has given your husband some clues that he was a jerk all along. Guys maybe let this kind of behavior slide a little bit more than a woman would. But he has to have known this guy was a creep! He may want to evaluate his friends a little more after this.
I'm a stay at home mom too and I admire what you are doing for your family. I'm sure your husband is a great guy and I hope you don't feel that I've attacked him. I'm just sticking up for my "sister".

@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I must say, that I for one am disgusted that your husband did not tell him that he was crossing the line at any point and didn't tell him to get out or he'd toss him out. I consider that pretty rude and disrespectful of your husband. Secondly, I do consider it disrespectful of your husband's friend to be speaking of you in that manner. We do not live in the dark ages anymore, women do not need to be stuck in the home anymore. We do not need to be constantly pregnant and it's irritating to me that his friend feels that women should be stuck in the home doing nothing but cooking and cleaning all day long. I would have told him that I think he should stand up and leave now before I show him the way a real lady tosses someone like him out of my home.

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Nah, you didn't miss it. I did include all that info. in the discussion. When I started this discussion I was furious and just venting about this jerk (Roberto) and didn't get all the information down.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
My husband told him off for every rude comment that he made, but he kept making more anyway. Roberto is not actually my husband's friend, he is more of an aquaintence. The only reason that my husband had him over was because my husband recently did a side job for Roberto and Roberto owes my husband money for that job. My husband was trying to collect the money that is owed to him.

@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Before I got half way through your post, I wanted to smack that guy! What a rude sexist pig. Did you husband defend you? Man, I would have handed that guy his head in no uncertain terms. Many woman choose to be homemakers and stay at home moms. Others choose to work outside and still have to do all the household work including raising the kids. I agree with teaching responsibility to children as well as money management.And where does this idiot get the idea you are 60??? If your husband has not set this guy straight I would. Jerk!!! 

@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I'm glad. If I were in the same situation, my husband would sit back and let me tear the guy apart piece by piece cause he supports me and I could just see his sitting back laughing at what would be left of him. Then he would probably tell him off! Hope your husband doesn't have to put up with that guy too often. He just makes my skin crawl.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
27 Oct 08
My husband did speak up in my defense the entire time this was going on but Roberto kept making comments anyway. I used the word, friend, when I started this discussion because I couldn't think of a better word at the time, but Roberto is actually more of an acquaintance of my husband's rather then a friend. My husband recently did some work for Roberto and Roberto owes my husband money for that work. The only reason that Roberto was at our house that night is because my husband was trying to collect the money that is owed to him.

@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I'm not sure if I would of been able to refrain myself from not responding to his first few rude comments. That visit would of been a short one, that's for sure. He's lucky his face wasn't slapped for ALL those rude comments!!!
I don't know how you managed not to answer him back, but you sure are strong. Did your husband say anything to him about his rude comments?
And that guy must be blind because you DONOT look a day over 25 in that picture :)
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
24 Oct 08
that should read "would have" not "would of" eh I always make that mistake
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
My husband defended me the entire time but Roberto kept making remarks anyway. I used the word, friend, when I started this discussion because I could not think of a better word at the time but Roberto is actually more of an acquaintance of my husband's then he is a friend. Roberto owes my husband some money for some work that my husband recently did for him. My husband was trying to collect that money last night and that is the only reason that Roberto was at our house.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
13 Dec 08
sounds like Roberto either has an odd sense of humor (trying to get your's or your husband's goat?) or lacks all social skills.
perhaps he was trying to egg your husband into punching him for the home insurance?
it is too difficult to understand the whys and wherefores of such behaviour....
I probably would have asked him if he was so rude to everyone or if I was special.
I would certainly wonder why my husband did not defend me and kick the fellow out himself.... and definately would question what he sees in this person to consider him a friend.

