Anti Virus????

@lisa0502 (1724)
October 25, 2008 7:53pm CST
I would like to know what kind of anti virus do you use and why? I right now use avast and find that it is a good anti virus. What do you think is the worst anti virus?
7 responses
• Malaysia
27 Oct 08
I am using Nod 32 Antivirus. This anti virus software not make my pc hang all the time
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
27 Oct 08
I have never heard of this. Thanks for responding.
@23uday (2997)
• India
26 Oct 08
Hi buddies,What anti virus you will use in the computer?I would use anti virus software is macfee anti virus in the computer.The macfee anti virus software is a good software it cleans the virus from the virus would be affected from the computer.The anti virus cleans the affected virus.For me macfee is good anti virus software. So, have you ever tried for the better anti virus spftware. Are you using good anti virus software?
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
27 Oct 08
I am using Avast anti virus. I have used macfee before but did not like it myself. Thanks for your post.
@decimus785 (1419)
• Aruba
26 Oct 08
well i've been using Avast for more than a year's one of the best antivirus out there.the virus defintition are updated periodically and protects us against the latest virus out there.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
26 Oct 08
I have to agree with you. It certainly does update quite often. Thanks.
@curious888 (1212)
• Malaysia
26 Oct 08
Now I used a-squared as my anti virus. It is the best anti virus I ever use ! I don't like norton, because it slows down my pc too much
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
26 Oct 08
I have never heard of a squared. I also used norton but did not care for it either.
• United States
26 Oct 08
Well I will start off by saying I am not a fan of Nortons anti-virus it bogs down your computer so bad and after awhile it will cause your system to freeze up while it is working. Some anti-virus programs that I thought worked pretty well were "Windows live one care" - they offer a fully functional trial unlike most without having to give CC info. - McAffee's works well for many people as well. I've never tried but I've heard people say that AVG is pretty good as well.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
26 Oct 08
AVG was pretty good but I prefer avast. It is a bit better than AVG. THanks for your post.
• India
26 Oct 08
I have avast antivirus since 2year$ i love it . It also trap trojan virus and is easy to handle and it can be updated with no cost. I hate norton as it slows down my pc.....
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
26 Oct 08
Avast has also caught alot of viruses trying to get into my pc as well. Norton is not as easy to use and it costs quite a bit. Thanks for your response.
• Indonesia
2 Nov 08
i use ESET smart security.....its almost 2 years till now i guess.... its light, no greed for resources, and its great ... the worst for me is AVG free :D