I'm Now An Official Obama/Biden Volunteer!!

@anniepa (27955)
United States
October 27, 2008 5:29pm CST
I'm sure I'll be able to hear the jeers from here when some of you read this, but I just wanted to post this because I'm EXCITED! I'll be going door-to-door this weekend and Monday and Tuesday to help get out the vote and we'll be giving rides to those who have no way to the polls. I've always wanted to be more actively involved but for all the years I worked for the Post Office I wasn't allowed to so this is my first chance to maybe make a small difference. To make this a real discussion, I know my friend Lloyd here has been a volunteer but are there any others who are or have been involved in this way for any campaign? No matter who you support, or even if you're somehow still undecided, DON'T FORGET TO VOTE NOV. 4!! Annie
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17 responses
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Unfortunately, I don't have the time right now. These are hard times for booksellers. (I always thought books were recession proof but it's not proving that way this time) I found it interesting what you said about working for the post office and not being allowed to participate. I once worked for the Welfare Deapartment and it was pretty much the same thing. I guess that explains why we are such political junkies today. LOL
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Good for you! I was asked to be a volunteer for the Obama campaign, but I turned down the offer. Too much other junk going on and no babysitter to keep an eye on the baby. How cool that you will be giving people rides to the polls!
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
28 Oct 08
WHOOT WHOOT ANNIE'S IN THE HOUSE!! LOL I'm glad thast you decided to volunteer annie. I've been volunteering for a few months now, making phone calls, knocking on doors in nearby Wisconsin and I too will be driving people to the polls next Tuesday. I was really nervous at first, this was the first time I had volunteered for something on a national level, but it's been a really awesome experience. And remember, it's all those "small differences" that will add up to big change!
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
28 Oct 08
My family and I will be voting. We believe it's the responsible thing to do.
3 people like this
• United States
27 Oct 08
Congrats for getting to do something you want to do, Annie. I haven't been officially involved this year, but in past local elections I've provided rides to the polls and been part of calling banks and get out the vote efforts for candidates I support. It's always exciting and energizing feeling like you gave it your all, even when the candidate loses. It's even better when he wins!
• United States
28 Oct 08
Good for you Annie. I am excited for you. Plus it is great to have another person involved in the election process (no matter what party they chooose). Too many Americans do not bother with voting much less getting involved with the actual election. Which is a sad shame. I say again Good for you and go out there and have some fun! But I warn you, it gets addictive. I started out as a volunteer in a presidential campaign a long long time ago. I moved from there to also volunteering for local elections when the big show was not going on. That was until the kids were born. Unforunately I do not have the time now. But when they get bigger I will go back to volunteering again.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Thanks, Hon. I couldn't agree more that there are too many Americans who never vote. I'll never understand why they don't want to participate in our process. I also agree it doesn't matter who someone is for, everyone should vote. If we had something like a 90% voter turnout I'd be happy no matter who won. I mean, sure we all want the candidates of our choice to win but you can't argue if there's a true majority of the American people. Everyone here - if you haven't voted early, don't forget to vote on Nov. 4! Annie
• United States
28 Oct 08
Annie you should do a blog or post on here about your volunteer experience. A lot of people have never gotten involved in an election before and probly do not know what it is like. It would be great if you could share yours.
