
@mojcica (1511)
October 30, 2008 8:40am CST
I've seen many times that wives were angry at the misstress even more then their partner who cheated them. Many people also look down on mistresses as they break up families. But i dont see it that way. I think that the men is to blame, since he is the one with the family and he is having the affair, the other woman is just an object, if it wasnt her it would be someone else. What do you think about such situations, who is more to blame? Is it really misstresses duty to think about someones elses family? I dont think so. (I have taken the example when a man cheated, but it could be other way around.)
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22 responses
• United States
30 Oct 08
I think each situation needs to be evaluated before making a decision on who is really to blame. From my own experience, I put blame on both parties involved since it was my boyfriend AND my so-called best friend. Even though I was mad at both of them for deceiving me in such a way, I was able to forgive my boyfriend quicker than my friend. She was supposed to be the one that I could run to when and if my boyfriend did something like that. I was extremely hurt by the situation that I was dealt.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
30 Oct 08
Yes this was a different situation, they both cheated on you....on different levels. And that's just wrong. I do understand what you mean by it would be easier to forgive him then the best friend. I would never even looked at her anymore. This just hits the bottom.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Having been in this situation with my ex-b/f I can give a little insight. My ex cheated on me for about 6-7 years...with ALL MY FEMALE FRIENDS. Yup, after we split up I had women I'd known for years, long before he and I were a couple, come up and say "I thought you knew" or "It was just a couple times" or (my favorite) "It was an accident". Needless to say, he got kicked to the curb right along with the friends...afterall with friends like those who needs enemies. I do blame both. The man should know that if he's in a relationship then he has no business with anyone else...even if she stripped naked and offered herself up on a dinner plate. And the woman should know that if he's with someone else, she's nothing but a piece of meat and she should have more respect for herself then to be that. I've always believed that if your unhappy enough to cheat then your not happy with your partner. Several years ago, Hubby met a woman online and announced that he wanted to leave me to be with her. I went to Walmart, bought him a travel kit and told him good luck. Needless to say, we worked it out and things are great again. I figured if he wasn't happy, he needed to go where he would be happy. We got married 2 years ago and things are a whole lot better between us. [b]~~IN SEARCH OF PEACE WITHIN~~ **AGAINST THE STORMS, I WILL STAND STRONG** [/b]
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Getting rid of the ex and all my friends was hard but worth it. I really did get a "fresh start". Hubby and I worked out our problems b/c we found out that the woman he left me for was actually his ex-wife! She and his son, who was in college, set the whole thing I decided he was just as suckered in as I was. We talked about it and he realized where he really wanted to be and with whom. Since then the ex-wife and his son are no longer in his life. [b]~~MY OWN PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF**[/b]
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
that is terrible for a person to cheat with his/her partner specially with his partner's friends. that is such a very big insult to the pride. it is the most painful thing that we can experience in a relationship.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
It is different when your partner is cheatting with your friends. This is just despicable. In such situation you always get cheated twice...first by your partner and second by your friend. In this case I'd also blame both. But in a case when woman has nothing to do with the wife, doesnt even know her, then I blame entirely the husband. As you said, even when offered on a dinner plate he should say no, I am in a relationship. Its good that you discussed that with your husband, i do think not so many people would sleep around if we actually talk to eachother more, and listen to what we need and want. Thank you for thoughts.
@kedves (728)
30 Oct 08
i guess its easy to blame the mistress because if you blame the husband then it means there is something wrong with your marriage and it may be your fault .. so to separate ourselves from blame we tend to blame the furthest one away form the situation and that is the mistress... or the man if its a woman cheating.. but maybe the mistress did not know at the begininning she was helping a cheat so you can't blame her completely.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
30 Oct 08
That is a possibility, I agree it is easier to cope if you hate someone and it is easier to hate someone who is not 'yours'. But I see people who were never the victoms having such an oppinion about the other woman. Like, the men are just weak and women should know better
@kedves (728)
30 Oct 08
well sometimes we are both weak but that is never excusable ;)
@taripres (1499)
• United States
30 Oct 08
What people don't realize is that, many times the other peson doesn't know what's going on until the situation has caught up to the cheating mate! So the other person is caught in the middle in a potentially dangerous situation! So, now it's escalated into an emotionally charged moment and the other person is basically a sitting duck for a violent retaliation! Unfortunately, when ur upset, the rationale is all gone so ur thinking, home wrecker and I'm going to get everyone involved, but when u sit back, ur wondering why did u get upset at the other person, they're just there! I feel the same way, I never got or will get upset at the other person (if I'm in the situation again). Like u say, they're just a pawn, while the cheating mate is the culprit! Handle your business with the mate and let the other person do what they're going to do! Now, if the other person attacks u, that's a different story, but then they may not know what's going on either! Taripre$
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
Cheating is sort of a personality flaw, so if a cheater wont get this person, he/she will get another.
