All I want to do is sleep - why?

@jerzgirl (9327)
United States
October 24, 2008 10:38pm CST
I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. I'm always tired, can sleep all day and all night, can't focus on any one thing very long without having to do something different, just never feel totally "here". I don't know if it's depression or if there is something medically wrong with me. I just can't seem to stay awake. I get up, make breakfast for my mother and me, check my email and within an hour or two, am back asleep in bed. I get up around lunch, get something to eat, check the 'Net a bit and again, more sleep. Then dinner and the same thing after that. Around 9 or so, I wake up, get online, get bored, go watch TV, get bored again, come back in, get online yet again and then go to bed for the night. Of course, during this time I've taken care of Mom's needs (her meds, her oxygen, helped her get dressed when needed, fed the cats, etc.), but I can't seem to go beyond that. I just have no desire to do anything, no energy, nothing. Has anyone ever experienced this? What did you have to do to overcome it? Was it a medical condition or was it emotional? Anything you did on your own that helped?
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22 responses
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
25 Oct 08
there are one of two reason why you are so tired you could be diabetic or you could have low blood.if you are diabetic you can sleep all day and night when your sugar is up.if your blood is low you also can be very tired because your blood is really low see our body warns us before it start shutting down sending you signs something is wrong.i subgest you get it checked out by your doctor to find out for sure whats going on then you can deal with the situation you have a great day.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I am both diabetic and anemic, so that could play a part. I know that I get sleepy if I eat too many carbs at once, but this seems to stay and not go away. I guess I'll have to do a hard check on my carb intake for a while and get some iron pills. If that doesn't make me feel better, I'll have to see the doctor. I am just trying to avoid it since I have no insurance.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I meant to say thank you for your input as well.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Jerz, Most doctors will charge you less if you have no insurance. Also, check around for a county clinic. They will charge you according to your income and finacial responsibilities. I have been using every resource I can find, since my hubby has been out of work over a year now. We both have serious medical needs, so I have checked out every avenue I can think of. leenie
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• Philippines
25 Oct 08
Well, I would ask you if you have been taking some medicines lately or sleep late at night or maybe some emotional things that bothering you lately. But if you feel its just some lazy day, get lots of sleep and find out the next day if its just the same then personally think you must see a doctor. Eat a lot of citruses it might be of help, have a great day !
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Actually I am doing a bit of this myself lately..I sleep until I actually have to get up and do something...and if I didn't have anything to do (take grandkids to school, daughter to work, doctors appt.) then I would sleep all day...I have even been forgetting to eat...not healthy.. I think mine is depression...although there are times I am like totally exhausted but that is do to being severly anemic... Do you have a job outside the home? Being inside all the time can cause you to be restless and then just sleeping because you can't focus on what to do... You may just be physically and emotionally drained with taking care of you mom's needs...she is lucky to have you... Are you getting enough time just for you? Or are you doing for others and forgetting to do for you? It could be medical but I would start with what is going on in your home...list what you are doing and what is not getting done...Your needs for instance... It can also be anxiety..That could be what is making you restless and then not knowing what to do causes you to just go to sleep... I am on Prozac but I don't think it is really helping...and I am on anxiety meds too...Would rather not take any meds though... I seem to be doing for everyone else and haven't been able to have quality time to myself..Somewhere in there I am going to have to say no to others in order to get myself back on track... It is late and I'm am a bit tired...I sure hope this made sense...I hope I helped..
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Oct 08
jerzgirl I think you should see your doctor and tellhim or her just what you have told us. ask tohave your thyroid checked, ask to have your blood glucose checked, and ask to be checked for depression, if you are caring for a sick mom, no wonder you are tired, those could be the symptoms of thyroid problems, diabetes, and depression also. i am no doctor but I know diabetic symptoms when I hear them, and also thyroid problems as i have a friend who has thyroid problems too. You may just be exhausted from your moms care and your other cares. and need to be spelled for awhile.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I am diabetic, so maybe my sugar's running too high for too long right now. I've been tested off and on through the years for hypothyroidism because Mom used to have hyperthyroidism and the tendency for thyroid problems can be inherited. So far, all tests have been negative. But, the diabetes might be working overtime as I ignore me for her, so that might just be what I need to focus on. I'm also anemic. Thanks, Hatley.