@Bd200789 (2994)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Congratulations! I wish I could volunteer, but the closest office is nearly twenty miles from here, and I don't have a way to get there. Don't worry, I'm still voting on the 4th. I've never voted before, so I'm really excited.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Congratulations to YOU for voting for the first time! Annie
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
28 Oct 08
Annie, I don't agrea with you on ideology but I'm not going to jeer someone for getting involved. I see plenty of people in here who like to come in here, run their mouths, complain about how things are and yet that is ALL they do. they sit here online, complaining instead of getting away from their computers and doing something about it. You are actualy doing something. Participating in the political process. This is to be commended, not jeered. Be carefull out there annie and have fun!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Thanks for the good advice! I'll sure be careful and I know I'LL be respectful of anyone who doesn't share my support for our ticket. From what I've been told, at least part of what I'll be doing will be going to remind and offer rides to people who are confirmed Obama/Biden supporters. Plus, we'll be working in pairs or groups so I won't be knocking on any strangers' doors all by myself. To be honest, I'm a bit of a wimp to do that...lol...when I was young it would have been different but I'm afraid my days of making a run for safety or fighting back in self-defense are over. Annie
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
27 Oct 08
Kudos to you Annie- I am also a volunteer in the Obama/Biden Campaign. I have worked for the democratic party as well as our Board of Elections numerous times and have always enjoyed it. This time does feel more like we are making history every step of the way though :)
@donna22 (1116)
28 Oct 08
I dont see any reason for people to jeer. They do not have to be Obamam voters to see that you are doing something good and something which needs to be done. It is great that you are getting actively involved in the election especially giving rides to those who can not get to the polls because (if Im right) this will help both parties. A low turnout could be a disaster for any party.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 08
That's how I look at it, too. Everyone should be able to exercise their right to vote. Annie
• United States
28 Oct 08
Congrats, Annie! What a wonderful thing you're doing. Since we have early voting in Florida, I voted yesterday. Severa times during the few hours I stood in line, I saw people dropping off elderly and handicapped people, and theye were certainly volunteers for Obama, according to the stickers on their cars. How great that these people could get there! I've always worked hard for several candidates in each election, but this year I'm too busy and too ill. I can hardly wait to be well enough to do more. Since I can do it while heavily medicated to fight the pain, I do a great deal of writing for the candidates, at least. I believe every one of us must do all we can for our country and for our people. You're to be admired, certainly! Glad I am to know ye!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Thanks so much. I've been hoping to read something by someone from Florida since they've been talking an awful lot on TV about the early voting that's going on there and the long lines. I also just heard tonight that they've expanded the hours to twelve hours a day instead of eight to help lessen the long waits. I think allowing early voting is an excellent idea which I sure wish they'd allow in Pa. One thing I saw reported last week, I THINK on MSNBC by a reporter live from (again, I think) the Miami area near the University who was talking about the huge early voter turnout and about the fact there were so many volunteers who were college students and elderly people. In some cases it may have been the students wit their own grandparents! Do you think Sarah Silverman's video is working...lol? Seriously, if there's a big turnout of college students and the elderly along with a lot from those groups helping out, that could be very good news for Obama. The one thing my state of Pennsylvania has in common with your state of Florida is we have both have a large number of colleges and universities plus a large number of retirees and in my humble opinion those are two demographic groups that I can't in my wildest dreams imagine supporting McCain/Palin in very large numbers. Annie
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• United States
30 Oct 08
According to the news that ended just a few minutes ago, Obama is winning the early vote in a landslide. I don't know where they get that,because it's illegal to count any votes before the polls close November 4. I guess it's the exit polls. I do k the high school kids who are voting for the first time are overwhelming for Obama. Our school system has shocked me by bussing them to the polls during the school day, and allowing them to go with just a signed field-trip form, which means they can't be penalized for missing a class! I'm so proud of thetensity of their caring about the future and their ability to have a say in it. The slackers are gone, at least in this case.
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@fiona08 (454)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I'm envious, Annie. I have never been involved officially in a campaign. I feel like I am spread too thin right now to volunteer, being a fairly newly single parent, working and taking classes. I would love to do it in the future. You go girl! Very exciting to give this kind of support to a candidate you can really get behind.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Hon, it sounds like your plate is full enough right now! I was the same back in my younger days but now I actually have the time so I'm finally going to do it. Your time will come in the future as well if you wish. Annie
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Me too! lol I went this weekend and knocked on over 200 doors. I just love it and I will be doing it again this week and weekend.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Bravo! Keep on knocking! Annie
@Sheepie (3112)
• United States
27 Oct 08
It's great that you're helping out! Sadly I can't vote yet. But I'm glad you're very into it.
3 people like this
• United States
28 Oct 08
I have not worked directly for a campaign but this will be my third time as an election worker. It will be fun but exhausting. We have to be there at 6am & I don't expect to be home before 10pm. It will be a busy day. I voted early & many voters are doing so in our West Texas town. Good for you getting involved like this. If it doesn't turn out like we want (i.e., Obama wins) then we can at least say that we tried & did our civic duty. Have fun!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Oct 08
hi anniepa good for you and its so nice that someone is giving out rides for those who have no way to get to the polls. last election I missed because I had no way to get to the poll and as I am handicapped could not walk ten blocks across heavy traffic to get there and nobody offered a ride at all and I cou ldnt afford a cab so missed out. now I vote absentee ballot and that works great for me.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Good for you, Hatley. A lot of people aren't aware how simple it is to get an absentee ballot. It's too bad you had no way to get to vote last time. That's why I'm glad we're doing this because there are lots of people who have no way and are unable to walk. In 2004 my sister-in-law flew to Miami to help take senior citizens to the polls. I'm really looking forward to this! Annie
• United States
28 Oct 08
good job i hope that things turn out good for you and you get everyone you want to vote i am one that will be hoping and voting for obama and biden to get voted into office and i hope that the people see that our country cant take anymore red in the white house or anywere for that matter so good luck to you sir i praise you
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