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
13 Dec 08
I used the word, "friend", when I started this discussion because I could not think of a different word at the time but Roberto is actually more of an acquaintance of my husband's rather then a friend.
I don't think Roberto could have collected anything from our home insurance had my husband or me punched him since we rent an apartment in an apartment complex, sort of a slummy one at that, and therefore we do not have any home insurance, hehe!
My husband did stick for and defend me the entire time this was going on but Roberto kept on making comments anyway.
Roberto is a private contractor who buys houses, remodels them and then sells them for more money. Occasionally my husband does work for Roberto on some of theses houses for extra money. A couple of weeks or so before Roberto was at our house that night, my husband had done some such work for Roberto and Roberto still owed my husband money for that work. My husband was trying to collect the money that was owed to him and that's the main reason that he had Roberto over that night.

@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
25 Oct 08
First, you look very pretty! And young! Next, I agree with you and I'm surprised that you took it as long as you did, especially if your children could hear him saying all these things! But I really believe your husband should have spoken up. Did your husband say anything? Did your husband help you make the man leave? What did your husband say after the man left?
Or if he said nothing, I'd want to talk to him, nicely, and just find out if he was shocked, or shy, or if he agreed!
Sometimes, men don't know what to say and just keep quiet, but I think he should have defended you 100% and told the man to shut up after the first statement.
Not meaning to start a fight between you and your husband -- no way! -- but that is what I think.
Oh, I'm also curious what the man said when you told him to get out?

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Nah, I didn't take any offense. When I started this discussion I was just venting about Roberto and was furious at the time and so couldn't think straight so I didn't get all the info., such as my husband's reaction or why Roberto was there in the first place, into the discussion.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
25 Oct 08
My husband defended me and stuck up for me the entire time that this was going but Roberto kept on making remarks anyway. Roberto is not really my husband's friend, he is more of an acquaintance, but I couldn't think of that word, so just said, friend, when I started this discussion. The only reason that Roberto was in our home last night is because Roberto owes my husband money for some work that my husband did for Roberto and my husband was trying to collect that money. Roberto will never be allowed in our home again. Roberto didn't say anything when I told him to leave because my husband was standing behind him to make sure that he left.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Oh I'm so happy to hear that your husband backed you up in word and deed!!! Lucky woman that you are!
I hope my post didn't offend you, it's just the way you had written it I was picturing you being there berated and insulted with no back up. So glad that wasn't the case!

@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
24 Oct 08
First of all if you are 60 then 60 looks good on you! Secondly he would have been out the door so fast he wouldn't know what hit him the door, or the porch he got knocked into! That kind of behavior is not called for at all and while I don't want to go into any racist remarks I will say that people of Hispanic culture believe that women are to do the chores and cook and that men just work outside the home!
I think it's wrong that he came into your home and basically threw his own culture at you and if I were you I would have told him to leave and never come back to your house!
Another, non ugly phrase that I remember from learning a bit of Spanish (that I no longer bother with) is Dejame En Paz. It means Leave me Alone, so if the guy doesn't do it in our language, say it in his.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
He is Mexican but he has been living in America and has been a U.S. citizen almost longer then I have been alive so he doesn't even have his "culture" as an excuse as far as I am concerned. My husband recently did some work for Roberto and Roberto owes my husband money for that work. That is the only reason Roberto was here tonight, my husband was trying to collect. He won't be coming back, he is not allowed in my home any more!
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Well I am glad that you've put your foot down about this, he sounds like he has high standards!
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
High standards, hmph! He is just an impossible, irritating jerk! In all the time I've known him I have never really cared much for him. Tonight was just the last straw!
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
24 Oct 08
Where was your husband in all this. This guy was disrespecting you and your husband did not defend you. I am sorry that you have to go through that ordeal but you wait too long to throw him out. My friend whether you look old or young as long as you have self esteem it doesn't matter what another think about you. You have your God, husband and your family who loves you f off with what the rest of the world wants to think about you.
Continue to care for your family the best way you can. But I still don't understand why your husband didn't defend you his attitude would give the impression that he is thinking the same way.
Take care.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
25 Oct 08
My husband did defend me the entire time this was going on but Roberto kept on making remarks anyway. I used the word, friend, when I started this discussion because I could not think of a better word at the time but Roberto is actually more of an acquaintance of my husband's then he is a friend. The only reason that Roberto was in our home last night is because my husband recently did some work for Roberto for which Roberto owes my husband money. My husband was trying to collect that money.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
25 Oct 08