@taripres (1499)
• United States
1 Nov 08
I can agree with that! Then again, a cheater may try to get as many as he can, while trying to maintain what he/she has at home! That's just scandalous and disgusting! Taripre$
• India
31 Oct 08
its not only men cheating others women is also indulged in this act.she is a women,she has to act accordingly.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
But the woman can not cheat on someone elses wife ;)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Initially, the cheating partner should be to blame. However, there is always 2 sides to every story. Let us not point the blame but instead isolate the problem. Why cheat in the first place? Not happy at home? Needs not being met? If the mistress just found out about the other woman, then it is up to morals to set things right. Don't do on to others what you would not like done to you. Because what goes around comes right back around! Some people enjoy the thrill and enjoy the risk factor. But it is a shallow act not to think of the consequences to the emotions of the uninvolved party. Victims do not ask to get hurt. It is not the duty of any one to think of some one else's feelings or to sympathize with their situation. For you are who you are - free to do what you do but, it is every ones duty to be righteous.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
I agree 'morality' is something that is questionable with the "third party"...but thats it, it is the only thing, as they cant cheat someone elses partner really. Situations might be different as far as the third party goes, but a husband or a wife knows from the start they are married and what they are doing is wrong.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
30 Oct 08
I think that everybody has a bit of a blame. If a partner cheated than there is something wrong in the marriage. So I think both of them have some kind of fault. The third party is at fault for intruding into a couple's life. © ronaldinu 2008
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
I thing that people use this as an excuse to cheat...if something is wrong in the family it should be discussed and solved. Its easy to cheat and enjoy this, for it gives the feeling of freedome, escape...and it sutis perfectly to use this..something is wrong between partners. The best excuse..I didnt get it at home so went to search somewhere else...excuses, excuses, ...
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
30 Oct 08
First of all, it takes two to cheat. It doesn't matter who you blame, cheating is cheating. If somebody decides not to blame their partner that's up to them but a cheat is still a cheat.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
30 Oct 08
True. But who does the other woman cheat? His wife? Its not her's wife. is family? Its not hers. So who does she cheat? Im not saying I think its ok to cheat, Im just saying, that its not the other womans duty to take care of his family. He should be the one to know better.
@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I see this is a responsbility of all parties. The mistress, the husband and the wife too. A happy husband will not wander away. However, I also see another side to this. There are those that are happily married but just need the excitement for a mistress. Those I see the fault of the person commiting the act and not the wife's or husband's fault. A mistress may not know what is happening, she may think she is the only woman for this man too. We just don't know anymore. many claim to be working late hours and business traveling events that can give them the opps to cheat.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
A happy husband will not wander away...well an unhappy one should discuss this with his wife and not wander away, shouldnt he? I always belived that if you cant be with only one good or bad, then you shouldnt get married. Stay single and you can sleep around as much as you want. you just cant sit on two chairs at once and blame the third parti if you fall. Thx for your oppinion.
• United States
31 Oct 08
i think it depends on whether or not the mistress knows about the wife or not. if she knows about the wife and she stills has an affair with the husband then she is wrong and she is disrespecting another woman. how would she like it if somone slept with her man? but on the other hand if she didnt know then she doesnt deserve to hear anything from the wife becuase the husband is the one running around like he is single.
@SaintAnne (5453)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I think every situation calls for varying modes of the blame game. If the mistress knows firsthand about the man's marital status, then SHE and the MAN are both to blame. If she didn't know at all, then she was also a victim in this cheating game. I also do not understand this phenomenon. Most people who have been cheated on always blame the "third person". They seduced my partner, they tempted them and so on... I think they're still in a denial state where you just have to slap them and tell them that it takes two to tango (pardon the cliché). Sometimes, marriages that aren't working drive others to cheating. I think the "cheater" owes it to his/her partner to let them know and try to work at it, instead of just sneaking around their partners' backs and when caught, they would blame the other person in the marriage for driving them to cheat. I mean, way to pass around the blame, dude/woman!
