My Baby's Blog, seen by the world.

October 29, 2008 12:11am CST
I am a soon-to-be-Mommy. Yes, I am broadcasting that to the world. Even if others have mocked me and have called me immoral over and over. I will never hide my baby, he is mine and I'm his mother. My friends who know about my story understands me, but others who don't, oh well, I don't expect them to. I was married 5 years ago and got separated 4 years ago. So this isn't my ex-hubby's baby and I know I should be ashame of that. I am a single Mom, the baby's dad abandoned us. When my relatives and friends knew about it, they've abandoned me and my baby too. Something inside me is telling me not to broadcast my baby's life for the world to see. I know I should protect him from all the judgmental people out there. But I kept on thinking why should I hide him? Why should I act like I'm not a proud Mommy? Why should I deprive him of the real world? So I published his very own blog. It's title is "My Little Nicholas" and the site's URL is Tell me, am I a bad mother for doing this?
8 people like this
19 responses
• United States
29 Oct 08
no ma'am i will not tell u , you re a bad mother. i think u are gingto be a wonderful mother. i think nico's father is a jerk for doing that but if he is that kind of person yu don't need him anyway,.i have been where you are & know what you are going through but it will all work out & the people that are standing by u now family or friends are the ones u need to be with. the rest of them can go to the devil & probably will.take care of yourself & little nico.
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• Philippines
30 Oct 08
He's more than just a jerk, I think Mr. Webster hasn't coined a word for him yet. But well, it's his loss, he'll be missing his baby. Thanks dear for being sweet to me and for "protecting" me against those who are messing up with me. You take care too ok? Little Nico's excited for his Bobo...
1 person likes this
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
That's so sweet of you dear, my little angel's so lucky... No I don't mind you asking at all. We live miles apart though. I am in Philippines, in Cagayan de Oro City to be specific... Wish little Nico will see his bobo someday...
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Oct 08
u tell nico his bobo can't wait till he gets here. do u mind me asking u where u live? if u don't want to say that's fine. i live in tennessee.
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
hi maple_kisses, you have such a nice blog.Can you help me make a nice site like that.It's so colorful and beautiful. It really is a good site to see. And what's wrong with being a single Mom? You are doing great. You are right not to deprive you son with real world. And I guess when He gets a bit older and understand all the things in you sites, He would be very proud of you. Keep it up.Hope to help me do such a beautiful site...thanks
1 person likes this
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
I bookmarked your site. I haven't read all the pages yet. It is really so nice. I am still in the process of making blog. I do have one but you know it doesn't look good that much.An I am in the process of discovering things. Can you PM me you YM or email add., we lived in the same country, only that I'm from the province, just a bit closer to your site. If you won't mind to share some knowledge? thanks and hope to hear from you real soon...
1 person likes this
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
Hi Gracey, thanks for bookmarking my site, I paid your site a visit too and you have great posts! Keep writing! I sent you a PM already, really hope we can correspond through YM... See ya!
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
That is one very nice cand creative way to blog your journey to the net. Well I hope it will also start you earning some money over there. I would like to commend your site as a good site and I do not see anything immoral about it as you are just writing something about your pregnancy what is there that is immoral.
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Well its the journey of being a mother having a baby and nothing to do with you being out of wedlock. Just do what you want to do its about the love and care of your baby that you wanted to show the world and its okay.
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Hi rsa101, thanks for the visit and the response. Monetizing the blog, yeah, I could be going there too, it isn't my priority though, I just wanted an online diary for my angel. His mommy's just so into technology nowadays, hehehe. Well, some people find it immoral though to showcase a baby out of wedlock... but I'm proud of my baby and these people can't stop me. Have a great day...
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
30 Oct 08
You are aproud mommy and that is a good thing. Dont ever let anyone tell you to be ashamed. You have created a life and he will grow up to be a wonderful person with a mother like you. He was meant to be or he wouldnt be here. he might grow up and be leader of a country or something. who knows. But be proud of him and you for bringing him life. Congrats to you!! wonderful blog
1 person likes this
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Hi mssnow, that's really nice of you to say my baby will grow up to be a wonderful person... That's a wonderful insight too, saying "he is meant to be"... I am proud of my baby and I'll always be no matter what. Thanks for visiting my blog too. Keep posting!
