Are you a sensitive person?

October 26, 2008 10:56am CST
Hello lotters, im curious how many of you guys is a sensitive person? for example, you get hurt or emotional easily because of others comments on you? as for me i think i am a sensitive person to a certain extend, i do not get affected easily by what people say on me although sometimes i do really feel hurt after what they have said. What about you guys? do you consider yourself a sensitive person?
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26 responses
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
26 Oct 08
I am a sensitive guy. I often keep thinking about a word that someone said to me. And I do my best to clear any misunderstandings. I hate being on bad terms with my friends or colleagues. © ronaldinu 2008
1 person likes this
31 Oct 08
I am pretty sensitive but then I am equally considerate of other peoples feelings. I beliee in treating others how I would like to be treated, and it has worked well so far!
@balasri (26537)
• India
27 Oct 08
I am a very sensitive person.I am moved easily.I succumb to my emotions easily.I don't want to change that simply because I cannot do that.Venting up anything will make me burst it out more violently.Moreover people around me like me the way I am.
@Humbug25 (12540)
28 Oct 08
Hi ya swarovski87 I am very sensitive and take everything people say to me, personally. Even on myLot!
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 08
Yes, I'm quite a sensitive person at heart. I don't like seeing others get hurt or being ridiculed by others. I'm pretty strong deep inside as well and I tend to care very little about the negative comments of others, if any! I don't like showing that I'm sensitive on the outside though as I sometimes think that there are some people that would look upon this as a weakness and would then start to take advantage of this fact. I think that being sensitive, this has a nice quality about it. I'm drawn to sensitive people I think, I find it easier to trust them. Andrew
@spyglass (37)
• Australia
27 Oct 08
I think basically everybody is sensitive. it's just how you deal with criticisms that determines your attitude. If you have a positive attitude, u deal with useful criticisms constructively and just ignore insults or other needlessly hurtful things people say. If u have a negative attitude, than things will seem more hurtful than they may really be to you. This is a disadvantage because then you can easily miscontrue a perfectly reasonable comment into something negative, causing people to think that you are really a sensitive person. So, i think it's all about the attitude.
@ellie333 (21016)
27 Oct 08
I tend to let thiks affect me more if tired that usually I would let go over my head and no worry about. I think I am more sensitive to other peoples thoughts and feelings than my own at times, I need to get the balance right and allow myself to feel whatever emotion I am feeling rather than try to hide hurt inside if that makes sense. Huggles. Ellie :D
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
27 Oct 08
Hi there swarovski (nice nick by the way). I do qualify for the sensitive type because i put much passion and soul in what i do and in what i feel, because i think that although this may be painfully, it's the only way to live life at it's fullest.
@gvaisakh (421)
• India
27 Oct 08
I am a sensitive person upto a certain extend......... I do feel hurt when people say bad about me........ But, I will not show it to everyone with a depressed face....... I can adjust with everyone........ I do study from all the mistakes which my friends tell me. HAPPY MYLOTTING!!!!!!!
• India
27 Oct 08
Hi You have started the topic targetting the guys, but still being a woman, i feel I also participate. All of us are sensitive in to some extent. Some people can hide their sentiments and some visibly express it. Those who don't express their sentiments can't be said less sensitive. Only thing special about them is that they can resist to express their sentiments. In that sense I'm sensitive but can resist/control to express it whenever it is necessary. If a stranger says something wrong, i'll get hurt (because of basic sensitivity property) but soon I'll get over it. But if my friend says something wrong, i'll also hurt but with a lasting effect. That's the difference.
• Philippines
27 Oct 08
Ya being sensitive is one of my problems that i have to overcome really. Im easily get affected and my daily work is affected too especially when somebody get upset to me and they dont like to talk to me anymore for no reason at all. I dont like anyone to get upset or angry with me coz its not my style and im not a trouble maker person but there are just some people sometimes that would take advantage of me being too good to them and they become spoiled about it . Well the issue is i cant sleep good at night thinking about it when it happened to me sometimes.
• Malaysia
27 Oct 08
I am a sensitive person, no doubt about that. I'm a Piscean, known for being sentimental and sensitive. But I'm learning to control it. :D
@061234217 (133)
• China
27 Oct 08
I used to be a sensitive person.I have always been hurt by a lot of people.A person who I'm not conversant,a unintentional word from my friend or just a kiding...I realized that it was not worth to smart from so many people and significant words.I did my best to make me strong,ignore other people's views on me.I began to believe myself.I am what I am.If you do not like me,please don't around me.
@theangel (61)
• Philippines
27 Oct 08
Not so. Some even say im insensitive. But Im not sure of that thou. I dont easily get mad and I dont easily cry.
@MissGia (955)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I consider myself to be sensitive and emotional. There is nothing wrong with being either it's just being able to control your sensitivity and emotions in specific situations.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
27 Oct 08
yes i am sensitive person. i get very hurt when someone says bad words about me. it hurts me when someone makes fun out of me.
@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
27 Oct 08
I think I am sensitive person or may be I am impatient kind of person. What I know is I do get angry to certain issues and I also very sensitive about thing happening around me.
• Philippines
27 Oct 08
i consider myself as a sensitive. i easily get irritated on what people says about me.
• India
27 Oct 08
I'm a sensitive person I get hurt very easily and will start crying for every single thing,infact my dad would asked me if I have fixed any mortor in my eyes because tears come out immediatley and easily. But then,I am just learning that it is not so healthy,it will spoil ur mood and all the people around u,so learning to adjust things now and trying to come out of this. Atleast I am practising not to make others understand as to how I feel about some things. Learning to take things lightly and have started to learn good things from the nad things that sometimes come on my way. Cheers
• India
27 Oct 08
Hello swarovski i agree with you. but i am very sensitive. when others comments me i feel immediately and i reply them very seriously. i don't accept comments on about me. if any body wants to comment on me i don't accept. i think i am a temper. basically i want to move closely with others. if anybody hurts me i feel very bad.