Can you believe some of the web sites out there?

@lisa0502 (1724)
October 30, 2008 2:14pm CST
I have seen alot in my life but some of the web sites that are out there are just sickening. Do you believe that there is a web site for gay men to talk about how much they like little boys? Yup I said it. There is also no law against these pedophiles (which I know some of them are or have been) to meet on there. It really makes me sick to see that this can happen. What do you think?
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5 responses
@hildas (3031)
30 Oct 08
O my that is sick. I have no objection to gay people at all, but that site should be banned. That is a pedophile site. Can you not report it too the Police or do something. How did you find that out. I would have to phone the Police if I ever came across such a thing. These people are not right in the head. Why is there no law. Is it a strange country. Surely no country could allow such a thing to happen.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
30 Oct 08
I have talked to the police about it. Because technically there is no crime happening they can not do anything about it. There are men from Canada and the U.S. on this site. Yes it is our own countries that allow this to happen. I know someone that was on it, I found out after he had sexually assaulted two of my boys.
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@hildas (3031)
30 Oct 08
I am from the UK, and I would like to think they would do something if a british man was on it. Yes. I think they would. I am so so sorry to hear about that. Thoughts are with you.
@dvschic (1795)
• United States
30 Oct 08
its not just gay men that like lil boys, its hetero men too and hetero men that like lil girls, any possible combination that you can think of is on the net. as long as they are not touching, its not against the law, its pretty sad how far the law allows you to go without actually committing a crime.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
30 Oct 08
Oh for sure it is all types of men, straight, gay,etc. But I know for a fact that the web sites that I am talking about are geared toward gay men. And yes it is sad very very sad. Thanks for sharing.
@psspurgeon1 (1109)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Like the last poster said, how far they will let them go before doing something... Don't you think it would prevent alot of terrible things from happening if they were cut off BEFORE it came to touching? I mean, this kind of thing is a PROMOTION and enticement of CHILD MOLESTING. Maybe if they took action at this stage, it would save a few children from being abused and scarred for life. I do like living in the United States but some things here are messed up. They try to stifle so many of our constitutional freedoms but yet, are allowing to much freedom where safety of children are concerned...
• Malaysia
30 Oct 08
That is really sick. I don't believe there such a site promoting that. Its disgusting. How can people be so low and dirty regarding having such relationship with kid. These pedophiles should be tracked and brings to justice.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
30 Oct 08
There is and it is. I definately agree.
@kezza246 (82)
30 Oct 08
Oh god that is sick, i can't believe that people would make that site never mind post comments and comtribute to the filth that will probably be being posted on that site.
@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
30 Oct 08
The site that I am refering to is a chat site. The men do not pay a fee to be on it. It is really sick and to think that these men go to places like MacDonalds and look at the little boys there then go home and fantasize about them.