@misshoney (973)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
hello maple_kisses :-) wow congratulations on the new baby, it is great to have a blessing like that. you are asking if you are a bad mother? well my answer is of course not! in fact i think you will be an excellent mother and your boy will be a happy baby. i admire you for your strength because even if having this baby was not easy for yoi and your family abandoned you, you still chose to let the baby live. there is no reason for you to be ashamed of your baby, you should be a proud mommy!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Thanks misshoney :) For telling me I'll be an excellent Mom and that my baby will be very happy. I admit the situation's hard but all for my baby, I'm willing to give even my life... I love him so much. Thanks for dropping by.. Take care.
30 Oct 08
I don't think you are a bad mom. Being a mom is great. Every child is a precious gift from God. Maybe raising a kid is hard for you, but you should cheer up, you will get through it, your kid will give you courage and strength.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Hi lovecindyhe, it will be hard, especially that I'll be alone in this but I'm positive I'll get through it and even looking forward to it. Thanks for the response. See ya around...
@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
30 Oct 08
The most important thing for you now is your baby. It is so important for you to make sure he has the best care. Hopefully there is one person in your family that will stick by you. You will need support for him. He will need a male father figure in his life. but, please, don't go through a series of boy friends looking for one. this will not do your baby any good. He will just feel abandonment when each one takes off. A grandfatherly figure would be good. do you have an uncle or someone that would agree to take on this role? Even a god father would be helpful, so long as you were not intimate with him.Perhaps social services or counseling of some sort could help you find the best way to raise your little boy. I will not judge you. You have made this decision and it is important now to love that little guy and make him the center of your life. Do not judge yourself, either! Love yourself for wanting to bring this baby into the world.
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Hi getnbuy, great response! My focus of course is my baby's wellness, that should be every mother's focus, right? I'm not really sure about finding a father figure for him though as I have no plans of adding a complication in my life. I guess I'll just have to rely on male friends though I don't have much right now. My Papa is out of the question too... I love my baby and he's the center of my world. Thanks for the response... God bless you always.
• Canada
30 Oct 08
you're not a bad mother at all.
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Thanks for droppin' by danishcanadian...
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
30 Oct 08
your blog is really nice. Its good that you are happy about having a baby and not hiding it from the world. Its a very wonderful miracle and there is always a reason why things happen. Thats sad that your family doesn't want to have anything to do with you. I think this is the time when you need them the most. Don't get down about them. Hang on to the ones that treat you well and are still there for you. There are many single mothers out there who have done it so I know you can to. Keep your head up. Congratulations and good luck. I hope everything turns out well for you.
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
Thanks for appreciating the blog mflower... I will never hide my little angel, he completes my life, I'm so proud of him. He's a miracle in my life alright. I'm just thankful that Mama has been calling again asking about me, it's just sad that they're so far away... Thanks for the beautiful words and you take care too.
• United States
29 Oct 08
Keep your head up, everything will be fine. Be proud of your son. I had a similar situation. I was never married though. My son father abandoned us and he never looked back. My little man is almost 7 years old now and I have no regrets. He's the best thing that ever happened to me, as your son is to you. Your doing the right thing. Don't hide him show him off with pride
1 person likes this
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
Wow, it's great to find accomplished single Mom here. I admire your strength in rearing your child alone, now if only I can do that too... Well, I'm starting it off by showing off my Little Nicholas with great pride! Thanks for dropping by!
