Christopher Buckley Backing Obama As McCain/Palin Crashes and Burns.

United States
October 25, 2008 8:14pm CST
The rats are jumping overboard as the McCain/Palin-burg crashes and burns: From No, hell has not frozen over, but a Buckley is backing a Democrat for president. Christopher Buckley, the son of the late conservative icon William F. Buckley, said Friday he's decided to back Barack Obama's White House bid, the first time in his life he will vote Democrat. “It’s a good thing my dear old mum and pup [sic] are no longer alive. They’d cut off my allowance," Buckley, a columnist for the conservative National Review, wrote on the Web site The Daily Beast Friday. (WHO KNOWS, MAYBE THEY WOULD ENDORSE BARACK OBAMA ALSO) Buckley, who praised McCain in a New York Times Op-Ed earlier this year and defended the Arizona senator's conservative credentials against wary talk-radio hosts, said McCain is no longer the “real” and “unconventional” man he once admired. (I THOUGHT HE WAS A MAVERICK) "This campaign has changed John McCain," Buckley wrote. "It has made him inauthentic. A once-first class temperament has become irascible and snarly; his positions change, and lack coherence; he makes unrealistic promises, such as balancing the federal budget 'by the end of my first term.' Who, really, believes that? (MR. BUCKLEY, IT'S CALL BEING ERRACTIC) "Then there was the self-dramatizing and feckless suspension of his campaign over the financial crisis," Buckley added. "His ninth-inning attack ads are mean-spirited and pointless. And finally, not to belabor it, there was the Palin nomination. What on earth can he have been thinking?" (HE WAS THINKING THAT HE COULD SUCKER THE HILLARY SUPPORTERS) But Buckley made clear he's not just voting against McCain, praising Obama for his "first-class temperament and first-class intellect. (FINALLY A CONSERVATIVE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE ROLL FIRST-CLASS INTELLECT PLAYS IN THESE DIFFICULT TIMES WE ARE NOW FACING) "Obama has in him—I think, despite his sometimes airy-fairy 'We are the people we have been waiting for' silly rhetoric—the potential to be a good, perhaps even great leader. He is, it seems clear enough, what the historical moment seems to be calling for," Buckley wrote. IF I'M CORRECT, MR. BUCKLEY JUST DISSED JOHN MCCAIN BIG TIME. LLOYD
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11 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Oct 08
lloydanthony well thats great, knew some more would come around. I will probably make some mylotters minus me and ifthey do they should be ashamed as I have myown r ight to vote as I choose, and I dont choose McCain. its against mylot rules to minus me simply because you would not vote the way I do, i respect your right to vote as you wish, so r espect my right to do the s ame.
6 people like this
• United States
26 Oct 08
Hello Hately. You are always welcome to reply to any discussion I start without any repurcusions. It's so childish for someone to give you a negative rating because they disagree with your opinions. Anyway, I joined others in giving you a positive rating. Your friend. Lloyd
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I plussed you too, Hatley! Annie
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I + you just to make certain that any - was off set
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
26 Oct 08
DId Buckley find Obama's birth certificate? Unfortunately, this would be the best news for Barack Obama....among other things he should address to his supporters.
4 people like this
• United States
26 Oct 08
What are you talking about?
