Have you ever done something while you're angry and felt stupid afterwards?

@SaintAnne (5453)
United States
October 25, 2008 11:28pm CST
Okay, so I have rage issues. And last night, I got mad (do NOT ask me why). So I ended up trashing my room a bit to let all that aggression out instead of hurting someone else in the process. Now I feel stupid because I have to put everything (books, clothes, etc.) back in its place. I pity the fool, as Mr.T would say, who does this. Right now, I am that fool.
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31 responses
• United States
26 Oct 08
i have scolded many a people when i get angry and feel real sorry for them after sometime...but ya once u get angry you need ways to put off and as far as i am concerned i feel putting the anger or showing teh anger on some one else would surely ease yourself...
• India
27 Oct 08
well well.. i never felt that way.. all you end up doing is that make the other person unhappy.. end of the day u ruin one more persons life.. and well that isnt the way it should be..:) patience and penitence is the way out:D
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
You must be a very patient person then, jojinhere. I commend you.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Hello egomaniac. That's why I've resorted to trashing my room since I'm known to be awfully harsh when it comes to name-calling and blaming. We just have to find ways to find another much more positive outlet for anger and other negative emotions that could hurt us and other people.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Oct 08
SaintAnne wow I used to have such a bad temper I would throw 'things and then feel like an idiot. But I almost knocked my dear husband out one day when I was so angry about something, have forgotten now what it was even.I threw a book, and almost hit him in the forehead. He was one of those people who just never ever really go that angry. I think I was upset because he had lost his job, again. He was one of those people who cannot seem to work for someone else, but have to work for themselves. He started his own gardening servivce and did great at it. any way I have mellowed alot in my golden years. At least when I had that bad temper I never hit any person, jus threw things around instead.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I'm glad your husband found the line of work he's happy with. That's very important too. I'm also glad you missed hitting your husband with the book. That's why I lock my door when I go in there if I feel like throwing things because I'm one who may really hit a person with something. I hope I mellow out soon too. I mean I think I'm mellow most of the time but once I get upset, I just turn into a monster.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
26 Oct 08
[i]Hi Anne, When I am mad, I need to express it to the person who made me mad or else I will be stress out a lot! LOL! I will rant to her or him to release and clarify things! maybe I need to do like what you are doing so that I will not hurt a lot of feelings,, !LOL! Hope you feel better now, I guess that is more effective that counting 1-100 and again! LOL[/i]!
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Hello che... sometimes I do let the other person have it but I say the most hurtful things ever so I try not to do that. And relationships fall apart because of that so I don't know. Trashing one's room isn't a good way either but it's better than physically going after someone. Heheh. Counting doesn't help me. Thanks!
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I usually tend to SAY things and feel stupid afterwards but there was once and to be honest I don't even remember why I was angry because it was like 4 years ago. I threw my cell phone and happend to throw it in the direction of the wall. It hit the wall and completely shattered. I had to go buy a new phone. Stupid moment #1082374204 in my life. LOL
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
A lot of cellphones have been thrown against the wall or into the floor during temper tantrums and angry stints. Poor phones! But I guess it's so much better than throwing a real person in its place. It's okay samijo, we all have a lot of stupid moments. I just don't count them anymore as I've lost track.
• United States
26 Oct 08
I think that we ALL have done or said things that we regret. We're only human after all!
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Thanks, LouiseKnittel. With all the responses to this discussion, I don't feel as alone and as ashamed anymore.
@wahmivy (776)
• Philippines
26 Oct 08
Lots of times, but now that I'm older and have kind of learned the hard way, I have better control. I used to be very outspoken and while I still think it's better to let the other person know how I feel instead of smoldering inside, I wait awhile to express myself instead of letting rip in the heat of the moment. This way, my words aren't as hurtful and I can see things from a more reasonable perspective (it's about trying to make things right instead of lashing out). Honestly? I burned a couple of bridges because of anger issues and I regret it now.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Exactly, wahmivy. This is why I try to not "talk it out" while still angry because the "resolving issue" part just gets worse and starts turning into a shouting match. Thanks.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
27 Oct 08
oh yes... many times... and i feel like a fool after that... i hurt my hubby's feelings with my harsh words, 'destroy' his study room and ask him to clean it up after that, destroy the wall of my house because i bang on them too hard, etc... and i do regret it after that... but you just don't think when you are angry and just do stupid things like that... i and my hubby are trying to control our anger better now and not be so emotional... take care and have a nice day...
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Hey lingli. At least, your husband cleaned up after you destroy his study room. We do have massive anger issues. And we keep telling ourselves that this is the last time this is going to happen but then it happens again and again, we feel stupid afterwards. I'm glad you and your husband are working together on this one. You take care too.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
27 Oct 08
Oh I do so many things and bite my hands after wards. Only recently, last week to be precise, I got so angry over something trivial that I chopped my hair short. Yes you heard it right. I chopped my hair to uneven edges and when I went to the parlour to have it done correctly, they said it was too short to be done. I did not want to make it shorter. So you can imagine what I am doing now...