• Malaysia
29 Oct 08
Being a single mom is not wrong!! STOP thinking like that. I think that there's nothing wrong with it. It's your choice, you are a strong woman to do that. :) Well, who cares what people think, as long as you think it's the right thing to do? Would they rather you kill an innocent life? Have they actually thought about it? have they thought about what you want? For me, it's always up to you. Never regret things. As long as you thought about it and you're happy with the choice you make, you will not regret it. Because every decision has a concequence. As long as you're able to handle it, what is the issue? As for me.. OMg.. I like your idea for your blog, you talk about how it is going through pregnancy.. which I think I'll do that the next time and also read through your blog and the other blogs that advice you and helps you get through your pregnancy.. It's a great experience but a real scary one as well.. And it's not like there's so many people you can vent to about your feelings, and the best things to do when you want to vent is to write it down. :) So for me, I like your blog, I think it's a really nice thing to do for pregnant moms, soon to be pregnant moms, and a really nice dairy for your child to read when grows up as well. :) I don't think you're a bad mother, I think you're a really smart one, and also really proud to be pregnant and ready to share everything with your child. I wish you all the best! Take care!!
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
30 Oct 08
You should be proud of your baby and you shouldn't be ashamed of that! Any parent should not be ashamed to tell the world that they love their child. I am sure your little Nicholas would enjoy the blog once he gets to understand it even more so keep it up, May.
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Hi Anne dear, thanks for the kind response. I'm proud of my little Nicholas and I'm ready to take the world on. I just hope you'll be right, that my baby will get to enjoy the blog soon... Take care dear...
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
hi maple_kisses you are not a bad mother you are just proud. why hide your baby. he's a blessing. whatever happened you should be proud. take care and just always pray.
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Hi red_amethyst, thanks for that, I am really proud that I'll become a mother soon. And yes, my little angel is a blessing and a source of my strength nowadays... You take care too... God bless!
@hildas (3031)
29 Oct 08
No, I do not think you are a bad mother for doing this. It is what you think that matters. Will your baby appreciate it when he is grown up, when he is an adult? I hope he does. It would be nice if I could look back to my childhood on the everday things I done. I will check out your blog.
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
Hi hildas, thanks for the kind words and for checking my blog. I was thinking of that too that my Little Nicholas might find it good to read about his life when he grows up. I do hope he'll be proud of me too as much as I am proud of him.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
30 Oct 08
without even reading yer babys blog.. i can say i think yer a good mommy for not falling prey to societal bullsh|t and being ashamed of yer own child. be proud of him.. love him.. and the rest of the judgementals can go to hell where they belong. congrats on yer baby.. and good luck to you both
@JPeralta (44)
• United States
30 Oct 08
Why should you be ashamed? you haven't been married for 4 yrs. quite frankly, the people that abandoned you because of this, shouldnt even have been there in the first place. I understand some of these people might be family members, but this is crazy, they left you when you needed them the most. Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to stay mad at them. If they call or wanna talk, talk to them they are family and you can't either entirely stay away from them or not talk to them. In other words they should not be mad at you and you cant stay mad at them forever. But that dose not mean they can put you down for having a baby. we are in the 21st century and you are not the first single mother. you take care of your self and that baby... ;)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I must say that you are a great mom. My oldest daughter's father left when I would not get an abortion. I do not hide the fact that she is not my husbands. I am sorry to hear that your family has left you as well. It is a sad thing. This does not make you a bad mother as long as you take care of him emotionaly and financially. It will not be easy but it is better to give him a life. How is it bad by telling your and your babies story? I think it is brave and can help those who are in the same spot. It is good to let out your feelings. I do not hide anything from my daughter. She knows that my husband is not her real father and that her father left us. She has a hard time understanding this but why hide it? What are you going to do? Let it build up so when he finds out as a teenager he is resentful not only to his father but to you as well. You are doing a great job so far. If you want to add me as a friend. I will help you out with advice (I have 3 now) or if you need to talk I am here and understand what and why you are doing this. Good luck.
• United States
4 Nov 08
The site is lovely. Don't be ashamed. I think you'll be an excellent mom. You obviously love your son very much. Congrats by the way!
@arahat (19)
• India
27 Nov 09
Definitely, you need not be ashamed of your child rather be proud of it. You must be proud to be a to-be-mommy. Motherhood is a blessing and those who consider it a curse are fools. It is great to find brave women like you on the planet. Anyways, I believe that a man or woman must not look back but look ahead. And at present your responsibility is to take care of sweet nicholas which I am more than sure you will. Take care and be happy. Keep writing more.