What do you think of religious cults? Have you ever been a member of a cult?
By Andrew
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
United Kingdom
October 28, 2008 11:16am CST
Cults! That one word has so many negative meanings and rightly so! Many years back when I had just lost my dad I was starting to go through the grieving process! I felt sad! I felt weak and, I guess there was now something missing! Well, I didn't know a lot about cults back then, not until seeing the news stories, they came later! I was walking down my local high street one day and two chaps approached me, very smart looking, suited and booted! They asked me if I wanted to go to a prayer meeting, they also asked me whether I knew Jesus! As I was feeling extremely low, I agreed to go with them. I needed something new to happen and this seemed like the right thing to do. Anyway, I will try and cut this short. I went to the prayer meeting and the whole group of people were so nice, so gentle! I loved what I saw, regular prayers, the members being so happy and approachable! I ultimately joined up. A few months in, I had been baptized and I was starting to follow their rules! I remember one of the rules in particular. I had to date a different girl every Saturday night but there was no touching and there was no kissing or anything, they were strict on that. I don't have a religion now as such but I was a practising Roman Catholic before I joined this religious cult. I was becoming really obsessive with the group. I was being told that, everyone outside of the church was destined for Hell! I was even told that members of my family would face the bottomless pit! How nice was that! Anyway, I was being forced, brainwashed into having others join. I was told that I had to go around the streets and preach, try to get others to join! I suppose that slowly, the brainwashing technique was starting to work. Thankfully, there was a Roman Catholic priest that came to my aid at the request of a family member. I got into this debating session with the priest! Can you believe that? I was arguing with this priest, I was right and he was in the wrong! Anyway, I guess you could say that he saved me from any further damage mentally! I got out, I escaped! I didn't know anything about cults. When I left it seems as though the news programs were being inundated with stories of people being drawn into these cults. I'm glad that I got out. I'm happy that I had someone there to help me leave that environment.
So, have you had any experiences with cults? Were you ever a member? A penny for your thoughts! Andrew
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8 responses
@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I am a baptist, so I guess you can consider that a cult if you would like to. All cults have their own beliefs, and even though some may be harsher than other others (such as your no kissing , wow cruel). But anyway, I have been in churhc all my life, so yea I know what you mean about it is like brainwashign to a certian point. It is iall in your mind until you want yor heart to believe soemthing. ( kinda liek you dont like a brand of ice cream until you try them all). However, there is one good thing about a cult, they are like family, they will help you, guide you, counsel you, love you, they will be your best friend, and they will do what they can to make you happy. I would say everyone can have their own beliefs, I am not pushing God onto you, heck go believe in Budha if you want, it is all in what you believe. Cults are there just to join and be a part of something, if you want something in your life with someone else then follow your heart not others.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
28 Oct 08
Hi, that's nice that you are a baptist. No, I don't consider baptists as belonging to a cult. It's right though in that you say there was closeness and companionship, I definitely felt that. That wasn't for me though. I didn't want to mention the name of this cult as you never know, I could be offending someone by doing this. But, this was an established cult and they received a lot of negative news bulletins thereafter. Anyway, I have always tuned in now to stories like that. Andrew
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
28 Oct 08
I agree. It tends to be the older faiths that call anyone who believes something different to themselves as a 'cult'.
To the ancient Egyptians, Judaism was a cult, founded upon the beliefs of Pharoah Akenhaten (Armen Hotepk IV) who was proclaimed a heretic. John the Baptist named Simon Magus as his successor, yet Christianity denounces Simon as the first Christian heretic.
It would be a very ignorant person who did not ackowledge that the Roman Catholic church of the Middle Ages (900-1400ish) brainwashed and indoctrinated the public with lies, falsehoods and propaganda, supported by the sword - St Francis Xavier slaughtering Spanish monks who believed in living off alms not tithes, the Grand Inquisition against the Christian Knights Templar, the Albigensian Crusade against the Christian Cathars etc.
The Romany Gypsies religious beliefs predate the birth of Jesus, yet they have been persecuted across Europe.
Most religions attempt to control the lives of their followers to differing degrees, using terms such as morality and divine law.
We must all follow our hearts when it comes to religion, and perhaps now would be a good time to assign the word 'cult' to the bin, after all, we rarely talk about heathens and barbarians nowadays.
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@jaymezroolz (231)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
I haven't had any experience with cults. But based on my observations, cults are usually run by a single person or a group of person. The members share the same beliefs and ideologies and separate themselves from non-members believing the are the more supreme people or they are just the ones who will be saved when doomsday comes. Now that times are changing, the ways of the cults change too. Just like you shared, cult members are now smart looking and well-dressed. The looks may have changed but the recruitment and methodologies are still the same.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
28 Oct 08
Yes, you're right about that. I remember this one member, he was the real master as it were! It seemed as though he had so much power and influence over the flock. He always seemed so nice as well! Still, back then I think that there were a lot of people getting involved in these groups and I remember seeing all the documentaries. Anyway, I'm sure glad it's all over! Andrew
@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
28 Oct 08
A bad cult can be defined as a good cult to another though, so you can't go by that.
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@mingersgirl69 (12)
• United States
28 Oct 08
well theres different kinds of cults..the bad ones are the ones that give cults the nasty reputation.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
29 Oct 08
i am a reformed evangelical christian person and i don't think that it is a cult... and i don't think i had ever join a cult group before as i am very scared of them... i am glad that you managed to get away from the group and go back to your original belief... you have to thank God for the grace and mercy that He still show you... take care and have a nice day...
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
29 Oct 08
I guess there's a lot of knowledge out in the world now as regards cults, especially after that horrendus event in Waco Texas involving David Koresh. It sure is good not to be having things forced down my throat! That's one experience I hope I never have again. Andrew
@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
I am glad to know that you got out of it my friend. I haven't experienced or encountered any and i hope i won't. I am happy with who i am and where i am right now. Hope you stay on the right path, my friend. Good day to you!