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Mimpi!!!!!!!!!!! Your hair! I'd like to tell you to never do something when angry but then that'll be just hypocritical of me. Well, I guess now you learn every time you look at yourself in the mirror. Or you might just start a trend of uneven short hair. Take care!
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@Daffodil20 (1754)
• India
27 Oct 08
Oh, so many times I have experienced this and never learn from my this mistake. I mostly leave my meal untouched and go out seething. But later the hunger pangs bring me back to my senses and then its too late.
• India
27 Oct 08
And yes, another thing which I missed. Sometimes when an arguement takes place with my siblings and they just won't stop, then to be the one to have the last say I scream on top of my voice continously,not saying anything in particular,just a plain shrill noise.......... Later when I think back, I feel just so stupid and embarrassed.
• India
28 Oct 08
I really don't understand why I do it.I mean leaving the meal. I know I can hardly fast.I think it is to make the other person feel bad or sorry that because of him/her I have chosen to remain hungry. But does it make any difference to them?? I don't din't think it does.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
We never seem to learn from these kinds of mistakes, do we? I have done the "skip the meal" part but yes, I also get really hungry later and I feel silly sneaking outside to get something to eat. What are we proving anyway by not eating our meal? That we can fast? Which doesn't really happen, we just get hungry later on. Take care, daffodil and hope you and your siblings are doing okay now. Thanks!
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I cannot say I have NEVER done that, but I haven't done it lately, like maybe not for 30 or 40 years. Sometimes we learn good behavior from good role models and sometimes we learn it from people who demonstrate bad behavior, and then we say, I will never be like that. My parents both demonstrated destructive tendencies toward other people and toward themselves and I vowed to grow up to be different, and so whenever I noticed I was acting like them in any way, I stopped and did something else. There was nothing to be gained from feeling bad about it, as everyone makes mistakes, but I made a point of not making the same mistake twice. Rage is a destructive habit and habits can be broken. As you say, however, it is much better to take out your anger on things than on people, and especially on yourself. Under some circumstances I would even say that it is healthier to throw a few things around and maybe even break a few things than to keep anger in and let it simmer away. There are other ways to make it dissipate, though, like getting out of the house or apartment and being with nature. It is hard to be angry when you are at the seashore or in a forest.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I don't even know where I got this. Sure, I've seen my parents fight but they never physically hurt each other. It happened at 9 in the evening and I didn't want to leave the house anymore. I mean, it's been building up and I guess I just had to let it out. Because lately, I've just been letting such anger pass and then move on with my day. Thanks, drannhh for everything you said. I know all that but a fool like me just gets blinded by anger sometimes and I guess I don't want to think about all that when I am but I am working on it. Thanks again.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
26 Oct 08
OMG Anne, you hide your rage well here. I can't knock you tho. When I was just about your age, I was furious with my first hubby because he was leaving me home alone with HIS child so he could go out & get drunk. I had just cooked him a special dinner & was looking forward to some enchanted evening. Well, when I hung up the phone, I walked in the kitchen. There was a box of Cheerios just sitting there minding its own business. I grabbed that box & threw it up against the wall as I screamed. One problem...it was a brand new full box that had already been opened. Cheerios flew everywhere. I cleaned up Cheerios for days. We lived in the same place for the next 3 years. It seemed every day I found a few more Cheerios. When we moved, I was still finding Cheerios!!! It was a GREAT anger management class...self taught. To this day when I feel like throwing something, the thought of Cheerios comes back to haunt me & I just sit whatever is in my hand down. It's just NOT worth it!!! Maybe by the time you finish cleaning your room today, you will have finished your self-taught anger management course!!! Best wishes my friend!!!
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Hello LadyM. I'm glad to see you here considering your circumstances. I hope you and your family are well. I guess it's a funny story now but it wasn't when you did it. But it is good that you have Cheerios as your prompt to stop yourself from doing more of this. I'm still not done with my room. I got tired of putting away books that I just left my room and did something else. I'll do it today when I feel like it. I will learn as I clean along! Thanks, LadyM and take care always.
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Cleaning up behind your own stupidity is a GREAT reminder!!! You will see (giggles)
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Ahaha, I think I just don't want to deal with my stupidity today too. I just couldn't get myself to clean the rest up. It's my only rest day! Heheh.
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@glords (2614)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Usually Im pretty good about not acting impulsively, but give me a few drinks.. and yikes... lets knock on wood that I don't mix drinking with anger, because the next morning I'll be wishing it was all a bad dream. Lucky for me, I don't drink much anymore.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Out of boredom and annoyance, I once downed 3/4 of a champagne bottle. That didn't turn out so well. Like you, I don't drink much anymore. I think I've only had a few sips the last two years...
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
17 Nov 08
Good for you, glords. Maybe that means you're not as stressed out as you once were.
