Widowed VS. divorced/seperated/single
By Dday50627
@Dday50627 (359)
United States
October 29, 2008 9:16am CST
Yep, it's me again. About those surveys we all fill out daily with Zeal and the dream of being rich one day... WTH! When filling out the "for classification only" part, there are several questions that Pi-ss me off and I have discussed them previously. One that does that I have not mentioned is the one that asked your marital status.
When did being widowed, losing a loved one that left you with an entirely changed life in soooooooo many ways, become the same as being divorced or seperated????? Certainly with all due respect, both are terribly devistating and also change your life in many ways I am sure. But they do not in any way paralell the feelings or pain or sorrow or lonliness that comes with losing a spouse or significant other. If i am widowed, which i am, then dont classify me as divorced or seperated! I didnt divorce My Love and I am certainly NOT seperated from her. Not in my mind nor in my heart. Just wondered if anyone else felt this way... Darrel
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7 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
30 Oct 08
If i am widowed, which i am, then dont classify me as divorced or seperated! I didnt divorce My Love and I am certainly NOT seperated from her
I would just put in Married since you ARE still married....but i agree that questions like that are not set up for everyone..I have issues with the whole race question...usually the options are
or something along those lines....Now I'm mixed race (Polish and West indian) so I'm PART Caucasian....I am NOT Afro American since I'm NOT american but I AM half black....Never have I seen the option of "mixed race" or "biracial" or anything of the sort so I always end up choosing "other" which is a little insulting (or it would be if I was sensitive like that LOL) because it gives the feel of "other" being "less than"...
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@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
30 Oct 08
you are so very right! this topic has spanned so many places because truly, we are a people of every race andreligion. We are mothers and athers and sisters and brothers and we are single, married, divorced, widowed, lovers, friends. A very diversified culture no matter where you are from. Do "pure-breds" even exist any more? {smiles a little} I think there really should be a "biracial" there as there are many that truly are today.
Thank you so much for your responce and for taking the time to read this. I really do appreciate it.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
30 Oct 08
Hi Darrel,
`I am so sorry for your loss. I do know how you feel. At least the part of being widowed. I lost my second husband to a Parkinson-like illness in 2002. He was ill for 5 years. These surveys or applications or whatever forms we might be filling out are so insensitive!! Whoever created forms of any kind have never experienced this kind of loss. There are so many different kinds of emotions wrapped up in losing a loved one. I say I can relate to your pain but in reality, your pain is unique only to you and mine is unique to me. I lived my pain every moment of my husbands life from the day he was diagnosed. His pain and suffering were unbearable for me to watch. His passing was such a blessing because it meant his suffering was over.
I wish I knew what I could say to help you with your pain. My heart breaks for you. I can't remember now , but the phone calls I would get afterwards were unbelievably insensitive. I don't remember what they were about but the people were aware of my recent loss but had no sympathy what so ever.
Please, if you have a need to talk about it, I'm here. Sometimes strangers can be the best listeners. Youwill be in my prayers.
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@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
30 Oct 08
Leenie, thank you for your words of kindness. I am sorry also for your loss. I think we both share thoughts and memories that only one who has lost a loved one this way can have. Sheila was ill for 23 of the 24 years we were together and we spent almost 1/3 of our life together in hospital rooms. We opened Christmas gifts and birthday gifts as well as our anniversary gifts in hospital rooms. Our life was unlike most peoples but it also created a deep beautiful Love unlike most others. I have written so many blogs and articles elsewhere of our time together.
I could go on and on but I wont bore you here. Thank you for reading this and yes, the survey people could do with a tinyyyyyyy bit of compassion. Hugs to you, Always, Darrel
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
30 Oct 08
Please feel free to tell me your story if it doesn't hurt too much. I really would like to know. I can't imagine your poor wife being ill for all those years. How did you manage to stay sane and in love? You seem to have a very special story and I would love to hear it. Hugs to you.
