Do You Like To Read Poetry, Or Write It?

Spiritual Moment - A spiritual moment, of reverence.
@Darkwing (21583)
October 28, 2008 5:06pm CST
I love to write it. It mainly comes to me through every day experiences and thoughts; through being at one with nature, the seasons and the elements. About a year ago, I experienced something quite amazing. My close friend's passing mother came to me and gave me a message to pass on to him and his siblings. Within half an hour I had written a poem explaining her passage to the Otherworld and how she would always be here with them in spirit. I've kept that one quite private as I know it was meant really just for them, and for me, I guess. However, mid-0ctober saw the anniversary of this experience, and I sat here in thought about what had happened. I turned my hand to writing a poem about the experience and would like now to share it with those of you who appreciate poetry. It's a bit different from my usual style but I would appreciate your views on it, please? Here goes... A Spiritual Message - Life Goes On She came to me... in a magickal, silent moment, she whispered my name. I felt the coldness of the path to the otherworld, as she enveloped me, From my feet up, she encompassed the whole of my being, left a message, Then just as silently, her task done, she unwound her cold spiral cloak from me. Never in life had I met this lady, but I knew it was she... I felt her, heard her, The Goddess knew of our mutual bond and brought her to me, I'm certain, She knew I would pass the message to that special someone whom she had borne As in his hour of distress she knew he would not finally close life's curtain. Honoured, I guess is what I felt that I had been chosen by the spiritual world, Reverent was the visit, somewhat sombre but I sat silently and let her embrace me, Then listened to her words of comfort to be passed to those she was leaving, Her song of relief; her vow to return to them on the elements, constantly. I find it difficult to explain the feeling of calmness, knowing she was there. She meant me no harm and was in the company of the Lady of the West, She was perhaps allowed one final request and this was it... a message For her loved ones... I had been chosen, so I wrote down her words with zest. Sometimes, I sit in silence, wondering what life is all about... with uncertainty, Wonder what will happen when our life on this earth is done, But thanks to the bond that holds us, and through this wonderful lady, I know... life goes on. When we leave here, a new life will just have begun. I hope you can imagine the experience because it was the most reverent of moments, and one I shall never, ever forget. Have any of you experienced such visits?
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14 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Oct 08
it is very hard for me to read a big chunk of information like this without spacing, I am not quite sure what you are asking because of it, I am sorry
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
That's no problem my friend. Thank you for reading it and attempting to participate at least. It refers to a spiritual visit I had from a friend's mum on her passing to the Otherworld. I didn't know what time she had passed until some fourteen hours later, but I knew it was her. She left me a mental message to pass on to her loved ones, which I did in the form of a poem. Brightest Blessings and thank you for contributing. x
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
29 Oct 08
wow that is amazing my friend
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
Thank you... yes, I found the moment quite daunting myself. I wasn't afraid... I knew it was her, and she embraced me with her spiritual energies. I won't ever forget it.
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Oct 08
Hi Darkwing, I have been blessed to have been able to read this poem that you wrote and it helped a very dear friend of mine in their own grief, who incidently is visiting next week and I thank you for that. I believe I have been chosen in the past to pass on messages which I have done even though at the time the receprient has looked at me as if I am mad. I do what my intuition tells me and if people choose to think that so be it. I am truly thankful for the knowledge that is bestowed upon me sometimes to be able to communicate and help people, whether they choose to listen is up to them. I will share a story about a neighbours car though. I told them never to take passengers other than their own child in it, I had a real creepy feeling and I said also I and my children would never travel in it. I got a bemused look but on Good Friday this year they knocked on my door and said you were right, a lorry in front of them had hit a tree and bought a branch down onto the car destroying the passenger side and smashing the screen. They weren't hurt but a passenger would have been. Huggles Elie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
28 Oct 08
ooops sorry I pressed a paste button but this is a more indepth story of Amy written by someone else if you are interested. It is all about my daughters invisible frined. Ellie :D xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
Wow... that's an amazing story my friend. I know what you mean about feeling honoured when you're passed a message like this, and I felt that at the time, it tightened the bond between my friend and myself, when I passed him the message in poem form. My timing was perfect, just after the remembrance ceremony. Unbeknown to me, they had planted a tree in her memory at a Friary in Kent. The words in that particular poem, which is not the one here, as you know, were so apt at the time and very much appreciated by him. That's why I thought they might help your friend, and I'm so happy to learn that I was right. I hope you have a very pleasant visit from him at the weekend. Back to the car incident, I know you have the gift. I've experienced it... remember? You have a connection with the spiritual world which I'm sure has brought you, myself and a few others together. It's as though we were meant to work together, and here we are, forming a wonderful circle of like-minded people. I find that awesome! Brightest Blessings, my dear friend, and thank you for sharing your story. I know that is one of many, and believe me... I will never, ever look at you as though you are mad!!! lol. Take care. xxx
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
I just tried to access the Associated Content Article and despite trying several different ways, am unable to get to it. Is there some other reference I can try, once on site?