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• United States
26 Oct 08
What is this obsession with Barack Obama's birth certificate? If you believe you have more information regarding Barack Obama's citizenship, then you should immediately contact the the United States Department of Immigration and Naturalization. If not, you should give up on this desparate attempt to smear him. I'm sure the authorities have vetted Barack Obama's birth certificate over and over throughout the years. Is this the last straw you guys on the right are hanging onto? If it is, then things are really looking pathetic. Get over the birth certificate issue. It's not going to work. Lloyd
• United States
27 Oct 08
THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER REGARDING BARACK OBAMA'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY AS I WILL NOT BE DISCUSSING THIS REDICULOUS CONSPIRACY THEORY AGAIN. Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter By Amy Hollyfield Published on Friday, June 27th, 2008 at 05:21 p.m. SUMMARY: Since we published Obama's birth certificate, questions about its authenticity have been frequent and fierce. After reviewing the evidence, we're confident in our rulings. It started as a whisper, a trickle of nagging doubt. At full throttle, the accusations are explosive and unrelenting, the writers emboldened by the anonymity and reach of the Internet. And you can’t help but ask: How do you prove something to people who come to the facts believing, out of fear or hatred or maybe just partisanship, that they’re being tricked? (THIS SOUNDS JUST LIKE YOU AND THE REST OF THE CONSPIRACY THEORIST HERE AT MYLOT!) Sen. Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a document had sought for months. Countless chain e-mails, seeking to paint him as a secret Muslim, speculated that his full name included Muhammed (or Mohammed). Some said he is not an American citizen. As a fact-checking news Web site, we went to extensive lengths to sort out the truth. We got a copy of his 1992 marriage certificate from the Cook County (Ill.) Bureau of Vital Statistics. His driver’s license record from the Illinois Secretary of State’s office. His registration and disciplinary record with the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Not to mention all of his property records. Not one of these documents shows a Muhammed (or Mohammed) in Obama's name. They all read "Barack H. Obama" or "Barack Hussein Obama." The ultimate document we sought was Obama’s birth certificate. Unlike the other documents, Hawaii birth certificates aren’t public record. On June 13, 2008, Obama’s campaign released a copy, while launching a fact-check Web site of its own, The site is a direct response to allegations about Obama that won’t go away: He’s Muslim. He took the oath of office on a Koran. He refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance. PolitiFact has researched all of these accusations and none of them are true. (NONE OF THESE ACCUSATIONS ARE TRUE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?) When the birth certificate arrived from the Obama campaign it confirmed his name as the other documents already showed it. Still, we took an extra step: We e-mailed it to the Hawaii Department of Health, which maintains such records, to ask if it was real. “It’s a valid Hawaii state birth certificate,” spokesman Janice Okubo told us. Then the firestorm started. • Where is the embossed seal and the registrar’s signature? • Comparing it to other Hawaii birth certificates, the color shade is different. • Isn’t the date stamp bleeding through the back of the document “June 2007?” (Odd since it was supposedly released in June 2008.) • There’s no crease from being folded and mailed. • It’s clearly Photoshopped and a wholesale fraud. • • • At, we’re all about original sources. We don’t take anyone at their word or take the reporting of other media organizations as proof. We go to the heart of the story, the source of the truth — original, corroborating documents. When the official documents were questioned, we went looking for more answers. We circled back to the Department of Health, had a newsroom colleague bring in her own Hawaii birth certificate to see if it looks the same (it’s identical). (IT'S IDENTICAL. WHAT PART OF THIS DON'T YOU AND OTHERS UNDERSTAND?) And soon enough, after going to every length possible to confirm the birth certificate’s authenticity, you start asking, what is reasonable here? Because if this document is forged, then they all are. If this document is forged, a U.S. senator and his presidential campaign have perpetrated a vast, long-term fraud. They have done it with conspiring officials at the Hawaii Department of Health, the Cook County (Ill.) Bureau of Vital Statistics, the Illinois Secretary of State’s office, the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois and many other government agencies. (DID YOU READ THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH?) (PLEASE CAREFULLY REREAD IT IF YOU HAVEN'T) Peter Goelz knows a little something about conspiracy theorists. He was managing director of the National Transportation Safety Board in 1996 when TWA Flight 800 crashed off Long Island, killing 230 people. While the NTSB’s investigation found no evidence of sabotage or terrorism, the Internet was stocked with insistent accusations. Goelz, who is now a communications consultant in Washington, D.C., says the Internet has given a platform to anyone to say anything. And a way to find others who want to hear it. (THIS IS WHAT YOU AND ALL THE OTHER CONSPIRACY THEORIST ARE DOING) “Online, they can be almost anything,” he said. “They can be the crusading investigators that they always wanted to be.” • • • The Hawaii Department of Health receives about a dozen e-mail inquiries a day about Obama’s birth certificate, spokesman Okubo said. “I guess the big issue that’s being raised is the lack of an embossed seal and a signature,” Okubo said, pointing out that in Hawaii, both those things are on the back of the document. “Because they scanned the front … you wouldn’t see those things.” Okubo says she got a copy of her own birth certificate last year and it is identical to the Obama one we received. (IT'S IDENTICAL, IT'S IDENTICAL, IT'S IDENTICAL TO THE OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE THEY RECEIVED. IT'S IDENTICAL.) • • • And there’s the rub. It is possible that Obama conspired his way to the precipice of the world’s biggest job, involving a vast network of people and government agencies over decades of lies. Anything’s possible. But step back and look at the overwhelming evidence to the contrary and your sense of what’s reasonable has to take over. There is not one shred of evidence to disprove PolitiFact’s conclusion that the candidate’s name is Barack Hussein Obama, or to support allegations that the birth certificate he released isn’t authentic. (NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE, NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR CONSPIRACY MINDED HEADS) And that’s true no matter how many people cling to some hint of doubt and use the Internet to fuel their innate sense of distrust. I hope this settles this silly and rediculous nonsense for good. I will no longer waste my time replying to this foolishness. There are bigger issues facing the American people. Lloyd
• United States
26 Oct 08
Ships always do better without rats.