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
You said it well..aboutc supposably being driven to cheat..yeah right. Like we dont have the option to say no and work on the marriage or end it first. Thx for your thoughts.
• Pakistan
31 Oct 08
The husband must give love and time to his children and wife because they need it OR Made every night "HONEYMOON"
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
Life unfortunaly isnt a fairytale, but if you commit to someone I belive you should respect that and as such you should not cheat.
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
31 Oct 08
No, I think you think that the men are to blame. You forget that when a man cheats there is an equally guilty woman for each, except in the few cases when they are gay and cheat with another man. There is a double standard in cheating, the men are usually protrayed and pigs while the women as unfulfilled. When the women cheat it is the man who is blamed because he did not satify his wife, abused her or otherwise exhibited negative behaviour that forced her to turn for solace in another man. So in each affair there is one man and one woman who are equally to blame. For some reason women seem to think married men more attractive and they should know better, maybe it is a competitive thing.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
No I didnt say that. I think that no matter who the cheater is, is it a husband or a wife, a cheater is a cheater. I just used men as an example, because it is easier to explain then writting he/she all the time. And I used men because Im a woman. If a man started this topic, he would use a woman as an example. I did write at the end it can go both ways and that a man is just an example ;) What I said is that when cheatting the third person is the least to blame.
@theangel (61)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
Both. But men who cheated are really are to blame. Yes, you are right they are the ones who have the family, and he must be the very first person to consider that. Mistresses or shall i say "the other party" are just victims to this situations, because they fell inlove with the wrong guy. We all know that when we are inlove, it's hard to ignore the ones we love.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
31 Oct 08
"the third party" is just there...if it wasnt for this one then there would be someone else, but there would always be a "third person". Thx for your post.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Well in most cases the cheating party should take either all or at least half the blame. I don't see a reason in blaming the second person unless you can prove for sure they new they were messing around with a married person. Many women have no idea that their bf/lover is married. (they are pretty good about lying about such things.) I'll give a for instance, a really good friend of mine met a guy, he told her he was divorced, she believed him because he gave her no reason not to. They dated, a yr later moved in together and soon after had a child together. Now fast forward 3 yrs, they are still together, and she just found out that he lied. He never really divorced his wife, they just seperated. That's right she's been with this man for 3 yrs and for that long he's been lying to her. So who do you blame in that situation?
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Nov 08
As a person, she really should consider how she'd feel if it were done to her. If she does not know the wife and is single then that can be a bit more difficult and who knows what sort of line he is telling her. Quite often the mistress is not even aware of the marriage. If she is in a relationship herself as well, then she is just as bad as he is. Ultimately we are all responsible for our own relationships and actions. If my man cheated on me....I'd be blaming him...not going after the woman....well unless the woman were a friend of mine or family member....then I'd be after both their heads. Just kidding. If my man cheats...i'm done...simple.
@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
30 Oct 08
I think the one and only person to blame is the cheating husband. He knows that he has a family at home and he swore in church or wherever that for better or worse he will stand by the wife, then how come he is cheating now? The mistress might not be aware that she is dealing with a married man unless he tells her and most of the cheating men wait until this other woman has fallen in love then they open up. Even if you are the cause of him moving out, you should face your weaknesses and mend them instead of facing off with the other woman.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
30 Oct 08
I agree with you, and even if the other women knew this before, i would still blame him. thx for posting.
20 Dec 08
I have seen it too. Some wives were angry at the mistress more than their husband because they said it's the mistress who tempted their husband and did everything just to break their family, which is not true. I think it's not just the husband who should be blame it's the wife too. Well, if a husband is satisfied and happy in his married life he will not be looking somewhere and get involve with somebody else because he loves his wife and family. Some wives or husbands don't do enough to make their significant other to be happy and satisfied in their marriage, and blame others instead of doing things right.
@rea_02 (49)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
For me, man is more to be blame in that kind of situation. If a man is really responsible and acts as a real man he will think his family first. He is not going to have a misstress if he did not make a move.
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
this would sound cruel, but did you ever consider the WIFE? why do you think is the husband having an affair in the first place? am not saying that the wife is to be blamed, but i can't agree if you say that its all because of the husbad or the mistress