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
28 Oct 08
That is really quite beautiful and written very well. I have had some experiences that I have not written about. I do like to read poetry and to write it. This shows that you have a great deal of talent and you should keep writing because you have a wonderful way with words.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 Oct 08
Awwww... thank you for that, my friend. I'm sure you could do the same with your experiences if you just sat down and wrote them out. Then, you put them into place so that they read as a poem. It might prove worth the effort. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Dare I ask how your friend/s took this message that she gave you? Were they believers or doubters? Sometimes its so hard to accept that something is more than just a kind of "well meaning tease" when they are doubters.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
Oh, I would never "tease" anybody as close as him at a time like that! We're very close, and spiritually connected. He agrees this and was very touched at the words of the poem. He told me it was beautiful and that he appreciated it very much. I replied to him not to thank me, but his mother, for they were here words which I had just written down on paper. I learned, only the weekend before last, that they planted a tree to her memory, and the poem has to do with her being spiritually present amongst nature and the elements. Is that coincidence, do you think? He had journied to Kent on the weekend to plant some bulbs beneath her tree. I'm hoping he will take me there next spring, so I can print and frame the poem and lay it beneath the tree as her passing message to her loved ones. He and I trust in each other and believe that we are perhaps soulmates from another time on this earth. We have a lot in common, and seem to drift back to the same times as each other. Oh yes... we both believe alright, my friend. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I'm glad your friend could take the deep meaning of the message from his mother. I would probably be more sceptical, but then again, I don't think my mother would return....
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
He had apparently sat by her bedside all night, and I guess was too distressed to hear her parting words. I'd never met her in life, but somehow, she must have spiritually sensed the connection, or was led here by some higher power. I know a lot of people might be sceptical about that, even to the point that they might think me crazy, but he has knowledge also of the spiritual world and was able to understand.
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• United States
29 Oct 08
Honestly, I like to write poetry better because reading others work is just words to me. Now if its explained in a way that the picture is being painted then I can grasp the meaning, but if its a picture and they are trying to show me things I often get lost and stop looking.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
Well yes, it's important to paint a picture with your words. I don't normally write in this style... I go more for rhythmic rhyme as a rule, but for some reason, I chose to do this differently. I guess for me, I know what it means, but if the reader can't see what it means then I haven't portrayed it very well. I love to write, as you do, but I also like to read poetry that others have written. Won't you share some of yours with us? Brightest Blessings and thank you for your comments.
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29 Oct 08
Hi Darkwing, Ohh!! that was so beautiful, I loved it and I hope it gived comfort to your friend and yes I have had experience something like that and yes I have written a peom but it is a short peom. Thank you for sharing this wonderful poetry with us. Bright Blessings. Tamara
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
That wasn't the one I gave to my friend, but one I wrote recently on reflection of that night, because a year had passed on 17th October. I posted it in my 360 page for him to read but I had already roughly told him what had happened when I presented him with the "Message" poem. I keep that one fairly private, as I feel it's very personal to him, his mother and I. On a couple of occasions when I've felt it will benefit somebody, I've shown it to others, but I know he would understand in the circumstances. I'd love to read your poem if you've a mind to shar, my friend. Brightest Blessings.
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Oct 08
Oh wow!!! Why don't you put them on a website... perhaps even self-publish? I would love to take a look at them. Thank you for the offer of sending the previously mentioned one on PM. I look forward to receiving it.
30 Oct 08
Hi Darkwing, I will pm you the peom as soon as I can dig it out from my peom files upstairs,and I also have lots of pagan poems as well. Bright Blessings. Tamara
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• Canada
29 Oct 08
I read poetry when the mood strikes me to read it, and I have to be a special kind of inspired in order to write poetry.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
We all have different preferences as to what we read and indeed, write, my friend. It would be a sorry world if we all liked the same thing. I'm happy that you decided to come in and read my discussion and pass your comment though. Thank you for that. Brightest Blessings.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Ohhhhhhhhh How lovely and yup I can feel what you did but not really cold. I hope her words helped your friend. I can just picture you setting there letting it all happen. ANd the only way I can say is I feel the passed souls is by smell. as I can still smell my fatehr in law as he sets beside me when I am driving for he has set there over a million miles in life! With hubby I seem to hear him walking around the huse
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Oct 08
YOu will soon find out who is cooking just remeber what aaa person cooked at that time I would think and yup I would have to check too lol. I guess I do but dont really know how to use it !