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• United States
27 Oct 08
oh have i ever...My husband and I had an arguement about cleaning a cabinet. I was really busy doing something else and had plans for doing something else later as well. I told him that either he could do it now, or I would get to it in my list of things I need to do this next week. He kind of went on about it and started making me mad. He was just grumpy and griping So, I went to the cabinet in question, stuck my arm into the back and scooped everything out onto the floor. It felt great. I was mad, and then it was clean. Whooolaaaaa ok so I was having a little temper tantrum myself, but we have to let it out sometime. I wouldn't suggest doing in front of the kids. ( that might be my only mistake) But hey -the cabinet is clean and no complaints. He hasn't really bothered my about the cabinets lately.:-) Oh and it was sippy cups in the cabinet.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I'm with you on this one, deees... If I already have a long list of things to do, having someone else pointing and telling me what else to do if they could do it themselves gets me irked too. Just try not to do it in front of the kids. Thanks for sharing, haven't seen you for a while.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Just as long as you're getting free time for yourself to relax, no matter what you do.
• United States
27 Oct 08
Last week was crazy busy and I got NO computer time. Not even free time. This weeks looking up though.
@23uday (2997)
• India
27 Oct 08
Hi buddies, Have you ever done something while you're angry and felt stupid afterwards? I will be angry and become stupid reasons for myself.I angry with my sister one back ago for simple reason i have shouted and angry very much on my sister. And after that i have done handing punched to my wall,i throw cloths.I have done like this for simple reason.Iam feeling stupid later i realise that i have done stupid things.What have ever experienced in angry and felt stupid afeterwards?
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Some people get angry, do stuff and don't even think twice about it or regret it later. They just think that whoever got the brunt of their anger deserves it. I hope you and your sister and getting along now. Thanks, 23uday.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
26 Oct 08
When I am in an angry mood I just go for a wlak to ven out my frustrations. It is not worth it taking it on others or on objects such as you did. Sometimes it is costly to repair what you have damaged both in terms of monetary and even in friendship terms. © ronaldinu 2008
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Hello Ronaldinu. I think it was too late for me to go for a walk around the neighborhood as it happened later on that night. So far, I don't think I've really broken anything in my room. I just have to clean it up. Thanks!
• Philippines
27 Oct 08
there are times as well. i would be shouting at myself or made a promise to buy something or lose something. or don't do this and avoid this.. but still the same,. i would turn around and feel stupid and do the same all over again.. hmmm
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Just as long as we try hard not to have all these happen again. It's hard to do since we find it comforting and stress-relieving but we just have to. Thanks, jing.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I think there are times where every person gets mad and either does or says things that they feel bad for later,and I know I am guilty of this to,because there have been several times where I have gotten mad,such as at my parents,and either yelled at them,or slammed the bedroom door,which I felt bad for later because I know I should not have done it,but sometimes it is hard to control emotions such as anger and and Mr T really knew what he was talking about.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Anger is one of those emotions that is really hard to control contrary to what others say. I don't think it's meant to be controlled anyway, we just have to find another positive way to let it out, without hurting ourselves, other people and even inanimate objects. Thanks, Cowboy!
• Philippines
27 Oct 08
Hello, SaintAnne! I also have that problem sometimes. Especially with my husband. At times when he wants to tell me something and it doesn't sound fine with me, I end up nagging and talking continuously until all the past issues were brought out. He wouldn't talk and answer me back during those time, lucky me! He would just let the tension pass then he will try to talk to me. Just then, will I realize that I overreacted. Hahaha! Regards and have a nice day! Happy posting!
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Oh kat. I try not to bring back the past during arguments with any people as long as it has been resolved before. I try to focus on the current one. A wise friend told me once that she and her husband have this "complaint box" in their house. If either one of them feels negatively about something during the day and they still remember it at the end of the day, then they write it down and put it in that box. Every end of the week, they open it and see what's inside. She told me they rarely get complaints. And their marriage lasted until her husband passed away. Thanks for sharing!
@hildas (3031)
26 Oct 08
Yes. I do it all the time. I am not as bad as I used to be though. I have smashed a few plates, thrown a few things but thankfully never hit anyone. I think we have all done it sometime in our lives, but you learn to control it. I think it is better to walk away from things, go for a walk of scream. I think as long as we do not hurt others it is actually ok. We need to relieve stress sometimes. I always regret it and feel a fool, the next day or when I have calmed down. No. No, you are not a fool. You where stressed. As long as you do not do this everyday and hurt people it is ok.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
No, I don't do it everyday. It seldom happens but when it does, all hell breaks loose as they say. The other night, all hell broke loose in my room. I'm over it now but I still have to clean up my mess. Thanks, hildas.
• China
27 Oct 08
When i feel so angry and sad i also throw evething i can touch unless it is very heavy and very expensive : ) So i always put books ,clothes, boxes, plastic material like you. I don't think it is a stupid behaviour , it can be useful to realse your anger and bad feelings.But sometimes i could be regret having make choice that convinced to be not good or true,but it is just the life,i can do everyting with my all intelligence.
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@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Hello smallsaozhou, welcome to mylot. I am amazed but not surprised at how many people responded and shared that yes, they also throw stuff when angry. I guess such is being human. I can't remember if I've thrown something heavy but I'm sure I could too. When I'm angry, I get all pumped up and can do pretty much anything. Thanks!