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@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
25 Oct 08
I think it's because of the routine you have. It seems that you do the same thing for a long time so there's nothing different or something special that happens. Maybe you can go out with your mom. I don't know if her health conditions permit her to do so but if you can, maybe u can bring her to the park, going for a walk in the mall. If not, can u call some friends over for a visit? I used to feel this way when it's summertime. When i am on vacation, I am not really allowed to go out. So I decided to get summer school so I could finish my studies faster and I also have opportunity to go out. When I stay in the house for more than a week, I have the feeling i am lacking some fresh air. Are there any hobbies you do? Is there any job u can do in particular at home if u need to take care of your mom? What you should do is to keep yourself busy. Doing something that keeps you away from sleeping and interesting at the same time. Is there any goal u have in particular? I am sure you might find something. goodluck :)
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Hey jerz! Ok, now it can be either medical or psychological! Take your pick! It can be depression or SAD which is a seasonal depression (when the seasons change you get depressed). Or it can be a physical ailment. I am having similar symptoms and I am already clincially depressed so I have gone to my doctor for some tests to see if there is something going on with me physcially because I am always tired, extremely cold and I have some other strange symptoms and he is checking my thryroid and my blood for some other stuff. I would suggest that you do the same. Go get yourself checked out to rule out the physcial stuff first. That's the easiest way rather then guessing. The physical stuff is easier to figure out then the mental stuff. I already am taking care of the mental issues so I now need to see what's up physically. Depression can do all kinds of crazy things to us physically so it is hard to say and I'm no doc or shrink! So why don't you go see a doc to find out what is going on!
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
25 Oct 08
Have something changed drastically in your life? Are you passing through a mild depression? Did you experience weight loss or lack of motivation in life? I think you should start to get out your house and do some sports, mix with friends. © ronaldinu 2008
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
25 Oct 08
It could actually be a combo of things jerzgirl. I read further down about how you are a diabetic. I have low blood sugar (the opposite) and I find certain foods can actually trigger a tiredness in too much pasta. Also sugar can be a culprit..both us types whether high or low blood sugar aren't supposed to use or have too much sugar but what can I say? I often indulge in sweets...LOL...I know bad girl, right? You're tiredness though also could be from stress. Being someone's caregiver is NOT easy...I know since I was my mother's caregiver just as you are with yours now..also you've had a few frights there, like her recent hospital visits...that can sure take the wind out of a person too. Also doing the same thing day in and day out without a break in routine can be boring with a capital B..try to change the routine around a bit. Maybe try to find some hobby or something. I can get bored easily when I start feeling like that I break the routine. Even if it means doing some extra cleaning around...just to get my buns going and not sit like a zombie like I often do in front of the computer...even the slightest bit of doing something physical will elevate one's energy level believe it or not.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
25 Oct 08
It sounds like it could be depression or could be a medical problem or just pure exhaustion but you do need to go and have things checked out with your doctor to find out for sure and get it taken care of.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I dont know why you are always tired, but I know that excerise is a good way to get energized. Maybe you are just bored with your life. I always get real tired whenever I am bored. Try finding a new hobby. you should probably go to the doctor and see if anything is up with your health. Even If it is depression I'm sure that both of those things I mentioned will help, and I would definitely try everything else before resorting to medication.
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@23uday (2997)
• India
25 Oct 08
Hi Sleeping for too long has several reasons.If we are exhausted then we tend to sleep for more time.And we consume lots of food with or without our knowledge ,then also We sleep for more time.To get rid of this problem,we have to do regularly excercise.And also one should do breathing excercises. love you all
• United States
25 Oct 08
There is a very high chance that you are depressed, or at least very stressed out. When your mind and body is stressing or is depressed, it throws off the chemicals in your brain and makes it very hard to stay awake and alert, makes you drowsy, un-energetic, lethargic and basically horrible. If you're stressed about something, the best thing to do is deal with it, not let it fester inside. If you're feeling depressed, talking to a licensed professional might be a good idea if you think this condition is effecting your well-being.
• Indonesia
25 Oct 08
Please you with my method, possibly seldom could help your problem, if I was always tired, I went to play sport, carried out sport that was liked, then the body became healthy and fresh, tried to play badminton, this usually issues sweat that many and the body became fresh. It is hoped my method could be useful for you, and you could again healthy.