@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
That is good, i do hope that you be happy with the path you have chosen to go now. wish all the happiness my friend. Good luck!
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
29 Oct 08
I'm sure glad I escaped that world too! I feel free and the chains have been broken! I also have chosen the path I want to go down now. I just want to work on creating my future and hopefully, I can bring some happiness into my life! I'm content, I'm grateful to be alive and I constantly give thanks to the good old universe! Andrew

@LilPixelle (828)
• United States
29 Oct 08
early on in my moms christain life she started going to this church that was pretty obsessive...women couldnt cut their hair, had to wear dresses, no make up...I'm pretty sure there were rules for the guys too. lol but mom didnt tell me a whole lot... Mom left that church a while later, and one of her friends from the church told her that their pastor had actually preached against my mom and her family too i thinks... so yeah...but Mom still wears dresses almost always (though she does occasionally wear pants) and she doesnt cut her hair, and she doesnt frequent make up, but save for cutting her hair (she really loves her hair LONG long) she does both of those...just not often, I remember when we first came to the church we are going to now, my new friends were asking me if my mom believed in the "women must wear dresses" and stuff beliefs, and I was able to say no... I thinks that counts...but we are happier where we are at now though :P
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
29 Oct 08
That sounds like an experience and a half! When I was part of this group, I really felt trapped. It felt as though your thoughts were no longer your own and you were being constantly monitored. The day I walked out was the day I gained my freedom. Some of these groups have all kinds of rules that you have to abide by otherwise you are looked upon as the black sheep! It's great that you now have the choice of saying yes or no. Andrew

@livvy252003 (178)
• United States
29 Oct 08
In my personal opinion, I think all religions are cultish in some way. Whether it be in there rules, quidelines ect...I remember when I was younger my father was a Mormon, and was baptized into that religion. Therefore it was expected I would follow as well. I remember being sat down and prepped and quizzed all about the religion and its leaders ect....You couldn't be baptized unless you knew all of this stuff!! How awful to take an impressionable young mind, and then cram it full of beliefs that are important to you as the adult....Today, I am not a part of any organized religion, although my fiance is a non practicing Catholic, we are in debate as to whether we will make that our religion when we are married.
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@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
29 Oct 08
I suppose I used to be a Catholic in the past although I wouldn't class myself as one now as I don't practise. I remember going through some of the classes whereby I had to learn the dogma as it were. Like you, today I no longer practise anything, I'm free! I do like the spiritual side of things though, i.e. meditation and deep relaxation. I really noticed the weight being lifted off my shoulders once I had left the group. Andrew
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
30 Oct 08
A cult is one that starts instituting the "Traditions of men" Or Doctrines of men rather than what the bible tells us to do. Many relgions do this to one degree or another. Some are much more intense in doing so. Especially when they don't have a genuine biblical bases on which they sell to the members of a church. Or it is based on only partial scripture.
A cult demands obedience and ex -communication if you don't conform to their rules, and traditions and they try and control your life, if you marry, when you marry, how to dress and even who to date and not date. How to wear your hair and much more. Yes we were in a cult it was called "The World Wide Church of God" began by Herbert W. Armstrong. They changed things over the years and made people divorce who had been married before. Told people NOT to use "the pill for birth control said to have surgery if you did not want more children then said it was a sin to cut of your seed. That was only a few things they did. It got worse and worse and yes they implied only the people baptized in that church were saved. We left in 1993. My husband had been raised in it. I came in at age 17. I challenged things and questioned things more. We since left another church that is becoming more and more a cult. We left it this past May.
I am tired of man made religion. I believe in God and Christ is my savior, He is my high priest and judge and my shepherd I read his word and he teaches me through the power of his Holy spirit. It gets lonely at times with just hubby and I now at least we are free of man mae doctrines and half truths.
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
30 Oct 08
All that information definitely rings a bell with my own experience. The whole thing really crushes you! That's great that you were able to leave and now you are free. I don't follow a religion as such anymore. I do however say my prayers on a regular basis and I always give thanks for everything in my life. Thanks for your thoughts. Andrew
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@jesus777 (662)
• Bermuda
28 Oct 08
i was never in a cult but i know people who are now and have been because they have twisted the bible to suit them i have been in and out of church and there are many people that have try to sway me in the wrong direction but i know who and whose i am in christ jesus i am in church by the way and to me it is not religion it is a relationship with my lord and saviour jesus!!!!
i am glad you got out of that mess though never judge a book by cover looks can be deceiving so we must be vey careful where we go and who we allow too influence us in life
chow for now
happy mylotting
@AndrewFreyne (6281)
• United Kingdom
28 Oct 08
Yes, that sounds very familiar with some of the members I got to know. But that's right, I never judge a book by its cover and I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise. Many thanks for your thoughts. Andrew