2 people like this
• United States
26 Oct 08
It's pretty simple really. Those who care about the future of this country vote McCain. Those that care about themselves and Hate Bush and Hate the rich, Vote Obama.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I think that's a little insulting to those supporting McCain. Saying it is as if you are saying they don't care about people. It is as wrong to say as if someone said all Obama supporters are on welfare. Neither is true. Check your history World War I, II, Korean, and Viet Nam were all started or entered into under Democratic presidents.
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@fiona08 (454)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Those who care about people, those who have compassion for others, will vote for Obama. Those who pretend greed is patriotic, and judging others is their duty, and loving war is the only way to support our troops, will vote for McCain.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Seems to me this is going both ways. It ain't over till the fat lady sings, or rather votes.
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@fiona08 (454)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Oh boy, I am getting excited. I am trying not to get too much so, for fear of jinxing us (all of us, Americans). But I think we are finally going to get this thing done right. I know Obama is who we need in the White House, and I think most voters see it that way too. McCain has slowly worked himself out of the race. Obama has steadily, smartly, climbed. He will be a great leader. One who cares about people. Please let it be so!
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I've learned not to get too excited over my candidate of choice's possibility of winning an election. The chances of them being just another politician are overwhelming.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I hope that works out for you, I have yet to see any president live up to expectations. Personally, whoever gets in, I'd like to see a bit of bipartisan work done. I'm concerned about a one sided Washington. I'd be concerned no matter who was in office. You know what they say about power corrupting.
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@fiona08 (454)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I don't think that will be the case with Obama. I think he is going to remain the person we have seen throughout his campaign. The person his family has seen. And the person who has done much in his career to help those less fortunate. He is intelligent, competent, and full of integrity. I believe what you see is what you get.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I have to agree with all Mr. Buckley has said about his endorsement. It is really good to see that there are some people that are on that side that see the mess called the McCain campaign.