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
30 Oct 08
I fill out lots of surveys online in hopes of getting a few bonus bucks to play with. I also get a little frustrated with the martial status form. I usually have to put single. I was never married, divorced, widowed, seperated, or living with anyone. However I have had the same partner for over 12 years. Once my partner was in an accident and the hospital wouldn't tell me anything because I was not family. WHAT?! One time when I had to get surgery, we had to get papers written up giving him power to consent to stuff on my behalf because he isn't considered family. Though we don't have a traditional family, it works for us and we are happy. But I am not really single. So I get a little upset because it seems to belittle my family structure because ours is not there. Family is how a person looks at their relationships, not blood or paperwork can make it any less real. I know if I was to loss my partner I would FEEL like I lost my other half. I would hate to put in single if he was gone because I would not feel that way then either.
They shouldn't group those together because they are different experiences totally and don't give you a full picture of the person or their family structure.
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@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
30 Oct 08
Vicki... the paperwork concerning medical is crazy and frightening. After 25 years of hospitals and doctors and legal papers, Sheila and I had powers of attorney papers drawn up and "durable medical power of attorney drawn up as we were tired of the questions tossed at us every time she was admitted. IT seems the only way and it sounds as if that is what you and your partner did.
Again, there are just better ways to ask or perhaps reasons to delete the questions from the surveys. It probably isnt going to happen though. Thank you for reading and writing. It encourages me to write some more though. I appreciate your writing so much. Always, Darrel
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Oct 08
they are annoying.. i always am amused by the ones that have single, married, living as married..
um if your not married.. your single.. at least to me.. i mean yeah there is a difference if you are like in person with the person but as far as a stupid survey i wouldnt think it would matter.. but agh i dunno.. they should take that and the race questions off
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@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
30 Oct 08
Thank you for this. You are alwaysssssss so good to read my stuff, even the stupid stuff i can come up with. Yes, they should remove some of the in general personals but they arent going to so away we go................. hugss, Darrel
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@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I hate that question as well but for a different reason. They put single and never married together. Its bad enough that i am single, but do you have to throw in the never married part as well??
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@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
31 Oct 08
as I mentioned earlier, there are so many reason why the beginning questions either offend or irritate people filling out the surveys. The reality of it all is this... I make very good money filling out the surveys and therefore, as much as thy DO disturb me, I will likely continue to fill them out, crammed together questions and all. thank you for reading and responding to this. Darrel
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
30 Oct 08
You are correct in what you just said. There certainly is a big difference between being divorced, and separated, they are choices, being widowed is not a choice and should not be put in the same category.
I am sure when a question is posed like that, a person can and probably will lose interest in finishing the questionaire.
I do not think a lot of society have the sensitivity when it comes to the loss of another's significant other, because it is such a delicate issue.
Take care, and God bless
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@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I thank youfor reading this and I agree with you 100%. People that write out the questinaires have no clue what the person on the other end might be dealing with. But I guess it is a business isnt it? No room for compassion there. Thank you for writing and your words are wonderful. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond. Darrel
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 08
I am genuinely surprised that no one has protested at all about the innumerable forms, questionnaires, information-required notices etc that an average person has to fill which require information nobody really pays any attention to. Application forms require details that are so often redundant. Marital status is also asked for with irksome regularity. What would happen if someone filled in marital status with "living in sin" Nothing I'm sure. Nobody would find anything amiss simply because these forms are only given a cursory look and then filed in strong steel cabinets, forgotten, never to see the light again.
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@Dday50627 (359)
• United States
30 Oct 08
Zandi... thank you for reading this and your responce brought a smile to my face. Thank you also for that. There are sooooooo many ways I would like to fill sme of the questions in just to see where they would take me but...... lol, I dont want to be excluded from future surveys for saying I was a black/hispanic, shacker aged 2 to 4 years old. lol shame on me!!!!! Maybe one day... Thank you again for reading... Always, Darrel