@taripres (1499)
• United States
25 Oct 08
LOL! This guy is crazy! I noticed u say your husband had to correct him, cool, that's good! I'm sure if he didn't owe your husband any money, it probably would have come to more than just words! No manners and total outright disrespect in your home, WTF?! Well, you look no where near 60, pretty pic by the way! Lazy, ok, he's an a..hole with colon cancer..NOW!
He must not have a woman or can't say anything at home or else he would know that women do like to get out and can do as they see fit! If he does have a woman, and she puts up with him, my heart felt sorrows to her!
Glad to see you had the right mind to set him straight before your husband's testosterone over took him...lol!
Take Care
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
25 Oct 08
"Lazy, ok, he's an a..hole with colon cancer..NOW!" LOL!
@taripres (1499)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Yeah, that was a spur of the moment thing, I started saying it too ever since I posted that
How r things now, is he still doing work for "Roberto"? Glad u liked my post, I understand both, you and your husband's position! Trust me, if he hadn't have gotten paid, then u two probably would be bumping heads
So at least he got paid first!

@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
24 Oct 08
Give me five! That's the way you do it girl! Throw him out. If I were you, I would do the same thing. You are lucky because at least your husband is not joining your friend and making fun of you. I feel angry when reading your writing, not angry at you but angry at your husband's friend. Something popped inside my head, thinking. How on earth can your husband have a friend like that? I suggest that you tell your husband to get rid of this type of destructive friend. No use having one like this, he will just eat you raw.
Until now I am still furious at people who look down on women who doesn't go out to earn money. They never realized the sacrifice we have done when we stay at home and do all the home chores. Working in the office is not as difficult as doing the house chores but because they bring home money, they can say everything they want.
Just curious. Does he ever contribute anything into your home. I guess not. So the next time he's around don't ever let him in. He's a scam bag to me. Useless. Give me five again, and throw him out of your home, out of your head, and out of your life forever. You know we are all here for you, and be your friend in happiness and in sorrow.

@ladysurvivor (4746)
• Malaysia
24 Oct 08
LOL. I feel happy to see you happy now. Yeah, I have been guessing the same thing too. He mustn't be one of your husband's friends, judging from his attitude I wonder if anybody wants him around. Naah. Don't let him ruin your other days. He is history now, and we know he is the bad one and not you. Hugs and kisses. Mmuah!!
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
*slaps you five!*
Roberto is actually more of an aquaintence of my husband's rather then a friend. I used the word friend in my discussion only because I could not think of another word at the time. My husband recently did some work for Roberto and Roberto owes him money for that work. That is the only reason that my husband had Roberto over, he was trying to collect the money that is due him. Regardless, though, Roberto will not be coming into my home ever again!

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Hi there! You are a mountain of patience! I don't know how you managed to bite your tongue for as long as you did as I probably would have reacted on the first very rude comment. As a mom, I know how much work it is to keep a home and keep up with the kids as well. Whether you stay at home or work outside....it is a lot of work, time and patience etc. And let's not forget...we are on call 24/7! This man sounds like a pompous,rude,tactless, ignorant jerk. What puzzles me though is why did your hubby not speak up in your defense throughout all of this? Also, my computer is very dark and so I can't see your pic at all. I doubt you look 60. Considering all the other rude comments this man made, I wouldn't pay any ounce of attention to his opinion of your looks any more than I would his thoughts on women.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Hi betsy, I'm sorry, I should have read some of the posts before asking. I tend to post and then go thru and read some comments which in this case, I see you had to repeat the same thing over much...sorry! Hmmm...wonder if he was deliberatly trying to anger you guys into throwing him out hoping to distract the talk from being about the money he owes. He seemed to be making so many rude comments. Now your hubby is going to have to track him down. You'll have to keep us posted on whether or not he gets his money in a timely manner.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Hi sid, my husband did defend me the whole time but Roberto kept on making remarks anyway. Roberto is actually more of an acquaintance of my husband then he is a friend, I only used the word, friend, when I started this discussion because I couldn't think of a better word at the time. The only reason that Roberto was at our house last night is because my husband recently did some work for him and Roberto owes my husband money for it. My husband was trying to collect the money that is owed to him. Regardless of that though, Roberto will never be allowed in my house again!
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
24 Oct 08
Oh this guy is a rude male chauvinist who thinks that women are just servants to be ordered around. He is so sexist. How dare he be so rude about you in your house in front of you. That is unforgivable.
How would I have handled it? Well I would have waited to see if my partner said anything to him about his attitude and if he did not I would have made comments about his rudeness and sexist attitudes. I am surprised your husband said nothing about his comments.
As for stay at home mums I think that is an honorable full time job, I think you do well to manage part time work as well. How dare he call you lazy. Who does he think he is!
As to that young girl in the picture, who looks in her 20's, there is no way anyone could see you as 60. He was just being deliberately insulting. I would have been tempted to slap his face.