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• United States
26 Oct 08
I believe Mr. Buckley hit the nail right on the head. I couldn't have said it any better. John McCain is not up to the task. He has no plans to deal with the important issues facing the American people He's running a negative and dysfunctional campaign and the America people realize it. Lloyd
2 people like this
• United States
27 Oct 08
Hello savypat. There are many here doing there best to try and silence me, but I will continue to discuss this election cycle in an informed and educated way. They know that I'm very intolerant when it comes to all these rediculous conspiracy theorie they are promoting. Just last night my ratings dropped from 92 to 91 because some people can't refute my comments so they use the only resource they have to show their displeasure with me. What they fail to realize is that I've been through the ringer here at myLot and these cowardly acts don't affect what I discuss and reply to. Thanks for stopping by. Stay tuned. It's only going to get more intense. Your friend. Lloyd
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Keep going Lloyd, I do enjoy talking to you.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I used to watch William F Buckley years ago. I thought he was an interesting man. When I saw that the National Review ( I think ) had Christopher Buckley on the staff I was interested. I had heard him speak on CNBC occasionally. Most recently I saw his talk about his support of Obama and how the mag. fired him. Sometimes it is hard to have a good conscience.Christopher Buckley is a hero.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Oct 08
It seems like every day there are a few more prominent Republicans jumping ship! Lloyd, I must correct you and call these people "former rats"! Or maybe they're reformed rats... Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan is another one that just endorsed obama as well as a former Republican Governor of Minnesota and another GOP Governor whose name I can't remember just now. I guess there are some members of that party that really DO put "country first"! Annie
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Oct 08
Hi Annie. I just got in. Did anyone else jump ship today? lol I understand why Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan crossed over. Bush and Cheney knowingly misled him and caused him to lie to the American people. Here is the former Republican Governor's remarks: Former Republican Gov. Arne Carlson endorsed Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama on Thursday, saying "Obama represented the best hope for an America facing an economic crisis and criticizing Republicans for waging a mean-spirited campaign that has "been going down all these side roads." Speaking at the State Capitol, where he was introduced by U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., Carlson said his party had strayed from the moderate philosophies of past Republican leaders such as Ohio Sen. Robert Taft and President Dwight Eisenhower. "I consider myself a Republican maverick," Carlson said in explaining his endorsement of Obama. His statement says it all. Barack Obama is best qualified to lead our country. Lloyd
2 people like this
• United States
27 Oct 08
Rats, RINO's. What's the difference?
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
27 Oct 08
Lloyd to think that those die hard votes has turn away from McCain. I think that he has dig a pit for himself when he went an nominate Palin. No one should have guess that although Hillary was not nominate for Vice President, her supporters would have jump ship. Hillary supporters are not just once that are waggonist, they are hard end democratic and even though things didn't turn out their way come election morning he/she would still be casting his/her vote for the Democratic Party. Such is the game of politics and those who follow this game should also know the rules and the die hearts fan.
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• United States
27 Oct 08
Hello Kerri. In my opinion, John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin has done damage to women who are qualified for such a position. It will make choosing another woman for this position an agonizing decision. Hopefully as time goes by, the choice of Sarah Palin will be just an afterthought and qualified women will once again be considered for Vice President and President of the United States of America. I believe that many Republicans are sending a strong message to their party by jumping ship and endorsing Barack Obama. They view their party leadership as dysfunctional. I'm sure they will study Barack Obama's brilliant Presidential campaign and apply some of his strategies. Lloyd
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
27 Oct 08
Yes it certainly has done more damage than anyone can imagine. What I believe they will do for those who will be studying Governance and Politics is to dissect where McCain and the Republic Party has go wrong and try to give them a good assessment so that they can reform. I must confess that I wasn't on Obama side because I was all for Hillary and when he didn't put her as Vice President I was shocked but Biden is a good guy and has proven himself worthy to be there beside Obama. I wish you all the best on election day because I know that you have work has hard as the candidates.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Hi lloyd! Very interesting! I wonder what his dear old dad would think? So it is his choice for whatever reasons so beit! His reasons are correct as far as I'm concerned. He backed them up with points that are correct and true. McCain is a flip flopper and that is it! So onward and forward! The countdown is beginning and I know that I have itchy fingers that are more than ready to pull down those democratic levers already! I can picture myself in the voting booth now! I am truly excited to be a part of history in the making!
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• United States
26 Oct 08
His reasons were even more eloquant that those of General Colin Powell. I believe "dear old dad" would be supporting Barack Obama also, while wondering what happened to the once repectable Republican party. I too can't wait to pull the lever for Barack Obama. It's time for a change. Lloyd
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Lloyd, I can't wait to see what you will talk about once this election is over. I've already voted and so that's one of Oboma Best wishes
• United States
26 Oct 08
Once the election is over, I will continue to talk about the important issues facing the American people. I'll still focus on affordable healthcare for all Americans. I'll talk about providing middle-class Americans with tax relief. I'll continue to speak about ending the immoral and costly war in Iraq. Once the election is over, our work begins. I know we can turn our dismal situation around and I have faith in Barack Obama's ability to do just that. Lloyd
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