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I guess I do and dont know it lol. yup I do beleive she feels that in me . I just know I feel very close to both of you in a spirtuial way adn to me thats weird for I dont feel that with people that I have met in person.
@Darkwing (21583)
29 Oct 08
I felt warm afterwards. It was strange... the door to the room was closed, all the windows were closed and the heating was on, yet I felt what I can only describe as a gentle, icy draught, which moved across the room from where the door is, to my feet, and spiralled it's way up my body until it completely enveloped me. I just sat quietly, listened and let it happen. My mind wasn't here and now; it had drifted to another astral plane... I felt vacant but was aware of what was happening. A bit like the little mite in the churchyard, I guess. Then, a few minutes later, it reversed and left, and I was warm again. I do have something else here which I know by smell. I'm not quite sure who or what yet, but they smell of food. I know nobody is cooking in the middle of the night but I've even gone so far as to check out my kitchen from time to time. lol. It doesn't harm me, so I just let it visit whenever it feels that way. Brightest Blessings my friend. You have the "sight" too... that's obvious to me from when you told me about little Chey as a baby. xx
@adiga000 (102)
• Israel
29 Oct 08
i like reading and sometimes trying to write.. but no talet.. sry
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Oct 08
I think you might surprise yourself if you persist. I didn't think my work was anything special until I joined Mylot. Several of my friends remarked on my use of words, and one encouraged me to start a website with my poems and other writing. It surprised me the number of positive comments I received. So, don't keep your talent hidden... share it, and I think you'll find that you're being hard on yourself. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
I love poetry a lot. I can express my deepest feelings and emotion. It creates a beautiful harmony between body and soul.
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Oct 08
Beautiful words, and so true, my friend. Would you like to share one of your poems here? You'd be most welcome. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@23uday (2997)
• India
29 Oct 08
HI FRIENDS I just love poetry.I love reading others works and i also do write poetry.I just express my feelings on my paper. Feelings and emotions matter more in writing poetry.When i sit down to write,i just feel that i am in a new world and i just love to be in that world. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Oct 08
Yes, me too. You kind of drift off to dream and the words come into your head. That's my experience, anyway. Good luck with your writing. Thank you for your contribution and Brightest Blessings, my friend.
• United States
29 Oct 08
on man i love this one me i do both but i like to write it more than any thing i love poetry because you can put your heart and soul into it and there is nothing better than that i really do think its the bst from of writting on the planet it just makes you want to make a poem of your own i have my poems on i have like 7 or 8 on there not that many but its some of my work thank you very much i was hopping that someone would say something about poetry
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@Darkwing (21583)
30 Oct 08
What is your pen name on, my friend. I would like to read your poems on there. I understand why you love writing it so much... you can combine reality with dreams and imagination and as you say, put your heart and soul into it. I love to write, and have a website with several of my poems on it if you'd like to pop in and read a few. They can be found on Enjoy, if you decide to visit. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution, my friend.
@losouler (113)
• Hungary
28 Nov 08
I have a deep faith in (let's say) "otherworld" as well. And like writing too. I write poems and this is amazing to see how smoothly a poem is coming out from my mind. As if it were writing itself. The process is so nice!! All my sadness and frustration (if there is any at the moment) is gone, and I get so excited. It gives me a hint, how creative a human being could be, and I can see how interesting the way pure creativity is working inside us.
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@Darkwing (21583)
29 Nov 08
Oooops, you seem to have posted this twice my friend, so I'll just respond to the one. I think we can both relate to our lives and live our dreams on paper, in poetry. Indeed it surprised me to be told how creative I was with words. It's a nice feeling. Brightest Blessings and thank you for your contribution.
@losouler (113)
• Hungary
28 Nov 08
I have a deep faith in (let's say) "Otherword" as well, and like writing too. Actually I like writing poems. Very interesting and calming could it be. Feel like frustration going away, and sadness too. Sometimes the poem looks like writing itself. I mean it is coming so smoothly, as if it was not my "product". I like the process and gives me a hint how human creaticity is working.
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