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Roberto is a private contractor who buys, remodels and sells houses. My husband has often worked for him before when he was between jobs or whatever and has been paid, although the recent work that my husband did for him was just to earn some extra cash for something extra special that he wanted. Roberto is just an irritating jerk! He always has been for as long as I've known him and probably always will be. His extreme rudeness last night was just the icing on the cake.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
24 Oct 08
Ok your husband did stick up for you that is good. As for Roberto, it is hard to put up with insults trying to get your money of someone like him. Could he have been deliberately insulting hoping to get you to react so he could find an excuse not to pay? I mean he could just be a sexist b*stard but he might have ulterior motives as well.

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Honestly? I'd be more mad at my husband if he let one of his friends talk this way about me. It was his job to tell the jerk to shut up.

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
My husband did stick up for me whenever one of Roberto's rude comments came flying out his mouth. Roberto is actually more of an aquaintence of my husband's then a friend. The only reason that Roberto was at my house tonight is because my husband was trying to collect some money that Roberto owes him (my husband) for a job that he did for him (Roberto)

@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
24 Oct 08
ohh my... i do understand how you feel, coz im a stay-home mom, and stay-home moms are the most tired people on earth since we dont have any day-offs even if we wanted to. we have to probe our kids to have good manners, we do all the household chores, most of the time, my husband and kids are always having fun at home watching tv, playing psp, resting, while i do everything, i clean the house, i do the laundry, i cook meals, i mop the floor, i do the carpentry at home, etc, etc...
it seems that your husband's friend roberto is a very narrow minded person.
maybe roberto was just jealous that your husband is very lucky that he has a very responsible wife, and so as to make himself a better one, he's doing those irritating things about you.
but why should you suffer with his inferiority?
maybe if i were you, i wouldnt welcome that person in our home, he'll be forever be banned unless he'll change to a better person.
i hope your husband would find a real friend. coz i think he's a bad influence for your husband.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Roberto is actually more of an aquaintence of my husband's rather then a friend. I used the word, friend, in my discussion because I could not think of another word at the time. The only reason that my husband even had Roberto over last night is because my husband recently did some work for Roberto and Roberto owes my husband money for that work. My husband was trying to collect the money that is owed him. Roberto will not ever be allowed in my home again under any circumstances though.
@Nhey16 (2518)
• Philippines
24 Oct 08
i wonder where that roberto gets his guts of saying those things about you when he's not even a friend of your husband.
all i know he's really not worthy to be even an aquaintance...
i sympathize with you, he pisses us off.
but we should not stress ourselves with those kind of people.
goodluck and take care, we dont need another wrinkles caused by unworthy people,
though i know, it's better said than done, but atleast we should try :)
@AmberX5 (61)
• Italy
24 Oct 08
No, you did not look 60. I guess, you are at your early 40. The ugly comment made by your hubby infront of the kids should stop. If not your kids will treat you like a maid instead of a mum. They will lose the respect for you. In the future, they turn out exactly like the dad!
Who say stay at home is lazy ?! Housewife job is the worst job ! If i have a choice, i go to work outside rather than stay at home. Housewife job is 24hrs!!!! I hate it and there seem never ending houswork and the kids are alway dirtying the house.The screaming & crying of the kids are alway ringing in my ears......Stress, stress! I remember that before i stay at home, working in an office are less stress and life is much easier. The man should try staying at home to manage the house for a change !

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Roberto is a jerk and will not ever be allowed in my home again.