• United States
14 Mar 12
Wow... so you sound a lot like me. I have hypothyroidism, no diabetes however my mom does so it is something that I do check every 6 months. So I will tell you my story and what I think it is. A year and a half ago my mom had a double stroke leaving her paralyzed on her right side, short term memory which is bad. She repeats herself all the time asking the same questions. She cared for my dad who has Huntington's disease. After my mom had her stroke in june, my family and i put our house up for sale and moved in with my dad in December because he needs to be taken care of. In Feb, I quit my job of 14 years making pretty decent money for working part time. Being a caregiver is very stressful and emotionally and physically draining. This past dec the week b4 christmas, my dad choked and now has a feeding tube. I can't understand him anymore when he talks. The muscles just are not working as much anymore. He has been in the nursing home where my mom is for rehab. He should be coming home soon. But i need to make the decision on if I can really take care of him now. I do have two active children in sports. My oldest is 14 and my youngest is 8. It's very hard for me, I went to the nursing home everyday to see them, but it takes so much out of me to just walk into the place anymore. I know what my problem is, I'm depressed. Ive had so much change in my life the past 2 years that I don't whether I'm coming or going. Ever since he's been in the nursing home I've just become more tired. I don't know if I just don't want to deal with the sadness and everything going on or what. I just feel drained. I brought dad home yesterday to just chill while my mom was at dialysis and when I brought him back I was just so sad and upset. Today, I took the girls to the bus stop, came back home around 815 am and went back to bed woke up at 215 pm and now I'm getting ready to go to bed again. I feel your pain, and I hope you find something that will help. Best of luck.
• United States
14 Mar 12
hahahaha I didn't realize this was posted 4 years ago... I'm so sorry!!!!!
@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Have you considered getting checked for cronic fatigue and/or depression? I can see you have considered depression - but cronic fatigue is some thing that you need to look into.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
25 Oct 08
If it's been going on for a while I would go get checked out by your doctor. Maybe get a blood test done. It could be a number of things. Everyone gets in a funk once in a while but usually only for a day or so.
• United States
25 Oct 08
Girlfriend, We've both just been through too much ( stuff) and it does catch up to us in the end; You've had a rough year with your Mom's health, no job now, one too many trips to the hospital with your Mom, boy do I remember all that crap all too well; Both us just have such shiiiittttyyyy health; I take stuff for my thyroid have for years, I'm still tired, still exhausted; I take iron every day, still tired, still exhausted, and tons of other meds; I think they just kinda counteract with each other any more I don't know; I either sleep too much or don't get enough, right now I could go to bed and I'd be awake at 10:00 o'clock tonight or there abouts; Stress, Depression, its all so hard on our bodies; You've got lots of great tips here, if either of us ever get the answers to our problems we'll just have to share...pity we live so stinkin far apart and can't visit more often. LOL! Say "hi" to your Mom for me; I think I'm gonna have to go take a Power nap myself
• India
25 Oct 08
Usually as you grow older,sleep becomes elusive. if you are getting good sleep, then it is fantastic, enjoy the sleep. Look at it positively.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I was actually going through the same basic thing not too ling ago. I had a vitamin B12 deficiency. Now, I take a multi-vitamin each night right before I go to bed, and a B-Complex vitamin each morning. I could feel a difference within just a few days, and I can really tell if I forget to take them. Maybe this would help you too.
@hellcord (673)
• Romania
25 Oct 08
Yes I would say that is depression. Or something close to it. That's the bad news. The good news is that it's pretty easy to solve I think :D Here are some ideas: - Having nothing to do, no challenge that rewards YOU, no drive, will put you in a very unhealthy 'stand by' state, that feels just as you describe: Blank, no color, no nothing going on. The solution to that is to start RIGHT NOW to do some NEW things, that are ONLY for yourself. For instance: in the morning, BEFORE doing any breakfast for you mother or anything, go outside for 20-30 minutes. See what's out there. Run if you want. Or stretch. Or just read a newspaper, or stare at people. You might see interesting things that you'll write about in your online blogs. Who knows who you meet or who meets you ? - Sleep and ACTION. Healthy sleep during the NIGHT only, and ACTION, PLENTY of it, during the day. RUN during the day, JUMP or dance while watching TV. If noise is a problem, get some headphones and put the music on LOUD for a while. Easiest thing to do, even on youtube you can find some interesting short fitness videos, that will just 'pick you up' - watch this in the morning, It will start your day really differently. It will also eliminate toxins and refresh everything and in the evening you will be tired, ready for good sleep. Or take up a program like Body For Life: - FUN - watch some standup comedy, plenty of it, and also regular comedies. Stay away from crappy TV. hunt for the comedies, those will keep you in good shape, will give you stuff to talk about and write online about. If you can call friends over and watch movies with them, even better - Melatonin - melatonin is the substance that our brains make naturally at night, when sleeping. If you take supplements of it in the evening, this will make you sleep better, deeper, and wake up more refreshed. It is NOT a sleeping pill, it's just a supplement with a natural substance. Should be inexpensive and without prescriptions. Try any of these ideas that you like, and tell us how it worked. Enjoy :D